Cynicism Strikes Again

Although I original read this story in a local news paper I was unable to find a corresponding link. Hence you get this one that reeks of government run health care. The story is about the American Cancer Society all of the sudden determining doctors may be over screening for breast and prostate cancers. From the story:

“We don’t want people to panic,” said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the cancer society. “But … the advantages to screening have been exaggerated.”

The cancer society does not advocate prostate-cancer screening for all men.

And many researchers point out that the PSA-screening test for prostate cancer has not been shown to prevent cancer deaths.

I guess I wouldn’t think too much about this if it wasn’t for the fact the health care bill is being ramrodded through. It seems a little too convenient that a operating is all of the sudden deemed over done when the government may soon be footing the bill for a lot of these operations. Maybe I’m just a little too cynical but it seems this would be an easy way for the government to save itself some money.

And You Thought Your Gas Was Expensive

So you think you pay a lot at the pump for a gallon of fuel? I got news for you, you don’t pay shit. Via No Agenda I found how much money per gallon of fuel our boys in Afghanistan pay. The price after considering transportation costs, security, et cetera is on average $400.00 a gallon. No I didn’t accidentally carry a decimal point to far over. So what do our people in congress have to say about it? Well Rep. John Murtha says:

It is a number that we were not aware of and it is worrisome,

Yeah I guess they never calculated the cost of fuel to run our machines of war. Well guess what it’s not cheap. Of course it’s only worrisome not fucking outrageous. Seriously these little wars are bankrupting out country fast.

Al-Qaeda Planned to Use Large Hadron Collider to Destroy the Earth

See the headline for this article? Yeah well I came up with it myself so when you see it in the newspaper tomorrow don’t try to say I stole it. Anyways one of the employees at Cern was arrested due to suspected links to Al-Qaeda. For those of you outside of the loop Cern is the organization who controls the Large Hadron Collider that is supposed to be used to create miniature black holes.

Apparently Al-Qaeda was plotting to use this contraption to destroy the entire world, at least that’s what the media will be saying tomorrow. Apparently during questioning the arrested man said that he was put in place in order to steal the black hole generation technology. Once this technology was in the hands of Al-Qaeda they would use it to create a black hole bomb in an attempt to destroy all infidels in the world.

Hope and Change Baby, Hope and Change

So did you guys here about the $636 billion defense spending bill that just went through? No? Neither did I until the latest episode of No Agenda. Apparently Congress decided to spend more money we don’t have which isn’t surprising. What is interesting is there is a specific clause in the bill dealing with a certain Cuban facility the Obamessiah said he would shutdown:

It prohibits the Obama administration from transferring international terrorism suspects currently held at the Guantanamo Bay military prison to the United States.

This brings up three possibilities. The first is we are going to release all the people held at Gitmo upon closing it. The second possibility is we will transfer all the inmate held there to other countries. And then there is the third possibility, we aren’t shutting down Gitmo anytime soon.

Take your pick but I’m betting it’s going to be the third one.

Health Care isn’t a Right

OK so far I’ve managed to keep myself out of the health care debate on this blog. I feel the debate is rather annoying and rouses heavily emotional arguments. Since the right to bear arms already promotes those without a good argument to use emotions I figured that subject was enough.

But alas Kevin over at the Smallest Minority did another one of his great uber-posts on why Health Care is not a right. I’d paraphrase and such but really you just need to hit the link and read what he has typed.

And since I’m posting about it I might as well just come out and say it, I’m against government provided health care. My reasoning pretty much is summed up by Kevin’s uber-post.

I Love the SPAS-12

Boy I can’t tell you how much I just love the SPAS-12 shotgun. It’s such an amazing piece of machinery. In fact I’ll go so far as to say it’s the greatest gun ever made by anybody ever. I mean what’s not to love? It has both semi-automatic action and pump-action modes. The safety lever that can potentially discharge the firearm when engaging adds much needed excitement to the shooting sports. But the absolute best part is the fact it actually makes me breakfast in the morning.

Did Franchi pay me to say this? You know what I don’t have to tell you shit regardless of what some people may say.

Riddle Me This, How Does a Broke Nation Pay for Longer School Days

OK it’s no secret that our public education system sucks. As much as I don’t like our current president (due to polices not race, regardless of what his critics say) but I will say his idea for pushing up education makes more sense than Bush’s cronies No Child Left Behind Act.

Obama is making a push to extend the school year. Now I’m well out of school so this really doesn’t affect me. For those of you currently in school all I have to say is suckers!

I’m not sure if extended the school year will improve our education system much. In fact I’m guessing it won’t. I’m not saying this because I want Obama to fail on this, far from it. I’d love to have the base education level in this country go up. The problem though is money. See schools don’t have enough of it already and keeping them open for longer is going to cost more of it.

We also need more high quality teachers. Of course being teachers don’t make shit for money, because there isn’t any, there is no incentive for many people to enter the teaching career. This is where somebody usually says something about teachers going into their career because they want to teach children. That’s true for those currently in it but there are many out there who want to teach children and be a food provider for their family. These people often decide to go elsewhere since proving for their family is more important than helping other peoples’ children.

