Destroying Meat to Fight the Homeless

The state continues its war on the homeless. This time we state agents in Shreveport, Louisiana destroyed 1,600 pounds of meat that was donated to help feed the homeless:

A local charity lost hundreds of pounds of meat that was supposed to feed the homeless when it was destroyed by a State Health Inspector. But the homeless shelter says.. it was all a big mistake and the state is responsible — or at the very least, two state agencies seem to be in conflict. KTBS 3’s Keristen Holmes spoke with officials about what happened. Hunter’s for the Hungry is a program where sportsmen can donate any extra game they have to charity. The program is endorsed on the Louisiana Departmet of Wildlife’s website but the State Health Department says, they don’t recognize the program. In the meantime a local shelter has to spend more than $8,000 to replace the meat.

Stories like this always make me laugh when people tell me that the state is necessary to help people in need. While the state pretends to care for those with nothing through its welfare programs it continuously attacks those who have nothing. A common tactic has been to use local health departments to raid food shelves under the claim that the food hasn’t been tested and therefore may not meet nutritional requirements. Of course for those with nothing to eat nutritional requirements aren’t likely to mean a damned thing. To those people any food is better than no food.

Being Above the Law

The United Nations (UN) would like to remind everybody that they cannot be held responsible for bringing death and devastation to your land:

The United Nations has formally rejected compensation claims by victims of a cholera outbreak in Haiti that has killed almost 8,000 people.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called Haitian President Michel Martelly to inform him of the decision.

The UN says it is immune from such claims under the UN’s Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN.

This sounds like a good reason to banish the UN from your country. If they come and bear plague they will hide behind the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN (a.k.a. why the UN is above the law) to avoid suffering consequences.

The More the State Pushes the More People Will Slip Away

The state continues to push but they fail to see that the more they push the more people will slip away. A bill has been introduced in the Illinois Senate that would require administrators of websites to remove anonymous comments upon demand:

A recently introduced bill in the Illinois state Senate would require anonymous website comment posters to reveal their identities if they want to keep their comments online.

The bill, called the Internet Posting Removal Act, is sponsored by Illinois state Sen. Ira Silverstein. It states that a “web site administrator upon request shall remove any comments posted on his or her web site by an anonymous poster unless the anonymous poster agrees to attach his or her name to the post and confirms that his or her IP address, legal name, and home address are accurate.”

Legislation like this will force more and more of the Internet to seek shelter in the unregulated safety of Tor hidden services. Personally I look forward to the day when a majority of websites are safety hidden inside of the Tor network as it will make censorship practically impossible.

According to Chicago Police Superintendent McCarthy Gun Rights are a Danger to the Public

Surprising nobody the Superintended of the Chicago Police Department (CPD) stated that gun rights are a danger to public safety:

On a Sunday talk show, as reported by the Illinois State Rifle Association, police Superintendent Garry F. McCarthy said that firearm owners who lobby their representatives, or who donate money to political campaigns, for pro-Second Amendment issues are guilty of corruption and of endangering public safety.

This is only one step away from labeling gun rights advocates of terrorists, which McCarthy will likely do sometime in the near future. Regardless of labels it’s hard to take McCarthy seriously on public safety. He heads the police department of a city where homicide rates are increasing in spite of the general decline experienced nationwide, officers won’t respond to 911 calls unless they decided an immediate threat to life exists, and reports homicides that occur indoors and outdoors separately in order to make the numbers look better. If McCarthy had any valid incite regarding public safety you would think the homicide rate in Chicago would be decreasing, police officers would respond to 911 calls, and homicides would be uniformly reported. It’s also hard to take McCarthy’s accusation of corruption seriously when he advocates for the disarmament of the general populace but fails to provide them protection. Demanding that the general populace be at the mercy of Chicago’s criminal element creates a valid reason to accuse him of being on the mob’s take.

In Lieu of Due Process LADP Burns Down A Cabin

The Christopher Dorner chase has apparently come to an end with Dorner burned alive inside of the cabin he barricading himself in. At least that’s what the media seems to be implying. As it turns out the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) may have purposely burned the person they believed to be Dorner alive:

Scanner audio apparently broadcast by the Los Angeles CBS affiliate KCAL on Tuesday captured angry officers yelling to “burn this motherfucker” prior to a cabin fire that is thought to have burned the body of fugitive ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.

In a video recording posted to YouTube on Tuesday, the anchor pauses to let the viewer hear the mostly-inaudible scanner traffic.

“Do it right now,” one voice says. “Fucking burn this motherfucker!”

“Police officers, understandably upset,” the anchor explains.

A separate recording of scanner traffic — which has not been verified — features officers talking about going forward “with the burn.”

“All right, Steve, we’re gonna go — we’re gonna go forward with the plan, with — with the burn,” a male voice on the recording instructs. “We want it like we talked about.”

“Seven burners deployed and we have a fire,” the voice later adds.

“Copy,” a female voice replies. “Seven burners deployed and we have a fire.”

I think everybody knew the LAPD never intended to bring Dorner in alive. Still, burning a man alive seems quite drastic, especially when we’re continuously told that the United States is a land of laws and everybody is innocent until proven guilty in court.

You Can’t Rely on the State for Protection

Almost two years ago I reported that firefighters in Alameda, California allowed a man to drown because they were pissy about budget cuts. Not surprisingly the family of the victim filed a lawsuit and even less surprisingly the court ruled that the firefighters couldn’t be held responsible because they have no duty to protect individuals:

The police and firefighters who remained on shore as Raymond Zack waded into San Francisco Bay on Memorial Day 2011 and succumbed to hypothermia were under no legal duty to help him, a judge ruled Monday.

