An Inconvenient Truth

Les Jones has a post detailing a rather major lie told by MSNBC regarding the Zimmerman case:

Jake caught MSNBC Dowdifying the 911 call in the George Zimmerman/Martin Trayvon shooting. Here’s what MSNBC has George Zimmerman saying on the 911 call:

This guy looks like he’s up to no good … he looks black,” Zimmerman told a police dispatcher from his car.

That sure makes Zimmerman sound racist, doesn’t it? But notice the ellipsis. Those three dots indicate that something’s been edited out. Here’s the full, un-Dowdified quote from the 911 recording:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

And with the filling in of three little dots meant to indicate abbreviation holes are shot through the theory that Zimmerman was obsessed with race. If MSNBC lied about this what else may they have lied about? Why are they working so hard to make this case about racism? Why are they actively working against finding real justice? Is it because they don’t want a valid self-defense case coming out in positive light? Is it because they are racist against hispanics like Zimmerman? Who knows, but we do know they lied and that bring everything else they’ve said about this case into question.

I also rescind my previous theory that Zimmerman was a man with a hero complex. As more evidence has trickled its way past the media censors the picture of an angry man with a gun and a vendetta against black people is quickly dissolving. Underneath evidence of Zimmerman being attacked can be seen leading the way for a valid self-defense claim. We can only sit and wait for the grand jury to look at all the available evidence and decide whether or not it’s enough to take this case to trail.

Yet More on the Zimmerman Case

I’m sure most of you have had you fill of the Zimmerman case, but I’m going to toss up one more post detailing my thoughts now that I’ve listend to the 911 recording (at least the most complete version I’ve found). After listening to the recording I think several things are worth noting.

First, the accusations of Zimmerman’s apparent racism are not upheld in the recording in my opinion. People mentioned Zimmerman’s apparent obsession with Martin’s race as Zimmerman reported Martin as a black male twice. It’s common for somebody giving a description to list race and gender first because they are two of the most easily noted characteristics of a person. Usually people start with the roughest information and move to more fine detail so it’s not uncommon for race and gender to precede estimated height, weight, and age. The description Zimmerman gave also including the clothing being worth by Martin, another common thing to report. I did not get any apparent racism coming from Zimmerman during the 911 call.

Second, the 911 operator never ordered Zimmerman to stop pursuing Martin as many (including myself) have reported. What the 911 operator did was ask Zimmerman if he was chasing Martin and when Zimmerman said yes the operator simply told Zimmerman that he didn’t need to do that. Neither the wording nor the tone of voice used by the operator projected an order. Furthermore as it became obvious that Zimmerman was still moving the 911 operator never asked Zimmerman if he stopped his pursuit (I also want to add that it’s not obvious from the 911 recording if Zimmerman stopped pursuing Marting and was returning to his vehicle or if he continued to pursue Martin).

Third, I was unable to hear Zimmerman use any racial slur as he has been accused of doing. A few parts of the recording were blanked out and it is possible Zimmerman said the slur at one of those times but if that’s the case, and this is the most complete recording of the call, I’m not sure how anybody came across such a statement. I also wish to add that I could have missed Zimmerman’s use of a racial slur but I was actively listening for it so I don’t believe that’s the case.

It’s worth noting that Zimmerman’s statements, tone of voice, and mannerisms did not indicate any vindictive behavior to me. Obviously such things can’t be entirely determined by an audio recording but it can be a good heuristic. Zimmerman sounded calm, collective, and not different from most officers I’ve heard giving updates on their activities during a contact. Reports have noted that Zimmerman was studying criminal justice, and combining that with his role in neighborhood watch, leaves me to believe he was acting based on received training.

Obviously I’m not an expert but condemning Zimmerman at this point, in my opinion, would be erroneous.

