Brady Bunch Exploiting Holocaust Museum Shooting

As we all knew they would…

Yes it’s a Google cache because I won’t link to those assholes on my site. Anyhow they are already using the tragedy at the Holocaust Museum to beat on the anti-gun war drum. From the ass’s mouth…

“The Brady Campaign extends sympathies to the innocent victims and others affected in today’s shooting at the Holocaust Museum. This shows that having even more guns in more places is the wrong answer to America’s gun violence problem.

Remember that the shooter was a prohibited person so by the very gun laws that the Brady Bunch claim don’t exist the racist prick couldn’t legally own a gun. Gun control works huh? On top of that the officer was able to shoot the gunman before anymore people were injured or killed. I’d say it’s a great case where more guns ended up being better.

Another quote from the ignorant…

Congress should think very hard about their responsibilities for public safety before weakening gun laws in our nation’s capital, and should re-think their decision to allow more guns in our national public areas. It is dangerous to force more guns into places that American families expect to be gun-free and safe.

Funny nobody is forcing guns into any place. Those of us that believe in personal protection and the right of self defense want the legal OPTION to carry a gun on our person. We aren’t trying to force anybody to carry a gun.

Also gun-free and safe in the same sentence is the biggest oxymoron I’ve ever heard.

AT&T. Because You Suck and We Hate You

It’s no small secret that the new iPhone was announced today. And taking a title from the famous “HK. Because You Suck and We Hate You” I present for your reading pleasure (unless you have an iPhone and are on AT&T) AT&T. Because You Suck and We Hate You.

First off let’s talk features. The new iPhone OS 3.0 will have two new features. These are tethering and multimedia messaging (MMS).

Tethering for those who don’t know is when you connect your phone to your computer and use the data plan on the phone as a network connection on your computer. I use it all the time on my Palm Treo 755p when I’m out and about (mostly because I don’t trust any network I don’t fully control but at least with being consistent and using Sprint’s I have a single point of attack instead of any random network). Well iPhone OS 3.0 now has this feature, and anybody with an iPhone can use it. Well that’s of course unless you’re in the United States and most probably on AT&T’s network…

Now from the same article let’s talk MMS. It’s more or less a stupid feature in my book. Think of it as enhanced text messaging. Instead of just text MMS allows you to send small pictures and video through your phone. Well iPhone OS 3.0 finally has this feature but alas if you are on AT&T it will be a while until you get it. But what’s a little wait huh? It’s not like this is a feature that’s been on every phone on the planet since the ’90’s, oh wait it is.

Finally AT&T being the bastions of super dickery they are have announced pricing…

With most cellular phone carriers if you buy a phone you get a discount at the cost of having to sign a two year contract. Once this contract is up you often are offered a discount on a new phone for signing another two year contract. If you don’t opt for this then you are free to go from month to month with the ability to quit your business deal with your carrier at any time.

AT&T has decided that if you are not currently eligible for a new phone you will have to pay full price. Nothing unusual about that really, I paid full price for my current Palm Treo 755p. The difference is when I pay the full unsubsidized price with Sprint I don’t have to sign a new two year agreement. Well even though people may have to pay full price for a new iPhone they will also get the pleasure of being locked into a new two year agreement. That’s right you get struck twice with AT&T. You have to pay full price for the phone AND sign a new two year contract.

As you can see AT&T thinks you suck. After all they are giving your the privilege of owning an iPhone and using their network. And since the iPhone can’t be used on any other network (without some hackery) in the United States you are stuck with them if you want that iPhone.

As much bad mouthing that people give Sprint I think AT&T are far worse.

Wow Anti-Gunners are Assholes

Aren’t they always touting their moral superiority? Guess they aren’t so superior…

So an established gun range has encountered a problem many ranges eventually do. Even though it was built out in the country society eventually encroached. Now the people who live nearby are mad because apparently shooting ranges make noise. How did they respond? By vandalizing his property of course.


New York on it’s Way for Micro Stamping

Another flawed idea by the anti-gunners is making it’s way through New York state…

Senate Bill 4397, if passed into law, would make selling any semi-automatic handgun without so called micro stamping technology illegal.

