Brady Campaign Can’t Do Math

It looks like Dennis Henigan, a favorite punching bag for Truth About Guns, has written another article complaining that his little Brady Campaign is getting beaten up by the big back bully gun enthusiast. From Mr. Hennigan’s piece:

In case you missed it, last Saturday was “Starbucks Appreciation Day.” No, it was not a gesture of support from lovers of strong coffee (like me). The “appreciation” was on behalf of Americans who believe it is their sacred right to have a handgun with them wherever they go – even to carry it openly to make sure the rest of us know who are the real defenders of the Second Amendment.

Reason number one why businesses should support us gun owners, we’ll support you back. That’s right because Starbucks was good enough to recognize our rights in their establishments we threw an appreciation day and spent money at Starbucks. You treat us well and we’ll treat you well. Did the anti-gunners throw an appreciation day for California Pizza Kitchen and Peet’s Coffee and Tea after they issued their no girls guns allowed policy? Maybe you guys should try supporting those who share you views instead of ridiculing those who do not. Next up:

For a glimpse into its future as the corporate best friend of the gun-toters, Starbucks should consider the experience of a California restaurant chain, Buckhorn Grill. On February 6, a Buckhorn restaurant in Walnut Creek, California, was visited by about 100 men carrying their highly-visible guns. A recent New York Times editorial said this must have “looked like a casting call for a Sam Pekinpah shoot-‘m-up.” Shortly thereafter, Buckhorn’s management made clear that the restaurant had always had a “no weapons” policy and apologized for the “misunderstanding” that had led to the “open carry” event. How many gun carriers need to show up at Starbucks for the company to realize what a nightmare it is creating for its customers and employees?

Wait 100 paying customers is a nightmare? Really? Although I don’t own my own business I will say if I did I’d be ecstatic to have 100 people show up at my business to spend money on my goods and services. Heck I’d not only be happy but I’d treat them extremely well so they would return. And I love this paragraph:

Over 27,000 Americans so far have signed the “no guns” petition circulated by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and CREDO Action calling on Starbucks to keep guns out of its stores. Please join them by going to Tell Starbucks that, in your America, parents ought to be able to take their families into coffee shops without facing the intimidation and danger of guns.

27,000 signatures? That’s it? Really? Let’s do some math here. There are roughly 4,000,000 members of the NRA in this country. So the number of signatures they obtained is less than 1% (.675% to be exact) of the number of members of the NRA. Why is this important? It’s not really it’s just another method of showing the sheer scope of pro-gun people vs. anti-gun people and why businesses are better off catering to use than them.

Of course the important question lies in the title of the article which is called, “Starbucks Sticks To Its Guns. Why?”

Days of our Trailers points out the bloody obvious to Mr. Hennigan:

4+ million NRA members

>100K Brady Campaign supporters.

Do the math.

Apparently Mr. Hennigan has as much trouble with math as he does with basic logic.

I Think We Out Number Them Slightly

Wow I have to admit I never expected to see such a skewed ratio in my life. Robb Allen points out the fact that the Colorado Sheriff, who I wish was my Sheriff, that refused to enforce Colorado State University’s new campus carry ban has received a good amount of support.

Apparently Sheriff Jim Alderden has received 170 e-mails in support of his position and one against his position. 170 to one, man that certainly makes my day.

Violence Policy Center Demand You Pay Attention to Them

You have to hand it to the Violence Policy Center they certainly know how to whine for attention. Of course nobody is going to give it to them for reasons Snowflakes in Hell points out.

Violence Pouting Center released another “study” that amounts to them using Google to do searches for terms like “assault weapon” and “assault rifle” (As if those are the same things). These searches were done in an attempt to show the use of “assault weapons” against law enforcement has dramatically increased in the last two years. The sources they use are news and media reports whom we know aren’t the best at identifying guns.

I admit that most of my research for Truth About Guns is done via Google. But I also make an attempt (A very big attempt) to use credible sources such as data provided by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. These knuckleheads over at the Violence Policy Center can’t even do that.

Paymer at It Again

Fellow Minnesotans it appears as though that state representative Michael Paymar is at it again and this time he brought Scott Dibble to help. These two are reintroducing legislation that would ban private gun sales in this cold state.

The two bills are H.F.2960 and S.F.2659. He’s pulled this crap before and has lost before so let’s make sure him and his buddy lose again. Write your representatives.

Look Closely, There’s Hysteria Ahead

I’m sure most of you know about the fiasco occurring at Colorado State University. The campus is trying to ban lawful carrying of concealed firearms by their student body. Well I found a rather interesting article about this. Why is it interesting? Because the article was written in such a way to appear neutral but most certainly is not. Let’s start here:

It is a debate that gets snarled in the conflicting logic of gun ownership rights and the simple notion that bullets and blackboards don’t mix.

Personally I don’t find disarming a populace simple logic. And of course:

Whenever a change in the rules is discussed, national groups rush in with their agendas. On Friday, the Colorado board of governors received a petition from Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), a group that says young scholars stand a better chance of surviving the kind of rampage that occurred in Virginia if – as it were – they pack a pistol in their pencil case.

I’m unaware of anybody who carries that doesn’t use a holster. I certainly don’t know anybody who carries a gun in a pencil case. But we’re not done:

On the other side of the argument is Gun Free Kids, an organisation that began a “Keep Guns off Campus” campaign two years ago in response to the Virginia slaughter. It deploys research from law enforcement groups that suggests that there is no correlation between gun-toting citizens and lowered rates of violence.