Zimmerman Arrest Report

Weer’d got ahold of a copy of the arrest report [PDF] for George Zimmerman. Weer’d has a good summary of the report but the most intersting piece, in my opinion, is the following:

-When officers arrived Mr. Zimmerman was identified in the report as a “White Male”, he was cooperative with officers and identified himself as the man who made the 911 call. He was wet and had grass stains on his back. Also his nose and back of his head were injured. A Kel Tec PF9 was holstered on his belt and he allowed officers to confiscate it as evidence. (No information about ammunition, or spent shells is given)

Apparently this situation was entirely one sided if Zimmerman showed injuries and grass stains on his back. This doesn’t answer the biggest question though: who was the initiator of force. Did Zimmerman initiate force against Martin causing Martin to defend himself or did Martin initiate for against Zimmerman causing Zimmerman to defend himself? Then again the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) was called in to investigate the investigation so nothing in the police report may be truthful.

Another Example of “Right-Wing Extremism”

The recent shootings in France ended in numerous accusations that the murder was a right-wing extremist:

Seven now dead as police hunt assassin with right-wing connections


Surveillance tapes at the school showed that the gunman – believed to be a trained marksman with far-Right views – recorded his shooting spree with a small video camera around his neck.


‘The ex-soldiers are free to go,’ said a source close to the investigation. ‘Other lines of enquiry are being pursued.’ Despite the release of the ex-soldiers, police still believe the scooter-riding killer may have been a right-wing extremist.

As it turns out:

Mohammed Merah, 23, who claimed to have al-Qaeda training, opened fire on police commandos after they stormed into his flat at 09:30 GMT.

Prosecutors said he was shot in the head as he tried to flee.

Merah carried out three separate attacks, killing four people at a Jewish school and three soldiers.

He had said he was acting to “avenge Palestinian children” and protest against French military interventions overseas.

So much for that.

Because Discrimination is Fun

I always find it funny when people scream about discrimination in schools. Why? It’s not because I support discrimination but because of the selective nature of anti-discriminatory policies. While they preach about the need to create a safe environment for all children they also try to prevent many students from feeling welcome. For every rule prohibiting the discrimination of homosexuals, African Americans, women, etc. there is another rule that ban talking about firearms. No rules exist to protect libertarians, atheists, or other groups that are often discriminated against, especially in schools. If you want to see a kid get discriminated against immediately just watch for one to make a comment against public unions, the teachers will descend upon him like vulture on carrion. My main point is that schools don’t oppose discrimination, they promote it by being very selective in the groups they protect. When a school protects one group over another they also make a statement, that those protected groups are better than others and therefore other groups are obviously lesser and, therefore, valid targets of discrimination.

Now that I’ve gotten the gears of discrimination moving let’s talk about adult film stars, or more specifically, two adult file stars. This story starts with an 18 year-old male named Mike Stone, a student at the Tartan High School. Mr. Stone decided to send out invitations to 600 adult film actresses to be his date to prom, and one accepted. The one who accepted, Megan Piper, then invited another, Emy Reyes. Obviously Mr. Stone is now the talk of his class, and for good reason (consider his age, consider what he accomplished, then realize he’s going to be the most popular guy with the guys). Needless to say the school administration saw a student having fun and accomplishing one of his goals in life so they had to shut him down:

A Tartan High School student who used Twitter to find an adult film actress to go to prom with him May 12 won’t be allowed to bring the woman to the dance, according to a statement released by the school. The statement says:

“It has been reported in the national news that a Tartan student has invited a porn star to attend prom and she has accepted his invitation, subject to his paying for her airfare to Minnesota. However, this prom date will not be allowed to attend the Tartan prom as her attendance would be prohibited under Tartan’s standard prom procedures and would be inconsistent with two school district policies, E-077 (Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites) and E-084 (School Sponsored Student Publications and Activities).”

Hold the boat here, what? A student is being prohibited from brining his dates to prom? What kind of discriminatory bullshit is that? Are high schools not the bastions of anti-discrimination? Are we not told that all are excepted, and indeed welcomes, in the hands of public schools? What could possibly be in these school policies that would override their supposed prohibitions against discrimination? Let’s take a look. I went diving through the Oakdale school district’s webpage and found the policies mentioned in the statement above. E-077 [PDF] deals with visitors and exists mainly to give the school the option of banning “undesirables” from school grounds:

3) Visitor Limitations

A. An individual or group may be denied permission to visit a school or school property or
such permission may be revoked if the visitor(s) does not comply with the school district
procedures and regulations or if the visit is not in the best interest of students, employees
or the school district.

