Second Amendment Foundation Suing District of Columbia

This is why I love these smaller second amendment groups. The Second Amendment Foundation is taking the District of Columbia to court. The court case is due to the fact the city isn’t issuing carry permits. The crux of the suit:

SAF previously sued the District over its restrictive handgun registration policies, leading the city to amend those policies. This time, SAF is alleging that the District previously had a city code under which the police chief could issue licenses to carry handguns to individuals, including citizens not residing in the District, though the city did not issue such licenses as a matter of policy for several years. That authority was revoked last December by the Mayor and City Council.

It’s certainly an interesting case. I’m doubting SAF will get their desired outcome but if we keep constantly sending suits at the anti-gunners eventually we may get them to crumble.

Thanks to no National Concealed Carry the Pittsburgh Shooting Wasn’t as Bad

From Joe Huffman’s blog we have a quote from the Brady Bunch father Paul Hemke (I don’t directly link to the Brady Campaign site, you’ll have to navigate though Huffman’s blog) has decided to speak up. His assessment of the Pittsburgh shooting is that thanks to the defeat of the national carry reciprocity Mr. Chickenshit (not Hemke but the Pittsburgh gym shooter) couldn’t carry in other states. To quote the letter:

Two weeks ago, gun violence prevention organizations helped defeat a bill in Congress that would have allowed this killer to carry his loaded weapon almost anywhere in the country.

How this is relevant I’m not sure. First of all Mr. Chickenshit was in his own state so national reciprocity wasn’t an issue at all. Second of all if he was going to leave the state to murder people I highly doubt he would decide the only travel to a state that recognized his permit. Third L.A. Fitness has a policy that prevents people from carrying their legally permitted weapons in so obviously Mr. Chickenshit didn’t care about breaking a law against carrying his gun anyways. Finally if he’s brining this up because it would have increased Mr. Chickenshit’s length of time in prison for violating a gun control law it’s irrelevant since the guy offed himself anyways.

I guess I understand the fact that Hemke is trying to make it appear as if his organization is doing something in the desperate hope that somebody will support them against the big, mean, and nasty NRA. Sorry Hemke but arguing with lies and irreverent information isn’t going to win you many supporters.

People Getting Knickers in a Bunch over Lawful Commerce

Uh oh there is lawful commerce afoot and people aren’t happy. Eastside Harley-Davidson has a promotion running where you will receive a $500.00 voucher if you purchase a new bike.

I love how it’s OK with people when the federal government gives them cash for turning vehicles which get lower fuel milage but the second a voucher for a gun (voucher people, not an actual gun) is given away it’s all of the sudden a horrible event.

To get the story straight the $500.00 voucher is for Wade’s Eastside Guns so people have to take the voucher there, pick out a gun, fill out the paper work, go through the NICS, and finally get the gun. Hence this is no different that purchasing a gun at any store except if you bought the Harley you also get a gift certificate. But I guess we know lawful commerce is a scary thing if it isn’t under government control.

Anti-Gunners Already Exploiting the Gym Mass Murder Tragedy

Wow I was reading Days of our Trialers and see it didn’t take the anti-gunners long to start exploiting a tragedy. Paul Helmke wrote a short article about the mass murder. In it he’s mostly whining that nothing is being done to stop these types of tragedies. But he closes with this line:

It’s obviously too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons in this country.

Yes that’s obviously the only reason a disturbed man who was plotting the mass murder of women for nine months went on his rampage. I’m sure he would have stopped and decided not to go on his murder spree if he had to break the law to obtain those guns. After all murder is one thing but violating gun control laws, that’s pretty major.

Home Defense, Doing it Right

I came across a heart warming story dealing with a man defending a home. An armed suspect broke into a house only to be met with a bullet to his neck. The story has a happy ending as well, the defender was unharmed while the scum bag didn’t make it past the front porch.

The defender was not actually a resident of the home either, he was only staying there with his relatives. Hopefully if the home owners aren’t gun owners they will be soon.

I don’t have one rant to make about this article though. The new piece clearly gives the exact address of the home that was broken into. This practice should end in my book since it could potentially put the people living there in danger. If the scum bag is a member of a gang there could be such a thing as his posse deciding to get revenge. It would be quite easy to do now that they have the exact location of the place where their fellow in crime was killed. I’m just saying news reporters should use a little common sense and realize that they should protect the residence of such a home by holding back the address. The address brings nothing to the story and is unneeded.

Louisiana Congressman Introducing Bill to Limit Gun and Ammunition Tax Hikes

In Louisiana congressman Rodney Alexander is planning on taking away one of the anti-gunners hopeful weapons. As it sits right now one of the most effective forms of gun control has been through taxation. Proof of this is in the National Firearms Act which at the time states certain weapons, most notably machine guns and short barreled long guns, required a $200.00 tax stamp. At the time $200.00 was a considerable amount of money and the thought was through making such guns exorbitantly expensive criminals wouldn’t be able to afford them.

