OK another story on the mass shooting at Fort Hood. The media is reporting that the killer used a 5.7 caliber handgun. Well for reference here’s a 5 caliber casing.
How the fuck did he carry that around base without somebody noticing?
Chronicling the depravities of the State.
OK another story on the mass shooting at Fort Hood. The media is reporting that the killer used a 5.7 caliber handgun. Well for reference here’s a 5 caliber casing.
How the fuck did he carry that around base without somebody noticing?
We have billions of dollars being spent every year on homeland security. All this money is being spent to fight the terrorists that are so frightening we passed the PATROIT Act.
But alas we’re not targeting the actual terrorists. The ones who damage of power infrastructure and deny American citizen’s their God given right to life, liberty, and television. That’s right I’m talking about squirrels.
A hat tip goes to Bruce Schneier’s blog for this little tidbit of information.
I don’t know about the legitimacy of this but it’s funny anyways. Schwarzenegger gives legislators a big fuck you. It seem fitting since he gave a big fuck you to the citizens of California with the signing of AB 962.
OK this story via Says Uncle is funny (since nobody was hurt). A drunken off duty police officer, Eric Janik, went to a haunted house. It was great fun and all but after they exited one of the workers came running out with a chainsaw as was his part there. The worked wanted to give them one last scare, instead he ended up looking down the barrel of officer Janik’s service gun.
Mr. Janik is being charged with assault since not only did his wield his service gun at a person while intoxicated, he also tried to deny it. Either way I think the haunted house worker was the one who ended up with the real scare.
Breda has a story that reflects the sad state of intelligence in this country. The story states:
Iowa City police are investigating an early morning assault in which a man accused another of being a zombie, then punched him twice
Do you see what’s wrong with this? Obviously the assailant was mentally disturbed. Everybody knows you don’t PUNCH a fucking zombie. You want to keep your body as far away from their mouths as possible.
Man some people are dumb asses.
Although I’m usually not a fan of quote of the day type posts I couldn’t pass this one up:
Forged in the fires of Mount Doom by the hands of Sauron himself, the HK is the greatest implement of destruction known to man. HK’s plastic frame isn’t made from petroleum that came from inferior plants millions of years ago, rather the petroleum used for HK’s advanced polymers comes only from the fiercest of T-Rexes.
A hat tip goes to Says Uncle for this one. Somebody over at AR-15.com went and carved the best Halloween pumpkins ever to exist. If I say any more it will spoil the fun.
So yeah I looked up last night and in the sky I saw the moon. Recently NASA attempted to blow it up so I was puzzled why it was still there. Then it dawned on me, they didn’t hit a full moon. Those morons, they should have waited so they could have nailed the entire thing.
Well Windows 7 is going to be out soon. For those of you who don’t work somewhere that was able to get early access to the release of the operating system you’re probably wondering what all the hype is about. After reading this review I’m guessing you’ll all be disappointed. Sorry.
How many of you people heard about the most recent zombie outbreak? I’m guessing few if any. Many don’t realize this but there is a government conspiracy to cover up the zombie threat.
The University of Florida was truly prepared. Their website has a list of different disaster recovery exercises, one of which included their response to dealing with an outbreak of the undead. Well it appears the puppet masters of the government got to them as the site no longer lists the critical piece of information. Furthermore officials at the college are now on record saying the response plan was a joke.
It is high time our government realizes that covering up the zombie threat is the worst possible way to deal with it. We need to inform, and most importantly arm, the populace. Not doing this could made a small outbreak turn into a full on zombie apocalypse.