If that’s not a catch-all statement I don’t know what is. I’m curious who gets to decide whether or not a visitor is “in the best interests of students, employees, or the school district?” Is there some kind of blacklist containing various “undesirables” such as libertarians, gun owners, and adult film starts or is the decision entirely made willy nilly? My guess is the latter. Next we must take a look at E-084 [PDF], which deals with school publications and events:

1) General Statement of Policy

A. The school district may exercise editorial control over the style and content of student
expression in school-sponsored publications and activities.

B. Expression and representations made by students in school publications is not an
expression of official school district policy. Faculty advisors shall supervise student
writers to ensure compliance with the law and school district policies.

C. Students who believe their right to free expression has been unreasonably restricted in an
official student publication or activity may seek review of the decision by the building
principal. The principal shall issue a decision no later than three (3) school days after
review is requested.

1. Students producing official school publications and activities shall be under the
supervision of a faculty advisor and the school principal. Official publications and
activities shall be subject to the guidelines set forth below.

2. Official school publications may be distributed at reasonable times and locations.


3) Guidelines

A. Expression in an official school publication or school-sponsored activity is prohibited when
the material:

1. is obscene to minors;

2. is libelous or slanderous;

3. advertises or promotes any product or service not permitted for minors by law;

4. encourages students to commit illegal acts or violate school regulations or
substantially disrupts the orderly operation of school or school activities;

5. expresses or advocates sexual, racial, or religious harassment or violence or

6. is distributed or displayed in violation of time, place, and manner regulations

Honestly I’m not sure how E-084 comes into play here. Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Reyes are not material being written about in a publication, nor are they promoting anything listed in the verboten list. At most E-084 would allow the school to prevent Mr. Stone from publishing material for distribution in the school bragging about what he has done, although that prevention wouldn’t be based on any of the listed items on the verboten list.

Either way the school has seen fit to prohibit Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Reyes from entering the school, a decisions that is technically covered under E-077. This raises a question in my opinion: were the two women banned from entering the school because of their choice in careers? Does the mere fact of being an adult file actress put you on the school’s blacklist? If so, what other careers can put you on the blacklist? We know school officials have a zero tolerance policy towards firearm so we must ask if anybody working in the firearms manufacturing field would be prohibited from entering the school. If Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Reyes violate E-084 then police officers must as well under 3-5, “expresses or advocates sexual, racial, or religious harassment or violence or prejudice;” since police officers do express and advocate violence from time to time.

Let’s take this a step further, what if Mrs. Piper or Mrs. Reyes had a kid in the Oakdale school system? Would they be prohibited from attending student teacher conferences? Could they enter the building to pick up the child for a doctor’s appointment? After all if they’re career is what prohibited it them from entering the school then they must never be allowed to enter, right? If it’s not their choice in careers is is because they’re both women? Is it because Mrs. Reyes happens to be black? We do know for certain that discrimination is afoot.

Whether or not one agrees with the school’s decision isn’t of my concern, the fact that the school claims to be a bastion of anti-discrimination while being discriminators themselves is. The hypocrisy is palpable. School officials never waste an opportunity to come out and talk at length about their hard work in making their school a safe place for everybody. They will go so far as to find scapegoats to sacrifice just so they can’t demonstrate how hard they work to fight discrimination. You can be sure that any fight between kids of differing races will be treated as a hate crime, even if the fight was simply over a non-racial statement said by one student to the other.

The bottom line is schools work hard to prohibit discrimination only if you’re part of a group they like. If you’re not a member of a group they like, say gun owners or libertarians, you’ll not receive their protection and will actually be discriminated against by faculty members. Apparently adult film actresses aren’t one of the protected groups and therefore the school is more than happy to discriminate against them.

The Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Property Owners

EDIT: 2012-03-22: 12:33: Zerg539 pointed out what I entirely missed, this ruling simply allows Sacketts to take this case to court. Ignore what I said below, I now longer thing this ruling is good enough. If something the government does appears to be good, it’s probably not. Also, I should read things a bit closer from time to time.