For those of you out of the loop micro stamping is a method where the firearm marks every round it fires with some kind of unique identifier. The unique identifier is suppose to help police track a person illegally using a gun. Of course this requirement would jack up the price of the gun and won’t work to boot.

Let’s take a look at the basic idea. So the gun it supposed to stamp an identifier onto each round fire. In that case you have three options, stamp the bullet, stamp the case, or stamp both. Stamping the case would seem rather idiotic since you can just pick those up and take them with you. Stamping the bullet is equally idiotic since it’s mostly likely going to deform on impact with something which would distort and stamped on identifier.

So really nothing is accomplished. Further more the stamp inside the gun can easily be filed off so nothing is stamped on either the bullet or the case. So why would this get proposed? More importantly who would propose it?

Well the answer to that is ID Dynamics the company whom is the sole owner of the patent on micro stamping technology. The man who invented it, Todd Lizotte (I’d drop contact information but I can’t find any, if you know any means of contacting him let me know), claims it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. And he’s right it is for him and his company.

He’s of course stated that his company is willing to provide the technology royalty free. That’s an old trick really because even with the patent most gun manufacturers could not create the required tools in house to enact this technology, and certainly not in a timely manner. Because of that companies who have such patents often are willing to see the equipment required to use the patent, at a nominal fee of course.

Micro stamping accomplishes nothing besides increasing the cost of manufacturing guns. And that cost is then placed on the consumers. Remember if the anti-gunners can’t outright ban guns they will do the next best thing, ensure nobody can afford them (this trick was used in the abolishment of so called “Saturday night specials.”). Remember just because they can’t take your right doesn’t mean they can’t find a way to prevent you from exercising that right.

Greenpeace Being Morons Again

Man I hate these guys…

So the road to blame all meat eating people for the world’s problems is being further paved. Now us omnivores and carnivores are being blamed for the destruction of the rain forest.

The sum of it is since we eat meat and potentially use leather products we make a demand for cattle. The demand for cattle requires Brazilian farmers to burn down more rain forest to create more pasture. I have a better idea, maybe we should blame those farmers burning down rain forest to create pasture land.

I’m getting damned sick and tired of this attitude of people who eat meat are villainous. This is like the letter to the editor some lady sent into to The Red Star (I mean the Star Tribune) saying people who eat meat are immoral because they support the killing of animals. Well I have news for all you meat haters, animals have been killing each other for sustenance well before we came around. Instead of taking the moral high ground why don’t you just eat your non-animal products and be happy and quiet about it.

Apparently the American Flag is Offensive?

I’m going to try to control the storm off foul language that’s currently running through my head…

So for Memorial Day Debbie McLucas puts up an American flag in her office (located at Kindred Healthcare). This is a pretty common thing to do in America, which is where she is. But her boss (shit head) and a supervisor (douche bag) found the flag offensive. They both told her she needed to take it down.

Well apparently she didn’t (good on you Debbie) and Mr. Bag did it for her. She came into her office to find the flag on the floor (completely against flag protocol).

Well eventually Kindred Healthcare posted a statement on their website (no link was given by the news article so I can’t reference it here, sorry) which stated the following…

“The disagreement was over the size of the flag and not what it symbolized. We have invited the employee to put the flag back up.”

So the flag was three foot by five foot at that’s too big? Hmm… I know my company has a full sized flag hanging on a flag pole right outside of our office. I know this not just because I walk by it every day but also because we replaced the flag on Memorial Day. We also gave the old flag to the local VFW for proper disposal.

Anyways being two people said the flag was “offensive” I don’t think the take down had anything to do with size. This is standard company speak for “We fucked up and don’t want to accept blame for it.”

What the Hell has a country come to when you can’t even display that country’s flag?

Here is the contact information for the company…

Kindred Healthcare
Corporate Headquarters
680 South Fourth Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202



American Academy of Pediatrics View on Guns

In the last episode of the Handgun Podcast (the episode title is Technical Difficulties) Eric mentioned he picked up an anti-gun brochure from the American Academy of Pediatrics. It sounded bad so I asked him if I could get a scan which is so kindly provided. So here it is.

So I’ll just give my view on the brochure on a point by point basis.

Firearms Injury Prevention
More than 44 million American own firearms. Of the 192 million firearms owned in the United States, 65 million are handguns.

