European Mass Shootings

We’ve all heard the anti-gunners parrot on and on about how we need stronger gun control laws to prevent violence. They claim if gun control laws here were as strong as those found in most European nations most mass shootings would be prevented.

John Lott did a quick look into the history of European mass shootings and found out the anti-gunners, as usual, are wrong. No it seems mass shootings have a habit of popping up in so-called “gun free zones.”

Tennessee Governor’s Veto Overridden

Well here’s some good news for anybody that’s been keeping track of the shenanigans that have been going on in Tennessee over the restraunt carry bill. Their House and Senate voted for legislation that would allow people with carry permits to carry their gun into establishments that served alcohol (they still can’t drink which is what most mass media sources forget to mention). Once the legislation hit the Governor’s desk it was vetoed. Well that veto has been overridden.

Good work people of Tennessee.

Weapons Heading to Mexico Seized

Apparently a large quantity of weapons has been seized on it’s way to Mexico:

Texas police say they acted on a tip-off and stopped a truck. Inside, they found 147 assault rifles, 53 bayonets and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition they believe were heading across the border to Mexico.

Oh no not bayonets! You could seriously poke somebody’s eye out with one of those. I’m sure the anti-gunners are going to be all over this in about five minutes. Of course they will harp how this is proof we need to ban “assault weapons” here although I’m betting most of those seized weapons were fully automatic and thus already heavily restricted (if produced before 1986, otherwise illegal).

Here’s my favorite part though:

President Obama has said that US demand for drugs has contributed to the violence in Mexico, and that the flow of guns from the US to Mexico must be stopped.

I have a better solution. Instead of wasting our money and resources protecting another country how about we just dump the prohibition on currently illegal drugs? The government can tax them thus creating a revenue source, our prisons will no longer be overflowing with people who harmed nobody besides themselves, and best of all it will eliminate the power of the drug cartels overnight. Seriously this war on drugs has accomplished nothing besides putting many American citizens in prison for victimless crimes and empowering the drug cartels.

Testing Minnesota’s “Gun Show Loophole”

A certain representative with the last name Paymar has been trying to pass a law here in Minnesota to close the “gun show loophole.” Of course if you’ve been reading this site for any amount of time you know it’s not a “gun show loophole” but private property right.

Well a journalist by the name of Matt Snyders decided to test the “gun show loophole.” What he discovered is something us gun owners have known forever, buying a gun from a dealer regardless of venue requires paperwork, a NICS check, and here in Minnesota a permit to purchase or carry for certain firearms. First let’s bring up Mr. Paymar and his qualifications on firearms:

Paymar has never fired a handgun, nor has he ever attended a gun show. He was moved to act, he says, after seeing a YouTube clip. In it, Colin Goddard, a Virginia Tech massacre survivor who was shot four times, attends gun shows and successfully buys firearms without undergoing a background check or even being asked to show identification.

He’s never fired a handgun nor attended a gun show? In politics that makes him the most qualified person to write a law restricting both. In the real world that makes him uneducated and whole incapable of writing legislation that affects either.

He also brings up the Virginia Tech shooter who legally purchased both of his guns not a gun shows, but through a dealer. That means the Virginia Tech shooter when through the paperwork and background checks to obtain his weapons. In any logical argument that would make the example of Virginia Tech irrelevant and inadmissible. But as we all know anti-gunners don’t use logic instead opting for hysteria.

Anyways Mr. Snyder put forth the following mission for himself:

So I decided to try to buy a gun. To hear the Citizens for a Safer Minnesota tell it, this would be an easy task. I didn’t have a permit, but surely these gun merchants would insist I purchase their wares, federal red tape be damned. I might even enjoy it.

Obviously he should have no problem here. After all according to the anti-gunners you can just walk into any gun show and walk out with fifty machine guns without raising any eyebrows. But the truth, as usual, is at odds with what the anti-gunners think. The first gun show Mr. Snyder attended yielded several things. First it wasn’t just guns for sale:

Over at a literature table, dozens of books offer a history of killing machines from the 18th century to the present. Nazi-themed tomes, for whatever reason, seem particularly popular.

