Being Anti-Gun on the Cheap

Man it’s not easy for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Civil Rights. First they start a fundraiser to get $10,000 and months in they only have $20.00. Second they can’t seem to get any major gun control legislation through. What’s such an organization to do?

Well according to War on Guns they have decided to jump on bored an almost assured victory so they have something to toss on their resume without having to actually do work or spend money.

The Brady Bunch are signing on to the federal lawsuit against the Firearm Freedom Act. Being this is a case where the federal government is stomping on sovereign states’ rights it’s almost a sure bet the feds will win. I don’t think there has been a huge states’ rights victory since the ending of the Civil War.

A Case for Firearm Safety Education

That’s what this article by the Red Star Tribune should be making an argument for. As is the usual the Tribune did a scare piece about guns and once again the hysteria doesn’t add up to the truth. The article is trying to make a case that too many kids are injured by accidents involving firearms and the best way to lower this number is through stricter gun control. The actual answer of course is far different and much of what this story states is bogus and misleading.

There are a lot of facets to this particular article. First the Star Tribune provides the statistical data they are using which brings up two facts. First the data does a breakdown of 15 to 19 meaning child is being defined as anybody from a new born to 19 years of age. This is significant because a child is legally defined as being anywhere from a newborn baby to 17 years of age. Once you turn 18 you are an adult and capable of doing things like purchasing long arms. Thus it’s not until your turn 18 that you can legally ensure an exposure to firearms.

The other major item to note are the two counties with the highest rate of accidents involving firearms. They are Hennepin and Ramsey. For those of your outside of Minnesota these are the counties containing Minneapolis and St. Paul our two largest cities. The other top counties are Anoka, Dakota, Washington, and St. Louis. The first three are all part of the Twin Cities area and the last is the country with Duluth our third largest city. So this seems to be an issue with urban areas as opposed to rural areas.

Likewise Hennepin country is home to Northern Minneapolis. The saying here is, “We don’t go there.” It’s a inner city area and contains by far our highest amount of crime in the state. It’s kind of like our Chicago (if you remove Chicago from Illinois’s crime statistics the state is actually pretty safe).

What I derive from this is kids who are more likely to be educated on the proper use of firearms are less likely to have accidents (gee really?). Most kids in rural areas will go hunting at some point in their life or at least be exposed to firearms in some other way (shooting sports). This usually isn’t the case with kids who grow up in the big city (I know a lot of people from the Twin Cities area who never even seen a real gun before). This leads me to believe education is the main problem here.

In a country where firearms are so ubiquitous it doesn’t seem unreasonable to require firearm safety classes in public schools. Especially considering a few of the examples stated in the Star Tribune article. Speaking of examples some of the examples aren’t so much accidents as actual crime:

Bobby Brown uses his own pain to make that point to young people in Minneapolis. In 1997 in south Minneapolis, a few miles from where Montrell Wade was shot, a drive-by shooter’s bullet struck Brown’s spine, paralyzing him. Brown was 15. Now 28, Brown continues his battle to keep kids away from guns — or to at least respect their potential for horrible, unintended consequences.

If you are shot in a drive-by that doesn’t mean you were involved in an accident it means you were a victim in a crime. An accident generally means somebody did something they didn’t intend to. A drive-by shooting is intentional and thus not an accident. Mr. Brown was a victim of a drive-by and hence this example is not a valid one when discussing kids involved in accidents involving firearms.

Also stating the consequences of illegally or otherwise improperly using a firearm are unintended is moronic. The intent of a firearm is to be a weapon just like the intent of our freeway system in the United States is for national defense. If you are shot and injured by a firearm it’s not an unintended consequence it’s actually the consequence intended by the design of the device.

Carter regularly tries to help teens with gun troubles. He works with Cody Nelson, a 17-year-old from St. Paul who accidentally killed 16-year-old Daron Smith in December in a misbegotten game of Russian roulette.

