If It Works Ban It

The United Nations in all their stupidity glory decided cluster munitions needed to be banned. But here are the best parts:

The treaty is binding only on countries that have signed and ratified it.

Wait for it:

Some of the biggest stockpilers – including the US, Russia, China and Israel – are not among the signatories.

So this treaty will only be enforced by nations that have signed it. The big three military powers, being intelligent people, decided to not sign it and can continue using cluster munitions. Why would they not sign it? Probably because they don’t want to get rid of devices that actually work.

The Definition of Dumb Ass

Wow some people just don’t learn do they? Dip shit Peter Bethune of Sea Sheppard decided that the best way to avenge the loss of his organizations precious vessel was to board a Japanese whaling ship:

He had said he wanted to arrest the ship’s captain, Hiroyuki Komiya, for attempted murder, following a crash between the Shonan Maru 2 and Sea Shepherd’s Ady Gil speedboat in January.

The gods of irony did shine down upon thee though as the Japanese crew, not being complete dip shits, caught the guy and are holding him. Right now the Japanese government is decided whether to file criminal charges against the left-wing extremist terrorist individual. The best part is if he’s charged he get’s a ticket to Japan for trial. Just to clarify by ticket I mean free boat ride.

Damn It

Hey everybody just an FYI blogging is going to be limited to non-existent today. An unfortunate formula has entered my life today:

Truck + Ice + Concrete Barrier = Fuck My Life

So it’s time for communications with the insurance company which is never fun. Combine that with the fact I’m running off of three and a half hours of sleep and the crash from the adrenaline dump caused by the above formula and I’m really in no mood to blog. Sorry.

Birds Evolved From Dinosaurs, No Dinosaurs Evolved From Birds

Paleontology has always been one of my hobbies and nothing quite as cool as dinosaurs has existed on this planet since their extinction. Needless to say I spend a lot of time reading up on these extinct creatures and one of the debates that’s gone on for a while is whether or not dinosaurs evolved into birds. Well new research is suggesting that dinosaurs and birds evolved from a common ancestor and existed in a state of parallel evolution instead:

Almost 20 years of research at OSU on the morphology of birds and dinosaurs, along with other studies and the newest PNAS research, Ruben said, are actually much more consistent with a different premise — that birds may have had an ancient common ancestor with dinosaurs, but they evolved separately on their own path, and after millions of years of separate evolution birds also gave rise to the raptors. Small animals such as velociraptor that have generally been thought to be dinosaurs are more likely flightless birds, he said.

“Raptors look quite a bit like dinosaurs but they have much more in common with birds than they do with other theropod dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus,” Ruben said. “We think the evidence is finally showing that these animals which are usually considered dinosaurs were actually descended from birds, not the other way around.”

This is bloody cool and certainly sheds some light on my arch-nemesis the velociraptor (Clever girls). Seriously though it’s amazing how the science of extinct creatures is constantly changing and we are always finding out new things about these old buggers.

Boy is He Strict

I’m just going to pull quotes from this story:

The violent confrontation unfolded after Mr Iavecchio, who was armed, asked the men to leave the bowling alley because they were smoking cigarettes in a vestibule. The security guard escorted the men outside, where the ensuing fight and shooting were captured on CCTV.

According to investigating police, words were exchanged and a fight ensued before two gunshots were discharged, striking both friends. The incident happened at 1.50am.

The lesson here? Don’t smoke in New York bowling allies. Of course expect the Violence Policy Center to add this one to their list:

Both victims were treated at the nearby Elmhurst hospital for their injuries. Mr Iavecchio was armed with a .380 calibre pistol, which he was licensed to carry. The two Irishmen are being charged with menacing.

It Appears As Though You Haven’t Thought Your Clever Plan Through

Here is a story implementing a really bad idea via Dvorak Uncensored. It appears as though police officers are going to stage break ins. Yes police officers are going to break into the homes of citizens to raise awareness of burglaries. I see all sorts of bad things coming from this. See people don’t take kindly to strange people breaking into their homes in the middle of the night. Often when a person encounters the stranger they decided to perforate that individuals with gun fire… oh wait this is happening in England. Yeah never mind, capital idea there Bobby.

Another Invention That Can Be Used For Good or Evil

Uh oh we have yet another invention on the market that can be used by both good guys and bad guys. Via Bruce Schneier’s blog I learned about this amazing invention.

The device is called the Impressioner. It’s an electronic device that can tell locksmiths how to cut a key for a lock. This would allow a locksmith to easily create a new key for a car lock without the whole trial and error things. Of course the article points out the device can be used by thieves as well.

What the article fails to point out is that car locks are incredibly insecure. With a simple device called a Slim Jim (A flat piece of sheet metal with a notch cut out of it) you can open the lock on almost any car door in a matter of seconds. In fact it’s much faster than trying to make a key. In other words people are getting worried about something that’s already broken.

More On Gunnies and Gamers

Caleb over at Gun Nuts Media has a good post about gunnies and gamers. His conclusion is pretty much the same as mine. Gunnies shouldn’t shun gamers:

But here’s the thing – yeah, those kids can be annoying at times. But instead of shunning them or casting them aside, I truly believe that we need to embrace the video game generation and their love of firearms.

I can’t agree more. And of course my invitation will always remain open to take any person with an interest in guns out to the range, including gamers.

Best Meme Ever

There is a new gun blogger meme started by none other than Uncle:

The commercial should have ended with a guy in a big ass Ford Earthfuckertm that gets 5 miles per gallon with seats made from baby seals blowing past the roadblock billowing smoke. And, for effect, the driver flips them off. I’d buy that car. Not this little compliant pansy car. You appeal to Americans in an ad by showing rebellion and general orneriness. Not passiveness, compliance, or sheepishness.

Sadly I drive a Ford Ranger which hardly comes close to being an Earthfucker but I plan on moving up some day. It appears as though Random Nuclear Strikes has found somebody who does own an Earthfucker though.