Today I Learned Firearms Edition

If you visit any gun forums you’ll get your fill of herp and derp. Most of the time the signal to noise ratio is pretty high though so you over look it, not with the Discovery Channel Firearms Forum. From this forum I’ve learned a great many things. For example I learned there is a version of the Galil Rifle I had not previously known about:

I would love to see you guys work with a Galil, personally my favorite is the Galil SAR 7.62 caliber 50-round clip.

First of all the existence of a Galil that feeds from clips was entirely unknown to me. Second it sounds as though the clever creators of this Galil have somehow integrated the clip into the rifle. We also have a kid inquiring about dual wielding AR-10s:

duel ar 10s

the ar 10 is in 308 and to stop the spent shells from hitting the other gun should you use one left handed model on the left so the shells are ejected out eater side

I imagine the AR-10 must be much lighter than my LR308 because I can barely wield that heavy bastard one handed. I’ll have to keep watching that thread to more insider information on dual wielding AR-10s. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you shot a machine gun upside down? No? Well this guy has:

Ok here’s a weird question for everyone.Has anyone out there fired a fully auto gun upside down and if you did, did the barrel feel like it wanted rise up or pull down when it was butted up against your shoulder.Please let me know and have fun with it.I have a feeling that a lot of ammo is going to wasted on this question.

I have a feeling no ammunition will be wasted on that question because you’re going to be hard pressed to find somebody stupid enough to try it. At least I hope you’ll be hard pressed because a whole lot of stupid is involved in that idea. Another kid has an idea that must simply be patented; converting a .50 AE Desert Eagle into a .50 BMG Barret rifle:

I was wondering if you could make a pistol into a rifle.

Like a Dessert Eagle turning into something like a Barrett 50 Cal.

Or a Magnum or another kind of Large Cal. Revolver turning into a rifle.

I’d ask why but I don’t want to know. Have you ever found bullets boring? Did you stop a think, “God I wish my gun show ninja stars!” No? Well then you’re not this guy:

Well, were do i start.
I,ve had this idea for 17 year now.
Sort of a ballesta type rifle that shoots a ninja star. The ninja stars would be a six star type, in a magazine like if in a cd case. As the stars are “hurled” out, the come out spinning.
Now, there should be magazines of about ten or more stars in each. The magazine could be mounted on top and feed the weapon from above. Ive seen these stars with holes in the middle, so the rifle could “grab” the stars by the hole, move it towards the front, then the “pin” lowers, letting the star continue its course.
What do you guys think????

This guy has had this idea for 17 years? That means he has to be at least 17 years but more likely he’s notably older as cognitive capabilities don’t develop when we’re first born. Still if somebody is 17 years-old and still thinks this is a good idea then… well then it’s just sad.

I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. The derp is extremely strong with this forum and is bursting with comedy gold. You don’t even need to dig, just look at the surface and you’ll find stuff to laugh (or sigh) at! The absolute lack of proper spelling and grammar is also oddly funny and depressing at the same time.

Voting for The Lesser of Two Evils

The election season is ramping up and results from state primaries are already rolling in. Obama, er, I mean Romney has won straw polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire, which has ramped up the “Ron Paul can’t win” bandwagon. Many people, especially in the gun community, are now talking about voting for the lesser of two evils to ensure Obama gets tossed out of office.

I’ll start by stating up front that I’m not big on the whole voting for a ruler thing. In fact this picture sums up my belief on voting:

As a sovereign individual I see no need for rulers and have no desire to choose one. If I’m going to get fucked with a switchblade why do I care who is holding it? It’s going to hurt just as much if Romney is holding the switchblade as it will if Obama is holding it. With that said I also realize that we’re currently stuck with manor lords so I may have to play the game to help ensure I get the “less” shitty ruler. Realizing this who do you think I’ll vote for if Romney gets the nomination?

Simply put, I won’t.

OK if Ron Paul decides to run as a third-party candidate I’ll toss him a vote and if he doesn’t I may still go to put in a vote for Gary Johnson. Either way I won’t be voting for Romney or Obama because I refuse to support either of them. No matter which of those tyrants wins we’re all going to lose. Many people are saying they will vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination because we need to get rid of Obama. What’s the point if voting for either major party gets us Obama though? Romney isn’t Obama light, he’s white Obama. The only thing that really separates the two is the fact Romney is white, a mormon, and has political experience (something I don’t believe to be a good thing by the way).