The Supreme Court, the same court that rules property can be seized via eminent domain when influential property owners desired it, has actually made a ruling in favor of land owners. Sackett v. EPA started when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) told Mike Sackett that he couldn’t develop the property he purchased because it was a wetland, unless of course he paid the EPA a $250,000 extortion fee for a permit who would then decide whether or not the land could be developed (even when you pay the extortion fee you have no guarantee). The Supreme Court ruled that Sackett could develop his property:

The position taken in this case by the Federal Government—a position that the Court now squarely rejects—would have put the property rights of ordinary Americans entirely at the mercy of Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) employees.

The reach of the Clean Water Act is notoriously unclear. Any piece of land that is wet at least part of the year is in danger of being classified by EPA employees as wetlands covered by the Act, and according to the Federal Government, if property owners begin to construct a home on a lot that the agency thinks possesses the requisite wetness, the property owners are at the agency’s mercy. The EPA may issue a compliance order demanding that the owners cease construction, engage in expensive remedial measures, and abandon any use of the property. If the owners do not do the EPA’s bidding, they may be fined up to $75,000 per day ($37,500 for violating the Act and another $37,500 for violating the compliance order). And if the owners want their day in court to show that their lot does not include covered wetlands, well, as a practical matter, that is just too bad. Until the EPA sues them, they are blocked from access to the courts, and the EPA may wait as long as it wants before deciding to sue. By that time, the potential fines may easily have reached the millions. In a nation that values due process, not to mention private property, such treatment is unthinkable.

The complete ruling can be found here [PDF]. It’s good to see justice appearing once in a while, although it’s sad that Sackett had to suffer the expensive in time and money just so he could build a damned house on his property.

More on the Martin Case

The more I look into the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the more messed up the entire situation appears to be. I theorized in my post yesterday that George Zimmerman, the shooter, suffered from a hero complex. After doing a little more research my suspicion is even strong:

SANFORD — The people at the Retreat at Twin Lakes had been missing bikes, grills and a few times thought strangers were casing their town houses.

When the homeowners association wanted to start a neighborhood watch, only one man stepped up: George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old who admitted to shooting an unarmed Miami Gardens teenager and who is now the focal point of a race-related scandal of national proportions.

Interviews with neighbors reveal a pleasant young man passionate about neighborhood security who took it upon himself to do nightly patrols while he walked his dog.

Licensed to carry a firearm and a student of criminal justice, Zimmerman went door-to-door asking residents to be on the lookout, specifically referring to young black men who appeared to be outsiders, and warned that some were caught lurking, neighbors said. The self-appointed captain of the neighborhood watch program is credited with cracking some crimes, and thwarting others.

Being the only applicant for a neighborhood watch isn’t evidence of a hero complex in of itself but the combination of that, being a criminal justice student, and his actions on the night of the shooting point in that direction. Many people are putting a lot of weight into his warnings to neighbors about “young black men.” I’m not touching that with a cattle prod, not because I’m afraid of being labeled a racist if I don’t agree with the generally accepted sentiment, but because I lack knowledge about Zimmerman’s statements. That is to say the community wanted to establish a neighborhood watch after items started going missing and if there were witnesses that reported the suspects to be young black men Zimmerman’s statement could have been based on those accounts. On the other hand Zimmerman may have simply been stereotyping, I haven’t a clue.

Back to my original point, Zimmerman’s possible hero complex. Zimmerman became the community’s neighborhood watch, was a student in criminal justice, and decided to pursue a person he believe to be suspicious even though he was instructed not to by a 911 operator. The last part is where my suspicion ultimately stems from. Most people would avoid a confrontation that can ensure by pursuing a person unless there was solid reason for doing so. From the evidence I have available Zimmerman had nothing but a gut feeling, certainly not something you would potentially put your life at risk over. In addition to that the police were on their way, why risk your life for nothing more than a gut feeling if the police are en route to take care of the situation? To me it just doesn’t add up.

With that said I don’t have all the evidence at hand so I’m speculating on evidence that I’ve read in news articles. My final judgement is meaningless, that’s the job of juries, but it’s still an interesting case to mull of in one’s mind. I’m still fearful that any chances of a fair trial, if this goes to trail, are gone. Anybody ruling in Zimmerman’s favor would be risking a permanent label of racist and that makes it in everybody’s best interest to rule him guilty regardless of the evidence.

