This is Retarded

No seriously it is. There is a web site dedicated to stopping people from using the word retarded. Retarded is a legitimate medical term for Christ’s sake. This is no different than deterring the use of the word idiot, moron, or stupid. All of those words are legitimate medical terms referring to an improperly developed mind and are used in derogatory manners.

Trying to stop the use of terms in place of flowery hippie phrases is one of by biggest pet peeves. It’s akin to saying a child isn’t poor, they’re at risk at hope. I’m sorry (OK I’m not) to be blatant about this but no matter what word you create to replace retarded it’s eventually going to be used in a derogatory manner because people like to insult each other. The best thing you can do is ignore it and eventually people will move on to another word.

These campaigns are stupid. I personally pledge to keep using the word retarded as well as every other word I use to insult things.

Blame the Victim

You know this whole blame the victim mentality goes beyond annoying. A “study” was just released that attempts to explain why some kids get bullied:

Kids who get bullied and snubbed by peers may be more likely to have problems in other parts of their lives, past studies have shown. And now researchers have found at least three factors in a child’s behavior that can lead to social rejection.

The factors involve a child’s inability to pick up on and respond to nonverbal cues from their pals.

So the study is saying the reason some kids get beat up is because those kids don’t pick up on nonverbal cues from their “pals.” So it’s obviously the victim’s fault that they are victims. That makes sense. Let me paraphrase another potential situation here:

Women who get rapped by peers may be more likely to have problems in other parts of their lives, past studies have shown. And now researchers have found at least three factors in a women’s behavior that can lead to being raped.

The factors involve a woman’s inability to pick up on and respond to nonverbal cues from men.

That’s only logical of course. Please note that last bit was sarcasm in the highest degree. Cripes!

Better Late Then Never I Guess

I just checked my inbox and got a reply from Senator Franken to an e-mail I sent him… seven months ago.

Seven fucking months! I guess it’s better to be late than never. Anyways it dealt with the Thune amendment I asked him to support. Here is his response:

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for contacting me about the Thune Amendment (S.A.1618) to the Department of Defense authorization bill. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue, and regret the delay in responding.

I strongly support a Minnesotan’s right to own a gun for collection, protection, and sport. In 2003, our Minnesota State Legislature worked hard to balance that right with the safety of all Minnesotans. When it passed the Minnesota Personal Protection Act, the Minnesota State Legislature strengthened the right of gun ownership in our state, but also expanded certain safety requirements. It did this through requiring live firearms training for those receiving permits. It also required background checks prior to the purchase of a firearm. This condition helps prevent perpetrators of domestic violence from getting handguns.

The Thune Amendment would have taken away our state’s right to decide what sort of standards would be enforced within its own borders. It would have allowed any person issued a permit from any state to enter Minnesota with a concealed firearm, regardless of whether he or she met our state’s mandated requirements. This would have undermined our state law and potentially jeopardized the safety of Minnesotans.

In voting against this amendment, I stood with the Minnesota Chief of Police Association, eight Minnesota Mayors, and numerous community groups. I firmly believe that when it comes to law enforcement and community safety, Minnesotans know what’s best for Minnesota.
Thank you again for contacting me, and please don’t hesitate to do so in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern to you.

In other words his no friend of gun owners.

Umm… What

This certainly falls under news that makes you go, “What the fuck?” Dvorak Uncensored posted a bizarre story that could only come from the Commonwealth. Australia is looking at banning porn with women having A cup breasts. From the article and no I’m not making this up:

Breasts came under the spotlight a year ago, as Senators Barnaby Joyce and Guy Barnett commenced a campaign against publicly available porn. Rounding up magazines from corner shops and filling stations, Senator Joyce claimed that publications featuring small-breasted women were encouraging paedophilia.

Hear that ladies? If you have small breasts you’re encouraging pedophilia! Obviously the next logical step here is to arrest and imprison all women who have A-cup sized breasts for distributing child pornography.

Say Hello to the Dumb Gun

Here’s a bad idea in motion. It’s a $10,000 .22 “smart” gun. The principal is simple, the gun only fires when it’s close enough to a watch that the owner would need to wear.

Of course one would inquire about the usefulness of a gun that fails to function because the battery in a watch died. Furthermore the designers put a nice bright LED on the guns that is green when the gun is activated and red when it’s not. Of course in the middle of the night when you don’t want to give away your position you’re rather fucked. Speaking of the night what happens if somebody breaks into your home and you have to act fast? Grab the watch, throw it on, and fire?

This gun looks like failure incarnate.

More Smith and Wesson News From SHOT Show

This time it isn’t good as The Firearms Blog reports. The FBI nailed one of their executives for bribery. The FBI agents posted as representatives of an African nation and apparently the executive attempted to bribe them. Ouch!

Also expect the Brady Bunch and Bloomberg’s Posse to make a press release attempting to say this was due to weak gun laws.

Another Great Idea Ruined By Litigation

I’m sure many of you have heard about several colleges doing pilot programs with the Amazon Kindle. The idea is to allow students to have all their heavy text books on a single device. Well the National Federation of the Blind and the American Council of the Blind decided they would have none of that and took a great big dump all over the the project. Why? Because the devices are not completely accessible to the blind.

In an agreement (At gun point) the Ministry Department of Justice barred the use of electronic readers until they are completely usable by the blind.

