A Total Lack of Accountability

I believe one of the biggest problems with modern policing, besides the job description, is the almost complete lack of accountability. We see this whenever an officer is accused of using unnecessary force and receives a paid vacation. But some of the ways cops are unaccountable go unnoticed. For example, if police officers negligently shoot a bystander in response to a 911 call the perpetrator can be charged with the shootings:

An unarmed, emotionally disturbed man shot at by the police as he was lurching around traffic near Times Square in September has been charged with assault, on the theory that he was responsible for bullet wounds suffered by two bystanders, according to an indictment unsealed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Wednesday.

The theory goes that the perpetrator was responsible because he caused the situation. It’s a bullshit excuse. Consider a slightly different situation. Let’s say you’re at home one night and somebody breaks in your back door. The man is armed so you grab a rifle and fire at him. Now let’s assume the worst and say that one of your rounds exits your house and hits one of your neighbors. In all likelihood you’ll face a civil lawsuit for negligently hitting your neighbor. Even if you’re legally in the right you will still face the expenses involve of merely being accused of wrongdoing.

Cops, as the state’s enforcers, are imbued with special privileges. They can break the law in pursuit of enforcing the state’s decrees. These special privileges mean police officers are unaccountable. Even when they do something illegal they generally have department lawyers that are paid with tax money to deal with the legal aftermath. Without accountability it’s easy to see how modern policing has become little more than thuggery with a state issued costume.

The Psychopaths in Charge

Unlike many gun owners the so-called liberals in Washington DC aren’t the politicians that truly scare. The really frightening politicians are the war mongers. Their policies involve sending men and woman form this country overseas to kill men and women in foreign lands. Obviously the men and women of the foreign lands don’t take kindly to invasion so they fight back and put the men and women of this country in harm’s way. War mongers make this Ouroboros of death even worse by refusing to go overseas and suffer the same danger as the people they send. Once in a while a war monger even goes the extra mile and advocates the destruction of entire swaths of populated land:

But if push came to shove and US officials deemed strikes necessary, Hunter turned hawkish.

He said any American strike would be a “massive aerial bombing campaign,” adding that such a mission should not feature any “boots on ground.” Then, Hunter said the US should use its “tactical nuclear weapons” on Iranian targets.

How does threatening a nuclear strike help the situation? If anything such a threat will make Iran want its own nuclear weapons even more. After all, no nuclear armed country has suffered an invasion or a nuclear strike. When one nation begins to threaten another the latter country will want nuclear weapons to discourage the former. I think it would be a requirement of anybody entering public officer to watch several hours of footage of the aftermath of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After that any representative who throws around the idea of nuking a foreign country can be dismissed as a true psychopath.

Honest Cops

You may not be able to legally lie to a copy but they can certainly lie to you. This rather one-sided law makes it no surprise that so many cops have a difficult time with the truth. But once in a while you get a cop who is up front and honest with you:

They wanted to know where two guys were, and Crinnian later found out police believed they violated parole.

“I said, ‘I have no idea who you’re talking about I’ve never heard of these people before,’” he said.

To prove it, he said police asked to search his house, Crinnian refused multiple times. He said they needed a warrant.

Then he said one police officer started threatening him saying, “If we have to get a warrant, we’re going to come back when you’re not expecting it, we’re going to park in front of your house, where all your neighbors can see, we’re gonna bust in your door with a battering ram, we’re gonna shoot and kill your dogs, who are my family, and then we’re going to ransack your house looking for these people.”

What’s worse is that the cops could have done exactly that and received little more than a slap on the wrist. It’s amazing how far modern policing has fallen from the old motto of protect and serve. The new motto should be to assault and terrorize.

The NSA is Tracking Cellular Phone Locations Around the World

I’m sure this isn’t going to surprise anybody. On top of reading our e-mails and text messages, listening to our phone calls, and attempting to decrypt our encryption communications the National Security Agency (NSA) has been busy tracking our location using our voluntary tracking device (often mistakenly referred to as a cellular phone):

The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials, enabling the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that would have been previously unimaginable.

The records feed a vast database that stores information about the locations of at least hundreds of millions of devices, according to the officials and the documents, which were provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. New projects created to analyze that data have provided the intelligence community with what amounts to a mass surveillance tool.

At this point I feel that it’s safe to assume that the NSA has utilized every technology we use in our daily lives to inflict an Orwellian world upon us. It’s obvious that the people in charge of the agency have no conscious whatsoever. Anybody with a conscious would have objected to at least a few of the activities the NSA has been involved in. In fact things are so bad at the NSA that it gave its employees talking points so they could justify their actions to their family members during Thanksgiving.

Los Angeles Considering a Prohibition Against Feeding the Homeless

The state’s war against the homeless wages on. Last month a Hawaiian politician decided to step up the war by walking around town and smashing shopping carts being used by homeless individuals. Lost Agneles, not wanting to be outdone, is now considering a complete prohibition against feeding the homeless:

Two members of the Los Angeles City Council recently proposed an ordinance that would ban private charities and individuals from feeding homeless people in public. The politicians behind the legislation, Tom LaBonge and Mitch O’Farrell (both Democrats), have said they are responding to concerns from residents who are uncomfortable with the homeless spending lots of time around their homes.