That obviously didn’t work but the anti-gunners never let logic stand in the way of restricting a right. They are often talking about making massive taxes on guns and ammunition in order to curb gun ownership violence and make money for that government to boot. It looks like Louisiana may have a change of dodging this issue all together, unless of course a federal law enters the books.

But I Thought Police Were the Only Ones Responsible Enough to Carry Guns

I came across an interesting article on Says Uncle today. It occurs in New York city where guns are strictly controller and getting a license to carry one is even more difficult than buying a gun. The police are the only ones considered responsible enough to carry a gun on their person in the Big Asshole Apple.

One of these responsible and upstanding police officers, Trevor Harpaul, was trying to enter Mingles Lounge where a bouncer was determined to bar entry. The police officer being an extremely responsible man decided to wave his gun at the bouncer hoping to gain entry. To top this off the gun was defaced (the serial number was removed) which compounds his failure to obey the law he has sworn to protect.

This proves a frightening and shocking point, police officers aren’t all law abiding citizens who will do no wrong with a firearm. Who would have guessed?

Today’s Stories from the Unarmed United Kingdom

As we all know Oceania has an almost total ban on private ownership of firearms. They did this in the name of dropping violent crime, so they say. For instance there is a complete ban on handguns in the country but I guess nobody told the four men who robbed the Culleybackey post office.

An eight person has been charged in the case of Swinder Singh Batth’s murder. He was shot dead even though there guns are strictly controller in Oceania to prevent shootings.

Finally a couple had their home invaded not once but twice in the same night. In the first robbery three men entered (after the women opened the door for them, remember ensure you know the people before opening the door) and ended up stealing their holiday savings the sum of which wasn’t given. After the couple went to bed that night two other men broke into the home and stole £400 in cash and the couple’s television. Luckily neither person was murdered but it could have likely went the other way. Being able to defend yourself, especially at home, is not only a nice thing but a required thing.

No Firearms for Foreign Felons Act of 2009

Seriously doesn’t senator Feinstein ever quit? From Snowflakes in Hell comes this story.

Senator Feinstien is pushing a new piece of legislation called the “No Firearms for Foreign Felons Act of 2009.” The law if enacted would prohibit anybody who has been convicted of a felony in a foreign country from obtaining a gun in this country. There are some good examples of so called felons in foreign countries such as Francis Gary Powers who was the pilot in the U2 that was shot down over the Soviet Union.

This legislation has bad written all over it since it’s basing an American citizen’s rights on events that occurred in another country with a different set of rules. Can you imagine being a woman from the Middle East who escaped here after being convicted of indecent behavior (in other words not covering every inch of her body) who wants to buy a gun now that he has a new citizenship? Oh too bad and so sad since she’s been convicted of a high crime in another country even though this country doesn’t recognize the crime.

I’m sure the next piece of legislation will say anybody who could be convicted of a felony in another country can no longer purchase guns in America. That would effectively ban guns in this country since many things we do in our daily lives is felony material in some country or other.

So far it doesn’t appear as if the bill has many sponsors:

The legislation, introduced late Tuesday, is co-sponsored by Senators Richard Durbin (D-Ill.); Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.); Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.); Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). This bill was originally introduced in the 110th Congress.

That’s a good sign obviously and after getting a majority vote for inclusion of the national carry reciprocity amendment I think not only is congress skittish with anti-gun laws but they appear to be willing to support pro-gun laws. Either way we need to keep our eyes on this one.

Even Permanently Disabled Guns are Scary in the United Kingdom

Ah yes the United Kingdom. This find conglomeration of government intrusion and control is so afraid of guns that even completely disabled ones are feared…

A person was selling two guns which were disabled, via being welded shut, and properly certified at a local market. Some moron calls the police because apparently even permanently disabled guns are scary in Wales. The police arrive and tell the owner to sell the guns “more appropriate channels.”

Now there was nothing illegal about these guns, all the accompanying paper work was with them and the guns were unable to be restored to their original working configuration. That’s right lawful commerce was being practiced which we know Oceania is completely against hence the police had to put a stop to it. And I love this quote by the officer…

We would like to reassure the public that the use of guns in south Wales remains extremely rare and immediate action is taken if information is received about the use, threat or sale of items.

Yes they sure do crack down on guns be it a use, threat, or sale. Heck apparently even non-functioning guns which can’t be used to shoot somebody are cracked down upon. Of course they also crack down on those who defend themselves with a firearm since self defense is also all but illegal in that region.