The Kindle Isn’t a Textbook Replacement

A few colleges were doing trail runs of the Kindle DX as a mechanism to replace textbooks. Well Princeton’s review wasn’t so hot (in fact it was downright damning) but now Darden is backing Princeton up:

“You must be highly engaged in the classroom every day,’’ says Koenig, and the Kindle is “not flexible enough. … It could be clunky. You can’t move between pages, documents, charts and graphs simply or easily enough compared to the paper alternatives.’’

Yeah I can also confirm this. The Kindle is great for reading novels and other books you go through serially. But it’s not so hot at books where you jump around a lot. The interface and page turning is too slow for such a process. I think e-ink displays will need to advance another couple of years before e-readers will be viable textbook replacements.

Like most technology in its infancy e-ink displays will take some time to become viable general purpose tools.

We Do Like Our Gear

Gun Free Zone brings up the fact that most of us in the gun community like our gear:

After that, we started to comment on what we carry besides our guns and people started to unload on top of the table: knives, multitools, lights, digital cameras, cellphones, cellphones with cameras, pens, pads, PDAs, spare ammo, etc. Nobody carry less than 2 knives besides the one in the multitool. Most carried one light and some two.

Most of us who carry a firearm like to be prepared in general. I know I haven’t left the domicile without some kind of Swiss Army Knife in my pocket since middle school. Now I carry all sorts of fun and exciting things. Granted I don’t have a folding knife, the only knife I have is on my Swiss Army Knife. I know I lose some credibility.

Those of You in California

You guys better get your butts in gear. Through the NRA-ILA I just found out that AB 1934 just passed committee. AB 1934, if passed, will ban open carrying of unloaded handguns in the communist state of California.

It doesn’t surprise me that the bill is positively huge considering the only thing it’s supposed to accomplish is a ban on the open carrying of unloaded firearms.

This is normally where I’d say get on the horn with your representatives. Seeing as how that didn’t work so well when AB 962 was going through the political pipework I’m not sure what to say. I guess it’s still worth a try. But find out every representative who supports this bill and make sure they get voted out in November.