Charging Bloggers for a Business License

Did you real the title of this post and think to yourself that it contained one of the dumbest ideas ever conceived? If you did congratulations you’re the target audience of this site. If you didn’t think that I’m sorry to say but you probably aren’t going to enjoy reading this blog.

Apparently Philadelphia is charging bloggers a $300 for a privileged license. So it’s finally come down to it, the requiring of a license to practice your first amendment rights. It’s nice to see the analogy that is often used by us gun rights activists isn’t so far off.

According to the article the city of Philly wants you to buy a license the second you make any form of profit. At least I’d be exempt from this as I don’t make a nickle off of this site. Then again I don’t pay much to keep it going either, just a small yearly fee to WordPress for my customer domain name. Either way we have good old big government doing what it does best, fucking over the people it’s supposedly serving.

Wikileaks Post Afghan War Records

Well it looks like Wikileaks is in the news again. This time they have released 91,000 reports from Afghanistan which they claim to be about lethal actions taking in that region. I’m sure it’s an interesting read and they have posted a downloadable version of the reports. I’d say get them while they’re hot in case they end up going away.

He Gets an ‘A’ for Effort

Sometimes criminals deserve a little nod for creativity. Take Daryl Simon who was a fraudster and facing prison time. In the hopes of getting leniency in his sentencing he tried showing the court he was a good Samaritan by photoshopping himself helping people attending physical therapy.

That takes balls… and a heaping helping of stupidity. It appears his Photoshop-fu is weak as he was caught. For punishment at being bad at Photoshop he received an additional 50 months to his sentence. Still funny though.

Don’t Bother Calling the Police

Us gun bloggers have said it again and again but I’ll say it again; police are under no legal obligation to protect you. In fact according to Dvorak Uncensored the Oakdale Police Department has made a list of crimes they will no longer respond to should planned layoffs occur. I might add this isn’t even a short list:

  • burglary
  • theft
  • embezzlement
  • grand theft
  • grand theft:dog
  • identity theft
  • false information to peace officer
  • required to register as sex or arson offender
  • dump waste or offensive matter
  • discard appliance with lock
  • loud music
  • possess forged notes
  • pass fictitious check
  • obtain money by false voucher
  • fraudulent use of access cards
  • stolen license plate
  • embezzlement by an employee (over $ 400)
  • extortion
  • attempted extortion
  • false personification of other
  • injure telephone/ power line
  • interfere with power line
  • unauthorized cable tv connection
  • vandalism
  • administer/expose poison to another’s

Oh and this golden:

Chief Anthony Batts listed exactly 44 situations that his officers will no longer respond to and they include grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism. He says if you live and Oakland and one of the above happens to you, you need to let police know on-line.

So if you get into a car wreck you better hope your phone has a data plan because you need to e-mail that situation.

This is a rather dirty thing by Mr. Batts to say. Why? Because it’s an underhanded threat. He’s pretty much saying give his department money or they’ll stop protecting you. This is the exact same scheme used by the mob (say you have a nice store there, it would be a shame if anything were to happen to it). Seriously it’s just dirty. I understand without the police officers who will be laid off the Oakdale Police Department will be unable to do as much as they currently do but to outright phrase it and give a list of things the department will no longer respond to is just plain fear mongering.

That’s Odd it Appears the Evil Belgians Found Something

I’m still doing this on the phone so bear with me and realize the grammar and spelling in this post may be a little worse than usual which is already pretty bad.

Remember a short while back when the Belgian police raided the local Catholic diocese? Remember how outraged the Vatican was at this terrible atrocity and complete disrespect for sacred ground? Remember all the people outraged that this happened? Well it appears that the Belgian police found something rather strange:

The confidential court documents were found in recent days among the many documents on June 24 seizures were made in the archbishop’s palace in Mechelen. These reports among magistrates was only intended for the court.

The same goes for hundreds of photos from the Dutroux investigation and large parts of the court record of the victims Julie and Melissa. The investigators were in the archbishop’s palace, dozens of photographs of the ruins of their cells, to allow autopsies.

Some internal court documents, which were found to have conversations of an agent with a coded informant – an informant who registered with the police investigation and the actions that followed. Informant who claimed that Julie and Melissa were kidnapped and murdered by the Mafia Liege, but investigation by the investigators that the track was not credible. It’s a mystery what the researchers that documents in the basement of the archbishop did.

I’d say that’s was worth the raid and investigation right there. Let’s see how this one turns out.