This is where the anti-gunners claim those of us in the shooting culture are Nazis. The truth is far less insidious though. Many gunnies are also big history buffs. They don’t collect World War II memorabilia because they think Hitler was right, they collect it because it’s a part of history that should never be forgot. One of my uncles actually collects many items from World War II from flags to helmets. He’s not a Nazi, racist, or bigot. He’s a history buff and owing a piece of history is a big deal for him. It’s no different than owning a jacket worn by a famous movie star except the memorabilia from various wars actually has meaning since good men shed blood over it. So how did Mr. Snyder fair on the gun front? Well:

Before any transaction is finalized, all licensed vendors must place a call to the National Instant Criminal Background Checks System, an all-day hotline that every diligent vendor has on speed dial and which is referred to as “Nicks” (NICS). If the call turns up any felonies, instances of domestic abuse, or mental illness, the sale is canceled.

“This is not the venue for selling machine guns,” Tim adds as he nods respectfully to a passing browser. “Those are hard to come by. Only hard collectors get into them. Very expensive, plus there’s a $200 federal transfer tacked on for every sale.”

That’s a dirty little secret the anti-gunners never tell you. All transactions through dealers requires a NICS check and an ATF form filled out while machine guns are heavily regulated. So that only leaves sales between individuals:

About 12 minutes later, a prim man wades through the booths, black Romanian WASR-10 AK-47 slung over his shoulder. A white sheet of paper taped to its glistening black barrel announces its price: $500 or best offer.

“I want my baby to go to a good home,” he says, eyeing me up and down.

I can tell by his squinting, sun-weathered eyes that he doesn’t mean mine.

And as Mr. Snyder found out most individuals are picky where their property winds up.

That’s one failure so Mr. Snyder attends another gun show. First of all he finds out unlike what the anti-gunners claim gunners are not racists:

When three black men enter the show at around 1 p.m., however, no one pays them much mind. Asked about their experience here, they seem more taken aback by the question’s presumption than the surroundings.

“I’ve been to three gun shows, and I’ve never had a problem,” says Grant, turning to his friends for corroboration. They nod. They’re not here to purchase, Grant adds. For many, gun and knife shows are the male equivalent of window-shopping for shoes.

And later Mr. Snyder again attempts to obtain a firearm at a gun show without a permit or background check:

“You have your permit to purchase, right?” asks the vendor.

The answer to the question was an unfortunate no.

“No permit to purchase?” he said. “You’re shit outta luck, my friend.”

This “loophole” is starting to look more like a brick wall. How does Mr. Snyder fair at the next show? Surprisingly just as well as the other two mentioned shows:

But three consecutive attempts yield reactions ranging from apologetic to annoyed.

“No permit to purchase, no sale,” snaps a looming, pear-shaped man as his plump hands hastily repackage what would otherwise be a sale. “Wasting your time here without one. Good day.”

The vendors here are sticklers on every provision, clause, subsection, and footnote on the books. In one case, a clean-cut seller in a charcoal-black Harley Davidson shirt conversed curtly with two men, one who appeared to be in his 70s, the other fiftyish. The vendor refuses to sell more than two handguns to the befuddled duo.

“Them’s the rules,” says the vendor. “I don’t give a fuck, but them’s the rules.”

“Well, in that case, I’ll just buy the Colt and sell it to him,” replies the elder of the two.

“Now that’s a straw buy,” retorted the vendor. “One hundred percent illegal. I don’t give a fuck, but if I were to sell ya that after you just told me that, I’d lose my license!”

“I’ve known him since he was this high,” says the man, holding his liver-spotted hand four feet off the floor.

“I understand that, but it’s worse than dealing with the IRS if I sold ya two!”

Six days, three gun shows, and 19 attempts to buy handguns sans permit had yielded zero sales.

That’s right six days, three gun shows, 19 attempts to purchase, and zero guns. Some loophole that turned out to be. So much for that “gun show loophole” that allows anybody to purchase untold numbers of guns without any regulation.