When you vote you’re making a suggestion. Your ballot should read, “The names I’ve checked below are the individuals I suggest be granted the power to run my life and initiate violence against me should I violate one of their decrees.” The reason I’m willing to suggest Ron Paul is because he has no desire to run my life or initiate violence against me. Romney on the other hand not only wishes to run my life but he also desires to initiated violence against me and people in other countries. Fuck that guy, I’m not suggesting he be put in charge of anything, especially a military.

Many people will claim I’m part of the problem because by not suggesting Romney I’m automatically suggesting Obama. It doesn’t work that way. That logic assumes my vote is cast whether or not I actually check a box next to somebody’s name. According to these people were the vote count 100 for Romney and 100 for Obama my lack of a vote would mean 101 of Obama. See how that math doesn’t work? By not voting for Obama his count still remains at a solid 100. Hell in the grand scheme of things my vote doesn’t matter anyways so feel free not to blame me if Obama wins.

When you vote for the “lesser” of two evils you’re still stuck with evil. If you want to suggest Romney to run your life by all means go to your polling place and vote for him. While I refuse to suggest him I won’t demand you do the same but I do ask that you not scream at me for “voting for Obama” or “being part of the problem.” If you do that I’m going to scream back at you for “voting for white Obama” and “being part of the problem.”

In the end if either Romney or Obama becomes president I’ll just kick back, relax, and say, “Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him.”

Enjoy Your Canned Posts

As you read this I’m probably sitting at the airport preparing material for another post where I rant about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). No I’m not off to join SHOT Show late into the event, I’ve been called away on work. This development means my ability to post is going to be hit or miss. Knowing this ahead of time I’ve decided to write up some canned posts for the duration of my time away. Should anything interesting or exciting happen I’ll try to blog about it but I can make no such guarantee and therefore any analysis on late breaking news may be later than usual (since I’m rarely timely to begin with this shouldn’t surprise anybody).

You guys have fun and try not to break anything while I’m gone. Also I hope you enjoyed the first of my canned posts that allowed me to skirt my responsibilities and get my post count up without actually writing anything of value. I promise the rest will be far better though.

Everything Will Be Metal

I just came across something that I didn’t know existed… a cappella metal band. Whether this will create a tear in spacetime is uncertain but one thing is for certain, this band proves anything can be made metal. For your listening pleasure and/or confusion I present you Iron Maiden’s Fear of the Dark done a cappella style by Van Canto:

I’m not going to lie, I’m rather enjoying this.

As the Internet Goes Dark

It appears as though half of the Internet is going dark tomorrow in protest of SOPA and PROTECT-IP. Wikipedia, Reddit, BoingBoing, MoveOn (hopefully they stay dark), The Daily Paul, and even my own sister’s website are going to be unavailable. This move will certainly increase the productivity of the human race notably if nothing else.

So what about myself, is A Geek With Guns going dark? Not a chance. It’s going to take a lot more than PROTECT-IP (since SOAP is effectively dead) to shut me up. Even if PROTECT-IP passed and government were to accuse me of violating copyright causing my domain name service (DNS) records to be hijacked I’ll setup a new domain name, a Tor hidden service (which I’m planning on doing anyways), or some other workaround because I refuse to submit to censorship.

I can also tell you that the second PROTECT-IP passes I’m going to setup my own DNS server that will give the correct IP address to sites that have been blocked by those pricks in Washington. The IP address of this DNS server will be given out to all who want it so they can bypass the state’s censorship as well.

Felony Whale Feeding

Whenever somebody tells me all felons should be prohibited from owning firearms I show them shit like this:

For this, Ms Black might now face up to 20 years in prison and half a million dollars in fines, after a federal grand jury indicted her this month. Little about the charges makes common sense. The federal law in question is the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act, which was intended to save dolphins, seals and whales from being killed and harassed. The law also banned feeding these animals, on the theory that doing so might compromise their ability to forage naturally in future. Feeding is what Ms Black is now accused of. She says she was using the protocols she had learned from the federal agencies that are now investigating her to observe a natural feeding that was already in progress.

