This Blog Now Officially Endorsed as Leftist, Anti-Capitalist, and Social Justice Advocacy

Since I’m friends with a lot of libertarians I periodically use Facebook to collect stories to write about and last night was no exception. When I opened Facebook I noticed a friend tagged me in a post he titled, “Looks like one of our own has officially been injected into the SJW debate at its upper levels.” At first I thought one of those fedora tipping GamerGaters was busting a nut over something I wrote but to my pleasant surprise it was just a link to a blog written by some fellow named Christopher Cantwell.

I’m not terribly familiar with Cantwell. The only thing I really know about him is that he was give the boot by the Free State Project because of his advocacy for murdering government employees.

If you go to his post you’ll see that he officially endorsed me as a leftist, anti-capitalist, social justice warrior. Long time readers of this blog already know that I consider myself a leftist as I’m against rulers. They are also probably laughing at the anti-capitalist bit. Whether people think of me as a social justice warrior generally depends on their views of various social issues. Based on what I’ve read so far by Cantwell I will choose to accept this as a badge of honor.

He also seemed a bit upset that I was railing against the Republican Party but it’s not uncommon for statist libertarians to get upset with us anarchist libertarians when we do that. In fact I was once on the other side so I do understand where he’s coming from. Now that I’m on the anarchist side I also know that nothing I say will convince him that the concept of limited government is impossible. That’s a journey one must make on their own.

My writings speak for me and I’ve annoyed plenty of electrons writing this blog. I leave you to be the judge on whether or not Cantwell’s accusations are true and I submit the entirety of my blog, which covers my journey from statist to anarchist, as defense of my libertarian credentials.

The United States Can’t Do Anything Cool

I don’t want to beat this dead horse much longer but I believe it’s necessary for me to point out how lame American politics is. People are upset about the 47 senators who wrote a vague threat to the Iranian government.

What we have here are 47 government officials writing a stinkin’ letter to prove how pissed off at Iran they are. This just goes to show that the United States can’t do anything cool. The last time 47 government officials in Japan were pissed off shit went down.

Target, Hire Me as Your Next CEO

In 2011 Target decided to make a concerted effort to push into Canada. This experiment ended with the company pulling out of our neighbor to the north with a loss of $5.4 billion. The loss caused the termination of 1,700 employees and a decision not to fill 1,400 open positions. To add a bit of insult to injury the CEO overseeing this failure was Gregg Steinhafel and he received a $61 million severance package.

I really think Target should consider hiring me to replace their current CEO. You’re probably wondering what my qualifications are. Well they’re pretty damn good. If I were the CEO of Target I could raze that company to the ground harder than a Mongol horde in Baghdad. And I would be willing to do it for much less than $61 million! I’d be willing to do the same thing for only a couple million dollars. But my magic touch isn’t available exclusively to Target. Any company that wants to give a massive severance package to a CEO in exchange for them destroying it can hire me!

My e-mail address is conveniently located in the navigation bar to the right. Feel free to get in contact with me if you’re interested in my services.

On Brad Spangler

Those of you knee deep into liberty advocacy may have heard of Brad Spangler. If you haven’t heard of him then this post probably won’t be of much interest to you. But those of you who have heard of him probably now know that on Thursday he made a post on Facebook admitting that he molested his daughter. Just in case the post goes away I will include a screenshot of his confession.


I don’t have much to say about Brad Spangler himself. His admission to molesting his daughter is enough for me to deem him a terribly human being, a disgusting piece of shit, and a man the world would have been better without. However I do want to talk about some of the discussion that cropped up in the aftermath of his admission. Namely the fuckwits who have deemed it necessary to use this to host the mother of all philosophical dick measuring contests. As of this writing there are about 2,200 comments on his Facebook post. If your faith in humanity is shaky I wouldn’t advise venturing through the comments because it will only show you that there are a lot of shitty people amongst anarchists and statists.

Pretty quickly after the post went up there were anarchist urging Spangler not to turn himself in to the state’s police and statist using Spangler’s confession as proof that anarchism can’t work. One guy even decided to use the confession as a platform to bitch about male circumcision. That’s right, a child was molested and the only thing these people can think about are arguments against each others’ philosophies.

Perhaps I’m not a zealous enough anarchist but I don’t think a child molester’s confession is the place to have a philosophical argument. I mean, come the fuck on. A man admitted to molesting his child and said he is going to turn himself into the police and your reaction is to urge him not to because the state doesn’t dispense justice. Then some statist arrive and say, “An anarchist molested his daughter therefore all anarchists are child molesters or sympathize with child molesters har har har LOLOLOLOL!” There are also right-libertarians laughing about this because Spangler is a left-libertarian and that somehow reflects on all left-libertarians because individualism is only a thing when you’re not trying to lump everybody you hate into a fucking box.

How about everybody take a few steps back and find somewhere else to debate philosophy? Is that too much decency to ask for? If so, could somebody stop this planet for a second so I can get off?