So the next time you hear a blow hard anti-gunners claiming anything about firearms go talk to somebody in the shooting community. We have experience and knowledge in the firearm fields, we know the laws, and we will give you the truth instead of the hysteria.

I Know Mayor Daley is Dumb But… Wow

So an 80 year-old man banished a demon back to Hell with a firearm. Of course most of us cheer the fact that the elderly man was able to have a mechanism of self defense at hand and thus preserve his life. Unfortunately this happened in Chicago and a handgun was used thus making what the elderly man did illegal. Apparently Sir Sodomy isn’t saying if the 80 year-old man will be charged but chances are he will.

But one of the quotes made by Sir Sodomy really stuck up at fucking stupid:

“I think everybody understands the frustration that people have in regards to guns, and that’s an instance, and I think we understand that,” Daley said. “But again, the access to guns in America, the access today is higher today than at any period of time in America.”

Wow. Access to guns is higher today than any period of our history? Really? Access generally means your ability to obtain something. You have access to a car if you are able to get a car to drive. Access in America today is not at it’s highest in our history.

In the past Americans could purchase any firearm they wanted. During the Civil War many people owned private cannons which were the artillery pieces of the day (for those morons who claim the Second Amendment only applies to flintlocks). Before the passing of the National Firearms Act any American could legally go into a store and purchase a machine gun, short barreled rifle, or short barreled shotgun without paying any BATFE transfer tax. Now thanks to the Hughes Amendment to the Firearm Owners Protection Act we can’t legally transfer any machine gun made after May 19, 1986. In order to purchase a firearm you need to go through an instant background check. No ammunition considered by the BATFE to be “armor piercing” can be imported into the country. Hell no gun not approved by the BATFE can be imported into the country. So tell me again how access to firearms in this country is at an all time high.

Man Chicago really needs a new mayor. Their current one is a complete dumb ass.

New BATFE Abuse of Power

The BATFE sure likes their power to change the meaning behind laws at a whim. Uncle reports they’re doing it again by mucking about with the mechanism businesses ship firearms:

Reversing an interpretation of the Gun Control Act that has been on the books for more than four decades, ATF today posted a ruling declaring any shipment of a firearm by a manufacturer (FFL) to any agent or business (e.g., an engineering-design firm, patent lawyer, testing lab, gun writer, etc.) for a bona fide business purpose to be a “transfer” under the Gun Control Act of 1968. As a consequence, legitimate business-related shipments will now require the recipient to complete a Form 4473 and undergo a Brady criminal background check. In many instances, these requirements will force shipments to a third party, thereby lengthening the process and the time that the firearm is in transit.

Man I wish I had the power to change the rules whenever I felt it convenient. So why are they doing this? Obviously isn’t because many gun transferred for bona fide business purposes have been turning up in crimes. Oh wait:

ATF is unable to identify a single instance during the past 40 years where a single firearm shipped in reliance upon ATF’s rulings was used in a crime.

So the real reason is simply, “Because we can.” And people seem to think government agencies are benevolent and good.

The Proper Use of Bayonets

Apparently somebody called Sir Sodomy on his remark about placing certain objects in certain locations. The Truth About Guns has the heads up about Daley and his fear of bayonets (and love of butt rape):

“It was a gun with a bayonet,” Daley said, referring to the weapon he picked up Thursday. “Just think, a gun with a bayonet. What is a bayonet used for?”

It’s used for rushing at the enemy when your five rounds in your fixed magazine in your bolt action rifle are expended. Thank God we finally invented “high-capacity” magazines that are quick to reload so we could do away with antiquated and barbaric bayonet runs!

Of course somebody pointed out the bloody obvious:

When it was suggested bayonets are not for sticking in butts, Daley replied, “Well, you stick it anyplace. It’s a bayonet, so let’s not make trivia about this.”

Yeah you can stick it anyplace, Sir Sodomy just prefers to stick it in the butt.

