Another of Our Own Lost

Man I’m late with this news but alas it’s posted now. Gun rights activist Meleanie Hain was murdered by her husband. There is a good write up over at The Brenda Fallacy.

Likewise Random Nuclear Strikes shows us the “peace loving” anti-gun crowd is already dancing in the blood and proclaiming how happy they are that a gun rights activist was shot to death. Don’t believe me head over to the last linked article and read comments like this one by Doughh:

No offense but now there are 2 less right wing wacko gun nuts running around. Do feel sorry for the kids though.

Apparently Meleanie had become worried in recent times that her husband was becoming dangerous. It seems her husband had become abusive and she was making an attempt to leave him taking their two kids with her. In the end the bastard shot her and himself but by sheer fortune didn’t bring harm to either of their children.

Although we have a ton of “peace loving” anti-gunners dancing up and down a user going by the name of graycoyote tells us some very important details:

You’re conveniently leaving out a couple of details.

1) Scott Hain, not Meleanie, fired the first shot. She had privately confided with several of her friends that Scott was become more abusive and controlling of her life, and she was considering divorcing him and taking her two kids (2 and 6). It appears that early indications is that she told him that she was divorcing him, so he shot her with HIS service weapon from work.

2) Scott Hain was both a corrections officer and a parole officer, and officially considered a law enforcement officer under PA law. So a cop shot his wife with his service weapon, essentially.

3) All of you assholes who are just absolutely gleeful that she was killed, or it is some sort of lesson to be learned here that “guns shouldn’t have been as available to allow stuff like this to happen”, Scott Hain was a cop, who would be untouched by a majority of gun control laws even in places like DC, Chicago, and New York.

Yup no amount of gun control laws would have prevented this as her husband was a cop who qualified to carry a service gun.

Anyways for the few of you who haven’t heard of Meleanie she made the news a while back by exercising her second amendment right at a soccer game. The anti-gun crowd shit their pants proclaiming she was being irresponsible carrying a gun that close to *gasp* CHILDREN! In actuality nobody was shot and if somebody had been there to cause anybody harm Meleanie would have been able to give the attendees a fighting chance.

Hopefully her children make it through this with some semblance of sanity left.

The Anti-Gunners Sure are Grade A Assholes

Sometimes you find stories that make your blood boil. This is one of those stories via Says Uncle. A man who worked for Planco, a subsidiary of Hartford, was fired for looking at web sites that listed gun parts. Note the firing wasn’t even due to some mislead company policy against looking at websites that aren’t specifically work related:

When Jackson was searching the Web for a replacement shotgun stock, supervisor Christie Vazquez — who admitted in a subsequent deposition to being “very anti-gun” and had quarreled with him before about politics — noticed what he was doing. Vazquez said she was scared because it was only a few weeks after the Virginia Tech massacre (see CBS News video), so she promptly reported her colleague’s Web browsing to Planco’s human resources department. Vazquez also informed the HR department that Jackson owned guns and was a member of the National Rifle Association.

Can you find the logic in this:

There is no evidence that Jackson was a violent person, and Davis later acknowledged that the list of Web sites were shopping sites that didn’t have any violent pictures or anything that alarmed her. Nevertheless, Vazquez and another supervisor claimed they were concerned for their safety, and Planco fired Jackson six days later.

Didn’t think so. And of course Jackson even escorted Vazquez in a bad neighborhood as he had a carry permit:

The lawsuit, filed by Exton, Penn. attorney Mark Scheffer, noted that Jackson and supervisor Vazquez had — at least at one point — enjoyed a friendly relationship. Jackson, who has a legal concealed carry permit in Pennsylvania, accompanied Vazquez when she was hunting for apartments in dodgy areas of Philadelphia. He gave her a tour of the Philadelphia Inquirer, where he used to work, and took Vazquez to a shooting range and showed her how to use a gun. (She confirmed in a later deposition (PDF) that she enjoyed the outing.) Another employee who worked in the same department said he heard Vazquez ask Jackson about purchasing a handgun for protection.

Some thanks there. The anti-gun crowd always claim they are against violence but they really mean they are against violence unless they can have a proxy do it. It’s OK to have a friend escort you through a bad neighborhood if they are able to carry a gun. It’s OK for the police to show up and shoot a home invader. Seriously I hate hypocrites and the anti-gun crowd are the biggest hypocrites out there.

I’m glad I work at a company where a good chunk of the employees are pro-gun and gun owners. On top of that I’m pretty well known as “the gun guy” and have become a resource for a couple people looking to purchase firearms or get carry permits.

Another Take on Bloomberg’s Gun Show Antics

Snowflakes in Hell has a nice little write up on Bloomberg’s latest little stunt. All in all it’s summed up greatly by the last paragraph:

What’s really disgusting about Bloomberg’s tactics, is none of these transactions and dealers shown here have anything to do with gun show loophole. It’s illegal to operate as a gun dealer, for livelihood and profit, without a Federal Firearms License. It’s illegal to knowingly sell guns to criminals. In all of these cases shown, they could be prosecuted under current laws. But he’s not going to tell you that, because the goal is to get rid of gun shows.

