I’ve you’ve written any amount of Python this should be rather funny.
Tag: Random Funny Shit
The 800 Pound Gorilla in the Room
I don’t care who you are this is just plain funny. Via Dvorak Uncensored we get this story:
A floor collapsed beneath a group of about 20 members of Weight Watchers as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas.
I can’t make any smart ass comment that could possibly add to that.
Now That’s Just Funny
Two days ago I posted some stuff about a violent anti-gunner. Well I’ve learned some new things courtesy of Gun Nuts Media. First the violent coward was Rob Russell who ran for a seat in the House of Representatives. He lost, for reasons obvious to those who read what he stated.
Well the guys at Gun Nuts Media also found his blog. But it’s gone now; deleted by the author. I’m guessing it was due to people posting on his blog informing him that it’s not a good idea to make threats of violence against individuals, even if it’s on the Internet. I’m glad to see Mr. Russell listened to that advice and shut down his blog before he made any further threats that could land him in legal water.
I also want to mention that anybody who has be threatened by Mr. Russell should contact the authorities. After all you don’t want to wait for him to show up at your home and “punch your fucking face in.”
Update 2010-01-13 16:33: Walls of the City has screen captures and links to Google caches of the offending material. The post also helpfully lists the laws violated by Mr. Russell. The fact that the Internet is forever is proven once again. Reasoned discourse at its finest.
Wrath, Rage, and Power Tools
OK there are some creativity points going out to Carolyn Paulsen-Riat. Her husband left her and she decided revenge was in order. But how could she do it? Well by rewiring his power tools to give him an electrical shock! From the article:
In the documents, deputies say the woman told them she had reversed the wires on his power tools because she was angry he was leaving.
I’m sorry but that’s funny and deliciously evil. Of course being this was an attack charges are in order:
Carolyn Paulsen-Riat was booked Friday into the Thurston County Jail for investigation of third-degree assault, domestic violence, and second-degree malicious mischief. A judge released the 33-year-old woman on her own recognizance.
Bad idea but certainly creative. I love it when psychos give me something to smile about in the morning.
New TSA Logos
Bruce Schneier has a post of user submitted ideas for a new TSA log. Some of them are pure gold.
Doctor Rockzo Isn’t Going to Like This
Now this is funny. Via the No Agenda podcast I came across this little hilarity. For those of you whom don’t know there is no a “vaccine” for cocaine addiction. That’s right there is a drug people can take that prevent them from getting addicted to cocaine. But there is a slight problem. When given to somebody who is already addicted to cocaine it causes them to overdose.
The “vaccine” (I’m sorry but it should be called a vaccine, drug use it a choice not a disease) prevents the brain from absorbing cocaine and hence the use receives no high. Those who are already addicted take more and more cocaine hoping to get high. So this doesn’t cure their addiction at all, it only makes them overdose and die. Great.
If Mall Ninjas Carried Snubbies
Snowflakes in Hell points out that the Joyce Foundation, everybody’s favorite foundation, pretty much laid out what they think. They dropped a granted to Johns Hopkins with the following description:
For support of research on policies that can more effectively restrict firearm ownership to law-abiding persons.
As Sebastian points out it’s probably just a poor choice of words. But it most certainly would fit their standard operating procedure.
Brady Bunch Still Begging
How can you tell a group is bleeding for cash? They beg for money more than PBS. Joe Huffman shows us 14 Brady Bunch Twitter messages begging for cash. As an added bonus he’s linked to two videos which I’m convinced are parodies of Brady supporters. Either way he’s rubbing his nose enough in the second video that I’m convinced he’s Dr. Rockzo the Rock and Roll Clown and he does cocaine! Seriously man a lot of cocaine.
How a Glock Works
User Lee N. Field over at The Gun Rights Radio Network forum posted a great diagram displaying how Glock automatic pistols work. Enjoy:
Happy New Years!