Wisconsin Shootout

There was a shootout this weekend in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The shooter being a coward, as is par for the course in these situations, took his own life although unfortunately not before killing one officer and wounding both another officer and a police dog:

A Wisconsin man opened fire on police during a six-hour standoff at a house, killing one officer and critically wounding another, authorities said.

Police in Fond du Lac were called to the house around 6:30 a.m. Sunday to investigate a sexual assault. Shortly after they arrived, the suspect started shooting at the officers, a news release said.

Needless to say there isn’t a lot of information being released about this at the moment as an investigation is still ongoing.

Let’s Piss Them Off More

How can we piss off a nation we’re not technically at war with even more? By sending drones into their country to kill their people. It seems Pakistan is pretty pissed about the 40 people will killed in a drone attack and not surprisingly have vowed revenge. If I were a leader in a country where unmanned drones were be flown in to kill my people I’d be wanting revenge as well.

So who were the 40 people we killed? Obviously top officials in terrorist organizations right? Not exactly:

Thursday’s attack has caused fury – most of the dead were tribal elders and police attending an open-air meeting.

Yup the United States fucked up and that fuck up killed innocent people. That’s a great way of bolstering foreign relations if I’ve ever seen one. When people say the Middle East hates us because of our freedom they’re wrong, they hate us because of shit like this.

Becoming the Enemy

Through social circles that I am a member of I’ve learned that a fascist is coming to Minneapolis. In of itself this is completely unimportant but what is important are the actions of those who are opposing him. Apparently there are groups of “anti-fascists” who try to organize against this openly fascist person. The problem is these “anti-fascists” have destroyed any legitimacy they could have generated by using fascist tactics themselves:

They were so effective in disrupting the event that police had to escort attendees out. The same happened a day later in NYC, where the event was not only disrupted, but both Irving’s tour manager Jaenelle Antas and neo-Nazi friend Alex Carmichael were pepper-sprayed. Faced with humiliation and defeat, Irving was forced to cancel his next few scheduled appearances, but the chaos did not end there. Days later his Chicago event was shut down when dozens of masked anti-fascists stormed into the Edelweiss restaurant turning over tables, destroying his merchandise, and assaulting attendees, while Irving and Antas locked themselves in a supply closet in a magnificent display of cowardice.

Emphasis mine. I despise fascism, socialism, and communism for the very fact that none of them can work unless violence is used to coerce the members of those societies. Fascist, socialist, and communist states generally make laws against criticism of the state in order to silence those who oppose them. They use the threat of violence to silence all opposition.

These “anti-fascist” demonstrators are using violence to silence those who disagree with them. They have become that which they claim to fight against. As much as I hate fascists they do have a right to say what they are saying. Having laws that protect freedom of speech are usually enacted to protect a minority whom speak against what is socially accepted. Although I despise the KKK, neo-Nazis, and authoritarians I would never consider using violence to silence them.

I’ve explained my hatred of hypocrisy before and these “anti-fascist” demonstrators are a great example of why. When you act hypocritically you destroy any legitimacy your movement has. There is no way to claim you are opposed to something while you are doing it. It’s the same as when your parents would tell you to “do as I say not as I do.” I’m not sure about yourself but whenever my parents said that I scoffed and felt their “reasoning” to be flawed.

The problem lies in the fact that there is such a thing as fighting an enemy so long that you become the enemy. When you focus on a specific goal you will eventually justify any action you take to yourself as correct so long as it opposes those you are fighting. Guantanamo Bay is a classic example where the United States has been fighting an enemy so long that the forfeiture of rights has been justified. There comes a point in any conflict where you have to take a step back and reassess the situation. You must examine your actions and prevent yourself from becoming what you are fighting.

These “anti-fascist” demonstrators have become fascist themselves by attacking those who they disagree with. The use of violence to silence your opposition is the tactic of an authoritarian. If your opponent brings violence against you then by all means defend yourself but if they are simply saying things you disagree with then you have no grounds for cause damage to their person or property.

