Kids and Guns

The anti-gunners keep claiming that hundreds and hundreds of children die every year from firearm related accidents. Well Kevin over at the Smallest Minority has issues with bold face lies and delivers the real data provided by the Center for Disease Control:

Here’s the available CDC data (you trust the .gov, right?) tabulated from 1990 up through 2006:

2006: 102
2005: 127
2004: 105
2003: 102
2002: 115
2001: 125
2000: 150
1999: 158
1998: 207
1997: 247
1996: 272
1995: 330
1994: 403
1993: 392
1992: 378
1991: 419
1990: 417

Go read his entire post it’s very good and further exemplifies why the anti-gun crowd is becoming more irrelevant every day. Also it’s good to see that gun related accidents involving children have been steadily decreasing over the last decade and a half.

Bloomberg’s So-Called Terror Gap

You’ve all seen the massive amount of propaganda Super Douche Bloomberg and his posse have been vomiting up. They want to deny anybody who’s name appears on the “no-fly list” the right to buy firearms. Well let’s look at some of the people on the no-fly list whom Bloomberg wants to strip the rights of for life.

First let’s meet Sam Adams. No not that Sam Adams but a 5 year-old child who is a suspected terrorist:

Saw the article you posted on Boing Boing about the five year old on the no-fly list. My son, also five, is on that same list and it’s a nightmare. Every time we fly with him, we can’t use the computer terminals to check in and the attendant has to call some never named government agency to make sure he’s not a terrorist. Some attendants joke it off but some are insanely serious about it. His seat always goes unassigned (even if it was assigned when the reservation is made) which always causes problems.

I’ve tried everything that anyone has suggested. There’s a TSA form that you can fill out for this situation, which I did, but they won’t tell you if they’ve removed your name. We got him a passport — that didn’t work. We’ve tried booking the tickets with his full name (including middle name), that didn’t work. We tried booking the ticket under Master Samuel Adams, with still no luck.

How about Mickey Hicks? He’s an 8 year-old boy on the no-fly list:

On its website, the TSA specifically denies that there is an 8-year-old on any of its watch lists. But try telling that to Mikey Hicks, who has had problems getting on airplanes his entire life. As a baby, Hicks was denied a seat on a plane because, officials told his mother, his name “was on the list.” He started getting full pat-downs when he was 2, his mom tells the New York Times.

Although arguably deserving Senator Ted Kennedy was also on the list:

U.S. Sen. Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy said yesterday that he was stopped and questioned at airports on the East Coast five times in March because his name appeared on the government’s secret “no-fly” list.

Federal air security officials said the initial error that led to scrutiny of the Massachusetts Democrat should not have happened even though they recognize that the no-fly list is imperfect. But privately they acknowledged being embarrassed that it took the senator and his staff more than three weeks to get his name removed.

Unlike you and me he was probably able to get his name off of the list. Let’s meet Michael Martin a 7 year-old “terrorist” who would be barred from owning firearms for life:

The name of a seven-year-old Coral Springs boy is on the no-fly list.

For the third time in his young life, Michael Martin recently had to check in with an airline agent before flying. His name appears to share a moniker with a suspected or known terrorist.

His mother had to ask an airline agent for help earlier this month when she couldn’t print Michael’s boarding pass from an AirTran kiosk at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.

An Write named Chris Kelly notes his 12 year-old daughter is a “terrorist” as well:

My middle daughter’s name seems to be on the No Fly List. Since she’s only twelve years old, and neither practices nor endorses acts of political violence, I can only assume there’s been some kind of mistake.

No one at the airport will tell us how she made the list. They won’t even confirm that she’s on it. Every time we go to the airport, the electronic kiosk simply refuses to issue her a boarding pass, and we’re sent to the ticket counter, where five people look at the whole family’s I.D., and then specifically hers, and then someone calls someone, and they call someone, and that person tells the person on the phone, “No, she’s a little girl.” And eventually we’re allowed to run for our flight.

BoingBoing notes another 5 year-old is getting started in the field of “terrorism” early as well:

A five-year-old boy was taken into custody and thoroughly searched at Sea-Tac because his name is similar to a possible terrorist alias. As the Consumerist reports, “When his mother went to pick him up and hug him and comfort him during the proceedings, she was told not to touch him because he was a national security risk. They also had to frisk her again to make sure the little Dillinger hadn’t passed anything dangerous weapons or materials to his mother when she hugged him.”

This is just a small sample of people Super Douche Bloomberg wants to prohibit from buying firearms for life.

Math Hard

Apparently the education system in Chicago is a far more dire state than I realized. Basic math operations such as addition and multiplication apparently escape their government officials as Days of our Trailers points out:

Of the 4,050 firearms traded in for gift cards, there were 55 assault weapons and 3,335 handguns, along with 660 replicas, according to the Office of Police News Affairs.

Police gave a prepaid credit card for each weapon turned in: $100 for each assault weapon, $75 for guns and $10 for BB guns, air guns and replica guns.

