Minnesota Finally Picked Their Senator

And it only took us eight fucking months…


So Al Franken is our second senator after the long drawn out pissing match that didn’t seem to want to end. Personally I’ve been indifferent between the two of them as they both demonstrated their capability to be whiney little brats. Now to see how Franken responds to my inquiries about the second amendment.

The Pirate Bay has Been Boarded

Rather sad news in my opinion The Pirate Bay has been bought…


I’m betting the site goes downhill fast from here on our. Anyways it was bought by some company called Global Game Factory for $7.8 million. Until now The Pirate Bay has been as much political as useful.

For those of you who don’t know it was in league with Sweden’s Pirate Party which is an actual governmental party in Sweden who’s platform is based on copyright reform. They actually have a decent base which gained them a seat in the European Union.

Anyways as with most good things that are sold to another company I’m expecting The Pirate Bay to go downhill fast.

Up Next NICS will Require a Urine Sample

I looks like the FBI’s NICS system is now requiring place of birth as well…


I’m sure this has nothing to do with anything nefarious they just want to ensure people from specific countries where the prevailing religion could be Islam can’t buy guns. OK maybe not but I really hate the NICS system so I’m taking every cheap shot I can at it. Seriously it costs a ton of money and doesn’t do anything except make people wait for delays when they go buy guns.

But if You Defend Yourself You May Kill Somebody

Found via Says Uncle…


The article opens like this…

Note to the folks who keep loaded guns in their houses: that stranger rustling around in your bushes or lurking by your garage may be a teenager playing a game. Don’t shoot.

The article then splits gun owners into two mutually exclusive categories…

There are plenty of folks who value the Second Amendment who also think keeping a loaded gun in the house is stupid stuff. (If there are children in the home, these gun owners see it as criminally stupid stuff.) Their emotional attachment to guns is tied to sport and skill, hunting and marksmanship rather than self-defense.

On the other side are the gun owners who believe they always are a split second away from needing their guns to stop bad guys. It’s too simplistic to say they view guns as instruments of heroism, but their mantra is that “they have the right to protect themselves and their families.” Emotionally, they tie guns to personal honor and self-sufficiency.

And finally closes up with…

Although we often lump all gun owners together, the difference between those two philosophies of gun use is enormous.

The shooting of the teenager reminds us that the second philosophy is deeply flawed – an American myth echoing our frontier past. Guns are lethal weapons, and when a gun is seen as the first (and best) line of defense, tragedies are bound to happen – much more likely, in fact, than saving anybody’s life.

So apparently you either refuse to save your life using a gun or your a psycho path who can’t wait to kill a home invader. According to the article we are supposed to assume somebody breaking into our house is a teenager playing games. Let me tell you something if somebody enters my domicile whom I don’t know without my permission (that’s why we knock on doors people) I am assuming they are hostile and will take what means are necessary to defend myself.

Let’s get this straight somebody comes into your dwelling without knocking at the door, ringing the door bell, calling your, or any other method of announcing their entry and we’re supposed to not respond in a defensive manner because it might be some teenager playing a game? What about the other side of the coin? What if it’s some teenager doing an initiation for a gan that involves killing, raping, or robbing somebody? The bottom line is you haven’t a clue what an invader’s intentions are so you need to act in a manner to protect the most precious thing you have, your family and your life.

Source: http://www.saysuncle.com/2009/06/29/defies-logic/

Minnesota Firearms Freedom Act

Fire Montana, then Texas, and now Minnesota. Since I felt this deserved it’s own post and I needed time to read through the law I didn’t mention it when I posted the results of the open carry picnic. But Representative Tom Emmer stopped by and let us know about the Firearms Freedom Act he authored for Minnesota…


Like other similar acts this one would exempt firearms manufactured in Minnesota for sale in Minnesota from federal regulation and registration. It seems like a pretty simple and good piece of legislation although it does have text in it to exempt machine guns from this bill. Either way it’s a great idea and everybody in Minnesota needs to write their state representatives about it.

Granted after receiving my reply from Ron Latz about his stance on several second amendment issues I’m doubting he’ll support it but I wrote him anyways.

What Global Warming Bias?

Oh shit here it goes again another study critical of global warming has been suppressed…


This is why I don’t buy into the whole global warming thing. For me to buy into something I generally need scientific evidence from multiple sides. I want studies done by people for a subject and people against a subject. In the case of global warming anybody who publishes a study that is critical of global warming is shunned and their study never sees the light of day.

I’m sure many people consider me insane and a conspiracy theory nut ball because I don’t desire to fight in Al Gore’s Apocalypse. But I have yet to find a study done by an un-bias party that shows evidence that global warming exists or that it is man made. My skepticism probably comes from the fact I remember when everybody was saying we are going to be entering another ice age any time. I also remember when all the pollution in our atmosphere was going to create so much acid rain that it would be deadly to go outside while it was raining. Neither of these claims had any real scientific evidence behind them and eventually they fell to the wayside.

Results of the Lake Harriet Open Carry Picnic

Well I just returned from the open carry picnic at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It was a great success with roughly 50 gun toting people in attendance. It started at 11:00 and the last few of us left a little before 17:00. The food was great, the conversation was lively, and the weather couldn’t have been better. Many of the people in attendance even brought their family along for the fun.

One lady did call 911 when she saw all of use terrible gun owner eating burgers and overall being happy. We only know she called 911 because the person who the dispatcher called came over and let us know with a smile. We all laughed. We did hear an awful number of sirens coming towards our area and that lady’s fact lit up with glee. Her high hopes were shattered though when it was discovered the police and ambulance were responding to a person having a heart attack further down the lake shore.

We also had one person come over with a desire for argument. He spewed off such things as how terrible it is us permit holders don’t have to take a urine test. His argument didn’t last long though after being offered a brat. He happily accepted and went on his way.

I know all the anti-gunners like to say anytime there are people together with guns there will be shooting and blood in the streets. So I’m posting the thing that the anti-gunners are so excited to see the body count of people who were shot at Lake Harriet during the open carry picnic…

Ages 0 to 20: 0
Ages 21 to 40: 0
Ages 41 to 60: 0
Ages 61 to 80: 0
Ages 81 to 100: 0
Ages 101 to 120: 0

Ages 0 to 20: 0
Ages 21 to 40: 0
Ages 41 to 60: 0
Ages 61 to 80: 0
Ages 81 to 100: 0
Ages 101 to 120: 0

Total People Shot During Event: 0