I like the motto of the Ludwig von Mises Institute which is “Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.” It’s Latin for “Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it.” By using violence to silence those you disagree with you have given into evil.

Conflict of Interest

I have a slight moral conflict here as I oppose the use of violence outside of self-defense but on the other hand these cyclists had it coming:


A hat tip to Gun Free Zone for finding this first.

Also for those who don’t understand sarcasm I have no moral conflict, what the driver in the Volkswagen did was wrong. I’m also not going to lie, I laughed hard when I watched this.


Fox News is the neo-con’s favorite channel. Not only do they spend a lot of time arguing how terrible the “liberals” are they also like to take swings at actual conservatives. Take for example this stunt they pulled in an attempt to make Ron Paul look bad after winning the CPAC presidential straw poll:

Congressman Paul replicated his 2010 victory over Mitt Romney by defeating the former Governor of Massachusetts for a second consecutive year at the annual CPAC conference.

However, before anchor Bill Hemmer introduced a segment concerning the story, Fox News played a clip of the 2010 announcement of the poll results, during which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed Ron Paul’s victory, passing off last year’s footage as representative of this year’s event.

This is why nobody takes Fox seriously (it’s actually the same reason nobody takes MSNBC, CBS, or CNN seriously either).

Greedy Prats

Yes I use an iPhone but also keep a love-hate relationship with the device due to Apple’s draconian controls over what you’re allowed to and now allowed to do on your device. The main problem I have is Android didn’t work out for me as Google went and lost every record of every application I had purchased leaving me to either purchase them again (there is no support e-mail or phone number for the Market and their support forum seems to go entirely unmonitored) or abandon the platform. When you fuck me over I’m done so here I am in Apple land mostly happy.

Well Apple apparently has decided to be even more greedy and are forcing app developers who offer paid content outside of the App Store to include that same content through the App Store by March 31st. What makes this an even bigger deal is the fact Apple will take a 30% cut of all items purchased through the App Store.

This came to light when Apple rejected Sony’s e-reader application on ground that it allowed users to purchase content inside the app but not through the App Store. Amazon got away with this but sending users to the Kindle website when they clicked the button to buy a book in their Kindle app for iOS. Now Apple is changing the rules and both the Kindle and Barnes and Nobel apps will be required to offer all of their content through the App Store or abandon the platform.

Of course Apple’s 30% cut is rather insane for something like e-books because it means those e-books go from a profitable endeavor to a loss. When you buy a book most of the money goes to the publishers with a small percentage going to the store that sold the book and maybe some to the author if their book has already made the publisher their advance back. If you self-publish on Amazon they take 30% of the sale price of the book. This means all books sold through the App Store will lose Amazon money (probably Barnes and Nobel as well but I’m not familiar with their self-publishing option).

Who is going to continue doing business when you lose money with every purchase? Nobody that’s who. That very well could be Apple’s intention as well. The Kindle and Barnes and Nobel apps both compete with Apple’s iBook application (and by compete I mean dominate because the selection available through iBooks is pathetic at best). I wouldn’t be surprised if this entire maneuver is just a ploy for Apple to push their competition out of their market. Talk about being complete assholes and morons at the same time. If Apple starts pushing out other companies they will soon lose their main advantage, the app ecosystem.

It’s not Breaking and Entering when Politicians Do It

More head shaking news via Dvorak Uncensored has reared its ugly head. A New York senator who we’ll simply refer to here as Shit Head decided to go poking his nose in a home he wasn’t invited into, injured himself, and is suing the home owners:

Sen. Alesi claims in his lawsuit that he was hurt after deciding to look into the house of a Perinton, NY, couple, which was under construction under the time. The fun part is they didn’t know he was “looking into” their home, and he definitely was not invited, reports Rochester area WHEC News.

It gets better:

Alesi was cited in a sheriff’s report for criminal trespass, as the front door of the home was locked. He reportedly went to the back and snuck in through a basement level back door. He then tried to climb a ladder to the first floor, and fell, suffering leg injuries that required surgery. Alesi’s suit says the builders were negligent in maintaining a safe premises. DiRisio insists that the home was safe — for construction workers.