The Case of the Trayvon Martin Shooting

We’ve all heard about the Trayvon Martin shooting. The 17 year-old kid was shot by a 28 year-old man named George Zimmerman. What is unfortunate is the fact that this case has turned into a circus of accusations of racism. I say this is unfortunate not because I don’t believe racism has played a part in how this case has been handled so far (I’m withholding judgement at this time) but because it has injected strong emotions into this case making it impossible to determine what actually happened. I’ve already been accused of being a racist because I asked what evidence exists at this point instead of mindlessly marching along with the crown yelling, “RACISM!”

From what I’ve been able to gather so far Zimmerman was the captain of his local neighborhood watch group. Upon seeing Martin running in the rain Zimmerman called 911 and reported the apparently suspicious kid, then pursued the kid even when told by the 911 operator to not do so:

It has emerged that Mr Zimmerman, acting as a neighbourhood watch volunteer, had called police several times in the months before the shooting to report incidents.

Call logs and recordings show that Mr Zimmerman called police on 26 February, reporting there had been break-ins in the community.

He told police there was “a real suspicious guy” who “looks like he’s up to no good”.

When he said he was following the person he had identified as suspicious, the dispatcher said: “We don’t need you to do that.”

Using a expletive, Mr Zimmerman expressed his frustration, saying “these assholes always get away”.

Zimmerman wasn’t held, a fact that is being blamed on Florida’s “stand your ground” law:

The incident sheds light on Florida’s seven-year-old self-defence law, which critics say is too lenient.

The law, nicknamed a “stand your ground” or “shoot first” statute, gives protection from criminal prosecution or civil liability to people who claim self-defence after a shooting or violent incident.

One of the most expansive such laws in the US, it states that people have no duty to retreat from a place they are legally allowed to be, and have the right to use deadly force if they “reasonably” believe they or another person are threatened with death or serious harm.

Before 2005, deadly force was only allowed if the perpetrator had shown that he or she had tried to avoid confrontation.

Needless to say I had to look up the language of Florida’s law:

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Those criticizing Florida’s “stand your ground” law haven’t been very forthcoming with details. They blame the law for Zimmerman’s current state as a free person. The first question I had to ask was whether or not the police department had any evidence that doubting Zimmerman’s story about the case being one of self-defense. All I found out is that asking this will get you labeled a racist, but the question is of the utmost importance. Did the police who freed Zimmerman review the 911 recording? If not what other evidence existed that countered Zimmerman’s story?

After review of the 911 call and other evidence it seems likely that Zimmerman was the aggressor in this case. The 911 operator told Zimmerman to cease is pursuit and an affidavit from one of Martin’s friends further adds to the pile of evidence against Zimmerman:

Mr Crump played a recorded affidavit from the young woman in which she describes Martin’s last phone call. She spoke with him repeatedly while he visited Sanford, the Orlando suburb where he died.

According to the affidavit, Martin was walking back from a shop with his phone in his pocket connected to a headset earphone.

He ran to a nearby building to take shelter from the rain and then pulled up his hoodie before he walked the rest of the way back. He then realised that someone was following him.

“I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run, but he said he was not going to run,” ABC News quoted the 16-year-old as saying.

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He eventually ran, but Mr Zimmerman caught up with him.

The young woman heard Martin ask Mr Zimmerman repeatedly why he was following him and then heard his headset falling, losing contact with him.

Martin was fleeing a potential aggressor, and likely made no threatening move against Zimmerman until Zimmerman initiated the encounter. Since Florida’s law states “A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be” the question about Zimmerman’s initiation of contact after pursuing Martin constitutes unlawful activity. If Zimmerman did chase down Martin and engage in physical restraint I would call that an unlawful initiation of force, but I’m also not a lawyer and I don’t have all the facts.

The other part of the law that states “any other place where he or she has a right to be” brings up a question of property rights. Did Zimmerman pursue Martin across private property? If so did the property owner give prior permission for Zimmerman to enter his or her property? The question I’m raising is whether or not the property owner recognized the neighborhood watch detachment and whether or not he or she was OK with members of the neighborhood watch entering the property. Unless given permission you have no right to be on another’s property.

I believe answers to these questions are necessary before one begins blaming the “stand your ground” law. Truthfully I doubt these questions will be answered because the case has become about racism, and therefore all other questions are being entirely tossed to the wayside.

