Swine Flu Must be Killing Everybody

Another good story from the excellent No Agenda podcast. Remember how swine flu was the epidemic that was going to wipe out all life on Earth and possibly other planets? Due help people cope with this the United Kingdom setup swine flu call centers. People who have symptoms can call this hotline and be diagnosed over the phone. Should you have swine flu they will dispatch a “swine flu buddy” to pick up Tamiflu for you. Of course due to the extreme epidemic level of this disease they opened a ton of call centers.

Well apparently either swine flu has killed everybody or nobody is really getting it. See two call centers are being shut down since the employees are playing Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit due to lack of incoming calls. This is what hysteria gets you ladies and gentleman, overreaction to a non-issue.

I Guess Al Gore’s Apocalypse will Happen

Holy shit Al Gore’s Apocalypse will happen. Eventually Earth will no longer be able to support life due to a greenhouse effect. But don’t fret we still have at least a half billion years to work on it:

The scientists agree that we do yet know how ubiquitous or how fragile life is, but as Guinan concludes: “The Earth’s period of habitability is nearly over ― on a cosmological timescale. In a half to one billion years the Sun will start to be too luminous and warm for water to exist in liquid form on Earth, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect in less than 2 billion years“.

Somehow I doubt reducing our carbon footprint is going to help solve this problem though.

Those Zany Russians are at it Again

You have to hand it to those Russians they don’t quite. Right now as you read this they apparently have two Akula class submarines patrolling our waters. Needless to say this has our people at the Pentagon a little concerned.

For note though the Akula class submarines are not nuclear missile launching platforms (although they can launch cruise missiles). Instead these subs work as anti-vessel ships searching out our navel assets and sinking them should war break out.

According to the article this is the first time the Russians have put submarines off of our coasts in roughly 15 years. You have to hand it to them you can knock the Russians down (at least their government) but you can keep them down.

Further Research

Information on the Akula class submarine.

Outrage and Lies

I saw a video posted on John C. Dvorak’s site entitled “Log into Cars.gov and Turn Your Computer Over to Obama” yesterday. I didn’t think much of it but I see it’s making the rounds now so I thought I’d comment.

In the video Glenn Beck says when you visit the cars.gov web site provides a disclaimer stating that once on the site your computer becomes federal property. Once I saw this I headed over to the site to check it out and couldn’t find the said disclaimer. I figured the site owners probably removed it once this aired due to public outcry but I’ve since discovered it only applies to the dealer’s site. Here is the text of the disclaimer:

his application provides access to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the United States Government. It is for authorized use only. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy.

Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign. By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the discretion CARS or the DoT personnel.

That is a pretty severe disclaimer. In essence it states that certain people have unrestricted access to your system and its files. I agree that this in itself is outrageous but further in the video is where the lies come in.

Mr. Beck goes on a tirade about the government having all sorts of evil software that can infect your system and turn it over to government control. Further he implies that if you go to that website the government will probably upload this software onto your system (at least that’s how I understood what he was saying). This of course if after a series of hysteric disclaimers saying people shouldn’t go to the website on their computer.

This is pure lies and hysteria. Let me sum it up in three words computer aren’t magic. A properly secured computer system will not allow remote entities to place software on the said system. The only way to place software on a system remotely is either through administrator tools which restrict access to system administrators (if properly setup) or through security holes. Many malicious software engineers use the later to upload things like worms, which are self replicating software packages that use vulnerabilities found in operating systems to install itself on un-patched systems. The key world there is un-patched. Once a security hole is discovered the operating system manufacturers are usually very quick to get out a patch which fixes the vulnerability. This is what Windows Update does and why Microsoft is so insistent that people either run it or set it to run and install patches automatically.

Furthermore most worms doesn’t come out until the patch has been released. This is because of two reasons. First most people don’t know about the vulnerabilities as security advisors who find them usually keep quiet until the patch is released. The second reason is most malicious hackers (there are good hackers to hence I’m designating the bad ones as malicious) take the patch and reverse engineer it to understand the exploit and then write their worm based off of that newly learned understanding.

