This Could Be Stock With Investing In

You know those Somali pirates sure are trying their best to become professional. They’ve not opened up a stock market of sorts. From the article:

In Somalia’s main pirate lair of Haradheere, the sea gangs have set up a cooperative to fund their hijackings offshore, a sort of stock exchange meets criminal syndicate.

You can invest in the pirates and you gain part of their profits, much like stock markets here. As we know generally accepted maritime rules do not allow ships to sail armed so they’re easy pickings for pirates. This means piracy will not be going away anytime soon. Unlike everything else on the planet this could actually get stock market where you can make money.

Obama Trying To Be More Like Bush Every Day

Seriously I thought Obama was all about hope and change. Well he certainly isn’t about change when it comes to the war department. Showing that he wants to emulate Bush he’s authorized 30,000 more troops to be sent over to Afghanistan. Strangely enough the Taliban vows to fight them.

I thought Obama said he’d try to pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Wasn’t that one of the things he campaigned on? You know how much money this country would save if we weren’t at a constant state of war?

Damn It Honduras

I’ve been doing some light coverage of the situation in Honduras where their government actually followed their constitution and tossed out an ass hat whom wanted to stay in power indefinitely. They booted the ex-president’s ass out, he came back and hid in the Brazil embassy, and the Honduras government blocked off the said embassy.

Now their congress is in discussions to reinstate the bastard. They shouldn’t even be entertaining the idea. If they reinstate him they can welcome themselves to the same club the United States is in, ignoring their own constitution.

Is Anybody Surprised

It looks like China has been running illegal jails where citizens can be kept for months on end. Hmm a government which is based on a system in which control over the people must be maintained as created secret prisons in which to place people who don’t comply? Who would have guessed that would happen?

This is the problem with any system of government where the government has the power over the people. In order for the government to maintain control over its populace they need to scare them into obedience. Little things like secret prisons where citizens can be tossed for an indefinite amount of time while they are tortured works well in scaring people into compliance.

Who’s the Hero of Russia

The Firearm Blog brings some good news. Russia has bestowed its highest award, Hero of the Russian Federation, upon a man we all know and love, Mikhail Kalashnikov.

This was awarded on Mr. Kalashnikov’s 90th birthday. It’s good to see the man who invented the most popular rifle to ever exist is getting his due recognition.

Internet Censorship on the Move Again

Those hounding for American ISPs to censor the Internet have a new scheme up their selves. This time, surprisingly, it has nothing to do with “protecting the children.” The new bill titled the Investor Protection Act has been introduced by Representative Paul Kanjorski, a dumbass from Pennsylvania.

The bill would require ISPs to block sites hosting financial scams. Let me rephrase that, the bill would require ISPs to block all electronic material related to financial scams. This of course sounds like a good thing right? Wrong.

This is what I call the negotiating with terrorists maneuver. As a country we have an official stance to never negotiate with terrorists. It’s a good policy because if you negotiate with terrorists you open the floodgates to other terrorists attacking you in the hopes of negotiating something out of you. If you legally require ISPs to filter any single thing it opens the floodgates to legally force them to filter other materials using the last bill as precedence. Gun control laws often get passed now because way back when somebody decided bills restricting constitutional rights were OK in one situation.

As it sits right now ISPs are not forced to filter any traffic. If you get scammed that’s your fault. But alas don’t be stupid and you won’t get scammed, just like real life. On the other hand if you do something illegal your ISP will cooperate with law enforcement to take you down. The system right now works and keeps the Internet an open medium here in the United States. We need to shoot this bill down less we start dealing with other filtering bills.

Citizens of Europe You’re Screwed

Bad news for those of you living in Europe. Your last been hope for freedom, the Czech Republic, has signed the Lisbon Treaty. It’ll be law soon as all countries have ratified it. That’s right the piece of legislation so bad it couldn’t be passed by a vote by the citizens so it was made a treaty, is now going to be law.

What does this mean for those of you living in Europe? Well first anybody deemed mentally unstable or addicted to a substance no longer has any rights. But most worrisome is there will be the European Army which will be centered in, take a guess, Germany. Because Germany has such a great track record when they have a huge army at their disposal.

Tom Emmers

Every Wednesday evening me and other members of Campaign for Liberty sit down and have dinner. Last night we were joined by potential Minnesota Governor Republican candidate Tom Emmer. You can imagine that any candidate that sits down with us for several hours is probably going to be closer to a libertarian than a neo-conservative which, by what he said throughout the night, is very true.

I’ve mentioned Representative Emmer on this blog before after he introduced the Minnesota Firearms Freedom Act which emulates the same act passed in Montana. I talked to him briefly about it, mainly asking why there was an exemption for machine guns. This is always a good litmus test to see if a candidate is pro-gun or not as many will give reasoning why machine guns are horrible weapons that civilians shouldn’t have. Tom said he didn’t realize such a clause was in there and asked me to e-mail him the part of the bill that says that as he felt it shouldn’t be in there. I did e-mail him although haven’t heard back yet but alas this means one of two things. First he just fucked up or two he didn’t know what was in his own bill. Either way he said he didn’t see a difference between machine guns and any other type of firearm. Good.

I then asked him about suppressors. He lives right down the street from the range I go to (I didn’t know that previously) and admitted to enjoying the sound of gun fire (another good thing). But he agreed that suppressors should be legal in Minnesota as well. That question was more or less for my person interest on the subject.

Finally I asked him what he thought about Alaska and Vermont style carry laws. Once again Mr. Emmer thought they were great. He also said in his opinion the licensing thing we have in this state was nothing more than a method to appease law enforcement officers and felt we should be able to practice our right to bear arms without any for of licensing. He also made a quick mention about how we should get a clause in the Minnesota constitution proclaiming citizens’ right to bear arms (we have no such clause).

Overall I was very impressed with him, even on issues outside of guns. He is certainly a person to keep an eye on for Minnesota governor.

Shocking News of the Day

I hope you’re sitting down because this news is so shocking, so surprising, so impossible to predict that you will most likely shit yourself upon reading it. United Nations inspectors have gone on record saying North Korea’s human right situation is abysmal!

Really did anybody expect otherwise? North Korea is ruled by a man who uses fear of outside forces to show the country needs him.