Man Facing Charges for Legally Carrying Gun too Close to the Obamessiah

I found this one thanks for Mark Vanderberg…

John Noble was in proximity (not in) a rally for the Obamessiah. He was doing a silent protest holding a bible and having his gun, which he was legal to carry, near the rally. As the article states…

He has said he did nothing wrong by trying to show that “Pennsylvanians do, in fact ‘cling to their guns and religion” — referring to a comment Obama made during another campaign event in April 2008.

The jury asked for a break after debating for five hours. My question is why the Hell is there a debate at all? This man didn’t break any laws. He wasn’t at the rally, he was outside of it. He was legal to carry the gun. He wasn’t disturbing anybody regardless of what the gun fearing pricks think. No this man is on trail for exercising his first and second amendment rights.

I hope the jury gets a good nights sleep and comes back and realizes that this man is not guilty of anything other than being a free American exercising his rights.

Another Failure in Britain’s Magical Gun Ban Barrier

I think the government over in Oceania better hire more magical wizards to strengthen the gun ban barrier because there was another impossible failure…

From the article…

A 21-year-old man was shot in the head, face and chest by a masked gunman in a south London kebab shop.

I still don’t know how this could happen. Didn’t the criminal hear that guns are illegal? I mean you can’t break a law to commit a crime that’s illegal. This article makes it seem as though gun bans don’t actually stop gun violence.

Fresh Statistical Numbers from Britain

It looks like we have some new violent crime numbers for Oceania…

They are claiming killings are at a 20 year low and gun crime along with other violent crimes are down…

But overall crime is down by 5% and violent crime has fallen by 6%, and gun crime has seen a 17% fall.

Of course since guns are illegal in Oceania shouldn’t gun crime be at 0% of all crimes? I mean the magical gun ban barrier stops all guns from coming into the country. Oh wait there are more statistics…

The number of attempted murders is also down 7%, but attempted murders with knives is up 11%.

Oh Hell now people using knives in murder attempts are up. Oceania better get on banning all knives quickly.

Other violent offences were up, however, including a 5% increase in the number of women raped to 12,165.

You know it’s much harder to rape a woman when she has a gun. I’m just saying.

Police recorded 284,000 domestic burglaries – the first increase in six years.

And criminals are more likely to break into your domicile if they know that not only do you not have any means of self defense but defending yourself against the intruder can nail you a prison sentence.

The British Crime Survey suggests the risk of being a victim of crime has risen from 22% to 23%.

Once again the risk of being victimized greatly increases when you are unable to defend yourself against an attacker. The strong prey on the weak. There is no likely way I’m going to be able to defend myself against a man with a gun unless I to have a gun. God made man but Samuel Colt made them equal is the right saying for this.

But BBC Home Affairs correspondent Andy Tighe said the survey showed overall crime and robbery appeared to be stable.

Wow if that’s not lying through numbers I don’t know what is. I’m sure they defined a certain percentage as being stable such as 5%. Now to me any increase in crime (for the likelihood of being a victim in a crime as they state) is not stable but an increase. Likewise if there were a drop it wouldn’t be stable but a decrease, which is what you want.

And now for the money quote provided by Mr. Chris Grayling…

It looks like the government is trying to cover up the scale of the problem we face with knife crime, little wonder given its policies have failed to get to grips with the challenge. Massaging the figures on knife crime twice in two years is just an insult to the families of those who have been tragically murdered in knife attacks and who are campaigning for real action to get knives off our streets.

I guess it’s time for Oceania to raise a magical knife ban barrier. Once that’s up and all knives, like all guns, are out of the country they can work on all blunt interments. Of course it’s going to be hard to cook without knives but who cares it’s for the protection of yourself and others.

Why You Don’t Rely on Competitor Products

One of Palm’s biggest advertised features of it’s new Pre phone was the ability to synchronize with Apple’s iTunes. The problem is the Pre directly competes with the iPhone so Palm was depending on their competitor’s product to claim a feature. Well Apple just released an update to squash the Pre’s ability to sync with iTunes…;jsessionid=CZ3GQEH0

I like Palm and many of their products but when they claimed the Pre synced with iTunes I knew it was not only a stupid thing to waste time accomplishing but also something that wouldn’t last long. Many people in the technology industry are now wondering if Palm will sue Apple based on anti-competitive practices. In my opinion iTunes is Apple’s property and they should be able to do whatever they damned well please with it.

