Stupid Threats

So Arizona passed a piece of legislation that has pissed a good chunk of the country off. Needless to say Los Angeles voted on a boycott of all goods and services coming from Arizona to make a point. Of course as Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce points out it seems that Los Angeles is insinsere in that threat [PDF]:

In fact, approximately twenty-five percent of the electricity consumed in Los Angeles is generated by power plants in Arizona.

If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation. I am confident that Arizona’s utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands. If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona’s economy.

Very well played Mr. Peirce.

Funniest Thing I’ve Seen All Year

So the NRA convention was this weekend and last I heard about 70,000 people were expected to show up. Well one thing is for certain when us gunnies have an event the anti-gunners are going to be there to protest. So how many protesters did they managed to assemble for this huge national convention? About ten.

Let me be the first to humbly say, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh God my side hurts from laughing so hard!

*ahem* That is all.

Dating Service for Zealots

This is one of those things that I laughed at, then rolled my eyes, and then realized it may be a good idea. Most Apple users are finicky people who have an almost religious love for Apple devices. Everything Apple makes it supposed to be great while everything else is complete and utter shit. One problem for these people is finding a mate in a world rules most by Windows is very difficult. Sure the first date goes well but then the Apple fan finds out the prospective mate uses Windows. Shortly after the Apple fan finds him or herself single again. Well good news there’s now a dating site for Apple users.

Maybe this will keep the Apple zealots rounded up in one place.

More Fun and Games from The TSA

Via Dvorak Uncensored we have this gem:

MAY 6–A Transportation Security Administration screener is facing an assault rap after he allegedly beat a co-worker who joked about the size of the man’s genitalia after he walked through a security scanner. The May 4 confrontation involved Rolando Negrin, 44, and other TSA employees who had previously taken part in a training session at Miami International Airport, according to the below Miami-Dade Police Department reports. Negrin, pictured in the mug shot at right, and his co-workers had been training with new “whole body image” machines–the controversial kind that provide very revealing images of a traveler–when Negrin walked through the scanner.

But remember those TSA agents aren’t going to make such remarks about you just each other. Your privacy is perfectly safe.

We’re Screwed

Bruce Schneier brings us some really bad news. According to a very prestigious news site the new age people have finally developed a homeopathic bomb:

Homeopathic bombs are comprised of 99.9% water but contain the merest trace element of explosive. The solution is then repeatedly diluted so as to leave only the memory of the explosive in the water molecules. According to the laws of homeopathy, the more that the water is diluted, the more powerful the bomb becomes.

We’re screwed!