Officers and firefighters also did not worsen the 52-year-old Zack’s condition by clearing Robert Crown Memorial State Beach or by preventing people from going to his aid, Judge George Hernandez said in a ruling that effectively tosses out a lawsuit that Zack’s family filed against the city of Alameda.

Granted I wouldn’t hold the firefighters responsible either, nobody should be coerced into taking an action they don’t wish to take. What I take offense to is that we’re forced to pay these bums and receive no guarantee of service in return. Effectively we have to pay them or we’ll be kidnapped and locked in a cage or have are wages garnished but if they fail to provide the service we’re paying for no punishment befalls them. The true tragedy of this story is the fact that the firefighters allowed the individual to drown because they didn’t receive as much protection money as they wanted. This is askin to mobsters breaking your kneecaps because you failed to pay them protection money.

I’m Sure it’s a Coincidence

The New York Police Department (NYPD) release some information regarding their “stop and frisk” strategy. The data speaks volumes:

The NYPD last night released a report on its controversial stop-and-frisk procedure that breaks down by precinct — and by race — those who’ve been targeted.

The figures, all from 2011, show the precinct with the most stops by sheer numbers was Brooklyn’s 75th, which includes East New York and Cypress Hills.

More than 31,000 people were stopped, 97 percent of them either black or Hispanic.

Brooklyn’s 73rd Precinct, covering Brownsville, was the next highest, with 25,167 stops. About 98 percent involved minorities.

The 115th Precinct — which includes East Elmhurst, Corona and Jackson Heights in Queens — ranked third, with 18,156 stops. Nearly 93 percent of those involved minorities, the figures show.

The 40th Precinct in The Bronx, which covers Mott Haven and Melrose, racked up the next highest number — 17,690 — with 98.5 percent involving minorities.

And at No. 5 was the 90th Precinct in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where there were 17,566 stops, with 88.6 percent involving minorities.

Many people who live in the Northern United States have a holier than thou attitude when it comes to racism. They believe that the South has a monopoly on racism and that those of us who live north of the Mason-Dixon Line are far more enlightened. Obviously this isn’t the case. Racism is plenty rampent in the North, in fact it’s plenty rampent throughout the United States so-called justice system.

Don’t Drive a Truck in Los Angeles

Driving a truck in Los Angeles has become a real hazard:

David Perdue was on his way to sneak in some surfing before work Thursday morning when police flagged him down. They asked who he was and where he was headed, then sent him on his way.

Seconds later, Perdue’s attorney said, a Torrance police cruiser slammed into his pickup and officers opened fire; none of the bullets struck Perdue.

His pickup, police later explained, matched the description of the one belonging to Christopher Jordan Dorner — the ex-cop who has evaded authorities after allegedly killing three and wounding two more. But the pickups were different makes and colors. And Perdue looks nothing like Dorner: He’s several inches shorter and about a hundred pounds lighter. And Perdue is white; Dorner is black.

It’s a damned good thing that the police are unable to hit their target, otherwise Mr. Perdue would be a dead man now. What makes matters worse is that this is the second time the Los Angeles Police have unloaded on a random truck since their manhunt began. Perhaps the police believe the fastest way to convince Dorner to turn himself in is to injure or kill innocent individuals. That strategy may work if you’re trying to appeal to somebody’s humanity but recent developments have lead me to believe the Los Angeles Police Department disqualifies applicants who display any real humanity.

I think it goes without saying that the likelihood of these officers being prosecuted for assault, attempted murder, or even reckless endangerment hovers somewhere between zilch and nada. Yet these are the people gun control advocates believe to be responsible enough to carry firearms.

What Happens When You Call 911 in Chicago

What Happens When You Call 911 in Chicago? Nothing:

With aldermen bracing for the political fallout, Chicago is implementing a dramatic change in 911 dispatch to free the equivalent of 44 police officers a day to respond to the most serious crimes.

As of Sunday, police officers are no longer responding in person to reports of a vehicle theft, garage burglary, or crime where the victim is “safe, secure and not in need of medical attention” and the offender is “not on the scene and not expected to return immediately.”

Instead, those 911 calls are being transferred to the Chicago Police Department’s Alternate Response Section, staffed by officers on light duty. Police reports will be taken over the phone. If necessary, evidence technicians will be assigned later.

The best part about this is determining whether a victim is “safe, secure, and not in need of medical attention,” is at the sole discretion of the 911 operator. This, above anything else, should demonstrate the fact that police do not exist for your protection, they exist as expropriators for the state. I’m sure the Chicago Police Department (CPD) will still find the manpower to write citations, issue permits, and confiscate property from individuals who the CPD claim may be involved in a drug crime. Oh, and denizens of Chicago will still be expected to pay their taxes to fund the CPD.

Controlling the Message During the Minnesota Gun Control Hearings

During Wednesday’s gun control hearings at the Minnesota State Capitol a gun control advocate was given three times the amount of speaking time she was allocated and when the gun rights advocates took the stage several members of the committee, including the author of the bill being discussed, simply left.

Yesterday gun rights advocates that arrived at the hearing early were alerted to a sudden and otherwise unannounced change, all attendees of the hearing had to get tickets and tickets were going to be handed out in a manner that ensure an equal number of gun control and gun rights advocates were present. The reason for this wasn’t given although I have a friend who works as a Page for the House that claimed it was established to maintain order. I’m sure that’s what they told him, and I’m sure he believed what they told him, but it’s pretty evident the true reason for establishing the ticket system was to control the message by making it look like there weren’t as many gun rights advocates present as there were. Between the shenanigans that took place Wednesday and yesterday it was apparent that the committee had their minds made and that the hearings were entirely for show.

Of course this shouldn’t surprise anybody. Once again we return to the fact that committee hearings aren’t about listening to input from proponents and opponents of a bill, they exist to make the serfs believe they have some kind of decision making power within the state. Unfortunately that isn’t the case.