Nevada no Longer Recognizes Utah and Florida Carry Permits

Effect July 1, 2009 the state of Nevada will cease recognition of both Utah’s and Florida’s carry permits…

Nothing much to say about this besides Nevada’s government must be composed entirely of assholes. So what are their reasons? These are their reasons…

The Nevada DPS dropped Utah because it does not have a live fire requirement, which is a part of Nevada’s training requirements. When the Nevada DPS first began its state by state audit of Right-to-Carry laws in 2007, DPS admitted to NRA representatives that they overlooked the live fire training requirement. After further review, they determined that Utah wasn’t similar enough to keep it on the list of recognized states.

So they are whining because Utah doesn’t require you to demonstrate you can actually use a gun. Granted I guess that’s at least somewhat of an excuse but Florida…

Florida will no longer be recognized because its permits are now valid for seven years instead of five.

You’re kidding me they dumped it because the license is good for two more years than, I assume, Nevada’s? You can tell they are just digging for an excuse.

More Terrorist Watch List Bull Shit

Via Snowflakes in Hell we have another bullshit story on the terrorist watch list as it relates to people buying guns…

Apparently 800 people who are on the watch list have purchased firearms. Oh my God it’s time to start shitting your pants people that’s 800 people! Wait a minute there are 400,000 names on that list. So less than one percent (in fact .2 percent) of people on the list have been allowed to buy guns.

Further thinking led me to look up the population of the United States which, according to Google, is roughly 304,059,724 people. With 400,000 names on the terrorist watch list that means .1 percent of the entire population of the United States is on this list. That number doesn’t look like much but considering one tenth of one percent of the entire population of this country is suspected of being a terrorist that’s significant.

Anyways back to the bullshit here as pointed out on Snowflakes in Hell the FBI is supposed to destroy all NICS data. So this information shouldn’t even be attainable.

Furthermore I want to point out that this list is supposed to be secret for “national security” reasons. But apparently you can get the number of names and the number of people on that list who bought firearms. I wonder how much other information you can coax out of the government on their secret list. Given enough statistical information you can start to find out who is likely on that list.


More on Stripping the Right of People on the Terror Watch List

I mentioned earlier about the proposed bill which would prevent anybody who is on the secret “terrorist watch list” from buying firearms. Well Sharp as a Marble posted a good story where morons who don’t know what they are talking about try to spread hysteria through lies…

From the article…

People named on the government’s terrorist watch list have successfully purchased firearms hundreds of times since 2004, government investigators reported yesterday. In one case, a known or suspected terrorist was able to buy more than 50 pounds of explosives, the Government Accountability Office reported.

So people who are on a secret list that contains everybody from 70 year old ladies to politicians has no ability to stop people from buying guns and explosives? And this is surprising why?

If these idiots would critically think for just a few minutes they would realize a couple of things. First of all this is a secret list which means nobody outside of the higher echelons of government know who is on it. If you started preventing people who are on it from doing things they previously had no problem doing that might tip them off that they are on this secret list. I know if ended up passing and all of the sudden I got turned down by the NICS system I’d be pretty sure I was on that list.

The second idiotic thing about his list is that no court process has to be done to put somebody on the list. What the supporters of this bill are saying is they support stripping the rights of citizens without due process. Are people who are willing to strip your rights just because somebody put your name on a secret list really the kinds of representatives you want? Do they really represent you? I hope the answer to both questions is a resounding no.

Make no mistake this isn’t about saving guns or keeping guns out the hands of terrorists. This bill is about control and disarming the citizens of America. Remember just because somebody is on this list doesn’t mean they’ve actually done anything illegal. In fact we don’t even know if anybody on this list has done anything since it’s secret.

Finally although I’m not much for conspiracy theories who is to say that people won’t be placed on this list after they buy “too many” guns. After all it’s a list of “suspected” terrorists. And by suspected I mean there isn’t enough evidence to even get a search warrant on the person. Tie this with the recent paper describing right-wing extremist terrorists, which included proponents of the second amendment, and you have a recipe for government terrorism against its citizens. Who knows maybe if you buy two guns in a month you automatically get placed on this list, you just don’t know.


BATFE Harassing Gun Owners in Border Towns

Scary news being reported by the NRA-ILA…

Several NRA members in border cities are saying they’ve had BATFE (I’m still wondering when the Hell the B and the E were tacked onto ATF) agents coming to their door and asking to be let inside so they can get the serial numbers off of their guns.