Again my theory that the state will never be useful for helping the homeless is proven true. The state’s idea of helping the homeless is to make their lives so miserable that they flee to another city.

I Laugh at the Control Freaks

The more unenforceable laws those control freaks who call themselves rulers pass the more toothless they appear to be. Busy bodies in the San Rafael City Council voted to prohibit individuals from smoking in their own dwellings:

In a unanimous decision, members of the San Rafael City Council have approved the strictest smoking ordinance in the country. Effective last week, Assembly Bill 746 bans residents of apartments, condos, duplexes, and multi-family houses from smoking cigarettes and “tobacco products” inside their homes.

How does the Council plan to enforce this law? It would require constant surveillance of every apartment, condo, duplex, and multi-family home in the city. Even if nosy neighbors rat out smokers the police still have to prove that the accused were indeed smoking. This law will join the long list of laws that get passed with no regards to enforcement. Each of those laws makes the control freaks look more pathetic. This is why I welcome more of these ridiculous laws.

Soon Police Will Receive Abrams Tanks

Remember when the domestic police force were considered separate from the standing military? Those days are gone. Today the domestic police are nothing more than a local army. In fact domestic police are even receiving old military equipment:

Coming soon to your local sheriff: 18-ton, armor-protected military fighting vehicles with gun turrets and bulletproof glass that were once the U.S. answer to roadside bombs during the Iraq war.

The hulking vehicles, built for about $500,000 each at the height of the war, are among the biggest pieces of equipment that the Defense Department is giving to law enforcement agencies under a national military surplus program.

At this rate local police departments will be receiving surplus M1 Abrams tanks. There is some good news though:

But the trucks have limits. They are too big to travel on some bridges and roads and have a tendency to be tippy on uneven ground. And then there’s some cost of retrofitting them for civilian use and fueling the 36,000-pound behemoths that get about 5 miles to the gallon.

Not only do these surplus machines cost a fortune to operate but they appear to be rather unstable on uneven terrain. In fact I would bet that one of these monstrosities would tip over pretty quickly if enough people ran up to one side and bang rocking it. A high center of gravity is a notoriously bad design feature in a military vehicle.

One Hawaiian Politician is Taking the State’s War Against the Homeless to a New Level

The state has been waging war against the homeless for some time now. But one Hawaiian politician is taking matters into his own hands to make the lives of those with nothing even more miserable:

WAIKIKI (HawaiiNewsNow) – State Rep. Tom Brower has taken a sledgehammer and a novel approach to Hawaii’s homeless problem.

“I got tired of telling people I’m trying to pass laws. I want to do something practical that will really clean up the streets,” he said.

In his spare time he scours streets and parks in his district, looking for shopping carts homeless use to store and move their belongings. He returns good ones to stores and destroys others with his sledgehammer.

“I find abandoned junk, specifically shopping carts, and I remove them. I also create a situation where those carts can’t be pushed around the city. I think it’s a good thing,” he said.

Once again I feel the need to stress the fact that the state isn’t going to solve the problem of homelessness. Politicians don’t see the homeless as individuals in need of help; they see the homeless as vermin whose lives must be made miserable so they move on to a different city, county, state, or country. If we want to help the homeless we will need to roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves. In fact we’ll have to fight the state in order to help the homeless as it is determined to make helping the homeless illegal.

True Patriotism Must be Forced

Do you love your country? Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio does. In fact he loves his country so much that he’s punishing all nonbelievers in his prisons:

Arpaio said he has implemented an American flag campaign in his jails.

Each cell is getting a sticker of an American flag. Any inmate who vandalizes the flag will be punished with the restricted diet.

In keeping with the patriotic theme, Arpaio has ordered that the playing of God Bless America and the National Anthem be done daily in every jail facility over the public address system and for all the inmates, regardless of national origin, to hear and sing-a-long.

Nothing says America like being kidnapped and caged for possessing a plant, being given a flag that represents the country that caged you for possessing a plant, and being punished for not treating the flag that represents the country that caged you for possessing a plant with love and affection.

In fact, Joe Arpaio is being an unpatriotic pussy communist. God Bless America? The National Anthem? Those songs don’t represent America. This song represents America:

Seriously though, Joe Arpaio is an asshole.

Hennepin County Judge Tells Slaves to Shut Up

If you live in Minnesota then you’re aware of the fact that use tax victims have been entered into a dial with the Minnesota Vikings to pay for a new stadium. It’s a pretty sweet deal for the billionaire owner, Zygi Wilf, but a terrible deal for the rest of us. Hell, the people of Minnesota didn’t even get to vote on the matter. This fact was recently challenged in court and, as expected, the judge told the plaintiffs to shut the fuck up and bow down to the glory of their politically well connected masters:

A legal challenge that called for Minneapolis residents to vote on the Vikings stadium subsidy was dismissed today by Hennepin County Judge Philip Bush.

The challenge had been brought in August by Doug Mann, who was one of the 35 candidates running for Minneapolis mayor. He came in 10th last week in the race won by Betsy Hodges.

The decision makes sense. If you let the people who will be forced to pay for a new gladiatorial arena vote on whether or not they actually want to pay for that arena they may decide not to. Therefore it’s far better for the rulers to make the “right” decision and force us to comply with it.