EPA Denies Lead Ammunition Ban Petition

It seems the Center for Biological Diversity didn’t get what they wanted. The EPA denied their petition based on legal issues that were brought up by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF):

Steve Owens, EPA assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, said, “EPA today denied a petition submitted by several outside groups for the agency to implement a ban on the production and distribution of lead hunting ammunition. EPA reached this decision because the agency does not have the legal authority to regulate this type of product under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) – nor is the agency seeking such authority.”

Good work everybody who wrote the EPA.

Stop Me if You’ve Heard this One Before

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has public comments open on a petition submitted by some jackasses Center for Biological Diversity. The petition is to ban all lead ammunition from the United States under the Toxic Substance Control Act, which had a specific exemption for ammunition contained within it.

A lot of people are jumping onto the fact that the EPA is the bad guy here. They very well could be but from what I’ve gathered they are required to hold public comments on any petitions they receive. I could be in error on this but that’s what I’ve determined from what little research I’ve put into this so far.

The good thing is comments are being taken and you can submit your input here. We have until October 31st to submit comments so let’s inform the EPA why this petition is a bad idea wrapped in a worse idea.

You have to give the anti-gunners credit for one thing, they’re relentless. Now that the right to bear arms has been incorporated they are going after ammunition. If they can’t get the ammunition they’ll probably go after springs because somebody could poke their eye out with one. Oh and they happened to be used in firearms.

Misleading Questions from Minnesota’s Legislators

This just came across the wire (yes I have a telegraph which is the true source of all my news). It’s a notice of this years Minnesota House of Representatives questionnaire [PDF] for suckers attending the State Fair. The first question is, ”When someone wants to purchase a firearm at a gun show, should a background check on the buyer be required prior to the sale?”

A certain “representative” here in Minnesota by the name of Michael Paymar has been trying to pass a law that would bar private sales of firearms in the state. Even though the bill has not once made it out of committee he keeps trying and trying again. The question as stated on the questionnaire is misleading and incorrectly written. It should state, “Do you believe people should be barred from selling their private property without government permission?”

Anyways if anybody is going to the State Fair make sure you get a copy of this and let the legislators know we don’t want a ban of the sale of private property in this fine state.

Fight Fire with Fire

OK I like this, I like this a lot. Somebody has setup a site called Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors. This was bound to happen of course and the site is full of win. It lists the rap sheets of members in Mayors Against Illegal Guns who have committed crimes.

Damn State Preemption

Since the state of Minnesota has preemption over firearms laws the Moorhead is unable to ban the real thing. So what’s are a bunch of whiny anti-gunners to do? Try to ban replicas of course!

By whiny anti-gunners I mean the Moorhead police:

Police chief Dave Ebinger told the city council it’s hard to tell whether the gun is a real firearm or not and that officers are forced to treat the replicas as though they are real.

Sorry that doesn’t add up in this state. So long as a person has a valid carry permit they can openly carry a firearm. Therefore the question for police isn’t whether or that firearm being carried by John Doe is real, but whether or not Mr. Doe has a valid carry permit (which sadly matters in this state). Ultimately none of it matters unless the gun or replica in question is being used to threaten or harm another person. When things get to that point it matters now if the gun is fake or real if the person being threatened believes it to be real (as they then have justification to defend themselves).

There Ought to be a Law

Another anti-gunner who seems to lack the basic ability to comprehend logic. This article is mostly a hit piece on how guns are used to kill people and although not outright said a plea to ban them. Of course he points out a few shootings that somehow would be avoided if guns were illegal. Of course other laws were already broken in these shootings so I fail to understand how making more laws would have prevented them. Let’s take a look shall we?

13 are killed and 30 wounded at Ft. Hood, Texas, when an Army psychiatrist goes on a rampage.

Carrying a firearm on a military base is illegal. Homicide is illegal.

Three police officers in Pittsburgh are gunned down by a man who was upset about losing his job and convinced that the Obama administration was about to ban guns.

