Don’t Fuck with Honduras

Unlike our country the Hondurans actually take leaders going against their constitution seriously. When you’re a president of Honduras and you try to illegal extend your term expect their congress to send in the military to remove you from office. Furthermore if you are so fortunate to have gone through this series of events and only been exiled from the country don’t come back.

Well moron ex-president Zelaya returned to Honduras and decided to hide out in the Brazil embassy. Of course the legal government of Honduras isn’t happy with this and have surrounded the embassy and cut off their power, water, and food. They want their exiled president to be brought forth to face trail.

It’s nice to see a country that actually enforces their constitution very strictly. When they say a president can’t make a referendum to extend his term they fucking mean it.

So Where’s That Change

It appears as if the current administration is all for extending the three sections of the PATRIOT Act that are set to expire this year. Of course they give the standard bull shit proclaiming how their willing to listen to privacy concerns:

In a letter to lawmakers, Justice Department officials said the administration supports extending the three expiring provisions of the law, although they are willing to consider additional privacy protections as long as they don’t weaken the effectiveness of the law

But of course only if it still allows them to stomp on civil rights:

Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich wrote Sen. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that the administration is willing to consider stronger civil rights protections in the new law “provided that they do not undermine the effectiveness of these important (provisions).”

So yeah they are willing to put some clauses in that will “protect” civil rights so long as it doesn’t protect civil rights and nullify their imaginary effectiveness.

So remind me how this is hope or change.

Seriously Obama Take a Break

I mean come on you need to slow down. You’re goal of turning this country into a government controller state is getting out of hand. If you don’t slow down the entire country will be government regulated and controller then what are you doing to do? Sit on your but all day and not have anything to do that’s what.

Why am I brining this up? Because the Obamessiah is now pushing for further government control over the financial sector under the name of an overhaul. He’s going to be giving a speech urging more power to be given to the central bank and Federal Reserve. From the article:

The White House would give the central bank, the Federal Reserve, new powers over huge financial firms and the ability to seize banks whose collapse could threaten the economy.

Yes that’s going to work out just great, give the assholes who helped cause this problem more control. It’s not like the government was encouraging banks to give loans for houses that people couldn’t afford. But hey Obama is going to work on his promise to save or create jobs in the only way he knows how, create more federal agencies:

Mr Obama also wants a new watchdog, the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, for products like mortgages, car loans and credit cards and the Federal Trade Commission will gain new powers to protect consumers.

This is going to be great because the federal government has been oh so good at protecting consumers from themselves. Let’s all thank Uncle Sam for taking control of our lives and regulating us heavily to protect us from what we may do to ourselves. Fuck personal responsibility we need to be told what to do otherwise we’ll fuck ourselves over!

If anybody didn’t get smeared with the sarcasm dripping off of that previous statement your obviously wearing a very thick rain jacket.

Hypocrisy Today

Man I just love hypocrisy, especially when it comes from those who like to play the holier than thou card. Well I’m sure you’ve all heard about Representative Joe Wilson’s outburst during Obama’s recent speech. Well honestly the outburst really is a non-story but boy are those “progressive” liberals jumping on it as if it is.

See as I’ve stated many times I have a lot of liberal friends, some are just liberal while others are “progressive” liberals. They always harp on me when I start going against an elected official because they’re anti-gun. It’s mostly how adamant I become at getting the representative out of office that they distain. Well I’m looking at my Facebook page this morning and noticing a trend that seemed to start last night. Many of my liberal friends are calling for Mr. Wilson’s head. I’ve seen enough posts on the man who plans to run against him in the upcoming election to choke a horse. They’re becoming zealous in the mission to remove this man.

I guess I should just write it off as a do as I say not as I do thing. It’s funny to me watching the hypocrisy unfold.

An Even Trade

The death of Mr. Kuhn is tragic but it looks like it ended in an even trade. Devote anti-freedom senator of Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy, has also died. Although death is never a good thing nor would I wish death on most people but I’m certainly not shedding tears here. Some people say you shouldn’t talk bad about the dead. I personally think you should talk honestly about the dead.