About $46,000 had been raised so far this year for the program

55*$100 + 3335*$75 + 660*$10 = $262,225.00

In case you’re a victim of Chicago’s apparently abhorrent education system $262,225.00 is larger than $46,000 meaning the program cost more money than was raised.

Minnesota Representative Paymar At it Yet Again

I just received an e-mail from the NRA-ILA stating everybody’s most hated state representative Michael Paymar is threatening to amend a unspecified bill with his anti-private property amendment:

With Minnesota’s 2010 legislative session coming to an end, anti-gun State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL-64B) intends to offer an amendment to a yet unknown bill, which would severely regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows in Minnesota. Representative Paymar has until the last minute on Monday, May 17 to attach this amendment, so it is important that you once again urge your Representative to block his continued anti-gun agenda.

His proposed amendment would force all private sales conducted at gun shows across Minnesota to go through a background check. Gun prohibitionists, such as Representative Paymar, falsely claim that many criminals get their guns from gun shows, but the most recent federal study puts the figure at only 0.7 percent. This effort is a stepping stone for anti-gun advocates seeking to ban all private sales, even among family and friends.

Please contact your State Representative immediately and urge them to oppose Representative Paymar’s “Gun Show” amendment should it come up. To find contact information for your State Representative, please click here.

I will keep my eyes open and let you know the second he makes his move. Either way it would be a good idea to let your representatives know you won’t stand for any bill that threatens your property rights.

Second Amendment Enforcement Act

Good news slaves citizens of Washington D.C. the Second Amendment Enforcement Act has been introduced in Congress. I haven’t read (nor found a copy of at this point) the bill but I’m guessing it’s very similar, if not exactly like, the amendment to the D.C. Voting Rights bill which was pulled (due to the amendment). A copy of the bill can be nabbed over at The Truth About Guns (not Truth About Guns). [Thanks Lee for the notification].

If passed this bill would force the officials of Washington D.C. to comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Heller.

Update 2010-04-29 17:29: Lee down in the comments section was good enough to link to a copy of the bill. The link has been added to the post.

Blame Game is Go

Tam points out that Mayor Daley of Chicago has decided to attempt going above the authority of the Supreme Court:

Six years after the state Supreme Court dismissed his $433 million lawsuit against the gun industry, Mayor Daley today called for a change of venue — to the World Court normally reserved for disputes between nations and crimes against humanity.

Wrapping up the sixth annual Richard J. Daley Global Cities Forum, Daley convinced more than a dozen of his counterparts from around the world to approve a resolution urging “redress against the gun industry through the courts of the world” in The Hague.

Yes Major Daley, now to be known on this blog as High Priest Douche, wants to take gun industry members to the world court in The Hague. This court is generally only used for crimes against all humanity, not developing devices that help liberate humanity. The bullshit is thick with this one:

“This is coming from international mayors. They’re saying, ‘We’re tired of your guns, America. … We don’t want those anymore because guns kill and injure people,’ ” Daley told a news conference at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

“If we ship over poison to a country, don’t you think we should be responsible for it? That’s what they’re saying: ‘Be responsible for what you manufacture and sell in my country.’ … You have to think outside the box. You have to be [aggressive] about how you protect your people.”

Guns kill and injure people? By that logic you guys no longer want our cars… oh wait you probably don’t. By that logic you guys don’t want cars, period.

Every time an anti-gunner brings up the phrase, “guns kill people” I present a logical experiment (because logic truly is the anti-gunner’s worst nightmare). Let’s say I sit you down at a table and on that table I place a loaded firearm pointing at you. What will happen? Nothing, you’ll be fine. Now let’s say I put a punk who wants to kill you behind that gun what will happen? You’ll probably be shot. Now let’s say I take the gun out of the picture and just have the punk across the table what will happen? He’ll probably kill you with his bear hands.

The gun is incapable of killing somebody only the person wielding it can kill somebody. Guns are not an industrial pollutant or poison. If you release cyanide into the water and people drink it they can die. If you release guns into the water nobody will die from drinking it. It’s not a poison.

But logic isn’t something High Priest Douche Daley is good with. He only knows corruption and how to avoid the law (in this case the law of the Supreme Court). He didn’t get what he wanted so he’s trying to go to somebody who he hopes will give him what he wants. What if the world court ruled against him? Would he demand a new solar system court be created with a seat on Mars? Seriously this guy is a corrupt bastard.

Finally I’m going to throw out there that instead of thinking guns are poison think of them as liberation. Guns have help citizens living under tyranny to overthrow their governments… oh yeah that’s why these international mayors don’t like guns. It would give people a fighting chance against their corrupt rule.

Arizona Should Go For Gold

Of Arms and Law points out that Arizona now scores only two points on the Brady Campaigns report card. That’s two points! The only thing they need to do is pass a law forcing universities to allow carry on campus and they’ll be at the oft desired gold of zero points. If I were you citizens of Arizona I’d work hard on making this dream a reality.