Why I Read the BBC

Even though it’s an Oceania controller news organization they at least do a better job at fully covering a story than most of the media over here does. Take their article on the passing of Tennessee’s law allowing the carry of a firearm in places that serve alcohol…


Most publications here leave out an important piece when they talk about this law…

State legislators – a quarter of whom own firearms – have passed a law allowing guns into bars and restaurants, but preventing their owners from buying alcohol.

Yes even a news organization controlled by an anti-gun state brings up the fact that even though permit holders will be allowed to carry in places that serve alcohol they won’t be allowed to purchase alcohol. That tidbit of knowledge seems to be missing from everybody including the New York Times and the Washington Post.

I also feel that this article does a good job at covering both sides of the issue (that would be the right side and the wrong side for those of you thinking I was being unbias for a second).

Economics 101: Why Mexico isn’t Buying American Guns

I found a great post over on The Firearms Blog showing why the Mexican drug cartels aren’t buying their guns from America…


It comes down to simple economics. Why would a drug cartel spend anywhere from $850.00 to $1,100.00 for a semi-automatic AR-15 when they could spent less than $100.00 on a fully automatic AK-47? Furthermore other countries are more than willing to sell the guns to Mexico whereas extra work must be done to get them from America.

Source: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2009/07/14/which-gun-prices-what-they-are-surley-mexican-criminals-are-looking-elsehwere/

Massachusetts Trying to Ban Public Firearm Training

I have to say you disappear for a good chunk of a week and all sorts of horrible news pops up on the horizon. Take this gem for instance…


Massachusetts has a bill moving through that is meant to ban public firearm training. The bill would require any firearm exhibition for have several requirements including one certified firearms safety instructor for ever 20 attendees and a “safety” plan submitted to local police.

Anyways if you’re reading this and life in Massachusetts you have to start getting on the horn with your representatives and tell them to work against this bill.

33 State Attorneys General File Amicus Brief

Good news 33 state attorneys general have filed an amicus brief opposing the gun bans of Chicago and Oak Park…


It’s nice to see Minnesota’s own Lori Swanson has signed on as well. Hopefully this will further to goal of getting the unconstitutional handgun bans repealed.

Source: http://www.nraila.org/News/Read/NewsReleases.aspx?ID=12654

American Civil Liberties Union Filing Suit Against New Orleans

And you’re not going to believe this but it’s for a good cause…


From the article…

A New Orleans man is suing the city and its district attorney for refusing to give back a gun that police seized when he was arrested on drug and firearms charges.

The American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday filed the federal suit on behalf of Errol Houston Jr., who was arrested last year following a traffic stop.

The suit says the district attorney’s office declined to prosecute Houston but has refused to return his .40 caliber firearm.

So they confiscated Mr. Houston’s gun when he was arrested. But the police then didn’t charge him but refused to give his gun back. I guess this is the same thing we can expect from a city who seized every citizens’ guns during Hurricane Katrina because people might defend themselves.

Another Failure in Britain’s Magical Anti-Gun Shield

Well look what I found on the BBC…


There was another failure in Oceania’s magical anti-gun shield code-named gun ban. Even though this shield is supposed to ban all guns in the country somehow criminals are ignoring the ban. It’s almost as if criminals are willing to break the law to own guns. Who would have guessed?

Without Real Guns Apparently Air Guns are Scary

While many states in the United States are learning the benefits of an armed citizenry Oceania is doing everything they can to disarm the populace. Currently in Scotland there is a campaign to show the “dangers” of air guns…


From the article…

The campaign will include website adverts, posters and leaflets, and comes at the height of summer when use of firearms traditionally is at its highest.

And of course we need the “protect the children” argument…

Mr MacAskill said: “Airguns are not toys, but weapons that can kill and maim. There have been tragedies that have caused pain and injury to children and animals. That’s why we believe that action must be taken.

The first sign of governmental corruption is an attempt to disarm the populace.

Japanese Gun Laws are Strict

I saw this article not too long ago…


The Japanese police swept in to arrest a person who held a rifle on television. They didn’t load, aim, or fire the gun they simply held it.

Shiga prefectural police regard the incident, in which a hunter with a gun permit allowed TV personality Noburo Harada, 57, to momentarily handle the rifle during the show, as a serious breach of a law concerning the storage and management of firearms.

So much so, in fact, that on June 12, the prefectural police referred the case to prosecutors. As a result, the hunter, aged 49, along with a 60-year-old TV producer and a 37-year-old director of the show, could face charges of violating the swords and firearms control law.


Harold Fish to Get New Trial

I found this on The Great One’s (Massad Ayoob for those of you not in the know) blog…


Harold Fish is the man who had the bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was out walking a trail and was attacked by a man and two dogs. Mr. Fish did what he had to do and shot the dogs and the man. He was told by the police afterwards that he didn’t have anything to worry about since it was obviously a self defense shooting.

Fast forward to after the following trail. Mr. Fish was found guilty of murder. Fortunately the murder conviction has been overturned and he is getting a retrial.

Source: http://backwoodshome.com/blogs/MassadAyoob/2009/07/01/good-news-from-arizona/

Britain’s Violent Crime Rate Higher Than U.S.’s

Found via Say Uncle…


So Britain’s violent crime rate is worse than the United State’s violent crime rate. That’s hilarious considering Britain has the magical gun prevention barrier that prevents violent crimes by making gun owner ship all but illegal. At least that’s what Britain said when they did their great gun grab.

This just can’t be.

Source: http://www.saysuncle.com/2009/07/02/nanny-state-not-helping/