The bottom line is Palm seriously fucked up when they depended on somebody who is in direct competition with them. This would be akin to America depending on the Middle East for oil, oh wait.

So that’s Where the Mexican Guns are Coming From

FBI agent John Shipley is being charged with illegally selling guns to Mexico…

Funny that. So how exactly will making stricter gun control laws prevent federal agents, whom the law barely seems to apply, from selling guns to other countries?

More Overreaction in Everybody’s Favorite Fascist State

Only in Britain people…

Parents are not being allowed to attend their kids’ events because of the pedophile scare. Yes you heard that right because of potential pedophiles parent are not being allowed to attend their own kids’ events.

And because I like pointing out bad quotes…

“I would have taken time off work to support my child. It would have meant a lot to me. I’m all for measures to protect the safety of children but lines must be drawn and common sense must prevail.”

This in itself is a very good concept the problem is that it’s coming from Oceania where common sense doesn’t exist. I mean this is the same country who decided to fight crime by disarming the law abiding populace and placed closed circuit television cameras on every street corner.


Why I Read the BBC

Even though it’s an Oceania controller news organization they at least do a better job at fully covering a story than most of the media over here does. Take their article on the passing of Tennessee’s law allowing the carry of a firearm in places that serve alcohol…

Most publications here leave out an important piece when they talk about this law…

State legislators – a quarter of whom own firearms – have passed a law allowing guns into bars and restaurants, but preventing their owners from buying alcohol.

Yes even a news organization controlled by an anti-gun state brings up the fact that even though permit holders will be allowed to carry in places that serve alcohol they won’t be allowed to purchase alcohol. That tidbit of knowledge seems to be missing from everybody including the New York Times and the Washington Post.

I also feel that this article does a good job at covering both sides of the issue (that would be the right side and the wrong side for those of you thinking I was being unbias for a second).

More on Honduras

I previously posted about Obama opposing the forced removal of the Honduras president. I didn’t look into it deep enough then but have done a little more research and found a few interesting articles…

Under the Honduras constitution no resolution can be made to extend the length a president can server. This was done to ensure the country wouldn’t end up with a life long president whom eventually acquired enough power to become a dictator. This is a very common problem in that area and developing nations.

Since the president did bring forth a resolution to extend the term of the presidency he violated their constitution. Being he violated it he was required to cease his position post haste. He did not do this so the Honduras Supreme Court ordered the military in to remove their would be dictator. Being a body of government ordered in the military to remove a corrupt head of state this situation doesn’t relaly qualify as a military coup.

A military coup is generally considered either a branch of the military or the military itself moving into remove some or all entities of government and claim power for either the military itself or the branch of government that ordered them in. In these cases the people being removed generally haven’t broken any laws, they are simply in the way of somebody else claiming power. In this situation a replacement was put in as the president the position of president wasn’t removed.

The real gray area here is the president was simply exiled from the country. This seems to ignore the idea of a trail being held and is where the real problem starts. Had the Honduras Supreme Court arrested the former president and put him on trial it wouldn’t have given everybody ammunition against what they did. Personally I detest the fact that they simply exiled a man without trial but at the same time I congratulate them on removing an obviously corrupt politician from power. Hence I’m torn on this issue but am leaning towards the side of the Honduras Supreme Court since the evidence of what the former president did is a matter of public record and hence proof is available.

This is certainly a hairy situation with nobody lacking some amount of guilt. But there is a point that I can not find argument with, if a government official is actively violating the law he is sworn to uphold and protect he must be removed. This is why the United States Bill of Rights specifially states the people have the right to bear arms. The people are the final check and balance in this country against tyranny.

Economics 101: Why Mexico isn’t Buying American Guns

I found a great post over on The Firearms Blog showing why the Mexican drug cartels aren’t buying their guns from America…

It comes down to simple economics. Why would a drug cartel spend anywhere from $850.00 to $1,100.00 for a semi-automatic AR-15 when they could spent less than $100.00 on a fully automatic AK-47? Furthermore other countries are more than willing to sell the guns to Mexico whereas extra work must be done to get them from America.