Oh the humanity! Not handguns. Whatever shall we do, they are almost as evil as “assault weapons.”

Research shows guns in the homes are a serious risk to families.

I guess this could be true if the guns are lying around where kids can get at them. Kenn Blanchard told a story on his Urban Shooter podcasts about his grandmother. She kept a loaded shotgun behind the stove. Not once did the kids touch them because they were educated on the fact they shouldn’t touch guns without adult supervision. Go figure, who would have thought education could be beneficial. Apparently not the American education system.

Let’s go through their bullet list of fallacies.

A gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone known to the family than to kill someone in self-defense.

I guess if we are going to include suicides than maybe this starts to make some shred of sense. But still it doesn’t. Just look at the Gun Facts document in the link.

A gun kept in the home triples the risk of homicide.

So because I own a gun I’m more likely to be a victim of suicide? Or am I the one who will commit homicide? Or will the gun kill people by itself? Vague facts usually aren’t facts at all but made up.

The risk of suicide is 5 times more likely if a gun is kept in the home.

So as long as I don’t have a gun I won’t commit suicide? I didn’t realize that guns caused depression. Interesting.

Lets look at the “Advice to parents” this brochure provides.

The best way to keep your children safe from injury or death from guns is to NEVER have a gun in the home.

What’s the best way to be defenseless when somebody breaks into your home? Why that’s to NEVER have a gun in the home. But hey when a criminal with a gun breaks into your home and threatens your child’s life what will you do if you don’t have a gun? Ask him not to shoot your child?

While we’re on the subject cars related incidents kill FAR more people every year then gun related incidents. The best way to avoid dying in a car accident is to NEVER have a car.

Find out if there are guns in the homes where your children play. If so, talk to the adults in the house about the dangers of guns to their family.

Yes be a good sheep and try to force your views on other people. Seriously does this mean if I know somebody who doesn’t have guns in their home I should tell them the dangers of being defenseless?

And then the classic line.

For those who know of the dangers of guns but still keep a gun in the home

You terrible human being you. You know guns are terrible evil devices that will murder your family and make you commit suicide, yet you still keep them in the home! For shame. What kind of advice does the American Academy of Pediatrics have for you horrible people?

Always keep the gun unloaded and locked up.

Lock and store the bullets in a separate place.

That’s right make the gun useless in a situation where you need it. Great advice, make your best means of defense worthless. Uh huh.

Anyways here is the link to Gun Facts which I mentioned.

Finally I leave you with the contact information of the person who’s name is on this document.

Meredith A. Byington M.D.

1317 E. Hwy 175, Suite 800
Crandall, Texas 75114

Her company’s (really shitty) website is

Hey if she didn’t want this information out she wouldn’t have put it in here document.


Apparently it’s Better to be Dead then Question Al Gore

Via Sharp as a Marble…

Apparently somebody thinks Michael Crichton should be dead since he questioned whether global warming was man made or not. I don’t know what to say beyond I hope the person who said that gets mauled by a velociratpor.

Seriously this whole “global warming is man made period” thing is just like a religion. Once you stop allowing people with opposing views and evidence speak you are no longer performing science, you are preforming faith.


Man Who Shot Another Will get Diploma

Although I generally don’t like getting my news from CNN this story sure caught my attention…

So let’s narrow this down. Some punk shot another guy and he has not only avoided jail time but is still going to be able to complete college? I don’t know what to say here except what the fuck. So let us total up this asshat’s punishment. He gets off on six years probation, a $1,000 fine, and 240 hours of community service! Sometimes I just don’t know anymore.

No Fly, No Buy Act of 2009

Yet another piece of legislature designed to club your rights as if they were baby seals…

And the link…

The summary of this bill is simple, if you’re on the United State’s “no fly” or “terrorist watch” list you will be prohibited from buying guns. The biggest problem (of many) here is you don’t actually have to be guilty of ANYTHING to be on this list. Hence this bill will allow your rights to be stripped simply by being suspected of something, maybe.

Anyways here is the list of asses involved…

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D, NY-4]
Rep. Steve Israel [D, NY-2]

Hopefully this list doesn’t expand beyond two idiots.