I Think There is More to This Story

I read the summary of a story on the BBC and have come to the conclusion we have some missing information:

A US man has killed himself after shooting dead five people, including his wife and stepdaughter, during an argument about his breakfast.

I’m guessing the man was mentally disturbed. This story also provides another example as to what relying on the police to arrive in a timely manner isn’t a good defensive strategy:

Neace apparently waited an hour for the police to arrive before shooting himself; police heard the shot as they drove up to the trailer.

You also have to appreciate this part:

Breathitt County is in Kentucky’s rural eastern region, where gun ownership is widespread.

Let me rephrase that for you, “The United States, where gun ownership is widespread and we’re proud of it!” What a lame attempt at trying to shove a little piece of anti-gun propaganda into a story. I’m sure the author believes if a story involving the improper use of firearms is being printed he’s duty bound to include some blurb about widespread gun ownership at a mechanism to place the thought into readers’ heads that high gun ownership means high gun crime rates. Prick.

This story is another example of a crazy nut job being a crazy nut job. Sometimes you just can’t avoid insanity in daily life. But hey, this is why I carry a gun when I go for breakfast, dinner, lunch, and every waking moment of the day that I can.

Dealing with Idiots

Are you outraged that some crazy asshole at some tiny religious gather spot is trying to get people to burn some books? Do you want said crazy asshole to go away? Well I have a solution, ignore the crazy asshole.

Crazy assholes are generally attention whores who do things to get their 15 minutes of fame. If you want them to go away just ignore their existence. Don’t cover them in the news, don’t talk about them with friends, don’t blog and tweet about them, don’t acknowledge their existence.

Using this method an outraged country could avoid having to be outraged as the crazy asshole cries himself to sleep because nobody is willing to pay attention to him. Remember crazy assholes know there is no such thing as bad publicity so every time you acknowledge they exist it encourages them a little more.

What Parents Should Actually Worry About

Bruce Schneier’s blog has a link to an interesting article. Based on surveys parents were asked what their top concerns were involving their children. The top five were:

1. Kidnapping
2. School snipers
3. Terrorists
4. Dangerous strangers
5. Drugs

School snipers? It’s nice to know mass shootings are no longer the concern but individual snipers take patient shots and individual targets. That’s certainly a relief. Oh, and terrorists made the list. This isn’t surprising but it should be. So what are the top five methods of children dying? Well nothing on the above list made the second list:

1. Car accidents
2. Homicide (usually committed by a person who knows the child, not a stranger)
3. Abuse
4. Suicide
5. Drowning

Funny that. Maybe parents need to learn some perspective.

Like a Good Neighbor

High Bridge Arms is the only gun store left in hippie central known as San Francisco. For five decades they’ve sold guns at their location but now, seeing an opportunity, a few people from the neighborhood are doing everything they can to deny the owner’s permit renewal (in San Francisco apparently you need a permit to sell firearms, who would have guessed). There’s a hearing today on whether or not the permit will be renewed but I just have to roll my eyes at a few of the comments made by those interviewed:

“We just want to see something in that space the neighborhood could use,” Ross said. “A dry cleaners, a restaurant, a bar. We’d take anything where people go to be part of a community.”

Being High Bridge Arms has been in business for five decades it seems the neighborhood is finding plenty of use for the store. You want a place where people can be part of a community? Try a gun store. The clientele at gun stores are generally part of the gun owner and shooting community. What community do people going to a dry cleaner or a restaurant belong to? You also have to love the fact that those who oppose the store are cowards unwilling to talk:

“I’ve never had anyone who opposed our shop walk in and introduce themselves to me,” he said. “It’s not like I’m doing something morally objectionable or unconstitutional.”