Former senator Kennedy was a bastard to say the least. I’m not just talking about the fact he was anti-gun either. Look up the Chappaquiddick incident which is where the phrase “Ted Kennedy’s car has killed more people than my guns” comes from. He also tried pushing government controlled health care on us after he got cancer, which he said made him realize the need. Bullshit he was rich enough to afford the best medical treatment, but hey I’m sure the current administration will use Kennedy’s death as a mean to push the public health care bill through.

Anyways I’m not glad he’s dead but I’m certainly not sad either.

Al Gore’s Apocalypse on Trial

Finally some potentially sensible news. The United States Chamber of Commerce want to hold a hearing on man made global warning, also known as Al Gore’s apocalypse. The are pushing to Environmental Protection Agency to do a similar case to Scopes monkey trial:

Chamber officials say it would be “the Scopes monkey trial of the 21st century” — complete with witnesses, cross-examinations and a judge who would rule, essentially, on whether humans are warming the planet to dangerous effect.

“It would be evolution versus creationism,” said William Kovacs, the chamber’s senior vice president for environment, technology and regulatory affairs. “It would be the science of climate change on trial.”

Of course global warming is still a theory as no scientific evidence against it is usually allowed funding to the privilege of being published. As most of you know it’s not global warming itself I hate (although I don’t believe it) it’s the way it’s being treated as a religion as a means to make money. Al Gore is making a ton of money on programs like “carbon offsets” so he has an invested interest in global warming sticking around. The government can gain a lot of control via regulations meant to control global warming, and many companies stand to make lots of money off of “green” technology. On top of that all these people are working very hard to suppress anybody who has evidence against global warming. This not only makes me suspicious but it makes me believe the whole thing is a scam as no actual proof of it’s existence has been presented by a neutral source.

Until it’s treated as science, where everybody gets a say, it’s bull shit.

Wait what’s that? The Environmental Protection Agency, who also stands to receive a lot of funding due to global warming, is against the idea of a trial? Really:

The EPA is having none of it, calling a hearing a “waste of time” and saying that a threatened lawsuit by the chamber would be “frivolous.”

EPA spokesman Brendan Gilfillan said the agency based its proposed finding that global warming is a danger to public health “on the soundest peer-reviewed science available, which overwhelmingly indicates that climate change presents a threat to human health and welfare.”

Funny that, I’d like to see this peer-reviewed science that was reviewed by a party who doesn’t stand to make a ton of money on global warming. I’m waiting.

Aw Poor DEA, Viktor Bout won’t be Extradited

Viktor Bout is an accused weapons dealer who was arrested by INTERPOL last year in Thailand. The Drug Enforcement Agency has been fighting to get him extradited to the United States since then. Well the Thailand court finally ruled and said no extradition will occur.

The DEA wanted him arrested because they claimed he was selling ground to air missiles to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. According to the DEA these missile could be used to target their agents working on Columbia to wipe out cocaine crops. Well Thailand doesn’t care as it’s not their fight and according to their court Mr. Bout broke no Thailand laws:

“The US charges are not applicable under Thai law,” said the judge delivering the hour-long verdict at Bangkok’s Criminal Court. “This is a political case. The Farc is fighting for a political cause and is not a criminal gang. Thailand does not recognise the Farc as a terrorist group.”

The court “does not have the authority to punish actions done by foreigners against other foreigners in another country”, the judge said.

You mean the Thailand court isn’t willing to extradite a man who is be accused of working against a foreign force in a foreign land? Man I wish the United States would learn that lesson. But I’ve been hoping Mr. Bout wouldn’t be extradited since I heard of his arrest for two major reasons.

First of all we have no business sending our people into Columbia to wage our war on drugs. The war on drugs has been a costly failure since day one and only accomplished making drug lords rich and powerful due to the fact illegal substances command a much higher value. The second reason because I don’t think the United States has any business telling people who they can sell weapons to. We sell our weapons all the time to other countries such as Iran and China. We’re are being hypocrites by saying we can sell weapons to some countries but nobody can sell weapons to countries or factions we don’t approve of.

I guess both of those reasons can be summed up by saying we have no business telling anybody outside of the United States what they can and can not do period. Especially if that person isn’t a United States citizen.

Professor Gate so Called Racist Arrest

Browsing Massad Ayoob’s blog I see he posted about the arrest of the Cambridge professor that everybody was screaming racism over. I didn’t bring it up here because I couldn’t find any good information on the story and all accounts I did find certainly lead me to believe the arrest was race inspired. But there is a critical piece of information I didn’t find anywhere else.