Russian roulette isn’t an accident. You are intentionally placing a firearm to your head and pulling the trigger while hoping for an empty chamber. You’re still intentionally loading a gun, putting it to your head, and pulling the trigger.

Carter talked about 17-year-old Alisha Neeley who died when struck by a stray bullet outside a teen party in north Minneapolis.

Once again most likely a crime not an accident. If this article would have been titled kids and guns at least some legitimacy could be derived from these examples. But once again the claim is a focus on accidents. If these types of examples are listed in the statistical data used by the article than the data is flawed and thus no valid conclusion can be derived from it.

Now one of the quotes in this article both irritate me and make my case for firearm education:

“It’s like a game of chess,” McGonigal said of teens understanding actions and consequences. “As an amateur, you can see one step ahead. An expert sees six steps ahead. Expecting kids to put two plus two plus two plus two together on their own isn’t realistic. Parents or schools have to help them make the decisions.”

So apparently children are too stupid to add 2 + 2 + 2? Shit I could do that before I started school. Yeah I know that’s not what he meant but I needed to insert a little humor into this article. Beyond bad examples that have nothing to do with accidents the article also contains some other points to note:

In a culture that not only makes guns easily available, but celebrates the possession of weapons, young people cannot distinguish between being cool and the risk of being wounded or killed accidentally, said Phelps Boys and Girls Club director Mark Graves.

In other words the kids need to be educated. A simple firearm safety class shows you what happens if you are shot. Likewise it would teach proper firearm handling.

That means the number of accidental shootings of young people remain stubbornly consistent in urban and rural areas, said the U’s Resnick.

Consistent and low in rural areas where firearm education is practically a given.

The teenager who killed Matis’ son pointed what he thought was an unloaded handgun at Brandon’s face and pulled the trigger.

Rule one of firearm safety. Also a violation of rule two. Again education.

Finally the article contains one completely irrelevant statistic:

The Star Tribune also found that in 2008, Minnesota children ages 10 to 14 had a greater chance of being accidentally wounded by firearms than being hit by cars.

Considering kids don’t get driver licenses until they turn 16 it seems very plausible. Likewise the definition of hit by a car has two meanings. The first means they are physically hit by a vehicle and the other means they are inside of a car when it is hit by another car. In the latter case generally speaking only the driver is considered to be hit by a car. Either way the exposure to vehicles is much less for youths and thus they are less likely to be involved in such an accident.

Exposure to firearms on the other hand is higher being kids spend much of their time at home where parents generally have firearms. This is where education matters. If you’re a parent with young children you should have your firearms securely stored (for instance your carry piece should be on your hip so you know where it is and thus have control over it at all times). When your children are old enough to grasp concepts you should teach them the rules of firearm safety as well as the consequences of disobeying those rules.

Another thing that is important is getting kids over the mysticism of firearms. Kids are always curious about things they’ve had no exposure to. For instances many kids are fascinated by automobiles right up to the point they’ve been driving for a while. So beyond education it is smart to expose your children to firearms in a safe environment so you get rid of that curiosity. Take your children shooting when they want to go shooting.

A combination of education and exposure would probably eliminate a majority of accidents involving firearms and youth. Guns aren’t scary bogeymen who will kill your children if left unattended. No guns are tools without a mind nor conscious of their own. They have no ability to think, no desire, and no ability to make decisions. If used properly firearms are perfectly safe tools. It’s only when used improperly that they become dangerous devices (do note I don’t consider self defense shootings a dangerous use of firearms by a safe use by virtue they keep the user of the gun safe).

Nice try Star Tribune but your article falls to pieces in seconds along with your “argument.”

Oh My God Signs Kill

Apparently advertising can cause suicide! Every Day, No Days Off brought up a quote from a hack individuals claiming to be a counselor that really struck me as well researched and reasonable:

Year after year, I have been disgusted with the blaring and offensive gun show billboards that show no respect to women and millions of victims of violence. I have been disturbed by the plethora of “Buy & Sell Guns” signs littering our streets when the gun show comes to town.

