I Think I Can Help

Good old Josh Sugarman. He’s one of those guys who always finds time out of his busy day of learning how to use a toilet like a big boy to make false claims about firearms. It seems he thinks Arizona is a big source of guns for the Mexican drug cartels:

Gun shows in Arizona are a significant source of military-style firearms for Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations. The anchor’s[Kelly] reference to Civil War guns isn’t even relevant since any gun manufactured before 1898 is not a “firearm” under federal law.

My question is how can you stop this when the very organization, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF), that is supposed to stop this is likely the source of the firearms smuggled across the border? Oh snap mother fucker. I guess the best thing we can do to prevent the supposedly smuggled guns is to shut down the ATF. How about Joshy, you on board? Nope? Ah, yes I’m sure that’s too logical for you.

The White House Looking to Lose the Next Election

I took a bit of time out of my busy day to mock the anti-gunners because Obama didn’t heed their call and mention gun control in his State of the Union address. Well rumors are circulating that the White House will be making a push for stronger gun control in a short while:

But in the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check.

Who knows if this is true or not but you can be sure you’ll hear about it on the gun blogs if it is. I’m sure if a push is made they will be trying to perform the impossible and require the NICS system to detect crazy. I’d mention a potential ban on large capacity magazines may be in the works but McCarthy already showed those cards with her stupid ass legislation.

Keep your ear to the ground ladies and gentlemen, if there is one entity on the planet that can’t be trusted to do the right thing (not make more worthless gun control laws) it’s government.

An Example of Burden of Proof

I love it when examples make themselves apparent. Shortly after I posted about the whole idea that burden of proof is on the accuser Uncle posted a story where the accuser presents not facts to backup their claim.

The claim made by Salon author Gene Lyons is, “Guns costs more lives than they save.” The numbers provided to backup that claim? Nonexistent. The author provides a couple of unverified (no link or description of where the story originated from) stories where police officers were shot in the line of duty. Oh and the author flat out lies about this:

Anyway, here’s the thing: In the wake of the Tucson tragedy, handgun advocates argue that a well-armed private citizen could have saved lives by putting a decisive end to alleged gunman Jared Loughner’s mad act. Never mind that Arizona has the most permissive gun laws in the country. Indeed, the killer had broken no laws until he shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords at point-blank range.

Emphasis mine.

Actually he committed a crime when he purchased the firearm because he was a user of marijuana which legally prohibited him from possessing a firearm.

See how that works? I made a claim and backed it up with citations of evidence.

Security Theater at the Theater

Yo Dawg, I heard you liked security theater so we put security theater in your theater so you can watch while you watch.

It seems Broadway theaters think they’re pretty important targets of opportunity:

Additional steps are needed to prepare Broadway theaters in New York City for a potential WMD attack or other crisis, a New York state legislature subcommittee said yesterday (see GSN, Sept. 23, 2010).

I’m sure the terrorists are going to spend a lot of time and effort to smuggle a nuclear or biological weapon into a Broadway theater in an attempt to kill thousands of people. That makes so much sense considering all the weapons of mass destruction we’ve been finding terrorists with as of late… wait, that hasn’t happened.

Thankfully Most Criminals are Morons

If you’re a criminal and want to obtain a gun how do you go about doing it? According the the anti-gunners you go to a gun show. What they don’t tell you though is the fact most people at gun shows are dealers and thus required to perform background checks thus most criminals usually try to get somebody with a clean record to purchase guns for them. This is known as a straw purchase and is illegal. Thankfully most criminals are rather simple minded and don’t think things all the way through so they often raise a bunch of red flags when trying to skirt the law. The guys at Monsoor’s Sports Shop encountered one of these idiot criminals trying to obtain a gun through a straw purchase:

Monsoor’s Sport Shop owner Pat Wendling contacted the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives last week about a possible “straw purchase” after the 28-year-old La Crosse man came in to look at handguns.

What do you think was the red flag that caused them to call the ATF was? I’m betting it was this:

When shown a 9 mm Taurus pistol, Damon Taylor lifted his shirt, tucked the gun in his waistband, commenting it would fit nicely, according to an ATF agent’s affidavit unsealed Friday. He said he wanted to buy the pistol for his fiancée and asked how to go about it.

Ah yes the waistband carry test followed by an excuse that he wanted to buy the gun for somebody else. Yup, that won’t raise any attention at all.

Beyond this story though I’d also like to give a shout out to Monsoor’s. The La Crosse area is where I was born and spent a good chunk of my life. During my time living there I did quite a bit of business with them and they were always great people to deal with. If you’re ever in the area and need something gun related I highly recommend them.

Save the Planet, Kill a Few Million People

Our species must be the only one in the universe with enough intelligence to be stupid enough to desire extinction. Take for instance the greenies who are make claims that our existence is destroying the planet. For me the best solution is to research space exploration so we can get off of this rock which will lessen the number of people on the planet an ensure our species will not be wiped out by a random Earth killing event (and seriously who the fuck cares if we pollute Mars, it’s a dead world). The greenies on the other hand cheer horrible massacres like Gehngis Khan’s slaughter of millions as being green:

Unlike modern day climate change, however, the Mongol invasion actually cooled the planet, effectively scrubbing around 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere.

So how exactly did Genghis Khan, one of history’s cruelest conquerors, earn such a glowing environmental report card? The reality may be a bit difficult for today’s environmentalists to stomach, but Khan did it the same way he built his empire — with a high body count.

Over the course of the century and a half run of the Mongol Empire, about 22 percent of the world’s total land area had been conquered and an estimated 40 million people were slaughtered by the horse-driven, bow-wielding hordes. Depopulation over such a large swathe of land meant that countless numbers of cultivated fields eventually returned to forests.

Wow. Notice the wording? It may be hard to stomach? Notice nowhere in the article does the author actually proclaim the slaughter of 40 million people was a bad thing? Notice how the author of the study picked an event that happened long ago instead of something more recent such as Stalin’s purges or Hilter’s Holocaust? Both of those events killed millions which would have lead to similar events of Genghis Khan’s reign.

Just remember the only way to stop global warming climate change global climate disruption is to kill untold millions. Of course the ones proclaiming these things won’t start things off by ending themselves and leaving the rest of us in peace.

Major Editorial Oversight

Read the following article and see if you can point out the editorial oversight, I’ll wait.

Found it?

While walking home from the busstop this week, a 13-year-old Norwegian school boy stumbled upon four wolves. In the end, it may have been his love of heavy-metal music by the band Creed that saved his life.

Emphasis mine. You know an editor isn’t doing their job when heavy-metal and Creed appear in the same sentence without some kind of not operator included. Creed isn’t metal.

Likewise if I were a pack of wolves I’d fucking run if somebody blared Creed at me. Hell I’m a human being and I try to avoid listening to Creed. I’d say those wolves were probably a sign from Thor to the kid telling him to stop listening to shitty music. Next time it’ll be deaf wolves, just sayin’.

Amazingly Accurate Observation

Linoge has made a great observation of hypocrisy. You know all those people currently bitching about women being subjugated at the SHOT Show because they’re employed as “booth babes?” That’s kind of a double standard considering nobody says a word when automobile manufacturers do exactly the same thing though their women are generally more scantily clad.

If you’re going to bitch about something at least don’t be a hypocrite, be consistent.

Idiot Drivers

I’ve seen idiot drivers cut people off, spin out due to driving faster than conditions allowed for, text on their phone while driving, and even drive the wrong way down a one way street. Even seeing all of this I’ve never seen an idiot driver cruise across a live firing range. Apparently some buffoon decided that was a good idea and drove across the firing line at the SHOT Show today while people were test firing everything from 9mm handguns to 7.62mm machine guns.

Darwin needs to step up his game I think.