Six Percenters

In episode 50 of The Handgun Podcast the hose, Eric Shelton, threw down a great idea. He’s calling it the Handgun Podcast Six-Percenters. The basic idea is to get involved in gun rights by contacting your officials. Details are here…,1853.0.html

Why six percent? In Eric’s own words…

Six Percent is almost embarrassingly low. It’s actually kind of sad to think that that’s all I feel I can reasonably expect to get involved.

I think he’s right six percent of people is able all you can expect to get. The stupid thing is that contacting your representatives isn’t hard. They make it easy to do as well. You can call them, e-mail them, or send them a letter using the old fashion postal system.

You don’t even have to bring up an issue when you contact them. Just let them know who you are and that you’re a strong supporter of the second amendment. Every voice matters in this case, the more calls, e-mails, and letters they get from pro gun rights people the more likely they will be to vote for the second amendment. This is the only way to win political victories.

So here is my officially stating that you need to contact your congress critters and let them know where you stand.

Defense Starts with Awareness

OK it’s story time. I went for a walk this evening as I often do. There are some very nice wooded trails near my apartment, which are pretty secluded. Generally I only meet three or four people on an hour long walk. Today was the same thing, and it was today I really noticed a bad trend.

The most important part of self defense is awareness. You should always been aware of your surroundings when you are out and about. I don’t care if you’re in the local grocery store or on a walk, you should be alert to what is around you. You have a much better chance of defending yourself if you see the threat coming first.

This is not what I saw people doing on the trail. Two of the four people I met were yapping on their cell phones. They had no idea I was coming, nor what was around them. They were off in their own little world. The third person I met was listening to his iPod so loudly that I could make out the music when I was on the opposite side of the trail. The four person was an elderly woman out for a walk, she’s old and probably figures she has nothing to live for, but she was the most alert of the four.

The reason I bring this up is simple, the three people walking around and no paying attention are ripe targets for thugs. For instance if I had wanted to do bodily harm to them I could have easily walked right up behind them and they would have never noticed until it was too late. At that point I’d be in control and they would no be able to effectively defend themselves. Because awareness is so important Jeff Cooper came up with a color code system dealing with just this subject. It is as follows…

White – Unaware and unprepared. If attacked in Condition White, the only thing that may save you is the inadequacy or ineptitude of your attacker. When confronted by something nasty, your reaction will probably be “Oh my God! This can’t be happening to me.”

Yellow – Relaxed alert. No specific threat situation. Your mindset is that “today could be the day I may have to defend myself.” You are simply aware that the world is a potentially unfriendly place and that you are prepared to defend yourself, if necessary. You use your eyes and ears, and realize that “I may have to SHOOT today.” You don’t have to be armed in this state, but if you are armed you should be in Condition Yellow. You should always be in Yellow whenever you are in unfamiliar surroundings or among people you don’t know. You can remain in Yellow for long periods, as long as you are able to “Watch your six.” (In aviation 12 o’clock refers to the direction in front of the aircraft’s nose. Six o’clock is the blind spot behind the pilot.) In Yellow, you are “taking in” surrounding information in a relaxed but alert manner, like a continuous 360 degree radar sweep. As Cooper put it, “I might have to shoot.”

Orange – Specific alert. Something is not quite right and has gotten your attention. Your radar has picked up a specific alert. You shift your primary focus to determine if there is a threat (but you do not drop your six). Your mindset shifts to “I may have to shoot HIM today.” In Condition Orange, you set a mental trigger: “If that goblin does ‘x’, I will need to stop him.” Your pistol usually remains holstered in this state. Staying in Orange can be a bit of a mental strain, but you can stay in it for as long as you need to. If the threat proves to be nothing, you shift back to Condition Yellow. Cooper described this as “I might have to shoot HIM,” referring to the specific target which has caused the escalation in alert status.

Red – Condition Red is fight. Your mental trigger (established back in Condition Orange) has been tripped. If “X” happens I will shoot that person.