Also yes I realize both links are run through Google Translate and therefore could be inaccurate but I originally came across these via episode 215 of No Agenda. One of the hosts is fluent in Dutch and provided the original information, hence I believe it’s accuracy.

Here’s Your Definition of Irony for Today

Say Uncle provided today’s definition of irony. Apparently the IRS failed their recent government audit:

A new report from the Government Accountability Office inspected the tax agency’s financial statements from the 2009 fiscal year with the exacting thoroughness of, well, of an IRS auditor, and found a few billion-dollar errors.

But hey it’s only a few billion-dollar errors. It’s not like that’s real money or anything. So I wonder if the Government Accountability Office gets to make the IRS’s life Hell on Earth for the next decade.

Speaking of Violating

The Vatican is shocked, SHOCKED I tell you at the raid the Belgian police recently did. The Belgians decided to investigate these sex abuse reports themselves since it is becoming obvious the Catholic Church isn’t. My favorite quote:

The Vatican has expressed shock at raids, including the “violation” of a cathedral crypt, by Belgian police investigating alleged child sex abuse.

The Belgian police violated the cathedral crypt just like the priest violated the children. ZING!

More Climate Change as a Religion

Borepatch has a nice post showing yet another link between the followers of Al Gore’s Apocalypse and other mainstream religions. This time it’s a comparison of Catholicism (the church in which I was raised) and their use of the Index Liborum Prohibitorum, a list of books ostracized by the Church, and the Worshipers of Al Gore’s new mechanism trying to silence those who dare question the wisdom of The Gory One.

It’s amazing how much time Al Gore and his posse spend trying to discredit the people who oppose them instead of trying to discredit the research done by the people who oppose them. That, tied with the amount of money to be made off of the carbon credit scheme, ultimately is the reason I don’t buy Al Gore’s bullshit.

Another Senator Shows Great Ability to Manage Money

Senator Dodd sure knows how to use money. According to an article I found via Dvorak Uncensored Senator Dodd just awarded $54 million in stimulus money to a very profitable casino. Here’s the gist of it:

The tribe runs the sprawling Mohegan Sun casino, halfway between New York City and Boston, which earned more than $1.3 billion in gross revenues in 2009. Each tribe member receives a cut of the profits, a number a tribal official said was “less than $30,000” per capita per year. The stimulus money is a loan from a U.S. Department of Agriculture rural development program that is meant to help communities of less than 20,000 people that have been “unable to obtain other credit at reasonable rates and terms and are unable to finance the proposed project from their own resources.”

So some of our tax money just went to another country. Although somebody is going to yell racism because I’m bringing this up some education is truly in order. Native American (I’m not using this name to be politically correct, I’m using it so there isn’t confusion with people from India) reservations are sovereign soil, not part of the United States. We gave them land after we took it from them as compensation for practically wiping them out. Part of this compensation is the fact the land given back to them was not part of the United States but sovereign soil for the Native American tribes.

Because of this people living on Native American reservations do not pay taxes to the United States (unless they buy goods and services off of reservation land in which case they have to pay that state’s sales tax). This makes sense because they are not in the United States while on their reservations. Likewise as a mechanism for generating wealth most reservations have built casinos. Gambling is usually restricted or outright banned in most states making casino construction difficult if not impossible. Since Native Americans are not bound by the laws of the state their reservations are in they are able to build casinos.

Here’s my problem, that stimulus money is tax money. It’s money stolen by the government from it’s citizens. Now it’s being given to another nation whom do not contribute to said taxes. So I don’t care if each member of the tribe is getting less than $30,000 they shouldn’t be getting tax money since they don’t pay taxes (and they shouldn’t have to as they aren’t members of our country).

Oh I love this one:

“As with all beneficiaries of funding through this program,” said DeJong, “the loan will be repaid to USDA with interest.

Hopefully by that they don’t mean the loan will be repaid by taking government from another source as with GM.

All Things Being Equal

They’re not. Here’s an interesting headline item from the BBC, tell me if you can spot the inconsistency:

Bags are to be put over scores of surveillance cameras in parts of Birmingham with large Muslim populations, after local objections.

So Britain has decide that Muslims now are a higher class of citizen so they get special privileges? Don’t get me wrong here I’m glad they’re covering up the cameras I just believe they need to cover up the cameras everywhere. But here’s my favorite line from the article:

Councillor Salma Yaqoob said people had lost faith in the authorities.

Welcome to the party. Cookies and juice are over on the table in the corner.