That’s right a marine biologist is facing felony charges for observing Orcas as they feed. The last time I checked observing marine mammals feeding is in the marine biologist job description. This poor woman could lose her right to own a firearm and vote because she was literally doing he fucking job. On top of that she is also being nailed with a double-standard:

Just as ridiculous, says Mr Biegel, is the accusation, increasingly common in federal cases, that Ms Black lied to the authorities, which carries its own prison terms. Ms Black always edits the commercial videos of her whale outings to make them more interesting. When investigators demanded footage, she gave them one of these edited videos. Prosecutors now claim that she had tampered with evidence.

Remember the police can lie to you but if you lie to them you’re in deep shit. Or, in this case, if you give them edited footage instead of raw footage they can claim you lied to them and pile on more charges to ensure you get more than mere felony whale feeding. Felony. Whale. Feeding. Just typing that sounds like a bad joke I would use as a hypothetical example of a stupid overreaching law. The problem here is this law isn’t hypothetical, it’s actually on the damned books and being enforced.

It bears repeating that the prohibition against feeding whales, like all prohibitions, actually requires the use of violence to enforce. If you toss a whale some dead meat you can actually be murdered by the state. Think about that.

Mossberg’s New Marketing Strategy

Mossberg has announced a new rifle, the 464 SPX lever-action:

I’m not sure what the fuck that is but I’m pretty sure it breaks several laws of common decency. I can understand the rails, everybody love mounting absurd amounts of shit to their rifles, but an M4 style collapsable stock? Seriously? It doesn’t even look good.

It appears as though Mossberg’s new marketing strategy is to make the most retarded guns imaginable. If that is their strategy I must commend them for going through with it so completely though.

Death is Never Far Behind the United Nations

I’m guessing few people remember Haiti. It’s a small country that was rocked by a major earthquake two years and five days ago. Billions of dollars were donated to the Haiti relief but nobody is quite sure where that money went. To add insult to injury the United Nations went ahead and brought colera to the island nation after their occupation relief effort:

Compelling new scientific evidence suggests United Nations peacekeepers have carried a virulent strain of cholera — a super bug — into the Western Hemisphere for the first time.

The vicious form of cholera has already killed 7,000 people in Haiti, where it surfaced in a remote village in October 2010. Leading researchers from Harvard Medical School and elsewhere told ABC News that, despite UN denials, there is now a mountain of evidence suggesting the strain originated in Nepal, and was carried to Haiti by Nepalese soldiers who came to Haiti to serve as UN peacekeepers after the earthquake that ravaged the country on Jan. 12, 2010 — two years ago today. Haiti had never seen a case of cholera until the arrival of the peacekeepers, who allegedly failed to maintain sanitary conditions at their base.

Thanks a lot guys. Not only did you offer no help to the people of Haiti but you also went ahead and brought them plague and pestilence. What’s wrong? At least when Genghis Khan invaded a village he only burned the building down and stabbed the men.

A tip of the hat goes to Dvorak Uncensored for this depressing piece of news.

This is What Cronyism Looks Like

Welcome to the Crony States of America, if you’re politically well connected you to can receive mountains of government money. Did you donate to the Obama campaign? If so I may have some good news for you, you could already be qualified for billions of dollars of tax payer money:

With Energy Secretary Steven Chu set to testify Thursday before the House Energy and Commerce Committee about the government’s $573 million loan to failed solar panel maker Solyndra, an explosive new list of energy loan amounts to President Obama’s top fundraisers, bundlers, and supporters has been released by Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer, author of Throw Them All Out.

As the list reveals, 80 percent of all $20.5 billion in Department of Energy loans went to President Obama’s top donors. Furthermore, some of those dwarf in size those given to Obama bundler George Kaiser, owner of the now defunct Solyndra.

I’m sure the Obamabots will claim this is just a coincidence and that this outcome was obvious since the people donating to Obama’s campaign are obviously the smartest and most qualified companies in the alternative energy market. Of course those people are also mindless sheep who will jump whenever Dear Leader commands (not that mindless Republican shills are any better mind you).

A tip of the hat goes to Alan for this gem of government corruption.