Remember everybody unless an agent has a warrant do not let them into your home. No matter what threats they make or what they say without a warrant they can not legally enter your residence. Law enforcement agents are allowed to lie to you so they can say things like they will report you or bring you down to the precinct but without legal grounds they can’t do anything.

If this is actually happening I encourage everybody to stand up for their rights and tell the BATFE no they can not enter and it’s none of their business how many guns you own.

Some Anti-Gunners Crying over Open Carry

A rather whiny article I found thanks to Mark Vanderberg on Facebook. I only post this because I’m in the mood to shoot down some more illogical statements…

The usual thing will be happening here, I’m going to pull out choice quotations and then destroy them. Let the carnage begin…

The real world implications of the open carry crusade is chilling. Consider:

Ooooh a bullet point list, I love these. Heck I love these so much each point is getting it’s own block quote. Let us consider the implications of…

Sipping hot chocolate with your toddler at Starbucks while a fellow patron openly displays a gun at the table next to you;

What is the implication of this? Well I’d probably go over to the guy and strike up a conversation. Who knows what terrible manner of conversation could arise between two pro-gun nut cases. Why there could be talk about the type of gun he’s carrying, the type of gun I’m carrying, politics, coffee, Hell almost anything. I’m sure the baby would have fun getting complements from another person proclaiming how cute he/she is. The only crime that could happen here is paying more for the coffee then you do for some ammunition.

Attending a church service with your entire family knowing that the fellow parishioner sitting next to you has a handgun tucked in his belt; or

What implication could we have here? Conversation with a fellow pro-gunner after the service is certainly likely. If some crazy asshole broke in with intent to kill people at the service I’m sure he wouldn’t get very far since there would be at least two law abiding citizens with guns there. You know this also sounds like a good implication.

Boarding a crowded bus with your newborn child with upwards of 5 other passengers openly carrying weapons.

Once again conversations could be abound. Also I know my newborn child would be safe from any crazy drug addict who might board the bus and try to rob or kill us. Hell this sounds like the only bus I’d want to ride on.

So what other quotes can be pulled from here? How about this one…

Unless this is the kind of world you want for you and your children, Americans’ need to pick up the phone to call state and federal lawmakers to voice outrage over the gun lobby’s extremist agenda.

Actually since this is exactly the type of world I’d want to live in I have contacted my congress critters, and told them to fight for my second amendment rights.

Oh and I love this one…

It’s ironic that today’s parents are hyper-vigilant about what their children eat, whom they hang out with and whether they have sunscreen on. Yet, in sharp contrast, there is remarkably little awareness or concern about the 280 million guns in civilian hands in our country—many of which are carried into countless public places each day where families frequent.

Maybe it’s because people aren’t concerned what law abiding citizens with guns will do. They are more concerned what criminals with guns will do. Furthermore they probably feel a bit safer knowing that there are people willing to defend themselves and others from criminals with guns. I know I do.

And finally…

After all, allowing a small group of armed gun owners — versus trained law enforcement officers — to make potentially life and death decisions about public safety in restaurants, churches, theaters and parks is a frightening prospect.

Sure I’ll bite, we can let the trained law enforcement officers make life and death decisions. After the many minutes it will take for them to arrive and many people have already been killed. Great idea, let’s let innocent people die because some people are afraid of something they’ve never used, guns.

Seriously I love these anti-gun arguments because they are so full of emotional B.S. but lack any real facts.

Your Tax Dollars at Work, PBS’s Anti-Gun Message

I found this one on the Gun Rights Radio Network forum and found it aggravating…

It’s a long anti-gun rant full of the usual fear, uncertainty, and disinformation (FUD). Let’s pull some choice quotes from the article shall we…

And I’m not making this up either: after that shooting at the Holocaust Museum a conservative organization immediately offered those of us on television a chance to interview the founder of the organization Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. His expertise, it is said, is in helping people understand why gun control doesn’t belong in a civilized society. Thanks, but no thanks. And no thanks to his counterparts among Christians and Muslims who use every violent shedding of blood to promote the worship of guns.