From the evidence we have available now I would say Zimmerman suffered from a hero complex. He wanted to be a hero and saw an opportunity, in his mind, to claim his status by apprehending a suspect. Most people would be unwilling to pursue somebody unless they had real cause to do so. Pursuing or otherwise engaging somebody you suspect to be guilty of a crime is a risky proposition because you’re putting yourself into a situation that can escalate into violence very quickly.

Another question I raise is whether or not a recent crime had been reported to Zimmerman. Was a home in the neighborhood broken into within hours of Zimmerman’s contact with Martin? If not what ground did Zimmerman have to suspect Martin of wrongdoing? If it was merely the other break-ins that the neighborhood experience in days gone by there was no reason to believe Martin was the suspect. Simply walking in the rain while wearing a hoodie doesn’t make one suspicious of crimes occurring in the past, if such evidence did qualify I’d say a good portion of the neighborhood I live in would be labeled criminal suspects. It seems Martin may have simply been a target of convenience for Zimmerman, a person who could be detained to elevate his status from lowly unknown neighborhood watch captain to the hero of the community.

What I worry about now is whether or not a fair trial will occur. The case has devolved into a racist witch hunt, meaning people are demanding somebody be punished and that somebody is Zimmerman. Police in that region are going to be under heavy pressure to make themselves look like they’re fighting racism and thus will be motivated to prove Zimmerman guilty whether or he is. A jury ruling Zimmerman innocent at this point could lead its members being accused of racism and therefore hunted down after the trail, it would be easier for them to simply rule Zimmerman guilty regardless of the evidence. If the grand jury currently decided if this case will go to trail say no I fear for the members of that jury.

Witch hunts are never good because those hunting for witches will find them. If the witch they find isn’t actually a witch they won’t care, in their eyes somebody must be burned at the stake for witchcraft. What I’ve said isn’t a call for finding Zimmerman innocent, nor a call for finding Zimmerman guilty, that is for a jury to decide in my opinion. Racism is an ugly thing because it creates strong emotional hatred in people, hatred that can only be satisfied through physical punishment of somebody. Once racism enters the field it’s impossible for everybody to walk away unscathed. In this case the police department that didn’t detain Zimmerman, the grand jury, and the jury involved if the case goes to trail are all facing potential accusations of racism and their only way out is to rule Zimmerman guilty. This doesn’t set a good foundation for a fair trial, a tragedy because trails should be used to rule innocence or guilt based on objective evidence. If Zimmerman is guilty of murder he should be convicted of such, if he is innocent of murder he should be allowed to walk free. Sadly the mere act of brining up Zimmerman’s potential innocence gets you labeled a racist so it’s not even an easy case to talk about.

Yet Another Reason to Hate the United Nations

The collectivists absolutely adore the United Nations (UN), which isn’t surprising since the UN is basically a conglomerate of world governments that believe the world needs more powerful governments. It seems many people buy into the UN propaganda and believe it to be a force for good, which leads people to instantly scoff at the idea of the United States pulling out of the UN. Via episode 392 of the No Agenda podcast I came to this wonderful article that describes this official UN document [PDF]. The linked article goes through numerous items listed in the UN document but Article 33 is easily the most tyrannical:

Parties shall develop or strengthen demographic policies in order to achieve
sustainable development. To this end, the Parties shall:

(a) conduct studies to estimate the size of the human population their
environment is capable of supporting and develop programmes relating
to population growth at corresponding levels;

(b) cooperate to alleviate the stress on natural support systems caused by
major population flows;

(c) cooperate as requested to provide a necessary infrastructure on a
priority basis for areas with rapid population growth;

(d) provide to their populations full information on the options concerning
family planning; and

(e) provide for long-term resettlement of persons displaced by changing
environmental conditions.

Article 33 is intended to give effect to Article 16 (Integrated Policies) of the Draft Covenant, by requiring that Parties adopt demographic policies that are supportive of sustainable development.285 This provision favours action by each Party on an individual basis, with assistance from other Parties only when requested. Sustainable development is to be understood as an individual goal of each Party. It is to this end that “appropriate” demographic policies are to be developed and strengthened (see Article 12 (Common but Differentiated Responsibilities)).