People Not to Ask Advice From

Often times you need to known something so you ask somebody to advice. A lot of the time people ask the wrong person through. For instance if you’re one of the freest countries in the world asking the president of a economically depressed, crime ridden, Hell hole run almost entirely by drug gangs probably isn’t going to net you good advice. Let’s just hope our government doesn’t listen to the President of Mexico’s advice:

On Thursday, Felipe Calderon, the president of Mexico, where prohibitive gun laws prevent good people from having firearms for protection against criminals and governments of dubious legitimacy (historically the norm in Mexico), encouraged Congress to reinstate the federal “assault weapon” ban.

Why the Hell would he care what we do in this country?

Calderon also misinformed Congress, claiming that violence in Mexico rose significantly after the U.S. ban expired in 2004.

Surprisingly enough the president of a corrupt country lied:

In fact, Mexico’s murder rate has been stable since 2003 and remains well below rates recorded previously

Why did we even invite him into the country?

The Dilemma of a Chicago Police Superintendent

Life must be hard for the Police Superintendent of Chicago. You have a gun ban in place to prevent slaves citizens from purchasing handguns and severely restricting the purchase of all other guns. Yet your city has the most shootings. What’s a man to do? Most people would just come out and say the gun ban probably isn’t working so hot and admit they were wrong. But as Every Day, No Days Off points out Police Superintendent Jody Weis has another plan:

He’s creating a new category of “indoor” homicides — and downplaying what police can do about them..

“Those homicides that are outdoors — the ones that I do believe we have a good possibility of preventing — we’re around 98 homicides for Chicago outdoors. That’s as low as it’s ever been, except for 2007, when I believe we had 97 homicides outdoors as of this date,” he said.

98 homicides is considered low? Really? Because according to the FBI Unified Crime Report for 2008 (which Illinois’s statistics are footnoted due to the fact they don’t report in compliance with the FBI Unified Crime Report) Vermont which allows anybody legally capable of owning a gun to carry it around on their person sans any permits only had 17 murders in that year. Hell my home stat of Minnesota only had 106 total for the entire year. Chicago on the other hand has practically passed my state’s yearly total in five months without including the number of shootings that occur indoors!

So even implementing this shitty idea makes Chicago look like a violent Hell hole.

Mayor Daley Threatening Butt Rape with Guns

How the Hell does this douche keep getting re-elected? Or right he’s the mayor of Chicago the single most corrupt city in the Union. Well when he’s not parroting about how guns are evil he’s making threats to Supreme Court justices and reporters. As Days of our Trailers points out High Priest Douche Daley likes to keep himself classy:

“You have to have confidence in the Supreme Court, Maybe they’ll see the light of day,” Daley said at a City Hall news conference. “Maybe one of them will have an incident and they’ll change their mind over night, going to and from work.”

Yes maybe they’ll have an “accident” because they forgot to pay their “protection money.” Seriously that’s just downright violent. I’m so thankful I’m on the peaceful side of gun owners instead of the violent side of those who hate civil rights. But as much as High Priest Douche Daley hates peaceful coexistence he loves his sodomy:

During the news conference, Daley reacted with the help of a prop when a reporter suggested the city’s handgun ban has been ineffective, given the number of shootings that still occur in Chicago.

“It’s been very effective,” Daley said, picking up a gun from the dozens displayed on a nearby table. “If I put this up your butt, you’ll find out how effective it is. Let me put a round up your, you know.”

That’s right support High Priest Douche’s gun ban or he’ll shove a gun up your ass and probably also give you AIDS! Got that? Seriously mayor means serious business and anal rape is seriously business. Oh finally Sir Sodomy (his new name) also states:

“But that’s why you want to get them out,” he continued. “You want to get these out. This gun saved many lives. It could save your life.”

No that gun couldn’t have saved anybody’s life before it’s in the hands of your police station (and possibly later hidden up the reporter’s ass). A gun can only save lives if somebody can use it to defend themselves. If I’m attacked and my gun is at home it does no good. On the other hand if I’m attacked and I have my gun on me I have a fighting chance of surviving.

Although I have to give Sir Sodomy some points, he’s got balls. I certainly wouldn’t have the balls to go around making off handed threats against Supreme Court justices. Oh wait that’s not balls, it’s stupidity.