The U.K.’s Magical Gun Protection Barrier Failed Again

This shouldn’t be possible in Oceania but apparently the magical gun protection barrier that stops all gun crime in the country has failed again…

Apparently somebody fired up to three shots into a household in Northern Ireland. Of course as you know guns are all but totally illegal in Oceania so this shouldn’t be possible. I mean guns are illegal how could somebody break the law? At least the couple who lived there were unable to defend themselves. I mean if the shooter would have entered the house and the couple living there were armed they might have shot the intruder!

Thankfully Big Brother has made self defense illegal so good hard working criminals can go about the daily business without fear of being shot by a law abiding citizen.

Up Next NICS will Require a Urine Sample

I looks like the FBI’s NICS system is now requiring place of birth as well…

I’m sure this has nothing to do with anything nefarious they just want to ensure people from specific countries where the prevailing religion could be Islam can’t buy guns. OK maybe not but I really hate the NICS system so I’m taking every cheap shot I can at it. Seriously it costs a ton of money and doesn’t do anything except make people wait for delays when they go buy guns.

Minnesota Firearms Freedom Act

Fire Montana, then Texas, and now Minnesota. Since I felt this deserved it’s own post and I needed time to read through the law I didn’t mention it when I posted the results of the open carry picnic. But Representative Tom Emmer stopped by and let us know about the Firearms Freedom Act he authored for Minnesota…

Like other similar acts this one would exempt firearms manufactured in Minnesota for sale in Minnesota from federal regulation and registration. It seems like a pretty simple and good piece of legislation although it does have text in it to exempt machine guns from this bill. Either way it’s a great idea and everybody in Minnesota needs to write their state representatives about it.

Granted after receiving my reply from Ron Latz about his stance on several second amendment issues I’m doubting he’ll support it but I wrote him anyways.

Results of the Lake Harriet Open Carry Picnic

Well I just returned from the open carry picnic at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It was a great success with roughly 50 gun toting people in attendance. It started at 11:00 and the last few of us left a little before 17:00. The food was great, the conversation was lively, and the weather couldn’t have been better. Many of the people in attendance even brought their family along for the fun.

One lady did call 911 when she saw all of use terrible gun owner eating burgers and overall being happy. We only know she called 911 because the person who the dispatcher called came over and let us know with a smile. We all laughed. We did hear an awful number of sirens coming towards our area and that lady’s fact lit up with glee. Her high hopes were shattered though when it was discovered the police and ambulance were responding to a person having a heart attack further down the lake shore.

We also had one person come over with a desire for argument. He spewed off such things as how terrible it is us permit holders don’t have to take a urine test. His argument didn’t last long though after being offered a brat. He happily accepted and went on his way.

I know all the anti-gunners like to say anytime there are people together with guns there will be shooting and blood in the streets. So I’m posting the thing that the anti-gunners are so excited to see the body count of people who were shot at Lake Harriet during the open carry picnic…

Ages 0 to 20: 0
Ages 21 to 40: 0
Ages 41 to 60: 0
Ages 61 to 80: 0
Ages 81 to 100: 0
Ages 101 to 120: 0

Ages 0 to 20: 0
Ages 21 to 40: 0
Ages 41 to 60: 0
Ages 61 to 80: 0
Ages 81 to 100: 0
Ages 101 to 120: 0

Total People Shot During Event: 0

Great Post on New Jersey’s New One Gun a Month Rationing

Snowflakes in Hell has a great post about how the citizens of New Jersey can get back at their politicians for passing the one gun a month rationing scheme…

It’s pretty simple really just vote Jon Corzine and Fred Madden out. Get rid of the two people most responsible for this travesty and let future politicians know you can’t throw gun owners under the proverbial bus.

