Greenpeace Proves Once Again Zealous Environmentalists are Dicks

Greenpeace a group known around the world for pulling stunts such as ramming whaling vessels has taken time out of their busy schedules to prove once again how big of dicks they are…

Some Greenpeace pricks broke into Hewlett Packard’s Palo Alto headquarters and painted the words “Hazardous Products” on the roof. This apparently was due to the fact that Hewlett Packard didn’t give a flying fuck that Greenpeace rated their company poorly on the so called green meter.

So let me get this straight. Greenpeace doesn’t like the practices of a company. They could simply not buy anything from that company and publicly berate them to prove their point. Of course this wasn’t radical enough to they revert to trespassing and vandalism instead. Furthermore the only people who are going to see this message are one flying overhead. To me this seems pointless since people flying overhead are already using a “non-green” form of transportation and hence probably don’t give a shit what Greenpeace things. If I were the head of Hewlett Packard I’d be suing Greenpeace for every penny I could squeeze out of them.

This guys are nothing more than low level terrorists. That’s right I said it, terrorists. If you don’t bend to their will they will take matters into the realm of property damage of physical attacks (I’m sorry ramming and potentially sinking a ship full of people in waters well below freeze, thus guaranteeing the death of the sunken ship via hypothermia, is a physical attack against those people). I don’t know how these guys don’t have federal agents crawling so far up their ass’ that they can taste them.

Here is a source of Greenpeace trying to ram a Japanese whaling vessel…

If You Don’t Agree with Somebody Call Them Racist

Honestly this kind of thing just pisses me off…

To sum up the story a many opens a Republican oriented political merchandise kiosk in a mall. Somebody writes in and complains so he gets booted out. But it’s the accusation made against the owner, Loren Spivack, that pisses me off the most here.

As most of you know I’m not a Republican nor anywhere near one. I disagree with much of what Mr. Spivack says on his merchandise. But for God’s sake this line is the real offensive thing here…

At least one passerby found them racist and bigoted, and took time to tell the mall in a letter and a letter to the editor of the Charlotte Observer.

I am really fucking tired of people who worship the Obamessiah screaming racism every time somebody else criticizes the man. Most people who are criticizing him aren’t racist but actually don’t agree with his policies. I happen to be one of those people.

And this is where I go into rant mode for a few seconds. The people complaining in this story are what I call “progressive” liberals. Don’t mistake these “progressive” liberals with actual liberals whom are willing to have an honest debate, kindly disagree with your views, and not scream racism when you criticize Dear Leader. No these “progressive” liberals are well described by Eric Shelton on the Handgun Podcast.

They are great at feeling but not very good at thinking. Their arguments are always emotion based and never fact based. They will scream things about needing to ban guns because just one innocent child being shot is too many (which is true but the fact that 2,500,000 times a year guns are used to save peoples’ lives far outweighs any single tragedy). But worst of all these people are also hypocrites which are my least favorite kind of people.

They will scream until their blue in the face about how tolerant they are of others. This tolerance ends the second you don’t agree completely with them of course. They claim they want equality for all and will do anything to fight racism and bigotry. Where are they when a conservative man is being discriminated against? Oh that’s right since that person doesn’t share their views they don’t deserve to have a business.

Now I agree the mall owner has every right to decide can and can’t rent space in his mall. It’s his private property and he has the freedom to do what he wishes with it. My complaint here is the accusation that the kiosk owner is racist because he doesn’t agree with the Obamessiah.

You know I think I can sum up this entire article with the following picture from Sunday’s episode of No Agenda…

Even in Press Releases About a Victory the Anti-Gunners Lie

Seriously it’s bad enough to lie when you are trying to stop something but lying in a press release declaring a win is a whole different ball game…

Yes I’m not linking to the actual press release since I refuse to give those pricks any traffic. But the entire thing is posted on Another Gun Guy. Here is the blatant lie…

The amendment would have also undermined state assault weapons bans because it would have allowed permit holders to carry concealed assault weapons into the seven states that currently ban these guns.

This isn’t true at all. The amendment would have allowed people with carry permits to carry their gun in other states that allow carry permits as long as they obeyed the laws of the state they were in. That means if a state has a ban on “assault weapons” you couldn’t bring your AR-15 into the state. Not to mention most guns the Brady Bunch call “assault weapons” are rather large to be considered handguns. I’m just saying many states allow the carry of a handgun not a long gun.

Oh wait there is a bonus lie…

Concealed carry permit holders have already killed police officers, murdered innocent citizens, and committed mass shootings.

This is from they “study” they did. Study is quoted since I don’t believe a Google search constitutes a study. Either way I’d like to see the story of the permit holder who committed the mass shooting. That’s a new one.

How can anybody trust an organization that lies even when they are touting a win?


Minnesota Senators Screwed Us Hard

The results on the amendment vote were just posted…

Both Franken and Klobuchar voted against the amendment. Looks like a couple letters are in order here. It also shows us where our new senator stands on gun rights, and he’s standing on the wrong side.

Violence Policy Center “Study” Meets Operation Rolling Thunder

Gun rights examiner takes a look at the Violence Policy Center’s new “study” which shows 7 police officers and 44 civilians have been murdered by carry permit holders. As expected the study has more holes than a sieve…

Needless to say this line from the study sums it up…

Because of the secretive nature of concealed handgun permit laws, the VPC relied primarily on news accounts.

So they don’t even know if the perpetrators were actually permit holders. Great study there guys. Of course that’s not all that’s wrong with the study. Follow the link to find more.