OK be honest Bill Moyers, this isn’t about religious organizations killing each other to promote the “worship” guns (seriously find me a religion that says to worship guns). This is about not wanting to hear the other side’s arguments because you know you can’t refute them. Emotional blubbering doesn’t stand up against facts. God forbid you did something crazy like talk and listen to somebody with an opposing viewpoint.

Guns don’t kill people, they say. People kill people. True. People kill people — with guns.

This is very true, I can’t refute it in any way. People kill people with guns. We also kill each other with knives, cars, bombs, household cleaners, scissors, pencils, electricity, water, and our bare hands. Why isn’t he asking for a ban on any of these items? It might be the stereotypical example but cars kill more people than guns and Ted Kennedy’s car has killed more people than all of my guns combined.

it’s 22 times more likely to shoot a member of their family than an intruder.

That statistic fits very nicely with the one that states you are most likely to get burglarized or molested by somebody in your family. Cripes, better not interact with any of your family members!

Thank you Mr. Moyer for another emotion filled and fact free argument. It’s so nice to read these because they are so easy to tear apart. It’s even more entertaining when you realize that he’s writing this while being paid with our tax money. Wait that isn’t entertaining at all that just makes him a total asshole.


Six Percenters

In episode 50 of The Handgun Podcast the hose, Eric Shelton, threw down a great idea. He’s calling it the Handgun Podcast Six-Percenters. The basic idea is to get involved in gun rights by contacting your officials. Details are here…,1853.0.html

Why six percent? In Eric’s own words…

Six Percent is almost embarrassingly low. It’s actually kind of sad to think that that’s all I feel I can reasonably expect to get involved.

I think he’s right six percent of people is able all you can expect to get. The stupid thing is that contacting your representatives isn’t hard. They make it easy to do as well. You can call them, e-mail them, or send them a letter using the old fashion postal system.

You don’t even have to bring up an issue when you contact them. Just let them know who you are and that you’re a strong supporter of the second amendment. Every voice matters in this case, the more calls, e-mails, and letters they get from pro gun rights people the more likely they will be to vote for the second amendment. This is the only way to win political victories.

So here is my officially stating that you need to contact your congress critters and let them know where you stand.

23 State Attorney Generals Oppose “Assault Weapons” Ban

This is good news brought to use by the NRA-ILA…

The Attorney Generals of 23 states signed a letter send to Eric Holder proclaiming they were against the renewal of an “assault weapons” ban. These good people are…

Arkansas – The Honorable Dustin McDaniel
Alabama – The Honorable Troy King
Colorado – The Honorable John W. Suthers
Florida – The Honorable Bill McCollum
Georgia – The Honorable Thurbert E. Baker
Idaho – The Honorable Lawrence G. Wasden
Kansas – The Honorable Steve Six
Kentucky – The Honorable Jack Conway
Louisiana – The Honorable James D. Caldwell
Michigan – The Honorable Mike Cox
Missouri – The Honorable Chris Koster
Montana – The Honorable Steve Bullock
Oklahoma – The Honorable W.A. Edmonson
Nebraska – The Honorable Jon Bruning
Nevada – The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto
New Hampshire – The Honorable Kelly A. Ayotte
North Dakota – The Honorable Wayne Stenehjem
South Carolina – The Honorable Henry McMaster
South Dakota – The Honorable Lawrence Long
Texas – The Honorable Greg Abbott
Utah – The Honorable Mark L. Shurtleff
Wisconsin – The Honorable J.B. Van Hollen
Wyoming – The Honorable Bruce A. Salzburg

Good on these people. It saddens me that Lori Swanson, the Attorney General of Minnesota, didn’t sign the letter. I’m sending a letter to the Attorney General’s office letting her know what I think about Lori Swanson not signing the letter. I’m leaving contact information for the Attorney General’s officer if anybody else would like to write or call proclaiming the same.

1400 Bremer Tower
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101


Wow Some Peoples’ Ignorance Scares Me

So I was poking around on Kotaku this early morning and came across the following story…

The story itself is tragic since a child ended up shooting his sibling with a shotgun. Although rare these tragedies happen and when they do the anti-gunners run in and jump around in the blood and exploiting the tragedy to meet their own desires. I sometimes wonder if the people in charge of the Brady Bunch jump up and down for joy whenever they hear about a child shooting another one.

But I’m digressing again. The part that scared me most about this story is the comments section. There are a lot of ignorant people out there and being I’m active in the gun community I don’t see them all that often (granted many of my friends are liberal and strongly against guns but they know better than to try and argue it with me).