I’m going to try and find their research. But since most colleges ban students and faculty from carrying on campus and all the major shootings have occurred on disarmed campuses it goes without saying that there is no correlation between armed citizens and lower rates of violence. It’s almost like the cowards who perform mass shootings seek out disarmed populations to enact their rage against. If only there was at least one state that allowed students to carry and didn’t have any occurrences of mass shootings. Oh wait:

“It really came down to two general issues, number one: best practices, just looking at what other universities are doing, and very, very few outside of the state of Utah allow concealed weapons on campus,” he said recently. “The second is risk management, and it really comes down to this university is responsible for managing risk on this campus of the students.”

That’s right Utah. In Utah you can carry on a state campus. Likewise Utah has had no mass shootings on a college campus since the enacting of their carry laws. No this is not proof, nor evidence, nor even a correlation. But it’s on par with what Gun Free Kids (How many kids are in college anyways? Most people there are 18 or older.) is presenting. Finally this is out of order in the article but alas I want to make a statement about it:

The group also says that there are few places where guns should be less welcome than on campuses. “With binge-drinking, drug use and the pressures that college students are under, we just think introducing guns into that environment, it’s the wrong thing to do,” said campaign director Andy Pelosi.

What person who has a concealed carry license is going to binge drink while carrying? Whom of those people are going to abuse drugs and risk losing their license? What college student “under pressure” is going to use a legally carried gun to do something nasty?

The bottom line is conceal carry license holders are some of the most law abiding citizens out there. Anyways consider this post a mini Truth About Guns episode without all the citations and work.

Today National Park Carry Becomes Law

Today is February 22nd which means you can now legally carry in national parks so long as you obey the carry laws of the park’s host state.

According to the gun control advocates this is the day that violence in national parks will sky rocket, blood will rain from the sky to fill the streets, everybody who enters a national park will be shot, and bears will become extinct as gun toting maniacs poach to their hearts’ content.

For those of us in the real world this is the day where nothing changes except those of us who carry don’t become criminals the second we talk into a national park. My prediction is nothing will change except for the fact some people who would have been mauled to death by a random wild animal will not survive.

Brady Bunch Cost California Pizza Kitchen 100 Customers

Says Uncle let’s us know that compliance with the Brady Bunch can cost you a lot of customers. The Brady Campaign didn’t have any luck with Starbucks but they certainly had some luck with California Pizza Kitchen in getting the restaurant to ban openly displays firearms on the premises. Unfortunately for them it cost them 100 customers who moved their open carry meeting to somewhere that likes their money. This is what you can look forward to if you decide to deny people their constitutional rights.

Good on You Starbucks

Previously I mentioned the Brady Bunch were trying to cost Starbucks money by shoving a petition under their nose to ban open carry in their establishments. I’ve since learned from Alphecca that Starbucks has further shown the Brady Bunch’s irrelevance by telling them to sodomize themselves with retractable batons (I may be paraphrasing slightly here):

“Starbucks does not have a corporate policy regarding customers and weapons; we defer to federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding this issue,” Starbucks’ customer relations department said in response to the Brady Campaign’s request.

You know I’m actually starting to like Starbucks. Good on you guys.

More Open Carry Drama

Says Uncle has a post about more open carry drama occurring, this time in Michigan. The group Michigan Open Carry decided to have a meeting at a Pondarosa which the owner was fine with. Well that is until some of the members started showing up with rifle:

Officials from Michigan Open Carry say the owner of Ponderosa greed to let them hold a meeting at the restaurant. But he says he didn’t expect the meeting to be held on a busy Saturday — and certainly didn’t expect the men to bring more than handguns.

“At first, we looked the other way on the handguns,” said owner Dennis Holleran. “And then some gentleman shows up with an assault rifle, and that was just too far over the top.”

The owner called the police who came and ousted the Michigan Open Carry members. Of course there are hard feelings going around as would be expected. A lot of people are saying the open carry advocates were well within their right to carry and therefore what happened was unconscionable. But they are also forgetting another right, the right of a property owner to determine what happens on his or her property.

I personally can’t say the owner of the Pondarosa was out of line. Something was happening on his property that he was uncomfortable with so he took measures to make it stop. I don’t believe he should have called the cops before asking the people to leave but alas it’s his place and he can do as he pleases.

If somebody doesn’t want me to carry a gun on their property then I won’t go there. The owner sets the rules and I can chose to either abide by them or not go there. Likewise a property owner has the right to say he will allow me to carry a handgun but not a rifle. We as gun owners need to realize that we have a right to keep and bear arms and property owners have a right to determine what they will and will not allow on their property.

Of course these rules are different for governments in my book since that land is owned by the tax payers. Because of this I don’t think government has the right to determine what rights they will respect and what rights they won’t respect. But that’s an entirely different topic.

On another point relating to the topic at hand I want to say the police handled this situation very well:

But LPD say no one was arrested and notes they’re now working cooperatively with Open Carry to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

“I think the taxpayers of Lansing want us to respond to gun calls. But at the same time, we need to be aware of individual rights.”

So kudos to them for not making a big fuss out of this and understanding they need to be aware of peoples’ rights.