Finnish Sniper


American Sniper is getting a lot of press. One side sees it as a movie about an American hero who rightly put a bunch of terrorists into graves. The other side sees it as a movie about a murderer and a liar. Based on what I’ve read about Chris Kyle’s life I’m guess we wouldn’t have gotten along. Furthermore the movie seems to be very popular amongst neocons so I won’t bother seeing it because I don’t want to be stuck in a theater with a bunch of people who have a raging erection because they’re watching Muslims being killed left and right.

I am a history nerd though so I want to poke a bit of fun at the tag line, “America’s greatest sniper”. According to Wikipedia Chris Kyle had “160 confirmed kills out of 255 probably kills.” That’s cute. But it also shows that surpassing “America’s greatest sniper” isn’t that high of a bar to jump over.

Enter Simo Häyhä. Simo Häyhä was a Finnish sniper that operated during the Winter War. For those unfamiliar with the Winter War it was an attempt by the Soviet Union to take over Finland. It didn’t end well for the Soviets. Using a modified Mosin-Nagant rifle, that didn’t have any optics I might add, Simo Häyhä managed to get somewhere between 505 sniper kills.

Simo Häyhä is also a more interesting individual in my opinion. First of all he was engaged in a war against an invading force instead of being a member of an invading force. The man was literally protecting his home. Another thing that’s worth noting about Simo Häyhä is that he was a humble man. He didn’t go around bragging about all of the commie he killed, he didn’t start random fights in bars, and he didn’t make up stories about traveling to other places to kill people. After the Soviets were run out of Finland he made a life for himself by moose hunting and dog breeding.

So when I hear people talking about “America’s greatest sniper” I can only chuckle. Chris Kyle, at best, managed roughly half of the kills that Simo Häyhä had, was a jackass if his own accounts of his actions are to be believed, and was helping to expand a tyrannical regime instead of defending against one.

All Hail Discordia!

Are you feeling so edgy you can cut yourself from all those jokes you’ve been making about Islam in the aftermath of the Paris shooting? Are you the most euphoric that you’ve been in years? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, or even if you’ve answered no, why not take the next step? Join the religion that’s actually a joke! Discordianism is a simple Pope Card away! Just print out this card and you’re in the elite Paratheo-Anametamystikhood Of Eris Esoteric (POEE)!


In fact you don’t even have to print out this card because I just made you a pope by visiting this site! Congratulations! Take a moment to read our most holy book, The Principia Discordia. Or don’t. We don’t have any rules.

Hail Eris!

Everything I Care to Say About the Officers Killed in New York

Yes, I oppose modern policing. Yes, I believe the entire system of policing as it exists in this country should be abolished. Yes, I am an anarchist. Apparently these aspects of my life make my opinion on the two officers killed in New York City interesting because people have been asking for my thoughts on it all weekend.

Obviously I don’t support killing cops just because they’re cops. Killing, in my opinion, is only justified in immediate self-defense when no other option is left.

What I find fascinating about this case are the reactions from the tough-on-crime crowd. When Michael Brown and Eric Garner were killed these people immediately began scouring Brown and Garner’s social media presence and criminal records to find any amount of dirt that would help assassinate their characters. This was done so that the actions of the cops who killed them could be justified and the bullshit hero narrative surrounding police officers could be maintained.

This time the very same people are flooding social media with claims that Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, the officers killing in New York City, were heroes and lost their lives defending ours. I don’t know the history of the two officers and the tough-on-crime crowd calling them heroes aren’t posting any examples of their heroic behavior. What I do know is that none of the tough-on-crime people that were digging up dirt in a pathetic attempt to character assassinate Brown and Garner are trying to dig up dirt on Liu and Ramos. Funny how that works.

That’s seriously all I have to say on the matter. It may actually surprise some of you to know that people being killed bothers me on an emotional level and I don’t like talking about it. Sadly it happens with such frequency that it’s impossible to avoid talking about.

Editing Sucks

The deadline for the Agorist Writers Workshop is fast approaching. After some furious banging on the keyboard I finally finished my rough draft. I’m excited about that but now comes the job of editing. Holy fuck do I hate editing (as the lack of professionalism on this site probably indicates). It is where I realize all of my hard work wasn’t hard enough.

So far the only scenes I like are the fight scenes. Since this is supposed to be a story about libertarian solutions to problem the fight scenes only make up a small part of the story. The last time I wrote a short story it was basically a long series of fight scenes. You see what the issue is. Next time I’ll return to military science fiction.

Either way the story (and the half dozen other partial stories that didn’t end up being my submission) has been a blast to write. I forgot how much fun fiction can be and really feel as though I should do more of it. But I need to hire somebody else to edit this dreck.

Oh, and I know some of my agorist buddies read this site (what can I say, they have poor taste). You better get your submissions in because I don’t want to be the only son of a bitch submitting work to this contest.