If you don’t like how the shop is being run maybe you should go in and have a chat with the owner. Wait I forgot we’re talking about Hippyville where the only thing those concerned have against the store is the fact that they cell firearms. Here’s some more ignorance:

“Aside from being opposed to a gun store, we don’t really think a gun store supports the neighborhood,” she said. “Now we finally have an opportunity to say guns don’t belong in the neighborhood. He can do it, there’s no doubt. But it would be nice for him not to be there anymore.”

It doesn’t support the neighborhood? Really? I didn’t realize the owner was delinquent on his taxes. Actually now that I think about it this story isn’t about problems with the tax collectors so it seems the owner is paying taxes, which support the neighborhood. The shop also provides jobs and apparently drums up enough customers to stay in business for half a century. What more can you ask for? I guarantee you that no other business that moves in there is going to do anything else to support the neighborhood.

I would also argue that guns belong in every community. How else are you doing to defend yourself? Oh that’s right you’re local police department have magical teleportation devices that allow them to respond instantly to a call about a breaking and entering.

You also have to appreciate the underhanded insult. “He can do it, there’s no doubt. But it would be nice for him not to be there anymore” roughly translates into, “I have an irrational hatred of guns and therefore I fucking hate the owner of that store and wish him dead. He can do what he wants but if it were up to me I’d nail him to a damned cross and murder his friends and family!” Hm, my translator seems to have fritzed out at the very end there but that’s basically what is being said.

I Don’t Like It, Make It Illegal

I haven’t had a good nanny state story in a while but thankfully some Australian activists have shattered that fact. There seems to be a 25% increase in pedestrian deaths and the assume culprit are iPods. The most obvious solution to such a problem is to make it illegal:

But Mr Scruby said the rise in the popularity of iPods and other listening devices illustrated an urgent need for action by state government and manufacturers.

”The government is quite happy to legislate that people can lose two demerit points for having music up too loud in their cars, but is apparently unconcerned that listening devices now appear to have become lethal pieces of entertainment,” he said. ”They should legislate appropriate penalties for people acting so carelessly towards their own welfare and that of others.

”Manufacturers … should be made to [warn] consumers of the risks they run.”

Yes that will fix the problem, legislation. I mean it always works so well. Once you make something illegal it’ll go away. I’m sure Australia will be free of iPod related accidents as soon as that legislation is passed. It’s a good thing government can protect us from ourselves.

I also love how they want manufacturers to put yet another warning label that will be ignored onto the device.

Play Big or Go Home

Iran sure ruffled some features when they brought their first nuclear power plant online. The United Nations (UN) is screaming for everybody to place sanctions against Iran because only members of the UN can have nuclear anything. Of course sanctions work about as well as scolding a misbehaving child but who care. Japan decided to play big and enact additional sanctions again Iran above and beyond those called for by the UN:

The measures – which go beyond than those imposed by the UN Security Council – ban transactions with some Iranian banks, and also target energy-related investments.

Oh yeah that will show those Iranians. Nothing will tell a country to fuck off like cutting off money going from your country to theirs… oh wait:

Japan is a major importer of Iranian crude oil, but did not impose any restrictions on oil imports from Iran.

So their still sending buckets of money to Iran. So much for playing big.

Another Crazy Greenie

Another crazy save the planet crusader bites the dust. This crazy fellow decided to walk into the headquarters for the Discovery Channel with metal cylinder strapped to his chest and a handgun. After entering the building he decided to take hostages and made some demands:

A man called James Lee of San Diego, California, was arrested outside Discovery’s headquarters in 2008 after throwing thousands of dollars into the air in protest against the network, according to The Gazette, a local newspaper.

Where was I when he did this? Shit I’d have taken that money. Oh yeah his demands sorry:

Mr Lee said he threw the money because Discovery’s programming had little to do with saving the planet.

He reportedly was also the author of the website savetheplanetprotest.com, where he demanded that the Discovery Channel broadcast programmes that would help “to save the planet”.

Well Mr. Insano met the Washington D.C. hostage negotiation team whom promptly shot the dumbass dead. Case closed.