The three people that were not paying attention were in condition white. When out and about you should always been in condition yellow. Being alert doesn’t even take much. Just be actively listening, watching, and in general paying attention. Seriously what is so important that you need to be on the phone while your out for a walk? Why do you have to be listening to music? Sure both of these things are nice distractions but neither is worth your safety.

When I say this many people often call me paranoid and make up statistics (1 in a million is the usual one) of how unlikely it is that you will be attacked. Well it’s true you have a fairly small chance of being attacked but it’s a chance, and a very possible one. I’d rather be paranoid and alive that oblivious and dead.

Some people jokingly refer to this state of denial as condition rose. These people see the world through rose colored lenses. As far as they are concerned nothing could possible happen to them. These are the people most vulnerable to attacks. They are the ones criminals most want to prey on. Personally I don’t want to be one of these people, hence I pay attention when I’m out and about. And you should do. Remember that phone call can wait until you get somewhere secure.

Somebody Should have Seen this Coming

Although I’m not a Twitter user I found this story interesting…

Apparently several Twitter applications are melting down since the count of tweets is exceeding the maximum number a 32-bit integer can hold. This would be 2,147,483,6471 in this case since the software writers were using signed integers.

For those of you who don’t know how computer programming works I’ll give a quick run down. An integer is a standard unit of storing integer numbers. On most platforms an integer is 32-bits in size. This means it can have a range of 0 to 4,294,967,295. In order to store negative numbers one bit must be used to indicate positive and negative. With the removal of this bit to store a value your range of storable numbers becomes −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

There were two mistakes made here that I can see. The first one was using a signed integer. Since you never need to store a negative number of tweets there is no reason to waste that single bit to store whether a number is negative or positive, it’ll always be positive. The second issue, although understandable, is using a 32-bit integer. With the popularity of Twitter and number of tweets being made by each person every day it’s easy to see where more than 4,294,967,295 tweets will eventually be made. It would have been much smarter to use a 64-bit integer which unsigned gives a range of 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Although not impossible it’s very unlikely there will ever be that many tweets before Twitter falls out of existence.

The first screw up was just poor planning, probably from an inexperienced programmer. The second mistake is understandable since most of the time when programming people simply use a basic integer type to store integer numbers.

But this story is a good example of what goes wrong when something isn’t fully planned out. I would imagine had more people been working on these applications somebody would have pointed this potential issue out. Always have an understanding on the possible maximum values your data may contain.

23 State Attorney Generals Oppose “Assault Weapons” Ban

This is good news brought to use by the NRA-ILA…

The Attorney Generals of 23 states signed a letter send to Eric Holder proclaiming they were against the renewal of an “assault weapons” ban. These good people are…

Arkansas – The Honorable Dustin McDaniel
Alabama – The Honorable Troy King
Colorado – The Honorable John W. Suthers
Florida – The Honorable Bill McCollum
Georgia – The Honorable Thurbert E. Baker
Idaho – The Honorable Lawrence G. Wasden
Kansas – The Honorable Steve Six
Kentucky – The Honorable Jack Conway
Louisiana – The Honorable James D. Caldwell
Michigan – The Honorable Mike Cox
Missouri – The Honorable Chris Koster
Montana – The Honorable Steve Bullock
Oklahoma – The Honorable W.A. Edmonson
Nebraska – The Honorable Jon Bruning
Nevada – The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto
New Hampshire – The Honorable Kelly A. Ayotte
North Dakota – The Honorable Wayne Stenehjem
South Carolina – The Honorable Henry McMaster
South Dakota – The Honorable Lawrence Long
Texas – The Honorable Greg Abbott
Utah – The Honorable Mark L. Shurtleff
Wisconsin – The Honorable J.B. Van Hollen
Wyoming – The Honorable Bruce A. Salzburg

Good on these people. It saddens me that Lori Swanson, the Attorney General of Minnesota, didn’t sign the letter. I’m sending a letter to the Attorney General’s office letting her know what I think about Lori Swanson not signing the letter. I’m leaving contact information for the Attorney General’s officer if anybody else would like to write or call proclaiming the same.

