Thankfully Most Criminals are Morons

If you’re a criminal and want to obtain a gun how do you go about doing it? According the the anti-gunners you go to a gun show. What they don’t tell you though is the fact most people at gun shows are dealers and thus required to perform background checks thus most criminals usually try to get somebody with a clean record to purchase guns for them. This is known as a straw purchase and is illegal. Thankfully most criminals are rather simple minded and don’t think things all the way through so they often raise a bunch of red flags when trying to skirt the law. The guys at Monsoor’s Sports Shop encountered one of these idiot criminals trying to obtain a gun through a straw purchase:

Monsoor’s Sport Shop owner Pat Wendling contacted the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives last week about a possible “straw purchase” after the 28-year-old La Crosse man came in to look at handguns.

What do you think was the red flag that caused them to call the ATF was? I’m betting it was this:

When shown a 9 mm Taurus pistol, Damon Taylor lifted his shirt, tucked the gun in his waistband, commenting it would fit nicely, according to an ATF agent’s affidavit unsealed Friday. He said he wanted to buy the pistol for his fiancĂ©e and asked how to go about it.

Ah yes the waistband carry test followed by an excuse that he wanted to buy the gun for somebody else. Yup, that won’t raise any attention at all.

Beyond this story though I’d also like to give a shout out to Monsoor’s. The La Crosse area is where I was born and spent a good chunk of my life. During my time living there I did quite a bit of business with them and they were always great people to deal with. If you’re ever in the area and need something gun related I highly recommend them.

Major Editorial Oversight

Read the following article and see if you can point out the editorial oversight, I’ll wait.

Found it?

While walking home from the busstop this week, a 13-year-old Norwegian school boy stumbled upon four wolves. In the end, it may have been his love of heavy-metal music by the band Creed that saved his life.

Emphasis mine. You know an editor isn’t doing their job when heavy-metal and Creed appear in the same sentence without some kind of not operator included. Creed isn’t metal.

Likewise if I were a pack of wolves I’d fucking run if somebody blared Creed at me. Hell I’m a human being and I try to avoid listening to Creed. I’d say those wolves were probably a sign from Thor to the kid telling him to stop listening to shitty music. Next time it’ll be deaf wolves, just sayin’.

Sprint Increasing 3G Data Plan Cost

One thing I liked about Sprint is their data plan. Not only do you get coverage almost everywhere but it’s also unlimited (for real unlimited, not 5GB and then overage fees) and cheap. At least it was cheap because now Sprint is going to increase the cost of their 3G data plan by $10.00 a month. Basically everybody will be paying the same price for data as current holders of 4G phones (such as myself).

If you’re currently on a 3G phone you won’t have to worry about an increase in your monthly bill until you either upgrade or activate a new smart phone. So as long as you stay with your current phone you’re fine. This is kind of dickish as previously this “premium data” plan applied to 4G devices which you could claim are capable of consuming more data as they can download at higher speeds than 3G devices. Charging everybody for the “premium data” plan whether or not they have a 4G device just seems like a bad idea, especially considering most of Sprints future phones will most likely be 4G capable.


Some people have determination and some do not. While some people would rob a Gamestop by walking in and holding the store up others are more dedicated to their trade and prefer to tunnel through a wall.

The man being charged broke into a vacant building next to the Gamestop and dug a hole in the wall separating to two properties. He then walked off with $5,342 worth of merchandise and $288.55 in cash. You have to give the man credit, tunneling through a wall takes determination.

Arizona Shooting

Crazy things certainly do happen on weekends. I’m sure everybody has already heard about the tragic shooting in Arizona that six people dead and one congresswoman in critical condition. This is yet another case of crazy people being crazy.

Of course as with any act of violence people want somebody to blame. Jared Loughner was arrested and will be appearing in court for the shooting but most people seem to want to plan the tea party movement instead. The thing in we don’t know Loughner’s political beliefs and in most case like these the shooter has held beliefs on both sides of the political spectrum.

The other thing that many people seemed curious about is how this could happen in a state with constitutional carry. There are two simple explanations for this; nobody there was carrying or those who were carrying decided take shots at somebody while they were in a crowd. I haven’t seen pictures of the gathered crowd but discharging a firearm in a crowd of any size is dangerous. Of course so is letting a guy on a rampage continue is killings but it comes down to the fact shooting into a crowd could cause you to hit an innocent person and thus is a very sticky proposition at best. In these situations the best option is to get the Hell out of dodge.

Bloody Terrorist Bird

Saudi Arabia has detained a vulture on charges of being an Israeli spy. No I’m not making this up and no it’s not an article on The Onion:

Saudi Arabian officials have “detained” a vulture on accusations of being a spy for Israel, media reports say.

The griffon vulture was carrying a GPS transmitter bearing the name of Tel Aviv University, prompting rumours it was part of a Zionist plot.

Yeah those vultures are always trying to get jobs from various intelligence agencies. In fact I hear many former CIA spooks have a hatred of birds because they claim so many jobs in the spying world preventing regular people from getting said jobs. Oh and birds spying for Israel isn’t the only crazy coming out of that region:

Last month, Egyptian officials implied the Israeli spy agency Mossad was to blame for shark attacks off its coast.

Those bastards are training sharks to kill people! And here I thought out government’s fear mongering was bad.

Canadian Surgical Wait Times

It should be no surprise to anybody that I’m against any form of socializing anything. When I mention I’m against socialized medicine I usually get various response ranging between me being the second coming of Satan to simply being a complete tool of the “corporations” (which corporations I’m not sure, nobody ever tells me). One thing never fails though, when I get into an argument involving socialized medicine somebody invariably brings up how great it works in Canada.

The problem with this argument is it doesn’t work that great in Canada. Well I guess it works great so long as you are willing to wait on average 18.2 weeks for surgical and therapeutic procedures. That’s what the average wait time ended up being in 2010.

Personally I’ll take the horrible system here that allows me to get much needed surgery in a timely manner (although it would be nice if we could get rid of all the government interference which has increased the cost to an astronomical rate).

Even More Dead Birds

What the fuck? First 5,000 dead birds appear in Beebe, AR followed by 10,000 dead fish in Guy, AR, and now we have 500 more dead birds in Louisiana, 100 in Kentucky, and 50 to 100 in Sweden. I don’t believe my natural gas theory holds water on all of these but I do have a new theory:

Martians hate birds. Make no mistake, the invasion has begun. On the upside Congress shouldn’t be a thorn in our side for much longer.