In other news another technological achievement will be banned in from use in universities due to inaccessibility to the blind. Although the technology has been in use for some time the two organizations in support of the blind have found that the devices were not accessible to those unable to see. They are working on brining a lawsuit against every university in the United States to bar the use of so called “text books” from use until such a time they are made accessible to the blind.

Talk About Low as You Go

Via Gun Nuts Media we get some of the lowest of the low from a “respected news source.” In this case we have an editorial writer comparing those of us with handgun carry permits to sex offenders:

Say, for example, you want to find out whether there are any convicted child molesters living in your neighborhood. You have young children, and like any good parent, you look up the information on available Web sites. Your research uncovers several living in your neighborhood. If you want to know whether they have permits to carry a gun, you can get that information. This bill, however, would prohibit that information from being made known.

Let’s step back a minute. First of all if a person is in a sex offender registry they have most likely committed a felony meaning they won’t be in the carry permit holder database. Second the implications of comparing law abiding citizens with clean records to child molesters is sickening. Just think about that for a minute. They are implying that those of us who hold permits to carry handguns are in the same class as those who have molested a child. A child molester is one of the most hated people in the country, they don’t even have a good life expectancy in prison because the prisoners hate them.

Of course the news paper wasn’t satisfied with just doing that. Let’s throw in the possibility of racism:

It also will be nearly impossible to find out whether police or other members are denying permits to legitimate applicants, maybe because of race or names that might denote a Muslim background, for example.

Oh OK I guess having a database of permit holders is OK because it will help fight racism. That makes so much sense. Except it doesn’t. This pretty much states that if you support keeping the names of those with carry permits secret you’re racist. At the moment that’s the gold card for those who don’t agree with you, accuse them of racism.

Let’s look at what the actual problems with publishing these names are. First and foremost there are people out there who obtain a carry permit for protection against a known potential threat. Often time these permit holders want their address kept secret so the potential threat can’t find them. Likewise many permit holders carry concealed because they don’t want people knowing they have a gun. See it’s a lot easier to survive a self defense situation if you have the element of surprise. It takes time, however brief, to for the human brain to deal with surprising criteria and that time could save your life. On the other hand if a criminal were targeting you or your family they would likely check to see if you had a carry permit and adjust their tactics as necessary. I’ll not even get into the whole shit storm of marketing people using the database as a mailing list.

Finally the author states the following:

As for allowing journalists access to generalized data: That information is useless. About all that could be gleaned is how many permits were issued and in what city or county — maybe.

Obviously the author doesn’t understand the wonderful world of data mining. A surprising amount of information can be derived from a little amount of data. From a person’s address you can theorize, quite accurately, their wealth (If they life in a upper class neighborhood for instance), the potential of having a family (A larger home often implies family versus an apartment), the car they drive (Parked out front often), and the hours they keep (Through observing their house and watching the times they come and go). This is just the icing on the cake obviously.

But the author obviously has a disconnection from reality as he thinks carry permit holders are in the same class of concern as sex offenders.

The bottom line is the anti-gun crowd love this database because it discriminates against gun owners gives reason for people to not obtain a carry permit (Personal information being published). An open database of carry permit holders has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with social control.

Violent Anti-Gunners

Says Uncle shows us the difference between peaceful pro-gun people and violent anti-gunners. The violent anti-gunner said the following:

In several of my comments, I made derogatory remarks directed at the trolls. I said some nasty stuff. Some colorful language was used. I stand by that language. I also stand by my offer to face them one on one and punch these idiots in their faces. That’s how I roll.

Meanwhile Uncle the peaceful pro-gun activist retorts with:

If he threatened me, I’d go to a local judge and get a restraining order taken out against him. That’s how I roll. Because I don’t have something to prove. To my wife.

Once again pro-gun people prove that we’re peaceful individuals who resort to violence only when absolutely necessary.

I Don’t Get This

OK I hang around a lot of different gun communities and hear a lot of different things. There is one particular community where a handful of members take every opportunity to bash the NRA. That’s fine, the NRA makes a lot of stupid mistakes. But it’s the reasons they bash them that I find rather idiotic.

It seems these people’s only argument is that the NRA is some front end for Republican neo-conservatives. Of course they always say GOP implying that all Republicans are neo-conservatives but I can point to quite a few good Republicans such as Ron Paul (Yes stereotypical example for a libertarian to pick but I don’t care, it’s my site and I can do what I want).

Anyways the recent argument stems from the fact the NRA wants to grab 10 minutes of Gura’s time in the McDonald vs. Chicago case. Gura, for those of you who don’t know, is the lawyer on our side. Now I have reservations about this as well because Gura has proven himself a very competent and able lawyer. The NRA is mostly not happy with how Gura is going after the case and want to add another spin on it. I’m not going to get further into details because, as usual, Sebastian over at Snowflakes in Hell has already create amazing posts related to that.

What I’m complaining about is the argument of a certain individual. He is saying the NRA is trying to grab this time because they want to ensure Gura’s argument isn’t the reason for this case to be won. Why? Because, being GOP shills, they want to ensure one specific right isn’t given further power, marriage. Yes that’s right. Apparently the NRA doesn’t want the case to be decided upon by Gura’s case because it would somehow also allow gays to marry.

Doesn’t get much dumber than that ladies and gentlemen. As you’ll note I’ve left out the community and names. This is because I don’t want to negatively impact that particular community as it’s usually pretty good.

Of course that begs the question why write a long post on my blog ranting about it? Because it’s my site and I get to post what I want.