This is why:
Thanks Every Day, No Days Off for the heads up. There isn’t any lower form of life than that which wants to strip your rights from you.
Chronicling the depravities of the State.
This is why:
Thanks Every Day, No Days Off for the heads up. There isn’t any lower form of life than that which wants to strip your rights from you.
This story can be labeled, “Only in America.” Five kids, California no less, were sent home on Cinco de Mayo for wearing shirts that had the American flag on them:
The five students — Daniel Galli, Austin Carvalho, Matt Dariano, Dominic Maciel and Clayton Howard — were then told they must turn their T-shirts inside-out or be sent home, though it would not be considered a suspension. Rodriguez told the students he did not want any fights to break out between Mexican-American students celebrating their heritage and those wearing American flags.
Galli told NBC Bay Area, “They said we could wear it on any other day, but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it’s supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it.”
Yup the kids weren’t allowed to display American colors in America because it might offend the students of Mexican heritage (whom are most likely American citizens and therefore shouldn’t be offended by people taking pride in their country).
Don’t get me wrong if you want to celebrate your heritage on any day by wearing the colors of your ancestor’s country by all means do it. You have that freedom because this country strongly believes in your right to free speech. But realize you are in America and therefore can not be offended by citizens celebrating their heritage of being American.
Jay over at MArooned stumbled upon some major stupidity. Somebody is suing Starbucks because they dared to serve him hot tea:
According to the complaint, the plaintiff Zeynep Inanli was served tea that was “unreasonably hot, in containers which were not safe,” at a Starbucks store at 685 Third Avenue in Manhattan.
As a result of Starbucks’ negligence, the plaintiff suffered “great physical pain and mental anguish,” including the burns, the complaint said.
Of course they threw in the mental anguish. It’s easy to make millions when unspecified damages are thrown in. This would be a fine country if it wasn’t for all the fucking frivolous lawsuits.
I’m sure everybody here has seen many of those parodies of Hitler finding things out (like the price of the Bushmaster ACR for instance). Well it appears as though the company that created the movie being parodied, The Downfall, have hit YouTube with a rash of take down requests. I just did a quick search and it appears as though everybody’s favorite one, the Bushmaster ACR spoof, has been removed as well.
What suckage.
No seriously they are. Undeniable proof has been brought forth on Dvorak Uncensored tying women to the recent rash of earthquakes:
Women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes, a senior Iranian cleric has said.
Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi’s comments follow a warning by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that a quake is certain to hit the capital Tehran and that many residents should relocate.
In a prayer sermon, the cleric said: ‘Many women who do not dress modestly… lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes.’
How can that string of cause and effect be denied? I dare you to find a scientist who can prove that wrong!
Well unfortunately for you, my readers, (probably more of a fortunate thing for you really) I got tied up in a side protect and didn’t get much blogging done. But I do have one post for you tonight directly from the local newspaper I like to call The Red Star. They seem to believe Minnesota needs to become a police state. This is a nice little piece I pulled from today’s story about DWIs:
Nearly 40 states allow police to set up sobriety checkpoints, often cited as one of the best tactics to keep roads safe. Minnesota started using checkpoints in 1990 but stopped four years later when the state Supreme Court ruled the tactic unconstitutional. There has been no major effort to change the law through a constitutional amendment. Police now rely largely on saturation patrols, which are less effective, to discourage drunken driving.
Minnesota also doesn’t impose enhanced penalties for extreme drunken driving unless offenders register a blood-alcohol level of 0.20 percent. Most states that impose extra penalties do so at lower levels.
Yes this state decided that assuming guilt was not constitutional. Good job! Of course The Red Star doesn’t agree and believes you need to subjugate the people of this state into proving their innocence without any evidence brought forth to accuse us of guilt.
Sobriety check points are a fancy say of saying, “We assume all people are criminals and therefore driving drunk.” You are in essence being pulled over (stopped at a check point) by police whom you must prove your innocence to before you’re allowed to drive on. That’s the definition of guilty until proven innocent. That is also one of the very ingredients for a police state.
Cripes I hate that paper.
Mississippi style. A lesbian girl wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom. The Itawamba County Agricultural High School said Hell no (And muttered something about being afraid of catching the gay cooties). Well the student decided to call in the ACLU who eventually told the school yes she’s going. The school’s official response was to cancel the prom.
Talk about taking your ball and going home.
Here is an interesting story I came across directly out of the government hates you category. Apparently during Prohibition people were still drinking alcohol. That’s right even though it was illegal people were still consuming it. It’s almost as if banning a substance doesn’t stop people from obtaining it. Well the consumption rate was so high the federal government decided to try something new:
Frustrated that people continued to consume so much alcohol even after it was banned, federal officials had decided to try a different kind of enforcement. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols manufactured in the United States, products regularly stolen by bootleggers and resold as drinkable spirits. The idea was to scare people into giving up illicit drinking. Instead, by the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people.
Government was willing to indiscriminately kill people just to enforce the law. This isn’t like a police officer shooting a criminal in self defense. This would be akin to officers walking around and killing anybody they found who had consumed any alcohol.
And people wonder why us libertarians are proponents of small government. Hit the link and have a read it’s a rather interesting story.
This one comes to you courtesy of care of No Agenda. I’m sure everybody has heard of the government’s website for “tracking money” use in the “recovery effort.” If you haven’t you should have since $18 million of your tax money went to make it. Well either way part of the mandate for the site was that it needed to be accessible by the blind. That brings us to the complain form.
In order to submit a complaint you need to enter a capta. This is pretty standard and is mostly used to prevent spam bots from posting on a web site. Well blind people can’t use them as they can’t see the words so there is often an audio version of the capta for accessibility reasons. Click on the audio version link in the capta box on Now try to decipher what is being said in those audio clips. Do you think you could understand what is being said and type it all into the box accurately? Didn’t think so.
Technically it’s recapta that is the problem here as is using that. But for $18 million you would think they could have come up with their own spam control system that blind people could use. Seriously funny and sad at the same time.
I guess there is a reason orcas are called killer whales. One of these creatures decided to take his trainer for a swim. Needless to say the whale must not have realized humans can’t hold their breath for very long.