And now the offending stupidity:

It’s a lot easier to pull a trigger than it is to use alternative, and often less successful, means. Putting “guns, knives, and machine guns for sale” advertisements in people’s faces – especially those who are feeling hopeless, or worse yet, angry – is a recipe for death. So stop the suggestive selling because the bottom line is, you don’t know who’s responding to your advertising and what your ads may “trigger.” Or alternatively, expect that people will die, and don’t be surprised by it.

Yes obviously my last statement was sarcasm. I like how this individuals said it’s easier to pull a trigger than to use alternative methods. You know there are a lot of drugs you can take that will kill you silently and with far less room for error (no I’m not talking Tylenol, if you want to kill yourself using that be prepared for a very painful and lingering death). So by this person’s “logic” we should ban all pharmaceutical advertisements because people can kill themselves via overdosing on drugs. Fuck we need to pan automobile advertisements to because some suicidal person may decide to buy one and ram it into a wall (of a school containing teh childrenz of course) at 100 miles per hour.

What this really comes down to is the moron who wrote this doesn’t like guns shows and therefore believes they shouldn’t be allowed to advertise (and I’m sure if you ask the individuals will state they should be outright banned as well).

Brady Bunch vs. NRA Events

The Truth About Guns has a nice post up comparing the NRA convention to a Brady Campaign shindig. Let’s see all members of the NRA get to attend the convention at no cost (besides that of the membership) while the Brady Bunch want:

Sponsorship Levels
James S. Brady Council Table – $25,000
Power Table – $15,000
Benefactor Table – $10,000
Patron Table – $5,000
Sponsor Table – $3,000
Sarah Brady Activist – $1,500

Those who purchase tickets for $1,500 and above are invited to attend a special VIP cocktail reception with honoree Helen Thomas, Jim and Sarah Brady and Brady President Paul Helmke.

Individual Tickets
Friend Ticket – $500
Supporter Ticket – $250

Holy Hell! I guess when you’ve only got a handful of members you really have to milk them for everything you can get just to pay the bills. In this case the NRA certainly, excuse the pun, give you more bang for your buck.

Funniest Thing I’ve Seen All Year

So the NRA convention was this weekend and last I heard about 70,000 people were expected to show up. Well one thing is for certain when us gunnies have an event the anti-gunners are going to be there to protest. So how many protesters did they managed to assemble for this huge national convention? About ten.

Let me be the first to humbly say, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh God my side hurts from laughing so hard!

*ahem* That is all.

Those of You in California

You guys better get your butts in gear. Through the NRA-ILA I just found out that AB 1934 just passed committee. AB 1934, if passed, will ban open carrying of unloaded handguns in the communist state of California.

It doesn’t surprise me that the bill is positively huge considering the only thing it’s supposed to accomplish is a ban on the open carrying of unloaded firearms.

This is normally where I’d say get on the horn with your representatives. Seeing as how that didn’t work so well when AB 962 was going through the political pipework I’m not sure what to say. I guess it’s still worth a try. But find out every representative who supports this bill and make sure they get voted out in November.

The Brady Bunch Prove to Be Even Bigger Pricks

Wow the Brady Campaign are dicks. Days of our Trailers points out those pricks are jockeying for more gun related deaths by opposing the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program while offering nothing as a replacement. Why are they doing this? Simply because they don’t like the NRA. Seriously I’m not even exaggerating this:

When I look at the full record of NRA activities, it’s difficult for me to believe that the NRA leadership is serious about gun safety for children or anybody else.

But let’s look at their arguments:

Yet there is absolutely no evidence directly linking the use of the Eddie Eagle program to a decline in children’s deaths by guns.

That’s probably true, I haven’t heard of any such study. Of course the number of children killed by accidents involving firearms has been on a steady decline so the Eddie Eagle program certainly isn’t hurting anything.