I’m certainly not advocating the federal government give more money it doesn’t have to education. I am advocating finding means to help schools raise their own money. Having money would open the doors to better learning materials and faculty. Look at all the best schools in the nation they are private. Why? Because private schools make money and hence can afford to buy materials and pay faculty decent wages (hence they can acquire good teachers).

Another cheap thing we can do to improve education is simple, stop running them like prisons. Morale has a huge impact on the effectiveness of people to perform tasks. If a student has high morale they will generally perform their task of learning better. Nothing kills morale quite as effectively as being treated like a potential criminal at all times. Currently many schools subject children to events such as random drug and weapons searches, all day surveillance, random accusations, and worst of all zero tolerance policies. But probably most destructive of all is the public education system being prejudice against students who think outside the approved lines. Take it from somebody who was heavily pro-gun back in high school, at some point you will be hauled into the principal’s office and be accused of plotting to shoot up the school shortly after a school shooting (in my case it was shortly after Columbine and it was a week of Hell).

Shit I’m on a roll so I’ll throw another improvement in. This one of course would involve money once again as most things do but alas it’s a good idea. We should start teaching children important life skills in school. I’m still surprised at how many of my fellow individuals don’t know how to balance a check book, read a legal contract (and boy is that an important thing to know), be proficient in the use of a computer, fix things around the house (luckily my school had shop classes but many no longer do), and think logically.

Yes there should be seminars (we probably don’t need classes for all of the listed things) on basic things like balancing check books and reading legal contracts. I know I read every line of any contract I sign and I don’t put pen to paper until I understand every clause. Most people don’t and willfully sign away the damnedest of things. I firmly believe there should be classes on basic home repair and maintenance as well as logical thinking. If people knew how to do basic home repairs they would save a fortune. If logical thinking was made important we wouldn’t have to entertain all these illogical arguments like gun control (I knew I could slip that in somewhere).

Simply extending the school day isn’t going to accomplish much. In fact I’m at a loss on how we can afford to extend the school day when most schools are government funded and the government doesn’t have any money.

Former Honduras Leader Creates Bad Situation, Then Cries

Seriously exiled former president of Honduras Mr. Zelaya sure is playing the whiny bitch card. He tries to illegally extend his term a president, gets exiled from the country and told he can never return, then comes back. Now that he’s back the Honduras government is none too happy and cut off all supplies to the Brazilian embassy where he’s holed up. Well Mr. Zelaya is not whining about the treatment he’s receiving. Apparently the Brazilians didn’t think to stock up on food and supplies at their embassy before pulling this stunt and now they are paying for it:

“We have survived a few days eating biscuits, a very irregular diet,” he told the BBC’s Brazilian service, adding that the group had their first proper meal on Thursday.
“I wouldn’t say that we are starving, but the situation is extremely precarious.”

Of course this whole situation wouldn’t have been a situation had Mr. Zelaya not violated the constitution he was supposed to uphold. Furthermore this situation wouldn’t have escalated had he not returned to the country. Now the situation can be ended quickly if he surrenders to receive trial. The bottom line is his play for power has failed hard.

The Ultimate No Shit Statement of the Day

OK everybody who is reading this have a seat and take a deep breath. Prepare yourself for the ultimate surprise of surprises. The BBC is reporting that Iran has a secret uranium enrichment facility that they have been concealing from the United Nations. I know shocking isn’t it? Who would have guessed that Iran would defy the orders of the non-proliferation act. It’s almost like a treaty written on a piece of paper isn’t work anything.

Of course the typical people are calling for heads to role. The typical people would be the United States, United Kingdoms, and France. Apparently nobody is happy that the genie still hasn’t been shoved back into it’s bottle. You know now that I think about it calling the facility a secret one really doesn’t work:

“This installation is not a secret one, which is why we announced its existence to the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency],” Ali Akbar Saleri, head of Iran’s nuclear agency, told the AFP news agency.

Yeah once you tell somebody about it I don’t think you can call it a secret.

Al Franken Apparently Understand the Fourth Amendment

I’ll admit after voting against the Thune amendment my opinion of Al Franken went from bad to worse. Well Says Uncle pointed to a piece that has bumped up my opinion of Senator Franken. Apparently the man understands at least on piece of the constitution, amendment four. His words on the subject:

Noting that he received a copy of the Constitution when he was sworn in as a senator, he proceeded to read it to Kris, emphasizing this part: “no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

“That’s pretty explicit language,” noted Franken, asking Kris how the “roving wiretap” provision of the Patriot Act can meet that requirement if it doesn’t require the government to name its target.

Good on him. It’s a small hope but there is at least some hope that he’ll gain an similar understandings to the rest of the constitution. Either way I won’t vote for the man until he understands the second amendment, but I’m certainly going to give him kudos where they are due.