Anti-Defamation League Don’t Like Guns

No surprise here but the Anti-Defamation League has filed a friend of the court briefing in McDonald vs. Chicago. Their, of course, on the side of Chicago. They believe weapons need to be controlled so “anti-government extremists” (As well as racists and terrorists of course) can’t obtain weapons. Obviously these idiots never read a history book. Here is what they say:

“We have placed the problem of armed extremism squarely before the high court,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “Racist and anti-government extremists often have an obsessive fascination with firearms and have shown a willingness to engage in acts of shocking and often deadly violence. We urge the Supreme Court to ensure that cities and states retain the latitude they need to keep guns out of the hands of extremists, terrorists, and violent bigots.”

First of all they never really define what an “anti-government extremist” is. By the make up of the word is means anybody who hates an established government. I’m assuming they mean somebody who hates them enough to start an armed rebellion. You know somebody like Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. These people hated the tyrannical British government so much they armed themselves, rebelled, and founded this country.

Seriously morons.


Snowflakes in Hell points out that the Joyce Foundation, everybody’s favorite foundation, pretty much laid out what they think. They dropped a granted to Johns Hopkins with the following description:

For support of research on policies that can more effectively restrict firearm ownership to law-abiding persons.

As Sebastian points out it’s probably just a poor choice of words. But it most certainly would fit their standard operating procedure.

Brady Bunch Still Begging

How can you tell a group is bleeding for cash? They beg for money more than PBS. Joe Huffman shows us 14 Brady Bunch Twitter messages begging for cash. As an added bonus he’s linked to two videos which I’m convinced are parodies of Brady supporters. Either way he’s rubbing his nose enough in the second video that I’m convinced he’s Dr. Rockzo the Rock and Roll Clown and he does cocaine! Seriously man a lot of cocaine.

Open Carry Debate Rises From the Grave

The open carry debate is something like a zombie. No matter how many times it gets put down it always managed to rise again. It reminds me of the caliber wars actually. Well Sharp as a Marble points to an article where a man was assaulted by a cop-wannabe because the wannabe saw the gun being carried openly and decided to attack instead of something that makes sense.

Either way the anti-open carry people are bringing this story up as a reason not to open carry. Likewise the other side of the spectrum brought up by Rob is this likely wouldn’t occur if more law-abiding people open carried. I think both sides are correct here.

Getting open carry accepted is a chicken or egg thing. Many people won’t open carry because it’s not acceptable by the general public. Likewise open carrying will never be acceptable by the general public until they see more of it.

Generally I conceal carry. Not because I dislike open carry, I actually have zero problem with it and think it’s a method to desensitize the public. But I like my element of surprise. But if you’re a security guard and you see a person openly carrying a gun walk upon your turf it would be best to assume innocence as that’s what this country’s legal system is based on (Unless of course your a suspected terrorist or accused of being a pedophile, then you’re guilty as sin no matter what).

Mayors Against Freedoms Federal Blueprint Initial Thoughts

As mentioned yesterday I downloaded a copy of the Mayors Against Freedoms Federal Blueprint. I’ve not read through the entire thing yet since I’ve been busy but from what I’ve read so far I’ve come to a couple of conclusions.

1. The bastards are well organized and intelligent. Unlike the Brady Bunch and the Violence Promotion Center, these guys have actually done a lot of research on gun related laws. They know the laws and more importantly know the wording to make the laws look weak.

2. The paper doesn’t break down into mindless hysteria. It’s worked in such a way that they avoid the whole desire to ban guns. The paper doesn’t read anywhere of wanting a gun ban.

3. Their desires are scary. More or less they want to give the BATFE more power to investigate gun owners and gun dealers without any suspicion or probably cause.

4. They aren’t going after the guns directly. These guys are going after the dealers and gun shows where private citizens purchase their guns. Most of the recommendations I’ve read so far are means of restricting gun shows and sicking the BATFE on gun dealers without any real reason.

This paper is teaching me something, Mayors Against Freedoms is a lot more insidious than previous gun banners. They’ve spent time researching the laws and know how to word things ever so carefully as to make it look like they aren’t attacking guns. We’ll need to watch them and do everything we can to shut them down. Fortunately we have facts on our side so we can certainly win this fight.

If you know any mayors whom are in this group do everything you can to either get them out or elect somebody else. Likewise freedom of information requests for all communications they have had with the organization is a potential method of finding out what they are up to.

The Brady Bunch May Need a Bailout

Some positive news via Snowflakes in Hell. Apparently the Brady Bunch are hard up for money, at least it appears that way since they shot out over four Twitter posts in one day begging for money. If you want to see them you’ll have to head over to Snowflakes in Hell because I refuse to give those bastards at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Your Rights any link love.

Also pointed out is the fact many of those who follow the Brady Bunch Twitter feed are more likely to donate money to pro-gun organizations. See some people only follow the Brady Bunch to see what they’re up to, which apparently begging for money.

Mayors Against Civil Rights Secret Document

Snowflakes in Hell let us know that California Gun Laws has obtained a copy of Mayors Against Illegal Any Guns Blueprint for Federal Actions. God I love Freedom of Information requests. Head over to the site, register, download, read, and get angry.

I’m still diving through it but Snowflakes in Hell already got through it and made a nice list of what those pricks are planning. And let me tell you it has nothing to do with illegal anything.

Beyond Stupidity

Says Uncle brings up a link that really makes me both sick and enraged at the same time. From the article:

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

So this individual would rather see his child dead than admit that self-defense is a natural right? This kind of logic is downright pathetic, hell even deadly. Let’s take a moment to consider this.

The author would rather his child DIE than ADMIT self defense isn’t a crime. I’m truly at a loss for words. I’m assuming Doug The Author isn’t a father because I can’t think of any father who would rather their child die than ANYTHING, let alone simply admit something.

Switzerland Keeping Gun At Home

Snowflakes in Hell reports good news out of Switzerland. The Swiss government has rejected the whining of anti-gun zealots to bar Swiss militia members from storing their military weapons at home.

A few groups in Switzerland don’t seem to understand an armed militia is a good thing and they have been pleading with the government to disarm their society. I’m glad to see the Swiss government gave them the finger. Of course this won’t be the end of it and anti-gun cry babies always have another trick up their sleeves.