1400 Bremer Tower
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101


Wow Some Peoples’ Ignorance Scares Me

So I was poking around on Kotaku this early morning and came across the following story…

The story itself is tragic since a child ended up shooting his sibling with a shotgun. Although rare these tragedies happen and when they do the anti-gunners run in and jump around in the blood and exploiting the tragedy to meet their own desires. I sometimes wonder if the people in charge of the Brady Bunch jump up and down for joy whenever they hear about a child shooting another one.

But I’m digressing again. The part that scared me most about this story is the comments section. There are a lot of ignorant people out there and being I’m active in the gun community I don’t see them all that often (granted many of my friends are liberal and strongly against guns but they know better than to try and argue it with me).

From a semi-random sampling we have this quote by a user named Quaro…

people who break into homes don’t break in them so they can kill. they do it to steal. so the heck with it let them take what they want, the insurance company gives it’s value back to me, and I report the crime to the police, they find evidence, they catch him end of story.

Tell that to college students whom had two armed thugs break into their home separating the men from the women with the intent to rape the women and kill all of the student…

Those thugs certainly didn’t come in to just steal some stuff. They came in with intent to rape and murder. If one of the students didn’t have a gun none of them would probably be alive today. But that’s not all this commenter had to say…

besides if you care enough for your safety to buy a gun, how about installing a security system????

So a security system will allow the police to teleport to your location instantly? Wait it won’t? Well then you still have to wait for the police to arrive which usually takes slightly longer then killing somebody does. The sad fact is the police can’t be everywhere and they can’t protect everybody. Lord knows they do their best but they, like us, are only human. Meanwhile that gun is within reach and ready to be used in the defense of your life.

I’ll also pick a second quote from my semi-random sampling. This is one by a user named OkayOctane…

Best thing to do in a robbery? Barricade yourself in your room, and let them KNOW you’re calling the police. I guess this is where you tell me that only pussies hide, but that’s the don’t need to be a hero, or have this bravado shit going on. Your TV is replaceable, let them freaking take it.

Yes I’m sure the criminal will instantly stop doing anything illegal once you yell you are calling the police. The criminals know just as well as you do that the police won’t arrive for a while. But don’t get me wrong locking yourself in a room is a good idea during a home invasion, preferably a room where you can cover the entrance with a shotgun so if the invader tries to come on in you can stop them.

Finally the concept of just letting the thief have your stuff is rather stupid to me. I don’t care about my stuff but I do care that the criminal feels they were able to find an easy target. I want anybody who breaks into my place to leave empty handed and scared shitless. Why? Because they won’t be so likely to return. If they know I’m armed and willing to defend myself they crook will probably try a different house next time.

The difference between people who proclaim the right idea is to just give up and do whatever a criminal says and a person who is willing to defend themselves is a matter of personal responsibility. The sheep (person willing to surrender) doesn’t want to take any responsibility. By just giving into the criminal’s demands they aren’t responsible for what happens afterwards, it’s the criminal’s fault. If they live they can justify everything as the criminal’s fault. Meanwhile I, like most gun owners, am not afraid of taking responsibility for my life. I don’t want to be sitting in my hallway stabbed thinking what a bastard that thug was. I want the criminal to be laying in the hallway with a bullet through him not thinking anything at all. I want to be alive and I’m willing to take responsibility for my own life.

The bottom line is your life, and the lives of your loved ones, are the most precious things on this planet. You shouldn’t expect other people to take responsibility for your most precious possession. Realize that in order to be entitled to live you need to be willing to fight for it. Survival of the fittest is how the entire planet works. There are wolves who prey on the sheep but then there are sheepdogs who can fight off the wolves. I personally am a sheepdog and I assume most of my readers are as well.

The Konami Code, Not Just for Games

It’s amazing how versatile the old Konami code is even to this day. Not only does it give you a fighting chance in Contra but apparently it unlocks all the secrets of Palm’s new phone, the Pre…

If you type “upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastar” on the home screen of the Pre it enables the developer mode. What else can the Konami code do?