Disappointment in Senator Klobuchar

I’m not a very difficult man to make happy. It’s really quite simple in most cases, especially if you’re one of my representatives. All you have to do is either pick up the phone when I call or reply to any e-mail or letter I send with something along the line of content.

So here’s the fiasco. I wanted to let my representatives know that I would like them to vote yes on the Thune amendment that would allow national reciprocity for carry permits. Of course being time was very constrained I was unable to use the old snail mail system. In it’s place I sent an e-mail first. To send her an e-mail you need to use a form on her website as she doesn’t publish her e-mail anywhere (although I did get it eventually from the reply that was sent). Of course I didn’t get a response e-mail that night, I figured this was expected since I believed they would need staff there to send the reply.

I then called her office in D.C. At that late of an hour nobody was there to pick up so I left a message with my name, city, phone number, and what position I wanted her to take on the Thune amendment.

Yesterday around noon I also called her office, this time the local one. Again I was greeted with a machine saying nobody was there to pick up. This I found really odd being it was the middle of the day and their office is open until 17:00. Once again I left a message expecting some kind of return call.

Well I never received a return call and nobody is picking up the bloody phone. I did however receive an e-mail which read as the following…

Dear Christopher:

Thank you for taking the time again to contact me about guns. I realize the importance of this issue, and I appreciate hearing from you.

To keep track of what I am doing both in Washington and in Minnesota, please visit my website at You may also like to track legislation through the Library of Congress legislative information website at

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. One of the most important parts of my job is listening to what the people of Minnesota have to say to me. I am here in our nation’s capital to do the public’s business and to serve the people of our state. I hope you will contact me again about matters of concern to you.


Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator

Wow. Just wow. This is the ultimate form letter of form letters. It had to be generated automatically as there is no content in it that would imply it was a response to what I sent. No where does it state her position for or against, well, anything. I don’t ask for much but a response to the message I sent would be nice. A simple yes or no answer to by request with some reasoning is all I’m looking for. I just want to know some human looked at what I sent and at least let my senator know where I stand.

I’m very disappointed with her office and her. She should be stomping on her staff for not responding to her constituents. Every other one of my representatives has no issue at all responding to my communications. Usually these responses aren’t even form letters or e-mails but actual thought out responses.

Since I was only able to find contact information for our new senator, Franken, I’m giving his office a couple days to give me the courtesy of a reply.

Irony Defined, Knife Crime Up During Anti-Knife Campaign

Since Britain has all but banned guns they are now targeting the next evil weapon criminals use, knifes…

They have run into a problem though. Knife crime is actually going up in areas they are targeting with their anti-knife campaign. This implies that telling criminals not to do something doesn’t prevent them from doing it. Who would have guessed that?

I wonder what will happen next. I’m betting some kind of ban on all knifes that can’t be used for sporting or cooking purposes. Eventually there will be a requirement to register all kitchen knives with the government and licenses will be required to own them. After that a total ban on all knives will occur. Afterwards they will go after blunt instruments. This will lead to law abiding citizens having no objects as most things can be used as a weapon while the criminals will still have guns, knives, and blunt instruments.

More Overreaction in Everybody’s Favorite Fascist State

Only in Britain people…

Parents are not being allowed to attend their kids’ events because of the pedophile scare. Yes you heard that right because of potential pedophiles parent are not being allowed to attend their own kids’ events.

And because I like pointing out bad quotes…

“I would have taken time off work to support my child. It would have meant a lot to me. I’m all for measures to protect the safety of children but lines must be drawn and common sense must prevail.”

This in itself is a very good concept the problem is that it’s coming from Oceania where common sense doesn’t exist. I mean this is the same country who decided to fight crime by disarming the law abiding populace and placed closed circuit television cameras on every street corner.


More on Honduras

I previously posted about Obama opposing the forced removal of the Honduras president. I didn’t look into it deep enough then but have done a little more research and found a few interesting articles…

Under the Honduras constitution no resolution can be made to extend the length a president can server. This was done to ensure the country wouldn’t end up with a life long president whom eventually acquired enough power to become a dictator. This is a very common problem in that area and developing nations.

Since the president did bring forth a resolution to extend the term of the presidency he violated their constitution. Being he violated it he was required to cease his position post haste. He did not do this so the Honduras Supreme Court ordered the military in to remove their would be dictator. Being a body of government ordered in the military to remove a corrupt head of state this situation doesn’t relaly qualify as a military coup.

A military coup is generally considered either a branch of the military or the military itself moving into remove some or all entities of government and claim power for either the military itself or the branch of government that ordered them in. In these cases the people being removed generally haven’t broken any laws, they are simply in the way of somebody else claiming power. In this situation a replacement was put in as the president the position of president wasn’t removed.

The real gray area here is the president was simply exiled from the country. This seems to ignore the idea of a trail being held and is where the real problem starts. Had the Honduras Supreme Court arrested the former president and put him on trial it wouldn’t have given everybody ammunition against what they did. Personally I detest the fact that they simply exiled a man without trial but at the same time I congratulate them on removing an obviously corrupt politician from power. Hence I’m torn on this issue but am leaning towards the side of the Honduras Supreme Court since the evidence of what the former president did is a matter of public record and hence proof is available.

This is certainly a hairy situation with nobody lacking some amount of guilt. But there is a point that I can not find argument with, if a government official is actively violating the law he is sworn to uphold and protect he must be removed. This is why the United States Bill of Rights specifially states the people have the right to bear arms. The people are the final check and balance in this country against tyranny.