Obama is the Touch of Death for Companies

Sua Eccellenza Barack Obama, Capo del Governo, Duce del Fascismo e Fondatore dell’Impero has some very powerful abilities. He can just mention a company during his State of the Union address causing them to instantly go bankrupt:

Andrew Restuccia of The Hill is reporting that Ener1, a battery company that President Obama referenced in his State of The Union Speech on Tuesday as an example of successful energy investments, has just filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy.

That’s just two days after the speech.

I believe it’s obvious for all to see that Obama’s words are the touch of death for any company. First Solyndra and now Ener1, I wonder what that next company Obama will point to as a successful investment only to see it go into bankruptcy shortly afterwards. Does this power extent to government agencies? If so I have a list of government agencies for Obama to mention.

Newt Gingrich Will Ensure We Win the War

I’m sure you’ve heard about Newt Gingrich’s promise to have colonies established on the moon by 2020 if he’s elected president:

Newt Gingrich is promising to establish a permanent base on the moon by 2020 if he’s elected president.

Many people are just writing this off as kooky but they don’t understand the need. Newt wants to ensure we have what is necessary to fight the moon Nazis:

Newt Gingrich is the only candidate that will protect you and me from the return of the Third Reich.

Vermin Supreme Still Makes the Most Sense

It’s kind of sad when you think about it. The Democrats are going to field Obama again while looking at the Republican Party candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, makes one absolutely depressed. Remember those guys that have been appearing on our television screens for months now are the best the Republican Party could dig up (again I’m not counting Paul since the Republicans are doing everything they can to ensure he doesn’t win the nomination). More and more it looks like the race will be between Romney and Obama, something that makes me downright depressed. Consider that, a man who walks around wearing a boot on his head makes the most sense:

At least he’s upfront and honest about being a fascist and a tyrant. He will also go back in time and kill baby Hitler with his bear hands and that’s pretty hard to ignore.

Today I Learned Firearms Edition

If you visit any gun forums you’ll get your fill of herp and derp. Most of the time the signal to noise ratio is pretty high though so you over look it, not with the Discovery Channel Firearms Forum. From this forum I’ve learned a great many things. For example I learned there is a version of the Galil Rifle I had not previously known about:

I would love to see you guys work with a Galil, personally my favorite is the Galil SAR 7.62 caliber 50-round clip.

First of all the existence of a Galil that feeds from clips was entirely unknown to me. Second it sounds as though the clever creators of this Galil have somehow integrated the clip into the rifle. We also have a kid inquiring about dual wielding AR-10s:

duel ar 10s

the ar 10 is in 308 and to stop the spent shells from hitting the other gun should you use one left handed model on the left so the shells are ejected out eater side

I imagine the AR-10 must be much lighter than my LR308 because I can barely wield that heavy bastard one handed. I’ll have to keep watching that thread to more insider information on dual wielding AR-10s. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you shot a machine gun upside down? No? Well this guy has:

Ok here’s a weird question for everyone.Has anyone out there fired a fully auto gun upside down and if you did, did the barrel feel like it wanted rise up or pull down when it was butted up against your shoulder.Please let me know and have fun with it.I have a feeling that a lot of ammo is going to wasted on this question.

I have a feeling no ammunition will be wasted on that question because you’re going to be hard pressed to find somebody stupid enough to try it. At least I hope you’ll be hard pressed because a whole lot of stupid is involved in that idea. Another kid has an idea that must simply be patented; converting a .50 AE Desert Eagle into a .50 BMG Barret rifle:

I was wondering if you could make a pistol into a rifle.

Like a Dessert Eagle turning into something like a Barrett 50 Cal.

Or a Magnum or another kind of Large Cal. Revolver turning into a rifle.

I’d ask why but I don’t want to know. Have you ever found bullets boring? Did you stop a think, “God I wish my gun show ninja stars!” No? Well then you’re not this guy:

Well, were do i start.
I,ve had this idea for 17 year now.
Sort of a ballesta type rifle that shoots a ninja star. The ninja stars would be a six star type, in a magazine like if in a cd case. As the stars are “hurled” out, the come out spinning.
Now, there should be magazines of about ten or more stars in each. The magazine could be mounted on top and feed the weapon from above. Ive seen these stars with holes in the middle, so the rifle could “grab” the stars by the hole, move it towards the front, then the “pin” lowers, letting the star continue its course.
What do you guys think????

This guy has had this idea for 17 years? That means he has to be at least 17 years but more likely he’s notably older as cognitive capabilities don’t develop when we’re first born. Still if somebody is 17 years-old and still thinks this is a good idea then… well then it’s just sad.

I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. The derp is extremely strong with this forum and is bursting with comedy gold. You don’t even need to dig, just look at the surface and you’ll find stuff to laugh (or sigh) at! The absolute lack of proper spelling and grammar is also oddly funny and depressing at the same time.

Vermin Supreme 2012

It’s no secret that I’m a big Ron Paul supporter but I think I may have found a presidential candidate that would be even better. Vermin Supreme describes himself as a friendly fascist who will promise is constituents everything because he has no intention of ever delivering on those promises. He also advocates giving every American a pony, a plan nobody could refute in its wisdom and clarity:

Democratic Political Action Committee Buys newtgingrich.com

I don’t care who you are this is funny:

The campaign of Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has seen the domain name newtgingrich.com fall into enemy hands: a Democratic political action committee called American Bridge 21st Century.

The results are either amusing or not, depending on your politics and opinion of Gingrich. But in either case they are a cautionary tale about the importance of controlling your brand online, a task that’s about to get more difficult for everyone thanks to the impending expansion of generic top-level domains.

I’m pretty sure they stole this idea from us over in the Ron Paul camp, but kudos regardless. The last person I want as president it a person who openly advocates letting terrorist attacks succeed to scare the American people into obedience and charging judges who don’t rule in the way Gingrich wants them to.

Donald Trump’s Debate Now a Small Circle Jerk

Will you look at this:

Two more Republican candidates — Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry — said thanks but no thanks to an invitation to participate in an Iowa debate managed by real estate mogul Donald Trump.

The Dec. 27 affair has now just two committed participants, one at the top of the GOP field and one distant aspirant, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, respectively.

The debate is now down to Trump, Santorum, and Gingrich. This debate should be the ultimate neo-con circle jerk filled with endless talk about how we need to bomb the sand people in the Middle East because they hate us for our freedom and such. Trump seems a little confused about the entire ordeal:

But he said he was surprised that Romney backed out. And as for Perry and others: “What do they have to lose?”

Their time and dignity? Let’s face it, if you’re running for presiden there are more productive ways to spend your time then talking to Trump. For example you could play a few rounds of solitarie or twiddle your thumbs. Either way with only those three at the debate it won’t be a debate but and echo chamber.