The provision includes four mandatory actions, although the list is not exhaustive. Subparagraph (a) contains a two-fold obligation for each Party: the first is to conduct a regular census of its population and then on the basis of the results to estimate the carrying capacity of its environment; the second is to develop or strengthen appropriate programmes adapting population growth accordingly. The means of so doing are left to the discretion of each Party, consistent with other international obligations.

So signatories to this document are expected to calculate the maximum population sustainable by their environment and take action to ensure their population doesn’t exceed this maximum. The method used by each signatory to control their population is left to their discretion. This leads to an interest question, what happens if the chosen method of population control is genocide? Will the UN oppose the genocide or will they be OK with is so long as it’s being done to control the population?

I’m currently reading Undercurrents by Robert Buettner. In it there is a planet called Yavet that has stringent population control, if you have a child without a license that child is ruled guilty of a capital crime and is summarily executed. Illegally born children who manage to survive and escape the planet are turned over to bounty hunters who get paid for retrieving and/or executing the illegal. This sounds like a plan the UN could get behind.

Either way this becomes far more interesting when you look at the requirements, namely each signatory is supposed to calculate the maximum population that their environment can support. How the fuck is anybody supposed to calculate such an unknowable ever-changing thing? Such a thing is very similar to the economic calculation problem presented by Ludwig von Mises. There is no feedback mechanism available when calculating something like a maximum sustainable population, and ever-improving technologies mean the maximum sustainable population is ever-increasing. Furthermore the market is best suited for determining such things as a reduction in available resources brought on by a higher population will lead to an increase in the price of said resources, an increase that will likely cause parents to have fewer children.

We see population explosions in less technologically developed nations for many reasons including the need for labor on subsistance farms, high infant mortality rate, and high mortality rate of other people due to disease and famine. All of these problems can be greatly alleviated by advancements in technology, which is why the population that is sustainable in more technologically developed nations is higher. The market helps with this process as innovators are motivated to develop replacements for resources that become increasingly more expensive as they diminish due to use. As markets can’t be calculated, maximum populations that can be sustained by an environment also can’t be calculated.

The UN is a despicable organization that attempts to bring socialistic central planning to the entire world. Central planning, like so many other failed ideas, won’t work simply because it’s done again harder. They say a sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over against while expecting different results. If that’s the case then the UN, and the people who believe in it, are some of the most insane individuals on the planet.

Gunny Mutual Aid Succeeds

Just an update on the request for help received by Erin of Lurking Rhythmically, she not only received enough donations to purchase a carry pistol but had some money left over:

I have been advised by certain knowledgeable people that I should not disclose the exact amount I raised lest I invoke the dread gaze of the IRS, but I do want to say that you folks went far above and beyond what was necessary to help me acquire a carry pistol, a permit, and training. I will be sending out thank-you notes later this week.

I don’t mention this solely because I want to demonstrate the goodwill of the gunny community, but I also want to bring it up as a demonstration of mutual aid succeeding. We’re deluded by the state and its supporters that we individual are unable to help one another, we’re told that the state is necessary to ensure all have what they need. Of course such statements are lies and acts of charity such as the above mentioned prove how well helping one another can work.

Mutual aid happens whenever one person comes to the assistance of another. Donating money to a family who recently lost everything is an act of mutual aid, helping neighbors clean up their property and rebuild after a flood is an act of mutual aid, and helping a person in need obtain the tools necessary for self-defense is mutual aid.

One thing I’ve witnessed as our society moves more towards statism is the reduction of mutual aid. When somebody loses their job but still needs to pay their bills and feed their families they are less likely to be helped by their fellow neighbor, instead they turn to the state and because the state has already stolen money from the populace to fund its welfare system individuals are less inclined to help one another. Its a vicious cycle, individuals refrain from helping one another because they’ve been forcefully stolen from to fund the state’s welfare system, and the state continues to point to the apathy they created as proof that money must be stolen to help those in need. We don’t need to be enslaved to this vicious cycle, we can break free of it, we need only help on another.

Time and time again I witness exceptionally generosity from the gunny community and it makes me absolutely proud to be apart of it.