Yes Shit Head actually broke into the home, it wasn’t a case of a home under construction with no door attached yet. The asshole actually broke in, injured his dumb ass, and decided an appropriate response would be to sue his constituents. With “representatives” like this guy who needs the federal government to rain down tyranny?

Save the Planet, Kill a Few Million People

Our species must be the only one in the universe with enough intelligence to be stupid enough to desire extinction. Take for instance the greenies who are make claims that our existence is destroying the planet. For me the best solution is to research space exploration so we can get off of this rock which will lessen the number of people on the planet an ensure our species will not be wiped out by a random Earth killing event (and seriously who the fuck cares if we pollute Mars, it’s a dead world). The greenies on the other hand cheer horrible massacres like Gehngis Khan’s slaughter of millions as being green:

Unlike modern day climate change, however, the Mongol invasion actually cooled the planet, effectively scrubbing around 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere.

So how exactly did Genghis Khan, one of history’s cruelest conquerors, earn such a glowing environmental report card? The reality may be a bit difficult for today’s environmentalists to stomach, but Khan did it the same way he built his empire — with a high body count.

Over the course of the century and a half run of the Mongol Empire, about 22 percent of the world’s total land area had been conquered and an estimated 40 million people were slaughtered by the horse-driven, bow-wielding hordes. Depopulation over such a large swathe of land meant that countless numbers of cultivated fields eventually returned to forests.

Wow. Notice the wording? It may be hard to stomach? Notice nowhere in the article does the author actually proclaim the slaughter of 40 million people was a bad thing? Notice how the author of the study picked an event that happened long ago instead of something more recent such as Stalin’s purges or Hilter’s Holocaust? Both of those events killed millions which would have lead to similar events of Genghis Khan’s reign.

Just remember the only way to stop global warming climate change global climate disruption is to kill untold millions. Of course the ones proclaiming these things won’t start things off by ending themselves and leaving the rest of us in peace.

You Can’t Have it Both Ways

The anti-gunners are clamoring for more stringent laws preventing the mentally messed up from obtaining firearms. Of course these same advocate never explain exactly how we’re supposed to detect crazy with 100% accuracy (as far as I’m concerned without 100% accuracy you can’t even talk about revoking somebody’s rights).

Besides blaming guns and gun laws many people are also blaming “right-wing rhetoric.” Of course this is also bullocks as the Arizona shooter wasn’t what you could call right-wing (he was basically just crazy if you read anything he posted).

With these two arguments in hand I bring up a third advocacy that these people should be making, requiring a mental health evaluation before you are allowed to post any material on the Internet. When I state this people making both of the above claims are quick to state guns kill people while words can’t. Well which way is it? Can rhetoric cause somebody to kill other people or not? Do words incite violence? If the answer to both questions is yes then you most certainly must support mental health evaluations for people wanting to post online. If the answer to both questions is no then you should shut the fuck up and stop being a hypocrite.

If you believe there should be mental health evaluations for things that can kill and you believe speech you don’t agree with can kill then you must support required mental health evaluations for people wanting to post on the Internet. Of course that would be a restriction of free speech which most anti-gunners are against.

Screw Environment, Receive Beef

Some hippy fuck did a study showing that insects produce less carbon-dioxide per kilogram of meat than cattle. Being this person is a greenie communist they came to the conclusion that we should start farming insects for meat production instead of cows.

Here’s the thing, we don’t farm insects specifically because they don’t taste like beef. If bugs tasted like beef we’d be eating them as well but they don’t taste that awesome so we let them go mostly unmolested by our grills. If you want to raise a more “sustainable” form of meat breed it to taste like a fucking cow and we’ll open negotiations.

You greenies can go fuck yourselves. First you want to take my truck away because it produces too much CO2, then you want to take away my bullets because they contain lead which hasn’t been shown to poison anything but you claim it does, and now you want to take my primary food source and starve me to death? Well fuck you just… fuck you. I’m going to go idle my truck for a couple of hours just to offset the CO2 reduction you’re trying to make by farming insects.