Controlling the Message During the Minnesota Gun Control Hearings

During Wednesday’s gun control hearings at the Minnesota State Capitol a gun control advocate was given three times the amount of speaking time she was allocated and when the gun rights advocates took the stage several members of the committee, including the author of the bill being discussed, simply left.

Yesterday gun rights advocates that arrived at the hearing early were alerted to a sudden and otherwise unannounced change, all attendees of the hearing had to get tickets and tickets were going to be handed out in a manner that ensure an equal number of gun control and gun rights advocates were present. The reason for this wasn’t given although I have a friend who works as a Page for the House that claimed it was established to maintain order. I’m sure that’s what they told him, and I’m sure he believed what they told him, but it’s pretty evident the true reason for establishing the ticket system was to control the message by making it look like there weren’t as many gun rights advocates present as there were. Between the shenanigans that took place Wednesday and yesterday it was apparent that the committee had their minds made and that the hearings were entirely for show.

Of course this shouldn’t surprise anybody. Once again we return to the fact that committee hearings aren’t about listening to input from proponents and opponents of a bill, they exist to make the serfs believe they have some kind of decision making power within the state. Unfortunately that isn’t the case.

Gun Ownership in Latin America

As this country continues to go the way of Rome I’ve been looking at escaping this sinking ship of a nation before things get too bad. While performing my research on foreign lands I came across an excellent podcast called The Expat Files. The Expat Files is a podcast done by John Mueller, a man who left the United States and has lived in various Latin American countries for over 20 years. The most recent episode discussed gun ownership in Latin America. Honestly, based on what Muller said, it seems many Latin American countries are freer than our own. He mentioned that many countries do have laws requiring registration, licensing, and the usual slew of gun control advocate demands but the laws are not enforced because most Latin American countries lack the resources to run a police state. On top of that many countries in Latin America don’t bother enacting gun control legislation because they know people, especially those living in rural areas, will simply ignore them. I also found it rather interesting that it’s normal to see individuals walking around with pistols strapped to their hip as we’re often told that the United States is one of the few countries that allow such activities.

Overall escaping this country and heading to a place where the state’s decrees aren’t enforced sounds better and better. It’s obvious that things are going well in the United States nor are they going to be improving anytime soon. Between the never ending wars, deflating currency, faltering economy, and draconian state the United States is becoming uninhabitable. If you’re interested in escaping this ship but want to keep participating in the shooting sports I’d advise you to listen to the lastest episode of The Expat Files because Latin America may be a better option than sticking around here.

How the Political Machinery Works

For the last three days there have been hearings at the Minnesota State Capitol building on the recently proposed gun control bills. So far gun rights advocates have greatly outnumber gun control advocates, which could make it seem as though gun rights advocates have a chance at shutting these bills down before they hit the floor. In an ideal world that would be the case but in the real world that’s not how things work. When you’re working within the political system you’re playing by the state’s rules, of which there is only one: the state gets to make the rules. Yesterday it became obvious that the hearings were nothing more than a sham, as hearing usually are. Gun control advocates were given disproportionately more time to speak and the author of the bill that was being discussed walked out when gun rights advocates were speaking.

It’s obvious that the people proposing this slew of bills have already made up their minds and that no amount of reasoning is going to dissuade them. Nobody should be surprised by this though, this is how statism works and why the political process is not an effective means of protecting your property.

Comments Regarding Obama’s Visit to Minneapolis

Mr. Obama visited Minneapolis on Monday to promote his scheme to disarm us serfs. The event was predictable as the video shows Obama standing at the podium giving his speech while members of Minnesota’s largest gang stand behind him in solidarity. Several highlights form the story merit some mention:

“You’ve shown that progress is possible,” Obama told an invited, sympathetic crowd at the Minneapolis Police Department’s Special Operations Center in north Minneapolis, where he highlighted the city’s success in reducing youth gun violence. In his first visit outside Washington, D.C., to promote his own anti-violence and gun-control agenda, Obama said the nation can make similar progress — if the public demands it.