When the police officer asked Mr. Gates for his identification he presented his Harvard professor ID. Most, if not all, college IDs lack any mention of a resident address. Being the card didn’t have Mr. Gate’s address on it there was no way for the police officer to verify that he was the owner of the household and hence arrested him.

Of course Mr. Gates screamed racist but he’s spent a good deal of his life fighting racism. As they say a foot doctor sees all problems as foot problems. Likewise Mr. Gates probably sees most issues are racism and hence never stopped to think maybe a driver’s license would have been a better ID to present to the officer than his Harvard ID. Of course the media didn’t seem to pick up on this fact hence Officer Crowley will probably be forever remembered as a racist officer.

I Repeat, if You Criticize Obama You are Racist

From Says Uncle we have another example of the Obamessiah’s critics being labeled racists. This time the word socialist is being redefined by an Obamessiah follower to mean nigger. That’s right he claims when you say socialist are actually being derogatory to the president’s race not his financial policy to bankrupt save the economy through printing trillions of dollars. Here is the video:


This is an effective way to stop people from using their first amendment right. All you have to do is attach a pariah label to your critics. For the connivence of those who hate the freedom to criticize here is a list of the proper label to use on those who don’t agree with you:

    If your opponents is…

  • white call them racist.
  • if a man and you are a woman call them sexist.
  • isn’t willing to pass your law increasing government powers to spy on citizens call them terrorists.
  • isn’t willing to pass your law to “protect the children” call them pedophiles.
  • is using anything off of this list call them assholes.

Hopefully that clears things up.

Dissidence isn’t OK when It’s Against Obama

A short by excellent post over on the Smallest Minority sums up something that’s been bothering me since the election.

Back when Bush was in office everybody was making fun of him. Let’s be honest nobody liked him and he did nothing good for the country. Many people were using the old phrase, “Dissidence is the highest form of patriotism.” Fast forward to the new president. All of the sudden it’s not OK to question of criticize the president. Once again he’s, so far, done nothing good for the country. In fact as much as his supporters hate to hear this he’s promoting the same idea as Bush, which is to say we need to print tons of money to insert into the economy in order to avoid another situation like the Great Depression.

Furthermore Obama has been breaking promises left and right. I remember him clearly stating that he would sign no bill into law until there was a five day review and comment on it. I remember during his campaign he was talking about how he would abolish warrantless wire tapping? He then turned around and supported FISA. But my absolute favorite was how he said the new administrator wouldn’t have lobbyists and then turns around and hire lobbyists.

Of course whenever this is pointed out to a worshipper of the Obamessiah you get a deluge of insults ranging from being a Republican (Apparently that’s somehow an insult while being called a Democrat is considered a compliment. I don’t get that.) to, the insult that appears to be the favorite among his devoted followers, a racist. Back when he was running for the Democrat nominee I was already being called racist because I wasn’t supporting him (In fact I was supporting Ron Paul.). Likewise Hillary’s supporters would call me sexist so they had their own emotionally derived label for me that had nothing to do with why I wasn’t supporting their nominee.

The bottom line is Obama isn’t God even though you can’t tell when talking to his most devoted followers. He’s human and he fucks up just like the rest of us. And when you fuck up it’s best to be corrected so you don’t fuck up again. I always say if I were to purchase a company I’d get a list of all the whiners, bitchers, and moaners. Once this list was in hand I’d bring them into a meeting and make them my advisory board with the idea that they will complain about things that need to be looked at. Of course to avoid pointless bitching I’d tell them if they guide me right they get a bonus but if they guide me wrong there would be consequences. The reason I say and believe this is because I like criticism. Criticism is the only way I know how to correct my fuck ups.

Being our elected officials are our employees I feel it is not only our right but also our duty to let them know when they do something right and when they fuck up. Obama is in this same boat. You have a right to free speech period so make it useful. Criticize Obama and the rest of the administrator when you don’t agree with their actions. It’s a patriotic to want the best for your country and you can only get the best for your country if you work for it. And remember anybody who tries to call your ideas dangerous or you a racist is somebody who lacks any real arguments or facts to go against you with. These are the ones who argue emotionally instead of through facts. Don’t take it, let them know they are fucking up.

And now I leave you with the picture that started this new firestorm: