And Then There Were Four

Wyoming has now become the fourth state in the United States to remove government interference from the right to self defense. Governor Mead signed the constitutional carry bill meaning you no longer need a permit in order to carry a firearm, in any fashion, in the state of Wyoming.

Only 46 more states to go.

EDIT 2011-03-03 11:03: Apparently my math is not great. There are 46 remaining states, not 56. Counting is hard. Also thanks Vicki for pointing that out.

A Heart Warming Story

Some stories just warm my heart and this is one of them:

Today in Austin TX – Activists were successful in buying TRUNKS full of usable firearms that would have otherwise been destroyed (or ended up in the hands of “terrorists” – as we have seen before how cops confiscate guns and resell them to cartels…)

About 40 gun buyers, both independent and otherwise, stood in front of the Austin Police Gun Buyback Event offering CASH for the guns they were about to turn in to the city for food cards. As people rolled up, we approached them with our offers, and paid them hard cash after inspecting the guns to make sure they were operable. (the Police were unbelievably cooperative in the process)

It doesn’t look like the Bureau of Happiness and Joy Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives has decided to go after these people yet for “being in the business.” Maybe this could be a new source of discount firearms for use enthusiasts, head to the next buy confiscation and offer the same price as the police (maybe a bit more) but in good old cash. That way somebody who will do something productive with the firearm can get it instead of the state whom will destroy it (unless it’s sufficiently valuable then it will probably disappear into the gun safe of a Sargent somewhere).

Revocation Rate of Minnesota Carry Permits

An interesting post over on the Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (GOCRA) website has been published. It’s a listing of the revocation rate of carry permits in Minnesota. I figured it would be low but I didn’t realize how laws it was:

2006: 37,000 permits held, 3 revoked, .0081%
2007: 46,000 permits held, 0 revoked, 0%
2008: 53,000 permits held, 4 revoked, .0075%
2009: 63,000 permits held, 1 revoked. .0016%

Revocation of a carry permit can occur for several reasons included improper use of a carry firearm (outside of self-defense situations for example) or a change in status from an eligible gun owner to an ineligible person. Minnesota’s rate is far less than one percent which goes to show most permit holders are law abiding citizens who continue to remain law abiding even after they receive a carry permit (so much for that whole “blood in the streets” argument the anti-gunners like to parrot).

Karma, It’ll Get You

Wizardpc over at Walls of the City posted one of the greatest demonstrations of karma being a bitch I have ever read. It’s so delicious in it’s irony I can’t even begin to exclaim my amusement. Anyways a kid hired a hit man to kill his parents only to be shot by the hit man:

Police said a group of boys and men went to the boy’s house in La Vergne on Wednesday night and knocked on the door. The 16-year-old answered the door and was shot twice. He was treated at Vanderbilt University Hospital and released with non-life-threatening injuries.

“He opened the door. He tried shutting the door and what we believe (is) that one of the persons outside the door got a foot in the door. He couldn’t shut it completely. He was able to shut the door after the shots were fired,” said police Chief Ted Boyd.

Wait for it… and now the pay off:

During an investigation, officers found the boy’s phone hidden in a couch in the house and reviewed text messages. Police said it appears the teen had hired someone to kill his parents. He texted that he had “three stacks,” or $3,000, and that he was thinking about doing it himself but couldn’t bring himself to.

My question is what this will do to the parents’ emotional state. First their child is shot and then they learned the kid was shot by a man who was originally paid by their son to kill them. The moral of the story? Don’t fuck with karma because it’ll fuck you back.

Full Motion Video on an E-Ink Display

It’s not secret that I love E-Ink displays. Comparing reading on my Kindle to reading on my iPad always comes to the same conclusion, the Kindle is far superior for reading. Not only do E-Ink displays cause less stress on the eyes but they also consume far less power. The downside of E-Ink displays is the lack of color and the slow refresh speeds. It appears as through Bookeen may have found a solution to the latter problem and have demonstrated full motion video running on an E-Ink display. Bookeen claims that the display running in this mode sucks no more power than an LCD screen… that isn’t back lit.

Before anybody bitches that it’s not in color I realize that (believe it or not I can see color). Color E-Ink displays are in the works already. If we can get E-Ink displays to the point where they look comparable to modern LCDs we could increase the battery life on our mobile devices by a good margin (the main power sucker on modern smart phones and laptops are the displays). Likewise we’d actually be able to use out device in direct sunlight. Honestly I’m all for replacing current LCD technology with E-Ink displays once the technology has fully matured.

Chiappa Rhino Review

Via Jay over at MArooned I came across a review of the Chiappa Rhino.

In case you haven’t been paying attention to the wheel gun industry the Chiappa Rhino is a revolver that shoots from the bottom chamber instead of the stop. This is supposed to reduce recoil which all reviews I’ve read so far say it does. Everything I read about this gun makes me want to have one more.