Nevada no Longer Recognizes Utah and Florida Carry Permits

Effect July 1, 2009 the state of Nevada will cease recognition of both Utah’s and Florida’s carry permits…

Nothing much to say about this besides Nevada’s government must be composed entirely of assholes. So what are their reasons? These are their reasons…

The Nevada DPS dropped Utah because it does not have a live fire requirement, which is a part of Nevada’s training requirements. When the Nevada DPS first began its state by state audit of Right-to-Carry laws in 2007, DPS admitted to NRA representatives that they overlooked the live fire training requirement. After further review, they determined that Utah wasn’t similar enough to keep it on the list of recognized states.

So they are whining because Utah doesn’t require you to demonstrate you can actually use a gun. Granted I guess that’s at least somewhat of an excuse but Florida…

Florida will no longer be recognized because its permits are now valid for seven years instead of five.

You’re kidding me they dumped it because the license is good for two more years than, I assume, Nevada’s? You can tell they are just digging for an excuse.

More Terrorist Watch List Bull Shit

Via Snowflakes in Hell we have another bullshit story on the terrorist watch list as it relates to people buying guns…

Apparently 800 people who are on the watch list have purchased firearms. Oh my God it’s time to start shitting your pants people that’s 800 people! Wait a minute there are 400,000 names on that list. So less than one percent (in fact .2 percent) of people on the list have been allowed to buy guns.

Further thinking led me to look up the population of the United States which, according to Google, is roughly 304,059,724 people. With 400,000 names on the terrorist watch list that means .1 percent of the entire population of the United States is on this list. That number doesn’t look like much but considering one tenth of one percent of the entire population of this country is suspected of being a terrorist that’s significant.

Anyways back to the bullshit here as pointed out on Snowflakes in Hell the FBI is supposed to destroy all NICS data. So this information shouldn’t even be attainable.

Furthermore I want to point out that this list is supposed to be secret for “national security” reasons. But apparently you can get the number of names and the number of people on that list who bought firearms. I wonder how much other information you can coax out of the government on their secret list. Given enough statistical information you can start to find out who is likely on that list.


More on Stripping the Right of People on the Terror Watch List

I mentioned earlier about the proposed bill which would prevent anybody who is on the secret “terrorist watch list” from buying firearms. Well Sharp as a Marble posted a good story where morons who don’t know what they are talking about try to spread hysteria through lies…

From the article…

People named on the government’s terrorist watch list have successfully purchased firearms hundreds of times since 2004, government investigators reported yesterday. In one case, a known or suspected terrorist was able to buy more than 50 pounds of explosives, the Government Accountability Office reported.

So people who are on a secret list that contains everybody from 70 year old ladies to politicians has no ability to stop people from buying guns and explosives? And this is surprising why?

If these idiots would critically think for just a few minutes they would realize a couple of things. First of all this is a secret list which means nobody outside of the higher echelons of government know who is on it. If you started preventing people who are on it from doing things they previously had no problem doing that might tip them off that they are on this secret list. I know if ended up passing and all of the sudden I got turned down by the NICS system I’d be pretty sure I was on that list.

The second idiotic thing about his list is that no court process has to be done to put somebody on the list. What the supporters of this bill are saying is they support stripping the rights of citizens without due process. Are people who are willing to strip your rights just because somebody put your name on a secret list really the kinds of representatives you want? Do they really represent you? I hope the answer to both questions is a resounding no.

Make no mistake this isn’t about saving guns or keeping guns out the hands of terrorists. This bill is about control and disarming the citizens of America. Remember just because somebody is on this list doesn’t mean they’ve actually done anything illegal. In fact we don’t even know if anybody on this list has done anything since it’s secret.

Finally although I’m not much for conspiracy theories who is to say that people won’t be placed on this list after they buy “too many” guns. After all it’s a list of “suspected” terrorists. And by suspected I mean there isn’t enough evidence to even get a search warrant on the person. Tie this with the recent paper describing right-wing extremist terrorists, which included proponents of the second amendment, and you have a recipe for government terrorism against its citizens. Who knows maybe if you buy two guns in a month you automatically get placed on this list, you just don’t know.