The so-called gun show loophole is more accurately known as a private individual selling their own property to another private individual. See the federal government claims the reason they have a right to control guns is due to the commerce clause. It’s stated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution and states:

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

It relates to powers of Congress only. It grants Congress the power to regulate inter-state commerce. The claims are wide and varied but suffice to say since guns are usually built in one state and sold in another if falls under inter-state commerce according to the federal government. Since it falls under inter-state commerce they feel they have the power to regulate it as much as they can. This is what state laws like Montana’s Firearms Freedom Act are all about. They state guns produce, sold, and used inside the state of Montana should be free of federal regulation. Likewise if you are selling your gun to another person in the state it’s not inter-state commerce and hence the reason the federal government is unable to regulate it. Since these type of sales are exempt from federal regulations they do not require the seller to perform a NICS check,which would be illegal anyways.

I’ve covered this in my Truth About Guns podcast but I will state in here as well. Bloomberg and his posse are saying we should require private sellers to run background checks on buyers. The problem is private individuals are not legally allowed to do so only Federal Firearm License holders are allowed to access it. From the FBI itself:

Authorized use of the NICS is limited to the purpose of obtaining information on whether receipt of a firearm by a prospective transferee would violate federal or state law.

FFLs, their officers, employees, agents, and/or other representatives are permitted to request background checks of the NICS only for the authorized purpose.

Accessing or using the NICS, or permitting access or use of the NICS by another, for any unauthorized purpose is a violation of federal law, sanctions for which may include criminal prosecution; a civil fine not to exceed $10,000, and/or cancellation of NICS inquiry privileges.

So FFLs, their officers, employees, agents, and/or other representatives are permitted to request background checks. Likewise allowing any other person to access the NICS is punishable by a fine up to $10,000. The only way to access the NICS system is to get an account and in order to do that you need a Federal Firearms License.

Since it’s impossible for a private dealer to access the NICS system they can not run a background check. Hence the only way to legally require a background check is to force all sales to go through a licensed dealer. This is to say in order to sell your own property you would require the involvement of a third party. That is akin to saying it’s not your own property. Imagine if you had to go through a dealership every time you wanted to sell a car.

Since car accidents kill more people than guns every year (by a wide margin) wouldn’t it make sense to require a federal license to sell automobiles? That way a background check could be performed on potential buyers and if they had a past history of criminal behavior you could deny them access to one of the biggest means of death in this country. See how stupid it sounds when applied to cars? Why is it any different from guns? Remember automobiles are involved in far more deaths every year.

The bottom line is the anti-gun crowd wants to abolish gun shows. Not because they are a potential source for criminals to get their guns (very very VERY few criminals get their guns from gun shows, Snowflakes in Hell has the information on that). No it’s because that’s where those of us fighting for our right to keep and bear arms congregate. The only way to stop a movement is to break up the crowd. The anti-gun crowd is trying this through multiple angles such as pitting hunters against those of us who use guns for self defense.

Likewise I believe they are jealous since they lack a show type to congregate. Maybe they should start having anti-gun shows. I can see it now a place full of like minded people not buying guns. They could have tables empty and devoid of firearms and firearms accessories. I’m sure that would get a huge attendance.

Bloomberg Stepping on the Fed’s Toes

Mega douche Mayor Bloomberg is at his antics again. This is coming from Says Uncle. He sent his thugs into several out of state gun shows and had them purchase firearms from private individuals. His thugs went to non-dealers (that would be private individuals like myself and probably you) and purchased firearms while apparently admitting they were from out of state and couldn’t pass a background check.

This type of “investigation” (I use the term loosely as no police were actually working on this) falls under the territory of the FBI and ATF whom apparently have told Bloomberg to knock it off before. Says Uncle has several links to stories involving Bloomberg stepping on federal agents’ toes and muddling up their investigations.

Says Uncle also has a followup post explaining very clearly that no loophole exists. The purchases and sellers both broke the law. Simply breaking the law doesn’t constitute a loophole, it constitutes breaking the law:

My issue with it is the fact that the investigation illustrated that you can break the law by breaking the law. If a person purchases a handgun out of state, they break the law. They have a webpage set up and a report in which they state they bought guns out of state (page 17). That’s illegal. Also, they engaged in straw purchases, also illegal.

So Bloomberg’s thugs broke the law while demonstrating the law can be broken. To me this seems to require police to arrest the persons committing illegal acts. See police officers can break the law as part of a string operation (which Bloomberg is calling this) in their jurisdiction. But Bloomberg’s thugs don’t appear to be police and if they were they would be New York cops and therefore out of their jurisdiction. I think the ATF should practice their history of abuse on those so called investigators.

Coming from a gun show this weekend where an out of state person tried to purchase a handgun at the table I got me Glock 30 from I can say dealers usually don’t go for this. In the case I witnessed a person had a California ID and tried to purchase a pistol and the dealer told him no way in Hell. Maybe it was one of Bloomberg’s thugs in action. If so they obviously didn’t get any takes since they never mentioned Minnesota as a state where they were operating.