In fact, a study published in 2004 by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that children could memorize Eddie’s simple advice about avoiding guns, but that advice went unheeded when children were put in real-life scenarios and asked to role-play a response. Indeed, not a single child out of 11 in the Eddie Eagle program study “used the skills in a real-life situation.” The authors noted, “Studies have found that when children find guns, they often play with them,” and concluded: “Existing programs are insufficient for teaching gun-safety skills to children.”

Of course the linked study is only an abstract and you need to pay to read the entire thing. So I have no idea how the study was conducted and Helmke doesn’t seem willing to provide those details so let’s move on:

Another study published in the late 1990s by the Violence Policy Center (VPC)

That’s all I need to say there. The Brady Bunch referencing the Violence Policy Center is the same as the NRA referencing Gun Owners of America. It’s a bias study where a goal exists and anything will be done to ensure the conclusion reflects that goal. Oh and I love this one:

Children in the United States die from gunfire at a higher rate than in any other industrialized nation, underscoring the need for gun safety education. But the responsibility for protecting children from these lethal weapons should not be dumped on already overburdened teachers and fiscally-strapped school districts that have limited instruction time. The responsibility belongs to parents, gun owners, and gun manufacturers.

This has to be the only time we’ll see Helmke state parents need to take responsibility for something. Because every time a child dies in a gun related accident he goes blames the gun. I just wanted to preserve this moment in history since it’s more rare than people who fully understand quantum mechanics. This is also golden:

When you consider the heart-ripping tragedies that mount every day in the form of accidental gun deaths, gun suicides, and the alleged gun homicide of a three-year-old by his sibling, one has to ask why. Why does the NRA continue to stand in the way of adult education and child safety laws that could stem the carnage?

So the NRA should stop the Eddie Eagle program to education children on gun safety but should not stand in the way of adult education (here’s a hint they don’t stand in the way, they actively try to educate adults as well as children). Likewise the NRA doesn’t stand in the way of child safety laws, they stand in the way of gun control laws which do not make children safer in any way.

You know I think the only play Helmke gets anymore comes from gun bloggers linking to his dribble and pointing out the lies and lack of logic.

Kids and Guns

The anti-gunners keep claiming that hundreds and hundreds of children die every year from firearm related accidents. Well Kevin over at the Smallest Minority has issues with bold face lies and delivers the real data provided by the Center for Disease Control:

Here’s the available CDC data (you trust the .gov, right?) tabulated from 1990 up through 2006:

2006: 102
2005: 127
2004: 105
2003: 102
2002: 115
2001: 125
2000: 150
1999: 158
1998: 207
1997: 247
1996: 272
1995: 330
1994: 403
1993: 392
1992: 378
1991: 419
1990: 417

Go read his entire post it’s very good and further exemplifies why the anti-gun crowd is becoming more irrelevant every day. Also it’s good to see that gun related accidents involving children have been steadily decreasing over the last decade and a half.

Bloomberg’s So-Called Terror Gap

You’ve all seen the massive amount of propaganda Super Douche Bloomberg and his posse have been vomiting up. They want to deny anybody who’s name appears on the “no-fly list” the right to buy firearms. Well let’s look at some of the people on the no-fly list whom Bloomberg wants to strip the rights of for life.

First let’s meet Sam Adams. No not that Sam Adams but a 5 year-old child who is a suspected terrorist:

Saw the article you posted on Boing Boing about the five year old on the no-fly list. My son, also five, is on that same list and it’s a nightmare. Every time we fly with him, we can’t use the computer terminals to check in and the attendant has to call some never named government agency to make sure he’s not a terrorist. Some attendants joke it off but some are insanely serious about it. His seat always goes unassigned (even if it was assigned when the reservation is made) which always causes problems.