By progress Obama means disarming the serfs. I would say that a majority of non-state gun control advocates truly believe they are working to prevent violence but the state supports gun control for an entirely different reason. The state, which can be considered the nobility, wants the serfs disarmed because disarmed individuals are easier to expropriate from. You can only take so much from the serfs until they have to make a decision between dying of starvation or disobeying the law. Once the serfs get to that point they inevitably decide to disobey the law and that usually leads to the nobility being booted out of power (sadly they are usually replaced with a new nobility). If the serfs are disarmed the time it takes them to reach the point of disobeying the law is increased as the cost of booting the current nobility out of power is greatly increased. This delay allows the nobility to kick the can down the street and, they hope, enrich themselves by expropriating fromt he serfs while making their successors deal with the consequences.

Obama was correct, Minneapolis has made progress. Unfortunately for us serfs that progress his detrimental to our health.

“The only way we can reduce gun violence in this country is if the American people decide it’s important,” Obama said. “We’re not going to wait until the next Newtown, or the next Aurora,” he added, referring to the massacre of schoolchildren in Connecticut and the gunman who shot up a theater full of moviegoers in Colorado.

Actually there is another, far more effective, way to reduce gun violence in the United States; end the war on drugs. The state’s war on drugs that haven’t been approved by the Food and Drug Administration has caused a major increase in violent crime (just as Prohibition did in the 1920s). Organized crime syndicates such as the Mexican drug cartels and the United States federal government have been using violence to eliminate their competition since the war on drugs was first declared. Ending the war on drugs would reduce gun violence, likely more than any other action. Once again we return to the fact that the state doesn’t care about violence, it only wants a disarmed populace to expropriate wealth from.

Meanwhile, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak expressed outrage at politicians who already were talking down the proposal’s chances. “Well, guess what?” Rybak said. “People are dying out there. I am not satisfied with the main sort of front from the people in Washington, that this is sort of a game. Where are the other people on this issue? Get a spine, get a backbone. People are losing their lives.”

Rybak was correct, people are dying out there, and his thugs in the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) are killing them. We return again to the increase in violence crime caused by the war on drugs. The MPD has a rather colorful history of using its capacity for violence to steal from the serfs. In neighboring St. Paul the city’s police went so far as to kill a family’s dog, handcuff the present children and throw them down next to the dead dog, and interrogate the parents in the hopes of finding some justification for raiding the wrong address. Obviously Rybak isn’t serious about reducing gun violence in Minneapolis, he just wants the MPD to have a monopoly on it.

Since Obama was present a pro-Obama shill was brought in to argue in his favor:

John Souter, the sole survivor of Minneapolis’ Accent Signage shootings last September, said of Obama: “If we don’t have the moral courage to support the president of the United States, shame on us.” Souter, an Accent employee, was in the private session with Obama.

If we don’t have the moral courage to oppose a man who orders the execute of children, shame on us.

One of the most interesting aspects of Obama’s visit is that he supposedly came to Minneapolis because of the MPD’s progress in reducing gun violence. Yet the reduction in gun violence wasn’t credited to passing draconian gun control laws, it was credited to police directly interacting with youth:

Obama’s speech, before risers filled with Twin Cities police officers and sheriff’s deputies, focused on a city effort sparked by a spike in juvenile crime a decade ago. Known as the Blueprint for Action, it involved connecting young people with mentors, intervening in kids’ lives when necessary and getting students to “unlearn the culture of violence.” A progress report showed firearms-related assault injuries among youth had fallen from 159 in 2005 to 94 in 2011.

In other words Obama wants you to support gun control because the MPD’s programs of directly intervening with Minneapolis youth has correlated with a reduction in youth gun violence. How supporting gun control and the MPD’s program of directly intervening with Minneapolis youth are connection is beyond me.

In conclusion Obama’s visit went exactly as expected. The visit served no real purpose other than demonstrating that gun control isn’t about violence, it’s about control.

Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me My LR-308 Could Blow Up Railroads

I want to know why nobody informed me that my LR-308 could knock jets flying at 30,000 feet out of the air and blow up railroads:

Rev. Jesse Jackson on Sunday repeated the debunked claim that semi-automatic and so-called assault weapons can “shoot down airplanes” — and added that they can also “blow up railroads.”

“Semi-automatic weapons are not just about gun control, they’re about national security,” Jackson said on Fox News. “You know that these weapons can shoot down airplanes, they can blow up railroads. This is really a whole national security issue.”

I’m also curious how I unlock this feature on my rifle. In three-gun competitions I use it to shoot at steel plates and it fails to penetrate them so I have a hard time understanding how it could blow up a railroad. Is there a special type of ammunition I’m supposed to use? Are there occult rituals I need to perform? Would somebody tell me how the hell I can get these features working? Shouldn’t shit like this be in the owner’s manual?

Why Voting Doesn’t Rid Us of Bad Politicians

As the current gun rights battle wages on many gun owners are urging their fellows to remind the politicians what happens when they vote for gun control. The underlying threat is that any politician that votes for gun control will find themselves voted out of office next election cycle. This threat sounds good on paper but in the grand scheme of things it’s difficult, if not impossible, to get a politician removed from office based on any single issue. We live in a world where only a small minority of voters care about any single issue. Earlier I said that there were three factions in the current gun rights debate: gun rights advocates, gun control advocates, and everybody else who couldn’t care less. The last faction, the one made up by those who couldn’t care less, is by far the largest faction. Their votes aren’t going to change based on how a politician votes in regards to gun rights. In fact the faction of those who couldn’t care less is the biggest faction in any issue debate. Whether the issue being considered is monetary policy, foreign relations, same-sex marriages, or abortion is irrelevant, most people aren’t going to change their vote based on any single issue. Because of this a politician can afford to piss of any single issue group and not worry about their seat during the next election.

Gun rights advocates need to keep this in mind during this political debate. Telling a politician that their seat is in jeopardy if they vote for gun control is an empty threat. This is why gun owners should be developing a backup plan, one that can be done outside of the political system, if the recent slew of gun control bills pass. When election season comes up the gun control debate alone won’t be enough to get the current politicians out of office. If gun owners are lucky the politicians who vote for gun control will also vote in such a way that enough issue groups get angry and work together to oust them, but I wouldn’t bet my guns on it.

Chaska Police Chief to Hold Several Public Gun Control Discussions

This is a heads up for anybody wanting to attend a gun control “discussion” for shits and giggles. Chaska Police Chief Scott Knight, a renowned advocate of disarming all non-state individuals, will be holding the first of three gun control “discussions”:

A public discussion of the causes and remedies of gun violence in America begins Tuesday, Feb. 5 as part of the ongoing series “First Tuesday Dialogues: Examining critical public issues locally and globally.”


The series then turns to a face-to-face debate between proponents and opponents of increased gun control legislation. The series then concludes with a broader overview of the problem of violence, guns, self-protection, and law, led by a professor of ethics.

There are three events scheduled:

Feb. 5: Chief Scott Knight gives factual information and a law enforcement perspective on “The Epidemic of Gun Violence in America.”

Feb. 19: A debate between a representative of the National Rifle Association and an advocate for greater gun control.

March 5: A professor of ethics leads a discussion of the various ethical perspectives by which people of faith and good conscience approach the conundrum of violence, liberty, and the role of law in society.

Mr. Knight is almost certainly going to use the first event as a pulpit to advocate for more gun control. I’m not sure what the other two debates will amount to but they will likely end up being used as platforms to advocate for more gun control as well. If you’re bored or feel your presence can actually sway people to oppose gun control feel free to head to these events.

All three events will be held at the Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church in Chaska, Minnesota. A map to the location can be found here and the Facebook event page can be found here.