Discharging firearms within city limits is illegal. Homicide is illegal.

13 are killed at an immigrant community center in Binghamton when a Vietnamese immigrant goes on a shooting spree.

Discharging firearms within city limits is illegal. Homicide is illegal.

A former student opens fire at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, killing five students and wounding 18 more.

Carrying a firearm in the state of Illinois is illegal. Discharging firearms within city limits is illegal. Homicide is illegal.

A rifleman in Omaha starts shooting at a mall, killing eight and then killing himself.

Discharging a firearm within city limits is illegal. Homicide is illegal.

A student at Virginia Tech shoots 32 people dead before taking his own life.

Carrying a firearm on Virginia Tech campus is illegal. Homicide is illegal.

So if we append another law, “owning firearms is illegal” to these lists all of these criminals acts wouldn’t have happened? That’s your argument? No wonder we’re winning! Oh and as a parting piece:

The odd, ironic thing is that I have never once heard of a crazed “liberal” forcefully taking the guns away from anyone. Never even once. Instead, irresponsible, dangerous people who should not have guns do have guns and they keep right on using them to kill other people.

Yeah a forceful gun confiscation in the United States has never happened… oh wait. Sorry I seem to have deflated your argument, super sorry about that.

Gun Safety from Henigan

It’s a lot like sex education from the Pope.

Snowflakes in Hell dissects the ramblings of a madman. As usual Sebastian does an excellent job of ripping apart the malarkey being spewed by Henigan. Now ignorance is just plain funny sometimes and sad at other times. This article is a severe case of the latter:

But human beings are prone to mistakes – they can be clumsy, or distracted, or rushed, for example – and guns are sufficiently complicated mechanisms that even the slightest mistake can result in tragedy.

This is not true of other widely available products used as weapons. As the late columnist and humorist Molly Ivins once observed, “People are seldom killed while cleaning their knives.” In fact, the great paradox of gun design is that guns are complicated enough to invite accidents by adults, yet simple enough to be fired by a child.

Could the Brady Bunch please provide me the number of people killed every year while cleaning their guns? Even somebody with as much bias at the Brady Bunch, whom will probably include suicides in their statistics, will have a hard time coming up with significant numbers.

But it does go to who the average intelligence of an anti-gunner when they consider a firearm a complex device. I think they’d shit themselves if they ever actually looked inside of their computers.

No You Can’t Buy Your Property Back

A while back it was announced that South Korea was going to sell America back a bunch of M1 Garands. All the gunnies jumped up for joy and much cheer was spread throughout the land. Gunnies were getting their checkbooks ready in anticipation for the arrival of certified military M1 Garands. Alas joy has left the land as Say Uncle reports the United States government isn’t going to allow those South Korean rifles to be sold back to their original owners, the American people.

Yup our government is barring us from buying property our tax dollars originally purchased. How nice of them. Their reason:

“The U.S. insisted that imports of the aging rifles could cause problems such as firearm accidents. It was also worried the weapons could be smuggled to terrorists, gangs or other people with bad intentions,” the official told The Korea Times.

So terrorists are going to purchase a semi-automatic rifle that uses an ammunition that’s probably much harder to obtain than 7.62x39mm? Really? Instead of… fully automatic AK-47s that can be built in a cave? Really? That’s the best excuse those idiots on Capital Hill can come up with? Why not just say you don’t want the American people to be able to purchase these rifles? At least that would be honest.

Also now that the rifles can’t be sold to American collectors what’s to stop South Korea from selling them to a terrorist group? Logic fail!

Freedom isn’t Free

It costs $250. At least according to personal reports found by Days of our Trailers Chicago is charging $250 for a handgun license. It’s nice to see your rights are for sale in Chicago and priced at such a level that those poor peasant can’t hope to afford any firearms. But when you think about it that makes a lot of sense. You don’t want the slaves overthrowing King Daley.