I’m Predicting a U.S. Invasion of Yemen

Put this down as a bet I’m almost willing to put money on. The crotch bomber apparently originated in Yemen. And there has been a lot of talk about Yemen and U.S. involvement there in recent history. Well now the U.S. has shut down their Yemen embassy amid threats of bombings.

I’m betting we’ll be sending a fairly large number of troops or private contractors to that country soon. Of course it will be to fight the terrorists. Well it could be because of Yemen’s weapons of mass destruction.

This Week in Security Theatre

Welcome to Security Theatre. Join us this week as the TSA, regulars here, establishes more rigid rules and regulations that do nothing to enhance security but make people believe so. In this thrilling show the TSA establish further screening producers for all flights going to or coming from 14 listed nations. Some of the countries are:

Travellers from Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Yemen and Cuba will be among those facing body pat-down searches and carry-on baggage checks.

But the bad guys are one step ahead of the TSA yet again. They have developed a plan so diabolical only any person outside of TSA could see it coming. They are planning on flying into and out of America from different countries! This week promises to be as thrilling and exciting but also completely meaningless as always.

Because We’ve Done So Well In the Past

So I open up the BBC to get my daily fill or news everybody else cares about (in other words not gun related) and see this story:

President Barack Obama has pledged his administration “will not rest” until all those behind an alleged plot to bomb a US plane are brought to justice.

I’m sorry but I have little hope that we’ll actually nab the people who planned this. We’ve spent over eight years trying to capture Osama and so far haven’t (granted he could be dead at this point). We’re still trying to destroy al Qaeda but even though they are a far inferior military power they’re still around. Iraq is still a mess. Seriously does our government do anything right?

Don’t get me wrong if there were other people involved in the crotch bomber plot we should nail them. I just lack confidence in our government to do the job. I’m guessing this will end up being an invasion of Yemen (where the bomb was apparently from) meaning more of our finest men and women will be sent off to die in yet another pointless war.

And Time Magazine’s Man of the Year Is

The man of the year is master of mishap, the destroyer of money, the patron of government interference in industry, none other than Mr. Fucktard himself Ben Bernankey. I didn’t realize the award was given to the most incompetent person of the year.

Yeah you have to love the fact Time Magazine awarded this to one of the people that not only helped cause the current economic depression but has also done everything in his powers to extend it’s affects. Of course Time Magazine also proved it doesn’t understand basic economics:

The magazine said the recession itself was the story of the year and without Mr Bernanke at the helm it would have been a lot worse.

Actually in a free market this depression recession wouldn’t have occurred in the first place. The current financial failure wad due in part to the Federal Reserver’s attempt to create a state of constant prosperity. They did this by extending credit, printing money, bottoming out interest rates, and anything else they could do to take resources away from where they were needed most and place them where they would do no good.

Because We Don’t Have Enough Prisons

So it looks like the denizens of Gitmo are being transferred to the United States. Where do you hold inmates of such a camp? In one of the thousands of prisons in this country of course. Of course Obama is not one to be frugal with money and seeing another opportunity to waste tax payer money he’s order the following:

US President Barack Obama has ordered the federal government to buy a prison in Illinois to take a number of inmates from Guantanamo Bay.

Yeah not rent, lease, or requisition but buy it. Oh Obama will you ever learn the concept of frugalness? I think not in his presidency.

If That’s How You Feel

Dip shit Helmke of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is spewing out stupidity again. This is the second post in a row that I’ve sourced from Snowflakes in Hell.

I won’t link directly to the Brady Campaign site so you’ll have to go through Snowflakes in Hell to check this but here is a quote from Helmke:

“It is dangerous for Congress to dictate to Amtrak how to handle guns on passenger trains. Trying to micromanage Amtrak security is inappropriate at best, reckless at worst. But now that Congress has decided to allow passengers to be able to transport firearms in checked luggage on trains operated by Amtrak, at least their negotiators have responded to some of the safety concerns raised by gun violence prevention advocates.

Of course Snowflakes in Hell points how oxymoronic this statement is since Helmke said the exact opposite some time ago but I’m going to say something different about this.

I agree with Helmk *GASP* on one point. Congress shouldn’t be allowed to dictate the inner workings of a private company like Amtrak. But get this. Amtrak only exists because of federal government subsidies. Amtrak doesn’t actually make enough money to keep themselves afloat. So here is my proposal.

I say Amtrak be allowed to ban guns and run things however they want. But in exchange for this freedom they no longer are allowed to receive ANY tax payer money. Fair? Because while they receive MY tax money they will play by MY rules as much as I can make them.

Go Honduras

Even though I still think it was worthless for the Honduras government to even talk about reinstating their ousted constitution violating ex-president they did. Fortunately they have decided to uphold their constitution by rejecting the idea to return ex-president Zelaya to power. Out of the 125 congress members in attendance 111 said Zelaya can go fuck himself with a retractable baton.

So it’s true, there are still countries out there that uphold their laws, unlike mine country.