Also I apologize that there isn’t a direct link to the story but the site with the actual story requires registration to read it. As a personal policy I don’t link to sites that pull that kind of shit.

Brady Campaign Sticking Fingers in Ears and Saying “I Can’t Hear You” Loudly

Days of Our Trailers lets us know the Brady Bunch are in denial. Super Douche, Paul Helmke, has reportedly stuck his fingers in his hears and began screaming “I can’t hear you” as loudly as possible. Although highly annoying to both of his fellows at the Brady Bunch Headquarters they were able to type up a press release:

“The Chicago case is unlikely to have much practical impact on most gun laws regardless of how the Court rules. Even if the Court were to hold the Second Amendment applicable to states and localities, such a ruling is unlikely to change the crucial holding by the Supreme Court in Heller that a wide range of reasonable gun laws are presumptively constitutional, and that the Second Amendment right is narrowly limited to guns in the home for self-defense. Since the Heller decision, the gun lobby and criminals have brought at least 170 challenges to gun laws or to block criminal gun prosecutions. With only a handful of exceptions, those challenges have failed.”

After reading this and believing it Paul Helmke reportedly stopped yelling but still left his fingers in his ears. Both his staff reportedly said they prefer him like this because it prevents him from throwing his feces around the office.

Supreme Court to Hear Chicago Gun Ban Case

Good news everybody the Supreme Court is going to hear the Chicago case on the banning of firearms. According to the article we won’t have a verdict until summer rolls around but if the Supreme Court is smart, and they follow the Heller decision, states and local cities won’t be able to ban firearms anymore.

It’s amazing to me when I realize we have one of the most anti-gun administrations in power yet the gun rights movements been going stronger than ever. Coincidence? Maybe we just needed a fire lit under our collective butts, because we’re moving full ahead now.

Nation Firearms Act, Screwing Over Those Who Comply Since 1934

Walls of the City shows us even if you try to comply with the National Firearms Act you should be bloody careful because purchasing the wrong accessory will make you no longer compliant. See Jesus Amador Jr. had a H&K SP89 pistol. He also owned a vertical grip for it which makes it an any other weapon under the NFA. But Mr. Amador is a good law abiding citizen and jumped through all the hoops to properly register the gun with the ATF.

The problem is that even though it was properly registered as an any other weapon he also possessed a butt stock for the pistol. Well he decided to sell the pistol with the vertical grip and butt stock attachments. What he didn’t know was the person buying it was an undercover agent and all the hoops jumped through didn’t mean shit. See because he had a butt stock attachment the gun needed to be re-registered as a short barreled rifle instead of an any other weapon. Mr. Amador didn’t know this and figured if he registered his pistol as an NFA weapon he was good to go. This sums up the story appropriately:

Well folks my name is Jesus Amador, you out there might just know me as Digitalage03, i recently met up with a prospected buyer for my sp89 clone pistol, well turns out the guy was a undercover cop and the reason he wanted to meet up with me is because he saw that i was selling the pistol with a stock as one of the accessories, which by the way it was never on the gun and it is legal to own, you just cant install it without a tax stamp, well anyways once i met up with him not only did i get slammed to the ground and had about 7 armed cops (one of which) had a loaded 12ga to the back of my head while on the ground handcuffed they also illegally searched my car and even had the balls to drive off in my car from private property to a public place so they can tear thru it before the towtruck came and got ,

Thankfully the police apparently fucked up big time with the arrest which is probably the only thing that will save Mr. Amador from a long prison sentence for having the gall to own a butt stock attachment for his pistol. Anybody who says the National Firearms Act is a good law and doesn’t affect innocent people is a fucking moron.

Lies, Damned Lies, and the Anti-Gunner Statistics

Joe Huffman shows us once again how the anti-gun crowd lies. According to a web site ironically containing the word logic in the title over 500 children die each year due to gun related accidents. Bad news for the anti-gunners, the Center foe Disease Control tracks such information. And of course their statistic is right if you redefine children to be anybody 54 years of age or younger. Once again the anti-gunners show they don’t just stretch the truth they redefine it completely.

Further Research

CDC National Vital Statistics Report for 2006 [PDF]

Sure We’ll Lighten Up After You Stop Lying

Snowflakes in Hell brings us a rather amusing piece provided by the “un-bias” media. The media is telling the NRA (that would be us) to lighten up on the mayors. We all know Mayors Against Illegal Guns is an organization purposely named in a deceptive manner to increase their numbers. Over 50 mayors have been stricken from their roster already. The NRA has been pushing hard against them every since Bloomberg decided to push hard against the NRA.

Here’s my response to the media’s request. Sure we’ll lighten up the second you and Bloomberg’s posse stop lying about the purpose of the organization and who is in it.

Connection Established Between Bloomberg’s Posse and the Brady Bunch

Wow Sebastian and Bitter from Snowflakes in Hell do amazing work. They have been taking the war to Mayors Against Illegal Guns faster than anybody else I know of. A great post there made by Bitter establishes the connection between Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the Brady Campaign. This is a big deal since Bloomberg is trying to make it appear as though his posse isn’t an anti-gun organization but a group only against illegal guns. Of course we know that’s not true.

Keep up the good work you two.