But we’re dealing with the government which plays by different rules. Some people believe the government has backdoors in every operating system on the planet or at least in corporate backed operating systems such as Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. Here again we have two points. the first is if they already have these back doors why the Hell would they tell you that your computer is federal property when visiting their dealer site as that would potentially tip people off that they have access to the machines files? But the second point is why would any corporation be willing to place those back doors in their systems?

First off people will say money. Their understanding is the companies will put in back doors for the government because the government is willing to pay them for it. This argument doesn’t hold water because no operating system is totally autonomous. There are security experts combing through modern operating systems, especially Microsoft Windows, looking for previously unknown means of compromising the system’s security. We are not talking about a couple experts but thousands. These people are paid by finding these vulnerabilities and reporting them to the operating system manufacturers and generally will release the details of the discovered exploit after a patch is released to increase their portfolio.

See a security expert whom hasn’t discovered anything isn’t much of an expert while one who has published exploits has some clout and hence is more likely to get a job. Now here is where money for the operating system producers comes in. With each security hole likely being published and certainly being eventually patched people get a feel for the number of security exploits that have been found in each operating system. People don’t want to trust a system they don’t feel is secure, which is why Microsoft has had such an issue getting more people to adopt or at least not dump Windows for secure systems. To this effect operating system producers have been putting tons of time and money into making their systems more secure and have done quite a good job of it.

Now with how little people trust Windows to be secure just imagine if people found out they placed a back door for the federal government in their system? This applies to all operating system producers but since Microsoft is the largest I’m using them as an example. I can guarantee that within minutes of this being discovered and announced (which it would be either via discovery or through a whistle blower at Microsoft) major companies would be hauling in their entire IT staff for an emergency meeting on how to deal with this security threat. The only conceivable outcome of that meeting would be to dump Windows for something more security and probably not corporately controlled such as Linux of FreeBSD. Microsoft would in essence lose thousands if not millions of Windows licensees within the period of time required to move critical systems over to another operating system. Hence it’s not in Microsoft’s, or any other company who produces an operating system’s, best interest to create a back door for anybody in their system.

I’m sorry for the extent of this post but people need to realize that computers aren’t magic. They are designed systems created for human use by mostly paranoid developers.

Now this doesn’t mean don’t be paranoid when using a computer and visiting a web site. There are plenty of exploits out there that can take control of systems, although fully patched systems are generally pretty safe. But don’t let people like Mr. Beck make you believe that your systems is going to be fully exploited and taken over by the federal government because you visiting a website. Honestly the government wouldn’t gain enough to justify the risk of it being revealed that they are breaking into citizens’ computers without any warrant or due process.

Further Research

A good write up about the disclaimer only applying to dealers and the ramifications of that.

What Global Warming Bias?

Oh shit here it goes again another study critical of global warming has been suppressed…


This is why I don’t buy into the whole global warming thing. For me to buy into something I generally need scientific evidence from multiple sides. I want studies done by people for a subject and people against a subject. In the case of global warming anybody who publishes a study that is critical of global warming is shunned and their study never sees the light of day.

I’m sure many people consider me insane and a conspiracy theory nut ball because I don’t desire to fight in Al Gore’s Apocalypse. But I have yet to find a study done by an un-bias party that shows evidence that global warming exists or that it is man made. My skepticism probably comes from the fact I remember when everybody was saying we are going to be entering another ice age any time. I also remember when all the pollution in our atmosphere was going to create so much acid rain that it would be deadly to go outside while it was raining. Neither of these claims had any real scientific evidence behind them and eventually they fell to the wayside.