Things Have Only Gotten Worse in Chicago

Even though Chicago has some of the most repressive gun control laws on the books the city’s murder rate continues to top the nation’s charts. In fact the murder rate in Chicago is worse today then it was during the reign of Al Capone:

In this I-Team report, Chicago’s rising murder rate in a new context, how the numbers of shooting deaths compare to the city’s most notorious crime era, the one that has tarnished Chicago’s reputation around the world for a century.

The surprising stats show the city is worse off now in the category of murder than at the height of the era that has driven Chicago’s reputation for almost a century, Capone’s “gangland” Chicago.

Let’s compare two months: January 1929, leading up to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, and last month, January 2013. Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city’s most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties. January 1929 there were 26 killings.

Gun control obviously hasn’t solved the problem. Knowing this most people would be forced to admit the cause of the high murder rate is something besides guns. Then again the city’s politicians know this just as well as everybody else. In their minds gun control isn’t about guns or murder rates, it’s about disarming the people they expropriate from.

R.T. Rybak’s Proposal to Advance Gun Control

When Minneapolis’s mayor, R.T. Rybak, isn’t trying to control everybody’s lives… scratch that, he’s always trying to control everybody’s lives. In his crusade against gun rights Rybak has come up with a new strategy, he’s going to make gun manufacturers commit business suicide in order to get contracts with the Minneapolis Police Department:

Mayor R.T. Rybak has introduced a way for cities to gain leverage in their efforts to pass stricter gun control laws across the country.

Rybak told members of the City Council’s Public Safety and Civil Rights Committee that he and mayors from approximately 60 cities are taking a closer look at the companies that manufacture the guns and ammunition that cities buy for police officers.

He said over the past eight years the city has spent nearly $800,000 on guns and ammunition. Rybak, who supports stricter gun control laws, wants to work with firearms manufacturers to reduce gun-related crime and violence. He wants to know if those companies also are lobbying against tighter gun laws.

“If we find out they’re not partners, and if we find out they’re working against us, then we all ought to have a conversation as taxpayers about whether our dollars should be used for people who are not working to reduce gun violence,” Rybak said.

In other words gun manufacturers who refuse to support gun control may find themselves disqualified from Minneapolis Police Department contracts. This has to be one of the more pathetic attempts to promote gun control. Rybak has effectively demanded that gun manufacturers destroy their business by alienating their non-state customers in order to get or keep their state customers. I think we all remember what happened when Smith and Wesson signed on with Clinton’s gun control push:

Consumers began refusing to buy S&W products and the market became flooded with used S&W goods that people wanted no part of. Gun enthusiasts saw the company as breaking solidarity with them, as a traitor and perpetrator of gun control. Consumers severely punished the firm for its disloyalty.

Needless to say, S&W was taken completely off guard by the response.

The firm experienced an immediate sales decline of nearly 40 percent in the year after its compromise.

I can’t see many gun manufacturers making the same mistake (or in Smith and Wesson’s case, making the same mistake twice).

Emperor Obama Coming to Minneapolis to Push Gun Control

It appears that the Emperor will be in Minneapolis today to push for gun control:

The fate of his gun proposals on Capitol Hill uncertain, President Barack Obama is seeking to rally support from the public and law enforcement community for his calls to ban assault weapons and install universal background checks for gun buyers.

Obama will pitch his proposals to stem gun violence Monday in Minnesota, a Democratic-leaning state where officials have been studying ways to reduce gun-related attacks and accidents for several years. His visit to the Minneapolis Police Department’s Special Operations Center will mark the first time Obama has campaigned on his controversial proposals outside of Washington.

This seems like a complete waste of everybody’s time. The Minneapolis Police Department have a long history of authoritarianism. Obama doesn’t need to convince that department to advocate gun control, that department would love nothing more than knowing that the entire population of Minneapolis was entirely at their mercy. Likewise most of the metropolitan population is already convinced that they are better off unarmed. Thankfully we have a large enough rural population that we’ve been able to maintain some gun rights in this state. Still, Obama’s time coming to Minneapolis to advocate gun control is nothing more than an expensive act of preaching to the choir.