Proving Once Again the European Union is Anti-Business

It never seems to end with the European Union. They bring up a well deserved anti-trust case against Microsoft. It ends in a fine, which Microsoft pays. The European Union also requires Microsoft to rip out applications in it’s operating system so Microsoft does so releasing special European only versions of it’s operating system. For instance there is going to be an Internet Explorer free version of Windows 7. Well apparently that doesn’t go far enough for the largest socialist coalition on Earth…

The European Union not only wants Microsoft to remove its own browser they also want Microsoft to include competitors’ browsers. I’m calling bullshit on this right here, right now. I dislike Microsoft as much as many others because of what they have done to the industry through their illegal practices. But why should they not be allowed to include their own web browser? And why in the fuck should they be required to include competitors’ products?

The bottom line every modern operating system includes a web browser. Apple’s Mac OS includes Safari, Ubuntu includes Firefox, Android includes it’s own WebKit based browser, Heck Debian even includes Ice Weasel which is just Firefox with a different name. If no browser was included most people wouldn’t know what to do with their computer. Unlike those of us in the “tech savvy” world most people have no idea how to get a web browser without first having a web browser. If you removed Internet Explorer from Windows what do you think most people would do? Probably call their computer manufacturer’s tech support and as “What the fuck guys?”

As making Microsoft remove the browser is idiotic. But making them include their competition’s products is insane. Yes Microsoft are a convicted monopoly, yes they did illegal practices to get to where they are today, but making them include the competition’s products is about as anti-business as you get. Most people who want to use a different browser just get one. For instance the first thing I do on a new installation of Windows after applying the system updates is download a copy of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari (depending on the day).

The problem with including other companies’ products is that Microsoft has no control over them. Currently when a security hole is found in Internet Explorer (you know just about every day) Microsoft figures out the problem and usually fixes it. They can do this because it’s their product and they have control over it. Now let’s say Firefox is included in Windows. Microsoft has no control over any problems that may occur and would be at Mozilla’s mercy when it came to providing a fix. Granted Mozilla is good about providing fixes but if they stop for some reason that leave Microsoft in a shitty position. Not to mention Microsoft has no way of knowing if their competitors’ products won’t interfere with other software in Windows.

Also who is to say any of Microsoft’s competitors won’t provide a special version of their production to include into Windows which they will refuse to support? I doubt this would happen but if they did it would make Microsoft look bad not them browser’s creator. Not having control over your own product is not only difficult but dangerous.

Finally how will we determine which browsers will be included? There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of browser out there. Does Microsoft have to include them all? If so that’s probably a few more gigabytes of size that will need to be installed with the operating system. Do only browsers with at least 10% market share get included? Well that would only leave Mozilla. Of course that would be unfair to Chrome, Safari, etc. How do you get clueless users to determine what browser will be best for them? Most people use Internet Explorer because it’s there and as far as they are concerned it is the Internet. Many of these people would have no idea what to do when asked what web browser to install.

Honestly this is just another reason why I hate the European Union. It was a bad idea when it started and it’s only getting worse as it ages.

Handguns and Operating Systems

Just for a fun a comparison of guns and operating systems. This list is just for fun so if you don’t agree with it don’t take offense. If you e-mail me saying how I got a fact wrong I’ll probably just ignore you. I’m not wanting to start a holy are with either handguns nor operating systems.

1911 – Linux

Much like the 1911 Linux can be anything you want it to be so long as you’re willing to put the time and effort into it. Linux can range from being complete junk that is as unreliable as a person suffering multiple personalities disorder where one of the personalities has multiple personalities disorder. On the other hand if you put enough time into it Linux can be as solid as a mountain. Likewise Linux can look plain Jane, with only a command line or gorgeous with Gnome and Compiz. It does take some skill to learn and work though. But in most cases it will never let you down. Big, small, or medium Linux comes in all sizes.