Some Anti-Gunners Crying over Open Carry

A rather whiny article I found thanks to Mark Vanderberg on Facebook. I only post this because I’m in the mood to shoot down some more illogical statements…


The usual thing will be happening here, I’m going to pull out choice quotations and then destroy them. Let the carnage begin…

The real world implications of the open carry crusade is chilling. Consider:

Ooooh a bullet point list, I love these. Heck I love these so much each point is getting it’s own block quote. Let us consider the implications of…

Sipping hot chocolate with your toddler at Starbucks while a fellow patron openly displays a gun at the table next to you;

What is the implication of this? Well I’d probably go over to the guy and strike up a conversation. Who knows what terrible manner of conversation could arise between two pro-gun nut cases. Why there could be talk about the type of gun he’s carrying, the type of gun I’m carrying, politics, coffee, Hell almost anything. I’m sure the baby would have fun getting complements from another person proclaiming how cute he/she is. The only crime that could happen here is paying more for the coffee then you do for some ammunition.

Attending a church service with your entire family knowing that the fellow parishioner sitting next to you has a handgun tucked in his belt; or

What implication could we have here? Conversation with a fellow pro-gunner after the service is certainly likely. If some crazy asshole broke in with intent to kill people at the service I’m sure he wouldn’t get very far since there would be at least two law abiding citizens with guns there. You know this also sounds like a good implication.

Boarding a crowded bus with your newborn child with upwards of 5 other passengers openly carrying weapons.

Once again conversations could be abound. Also I know my newborn child would be safe from any crazy drug addict who might board the bus and try to rob or kill us. Hell this sounds like the only bus I’d want to ride on.

So what other quotes can be pulled from here? How about this one…

Unless this is the kind of world you want for you and your children, Americans’ need to pick up the phone to call state and federal lawmakers to voice outrage over the gun lobby’s extremist agenda.

Actually since this is exactly the type of world I’d want to live in I have contacted my congress critters, and told them to fight for my second amendment rights.

Oh and I love this one…

It’s ironic that today’s parents are hyper-vigilant about what their children eat, whom they hang out with and whether they have sunscreen on. Yet, in sharp contrast, there is remarkably little awareness or concern about the 280 million guns in civilian hands in our country—many of which are carried into countless public places each day where families frequent.

Maybe it’s because people aren’t concerned what law abiding citizens with guns will do. They are more concerned what criminals with guns will do. Furthermore they probably feel a bit safer knowing that there are people willing to defend themselves and others from criminals with guns. I know I do.

And finally…

After all, allowing a small group of armed gun owners — versus trained law enforcement officers — to make potentially life and death decisions about public safety in restaurants, churches, theaters and parks is a frightening prospect.

Sure I’ll bite, we can let the trained law enforcement officers make life and death decisions. After the many minutes it will take for them to arrive and many people have already been killed. Great idea, let’s let innocent people die because some people are afraid of something they’ve never used, guns.

Seriously I love these anti-gun arguments because they are so full of emotional B.S. but lack any real facts.

Looks Like Swine Flu will Kill Us All

Apparently the World Health Organization has declared Swine Flu a pandemic. Prepare to die…


I can’t get over how this swine flu scare refused to die. It hasn’t been nearly as bad as most flu mutations during regular flu seasons yet it’s being hyped up even now. Does the W.H.O. have some kind of need to make money by scaring people? W.H.O. knows.

But alas I’m The Doctor.

Doctor who?


Soon not Having a White Roof will be Illegal

The things “scientists” will say to get a piece of that Al Gore’s Apocalypse “research” money…


Apparently if we all paint our roofs white it will reduce carbon emissions (you know the stuff plants use to perform photosynthesis and create oxygen) as much as removing all vehicles from the roads for 11 years.

I’m tossing this one in the “I want global warming money so here is a crackpot idea” pile. Sadly if this “research” catches on you know the current administration will seriously consider a law that would make it illegal to have a roof that isn’t white. Cripes.

American Academy of Pediatrics View on Guns

In the last episode of the Handgun Podcast (the episode title is Technical Difficulties) Eric mentioned he picked up an anti-gun brochure from the American Academy of Pediatrics. It sounded bad so I asked him if I could get a scan which is so kindly provided. So here it is.


So I’ll just give my view on the brochure on a point by point basis.

Firearms Injury Prevention
More than 44 million American own firearms. Of the 192 million firearms owned in the United States, 65 million are handguns.