I’ve tried everything that anyone has suggested. There’s a TSA form that you can fill out for this situation, which I did, but they won’t tell you if they’ve removed your name. We got him a passport — that didn’t work. We’ve tried booking the tickets with his full name (including middle name), that didn’t work. We tried booking the ticket under Master Samuel Adams, with still no luck.

How about Mickey Hicks? He’s an 8 year-old boy on the no-fly list:

On its website, the TSA specifically denies that there is an 8-year-old on any of its watch lists. But try telling that to Mikey Hicks, who has had problems getting on airplanes his entire life. As a baby, Hicks was denied a seat on a plane because, officials told his mother, his name “was on the list.” He started getting full pat-downs when he was 2, his mom tells the New York Times.

Although arguably deserving Senator Ted Kennedy was also on the list:

U.S. Sen. Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy said yesterday that he was stopped and questioned at airports on the East Coast five times in March because his name appeared on the government’s secret “no-fly” list.

Federal air security officials said the initial error that led to scrutiny of the Massachusetts Democrat should not have happened even though they recognize that the no-fly list is imperfect. But privately they acknowledged being embarrassed that it took the senator and his staff more than three weeks to get his name removed.

Unlike you and me he was probably able to get his name off of the list. Let’s meet Michael Martin a 7 year-old “terrorist” who would be barred from owning firearms for life:

The name of a seven-year-old Coral Springs boy is on the no-fly list.

For the third time in his young life, Michael Martin recently had to check in with an airline agent before flying. His name appears to share a moniker with a suspected or known terrorist.

His mother had to ask an airline agent for help earlier this month when she couldn’t print Michael’s boarding pass from an AirTran kiosk at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.

An Write named Chris Kelly notes his 12 year-old daughter is a “terrorist” as well:

My middle daughter’s name seems to be on the No Fly List. Since she’s only twelve years old, and neither practices nor endorses acts of political violence, I can only assume there’s been some kind of mistake.

No one at the airport will tell us how she made the list. They won’t even confirm that she’s on it. Every time we go to the airport, the electronic kiosk simply refuses to issue her a boarding pass, and we’re sent to the ticket counter, where five people look at the whole family’s I.D., and then specifically hers, and then someone calls someone, and they call someone, and that person tells the person on the phone, “No, she’s a little girl.” And eventually we’re allowed to run for our flight.

BoingBoing notes another 5 year-old is getting started in the field of “terrorism” early as well:

A five-year-old boy was taken into custody and thoroughly searched at Sea-Tac because his name is similar to a possible terrorist alias. As the Consumerist reports, “When his mother went to pick him up and hug him and comfort him during the proceedings, she was told not to touch him because he was a national security risk. They also had to frisk her again to make sure the little Dillinger hadn’t passed anything dangerous weapons or materials to his mother when she hugged him.”

This is just a small sample of people Super Douche Bloomberg wants to prohibit from buying firearms for life.

Minnesota Representative Paymar At it Yet Again

I just received an e-mail from the NRA-ILA stating everybody’s most hated state representative Michael Paymar is threatening to amend a unspecified bill with his anti-private property amendment:

With Minnesota’s 2010 legislative session coming to an end, anti-gun State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL-64B) intends to offer an amendment to a yet unknown bill, which would severely regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows in Minnesota. Representative Paymar has until the last minute on Monday, May 17 to attach this amendment, so it is important that you once again urge your Representative to block his continued anti-gun agenda.

His proposed amendment would force all private sales conducted at gun shows across Minnesota to go through a background check. Gun prohibitionists, such as Representative Paymar, falsely claim that many criminals get their guns from gun shows, but the most recent federal study puts the figure at only 0.7 percent. This effort is a stepping stone for anti-gun advocates seeking to ban all private sales, even among family and friends.

Please contact your State Representative immediately and urge them to oppose Representative Paymar’s “Gun Show” amendment should it come up. To find contact information for your State Representative, please click here.

I will keep my eyes open and let you know the second he makes his move. Either way it would be a good idea to let your representatives know you won’t stand for any bill that threatens your property rights.