From a semi-random sampling we have this quote by a user named Quaro…

people who break into homes don’t break in them so they can kill. they do it to steal. so the heck with it let them take what they want, the insurance company gives it’s value back to me, and I report the crime to the police, they find evidence, they catch him end of story.

Tell that to college students whom had two armed thugs break into their home separating the men from the women with the intent to rape the women and kill all of the student…

Those thugs certainly didn’t come in to just steal some stuff. They came in with intent to rape and murder. If one of the students didn’t have a gun none of them would probably be alive today. But that’s not all this commenter had to say…

besides if you care enough for your safety to buy a gun, how about installing a security system????

So a security system will allow the police to teleport to your location instantly? Wait it won’t? Well then you still have to wait for the police to arrive which usually takes slightly longer then killing somebody does. The sad fact is the police can’t be everywhere and they can’t protect everybody. Lord knows they do their best but they, like us, are only human. Meanwhile that gun is within reach and ready to be used in the defense of your life.

I’ll also pick a second quote from my semi-random sampling. This is one by a user named OkayOctane…

Best thing to do in a robbery? Barricade yourself in your room, and let them KNOW you’re calling the police. I guess this is where you tell me that only pussies hide, but that’s the don’t need to be a hero, or have this bravado shit going on. Your TV is replaceable, let them freaking take it.

Yes I’m sure the criminal will instantly stop doing anything illegal once you yell you are calling the police. The criminals know just as well as you do that the police won’t arrive for a while. But don’t get me wrong locking yourself in a room is a good idea during a home invasion, preferably a room where you can cover the entrance with a shotgun so if the invader tries to come on in you can stop them.

Finally the concept of just letting the thief have your stuff is rather stupid to me. I don’t care about my stuff but I do care that the criminal feels they were able to find an easy target. I want anybody who breaks into my place to leave empty handed and scared shitless. Why? Because they won’t be so likely to return. If they know I’m armed and willing to defend myself they crook will probably try a different house next time.

The difference between people who proclaim the right idea is to just give up and do whatever a criminal says and a person who is willing to defend themselves is a matter of personal responsibility. The sheep (person willing to surrender) doesn’t want to take any responsibility. By just giving into the criminal’s demands they aren’t responsible for what happens afterwards, it’s the criminal’s fault. If they live they can justify everything as the criminal’s fault. Meanwhile I, like most gun owners, am not afraid of taking responsibility for my life. I don’t want to be sitting in my hallway stabbed thinking what a bastard that thug was. I want the criminal to be laying in the hallway with a bullet through him not thinking anything at all. I want to be alive and I’m willing to take responsibility for my own life.

The bottom line is your life, and the lives of your loved ones, are the most precious things on this planet. You shouldn’t expect other people to take responsibility for your most precious possession. Realize that in order to be entitled to live you need to be willing to fight for it. Survival of the fittest is how the entire planet works. There are wolves who prey on the sheep but then there are sheepdogs who can fight off the wolves. I personally am a sheepdog and I assume most of my readers are as well.

Brady Bunch Exploiting Holocaust Museum Shooting

As we all knew they would…

Yes it’s a Google cache because I won’t link to those assholes on my site. Anyhow they are already using the tragedy at the Holocaust Museum to beat on the anti-gun war drum. From the ass’s mouth…

“The Brady Campaign extends sympathies to the innocent victims and others affected in today’s shooting at the Holocaust Museum. This shows that having even more guns in more places is the wrong answer to America’s gun violence problem.

Remember that the shooter was a prohibited person so by the very gun laws that the Brady Bunch claim don’t exist the racist prick couldn’t legally own a gun. Gun control works huh? On top of that the officer was able to shoot the gunman before anymore people were injured or killed. I’d say it’s a great case where more guns ended up being better.

Another quote from the ignorant…

Congress should think very hard about their responsibilities for public safety before weakening gun laws in our nation’s capital, and should re-think their decision to allow more guns in our national public areas. It is dangerous to force more guns into places that American families expect to be gun-free and safe.

Funny nobody is forcing guns into any place. Those of us that believe in personal protection and the right of self defense want the legal OPTION to carry a gun on our person. We aren’t trying to force anybody to carry a gun.

Also gun-free and safe in the same sentence is the biggest oxymoron I’ve ever heard.