Hi-Point – Windows

Ah yes the very definition of just enough to get the job done. Windows will get you online, it will get those word processing documents to your boss, and it will give you your e-mail. On the other hand it’s plagued with problems. Just like the Hi-Point’s groupings Window’s security has large holes in it. Many people will gladly state that Windows gets the job done and that it’s all they need, but then neglect to mention what they have to put up with in the form of constant crashing, viruses, and random data loss. Not to mention the installation size is positively huge and it’s ungainly to use any of it’s controls. It’s obvious very little time was spent on designing the human interface part of the system. It has it’s proponents but they are mostly people who haven’t used a better operating system.

Glock – BSD

When it comes to reliability BSD can’t be beat. With a time proven reliability many people have come to depend on BSD to run their commercial sites. It’s security is top notch and very few known flaws exist. This is accomplished by keeping everything as plain and simple as possible. Nothing unneeded is included in the default installation. Of course you are free to add in what you need after installation. In fact BSD can be customized to serve in almost any function from a top end server to a day to day e-mail client. Many Linux advocates whine that the license is too soft and weak. They think that the license will crack under the slightest amount of corporate abuse. In fact it’s well know that Window’s own network stack was copied from BSD. Whine as they do the Linux advocates can’t ignore it’s time proven reliability.

XD(m) – Mac OS 10

Based off of BSD Mac OS adds in many features users want. While the BSD advocates whine that all these extra features are unneeded and actual detract from BSD’s perfection Mac users seem to be quite happy. Mac OS is reliable and gets the job done. It’s not as light weight as BSD but it’s far lighter than Windows or Linux. Every new release brings improvements although they may seem small at times. The interface is easy to use with all the needed controls being located in common sense locations. Apple is very strict with it’s human interface guidelines making most applications familiar. There aren’t many different options only OS X desktop edition and OS X server edition. Most people like the desktop version because it’s cheaper and does what is needed, but there are applications where the server edition is just needed.

J-Frame Revolver – Palm OS (a.k.a. Garnet OS)

Palm OS still has tons of fans who tout it as the great operating system. It might seem slim on features now will all the other big name operating systems out there but it still serves a purpose. It will get what needs to be done accomplished. It’s incredibly small and can be put on all manners of devices that will fit in your pocket. It doesn’t have much memory available to it and that can’t be expanded. A reboot of the device will fix almost any problem with the system. Although bypassed by many newer operating systems it’s still preferred by many die hards who don’t want anything else. They just worry any new additions will make the system less reliable.

Looks Like Swine Flu will Kill Us All

Apparently the World Health Organization has declared Swine Flu a pandemic. Prepare to die…

I can’t get over how this swine flu scare refused to die. It hasn’t been nearly as bad as most flu mutations during regular flu seasons yet it’s being hyped up even now. Does the W.H.O. have some kind of need to make money by scaring people? W.H.O. knows.

But alas I’m The Doctor.

Doctor who?


Brady Bunch Exploiting Holocaust Museum Shooting

As we all knew they would…

Yes it’s a Google cache because I won’t link to those assholes on my site. Anyhow they are already using the tragedy at the Holocaust Museum to beat on the anti-gun war drum. From the ass’s mouth…

“The Brady Campaign extends sympathies to the innocent victims and others affected in today’s shooting at the Holocaust Museum. This shows that having even more guns in more places is the wrong answer to America’s gun violence problem.

Remember that the shooter was a prohibited person so by the very gun laws that the Brady Bunch claim don’t exist the racist prick couldn’t legally own a gun. Gun control works huh? On top of that the officer was able to shoot the gunman before anymore people were injured or killed. I’d say it’s a great case where more guns ended up being better.

Another quote from the ignorant…

Congress should think very hard about their responsibilities for public safety before weakening gun laws in our nation’s capital, and should re-think their decision to allow more guns in our national public areas. It is dangerous to force more guns into places that American families expect to be gun-free and safe.

Funny nobody is forcing guns into any place. Those of us that believe in personal protection and the right of self defense want the legal OPTION to carry a gun on our person. We aren’t trying to force anybody to carry a gun.

Also gun-free and safe in the same sentence is the biggest oxymoron I’ve ever heard.