Oh the humanity! Not handguns. Whatever shall we do, they are almost as evil as “assault weapons.”

Research shows guns in the homes are a serious risk to families.

I guess this could be true if the guns are lying around where kids can get at them. Kenn Blanchard told a story on his Urban Shooter podcasts about his grandmother. She kept a loaded shotgun behind the stove. Not once did the kids touch them because they were educated on the fact they shouldn’t touch guns without adult supervision. Go figure, who would have thought education could be beneficial. Apparently not the American education system.

Let’s go through their bullet list of fallacies.

A gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone known to the family than to kill someone in self-defense.

I guess if we are going to include suicides than maybe this starts to make some shred of sense. But still it doesn’t. Just look at the Gun Facts document in the link.

A gun kept in the home triples the risk of homicide.

So because I own a gun I’m more likely to be a victim of suicide? Or am I the one who will commit homicide? Or will the gun kill people by itself? Vague facts usually aren’t facts at all but made up.

The risk of suicide is 5 times more likely if a gun is kept in the home.

So as long as I don’t have a gun I won’t commit suicide? I didn’t realize that guns caused depression. Interesting.

Lets look at the “Advice to parents” this brochure provides.

The best way to keep your children safe from injury or death from guns is to NEVER have a gun in the home.

What’s the best way to be defenseless when somebody breaks into your home? Why that’s to NEVER have a gun in the home. But hey when a criminal with a gun breaks into your home and threatens your child’s life what will you do if you don’t have a gun? Ask him not to shoot your child?

While we’re on the subject cars related incidents kill FAR more people every year then gun related incidents. The best way to avoid dying in a car accident is to NEVER have a car.

Find out if there are guns in the homes where your children play. If so, talk to the adults in the house about the dangers of guns to their family.

Yes be a good sheep and try to force your views on other people. Seriously does this mean if I know somebody who doesn’t have guns in their home I should tell them the dangers of being defenseless?

And then the classic line.

For those who know of the dangers of guns but still keep a gun in the home

You terrible human being you. You know guns are terrible evil devices that will murder your family and make you commit suicide, yet you still keep them in the home! For shame. What kind of advice does the American Academy of Pediatrics have for you horrible people?

Always keep the gun unloaded and locked up.

Lock and store the bullets in a separate place.

That’s right make the gun useless in a situation where you need it. Great advice, make your best means of defense worthless. Uh huh.

Anyways here is the link to Gun Facts which I mentioned.


Finally I leave you with the contact information of the person who’s name is on this document.

Meredith A. Byington M.D.

1317 E. Hwy 175, Suite 800
Crandall, Texas 75114

Her company’s (really shitty) website is http://www.mykaleidoscopekids.com.

Hey if she didn’t want this information out she wouldn’t have put it in here document.

Source: http://handgunpodcast.com/

Fat People Are Environmental Hazards, Cause Global Warming…

Check this article out…


According to this article fat people should be considered an environmental hazard because they help advance global warming. Direct from the article…

“The study concludes that being overweight or obese ‘should be recognized as an environmental problem’ because of its contribution to climate change from additional food and transport emissions.”

Expect to hear from Al Gore soon on how we should round up all obese people and execute them to save the planet. Seriously though this whole bull shit with global warming is getting out of hand. Every prick and yahoo out there is willing to do a study to prove X causes global warming so they can get grant money.

I’m all for reducing pollution and such but let’s think critically about this. According to the global warming chanters there is no longer a debate and anybody who things otherwise is mentally insane. On the other hand no study has actually been performed looking at any other possible causes then human caused.

And there is a reason behind this, if you say anything that countermands the idea that global warming (shit I forgot it’s called the redundant phrase “climate change” because this year was a record cold year and the ice caps are at their highest since the ’70’s) you can’t get any grant money. So much for the scientific process but I digress.

Oh well I guess we should just start charging fat people for more carbon credits. Hey that’s a new tax scheme, don’t base it on a person’s income base it on their weight. Oh I’m so patenting that idea!

Just like everything causes cancer soon everything will be labeled to cause global warming.