XD vs. Glock: Introduction

Oh Hell that title alone is enough to get me crucified by one side or the other. But before you send me hate mail let me explain the title.

For over a year now I’ve been carrying a Springfield XD .45 Compact. Of course I hear a lot of flak from Glock fans on how horrible the XD is and how great the XD is from fans of the pistol. I myself really don’t care I want the best tool for me. To that extend some time ago I purchased a Glock 30SF at a local gun show (where I had to fill out paperwork and submit to a NICS check, go figure). The reason I chose the Glock 30SF was simple, it is the closest model Glock to my XD.

My entire intention of purchasing the Glock 30SF was to compare it against my XD. I’m not one to needlessly say one thing is better than another until I’ve tested both (or at least been shown verifiable evidence). I’m not planning on selling either pistol when the test concludes since they are both useful firearms.

As I perform my tests I will report on my findings here. This comparison is going to span many months in length and is going to be excruciatingly detailed. I want to keep fanboyism out of this comparison and just make light of things I observe between the two pistols.

I’ve already compiled a bunch of information since I obtained the Glock 30SF so expect several posts involving this subject in the recent future. I also want to note that this comparison will be as scientific as possible but will also contain a lot of personal opinion. Many things about different guns aren’t better or worse they are simply preferred by certain individuals and undesirable by others. For instance somebody may prefer the feel of a pistol that uses single stack magazines while another person may not. Neither person is right or wrong they simply differ in opinion.

Anyways you’ll be subjected to many posts on this subject in the coming months.

Izhmash Shows New AK Prototype

When The Firearm Blog says they have big news they mean it. It seems Izhmash has introduced a prototype for their updated AK series of rifles. The updates are certainly a case of evolution not revolution but when you’re platform for evolve is the ever prevalent and legendary AK-47 there isn’t much need for a revolution.

The first noticeable improvement should make the tacticool people out there happy, rails. Yes when somebody said the AK needs more rails Izhmash listened. The dust cover now has a rail running along its top. Likewise the dust cover is now hinged to the front and has a locking lever that holds it on to the rifle. This is apparently to prevent a loss of zero on optics mounted on the dust cover rails. Likewise the hand guards are now covered in rails.

The AK prototype also has a new safety by the trigger which should be easier to manipulate than the standard AK safety/selector switch. The prototype still has the old safety on it but being it’s a prototype that could be left on or taken off in the final design. The rear sight has an adjustment knob instead of the old slider that was used for elevation changes.

Anyways head over to the Firearm Blog as they have a lot of pictures and go over more details.

The Truth Behind the FN FiveseveN

Well the media is at it again. They are proclaiming the FN FiveseveN to be a high powered “cop-killer.” Well Says Uncle points us to a story that reminds everybody that the FiveseveN is nothing more than a slightly more powerful .22 magnum.

See the Brady Bunch way back when were proclaiming that commercial 5.7x28mm ammunition could penetrate body armor. This was bullocks though as the ATF showed. The only ammunition in 5.7x28mm that can penetrate body armor is SS190 AP which civilian can’t get. Why can’t they get it? Because it’s considered armor piercing ammunition under United States law. From Title 18, chapter 44 of United States code we get the following:

(B) The term “armor piercing ammunition” means –

(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a
handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence
of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of
tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or
depleted uranium; or

(ii) a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber
designed and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a
weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the

As the Cheaper Than Dirt post mentioned SS190 AP ammunition has a steel core. Since the round can be shot out of a handgun this makes SS190 AP ammunition armor piercing under United States law and therefore not ammunition any civilian can purchase as the Brady Bunch tried to say.

The FN FiveseveN is nothing more than a slightly more powerful .22 magnum. It’s not a “cop killer.” Anyways Massad Ayoob already mentioned he can’t find a single case of a police officer being killed by this weapon.

Loaded Chamber Indicators

Tam has a post mostly talking about how loaded chamber indicators are a bad idea. I agree with what is said, what purpose does a loaded chamber indicator serve other than a false sense of security. I carry an XD which is a gun equipped with a loaded chamber indicator and still physically check the chamber when I want to see if the gun is unloaded (Dry fire practice and cleaning).

I guess I don’t care that it’s on the gun since if it breaks it doesn’t dampen the reliability of the gun. It’ll shoot with or without it.

I Guess They Aren’t So Perfect

N.U.G.U.N. has a post informing us there is a new advertisement from Glock. Apparently they are claiming a “next generation of perfection.” Funny I always thought it something was perfect you couldn’t improve it. In fact an inability to improve something is the definition of perfection.

Well Guns, Holsters, and Gear says this is an advertisement for an upcoming line of Glock pistols with adjustable grips. Interesting theory I guess. If true there are going to be a lot of people who are going to be eating crow. One of the noted advantages of XD(m) owners is the fact the back straps can be changed out to fit your hand better. Glock fanboys say it’s just another useless doodad to break. Well if Glock heads down this path I will be laughing my ass off.

Being I have a Glock 30 I can say it’s not a perfect gun. It’s a very nice gun but certainly not perfect. The 10 round magazines are a pain in the ass to load (that last round just doesn’t want to go into the magazine), I find the trigger inferior to the one on my XD, and although the gun is physically smaller than the XD it’s slightly heavier. And before any Glock fan claims the added weight is a certain sign of better quality remember the 1911 is heavier than your Glock.

Because You Suck, We Hate You, But We Want Your Money

H&K may think you suck and hate you but they also want your money. Because of this notable fact they are rather angry at the Australian government. The Australian government placed a ban on importation of the H&K R8. The R8 itself is a special version of their SL8 which has the gas system removed so the gun functions like a bolt action rifle. This is required since Australian subjects can’t own semi-automatic rifles.

Well according to the Australian government claims the rifle is too similar to the G36 and have barred it’s importation. Now H&K not only thinks you suck and hate you but they feel the same about the Australian government. Honestly I agree with H&K on this point.

Don’t Use a Taser Like a Gun

Taser just released an advisory stating police shouldn’t use Tasers on peoples’ chests. I guess what works for guns doesn’t work for Tasers.

I think this presents a issuea. When using a firearm most schools of thought say you should aim at center mass which normally is the chest. The chest is a large target full of all sorts of organs the human body need to survive. Shooting somebody in this area makes for an easier target that will potentially cause a lot of trauma.