Hey it looks like Chicago epically failed again. Bonus points, this time it didn’t involve guns. Guess who’s hosting the 2016 Olympic game? It sure as the Hell isn’t Chicago.
Category: Humor
You Mess with Veterans They Mess with You
Here is a rather funny story from Days of our Trailers. Some drunk decided to be funny and steal a flag from his local VFW and burn it. Here is the thing if you want to fuck with somebody you may want to pick somebody besides veterans of foreign wars. See veterans that have been sent across the ocean to other countries to fulfill their duties often had to find creative ways to entertain themselves. These ideas often involve pranks on other people. So you are dealing with a population of people who probably entertained themselves by finding creative ways to get at other people.
Well the members of the VFW did get back at the flag thief. They found him and, I’m guessing, provided him the option of an ass beating or something less painful but more humiliating. The VFW members duct taped the flag thief to a flag pole at a kids soccer game. I say kudos to the members of the VFW to creativity and victory.
I’m Never Flying Again
The TSA is the ultimate in security theatre. Every time somebody attempts an attack they implement a new security measure in an attempt to thwart that specific attack. Well it looks like we’re all going to get cavity searches performed on our posterior ends. Via Bruce Schneier’s blog I found a story that you probably aren’t going to read every day.
A wanted militant (for involvement with al Qaeda no less) named Abdullah Hassan Taleh al-Asiri tried to assassinate Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. Mr. Mohammed is a Saudi prince in charge of Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism efforts so it makes sense an al Qaeda militant would want him dead. It’s the method of assassination this is most interesting though. Mr. al-Asiri smuggled a bomb in that was stuffed up his ass. I’ll forgo all the pain in the ass type pun jokes as they are simple too easy. Anyways it didn’t go down as expected:
After al-Asiri entered a small room to speak with Prince Mohammed, he activated a small improvised explosive device (IED) he had been carrying inside his anal cavity. The resulting explosion ripped al-Asiri to shreds but only lightly injured the shocked prince — the target of al-Asiri’s unsuccessful assassination attempt.
But the fact of the matter is if TSA hears about this we’re all getting anal probed before every flight. Once that happens I’m never flying again.
It’s Official Obama is a Communist
What makes it official? Well Fidel Castro himself complemented Obama on a job well done. OK I purposely titled the article something facetious. Honestly Castro just went on record complementing Obama on his speed dealing with Al Gore’s money making scheme global warming.
I just wanted to be the first to say Obama is a communist because Castro complemented him. Seriously it’s going to happen all over Fox news, I’ll be you money on it (well not real money but I’ll bet made up monopoly money).
Bedtime Stories for Libertarian Households
Via Says Uncle we have bedtime stories for libertarian households.
The first two are “The Three Little Pigs Learn That If You Own A Rifle, You Can Build Your House Out Of Any Damn Material You Want” and the second one is “Goldilocks Violates Some Property Rights And Is Lucky She Doesn’t Get Shot In The Face.”
Great stories that should prove some life lessons.
Political Blogs Summed Up
XKCD had a great comic that sums up political blogs such as this one very well. Observe:
Tactical Going Too Far
My friend send me an e-mail with what is possibly the dumbest “tactical” item out there. I present for your laughter 5.11 tactical shoelaces. I’m not even making this up, they are labeled as exactly that.
Wow Looks Like Somebody Used Rob Allen’s Guide Already
Funny and sad news. In the post directly below this one I posted a link to Rob Allen’s guide to firearm identification for the mass media. It stated everything except the AK-47 was an AK-47. Apparently somebody read it and took it to heart.
Somebody called 911 when they thought they saw somebody walking around with an AK-47. Five officers were let loose in the area to find the hypothetical offender of decency. Well they found nothing but were lead to believe storming the Bungie studio was going to find their weapon. Bugie, the creators of the Halo video game franchise, and police swarming their building. So what did they find?
A prop gun from the Halo video game series. Yes somebody spotted somebody from Bungie carrying a replica of the game’s sniper rifle and decided it was not only a real gun by an AK-47 to boot.
How to Properly Use an iPhone
User Bubafat on the Gun Rights Radio Network forums posted the following video. It demonstrates the proper use of an iPhone application to relieve stress. By the way there is some not safe for work fucking language in it:
Concealed Carry the Natural Way
I scrounged up yet another interesting story from John C. Dvorak’s blog dealing with the all natural way of concealed carry. George Vera was able to smuggle a firearm into a correctional facility. He passed through two searches via his method. This method was to conceal the gun in his fat rolls. Yup the guy weighed in at 500 pounds and had enough extra flab to conceal a 9mm pistol without the need for any holster.