The IRS Don’t Mess Around

So I noticed this post on The Firearm Blog this morning. The post opens with the following:

By now you have probably heard about the news that the IRS is buying Remington 870 shotguns. Why? Who knows.

So I thought I’d bring up something interesting that most people don’t realize. The IRS, being federal employees, actually have armed agents. The company I work for has been raided by the IRS (Not for anything the company itself did, but because of selected people in the company). This happened before I was hired but I’ve obtained the details from my co-workers who were here at the time since they do like to bring it up. One of the facts that is always emphasizes was that the IRS agents were armed when they entered the building and started rounding up all the employees. Once the employees were rounded up they were put under armed guard until the agents were able to secure all the computers in the building.

The IRS don’t screw around, if you are breaking enough tax codes to catch their ire they will do the logical thing and arm their agents when they come a knocking. The shotguns the tax men have recently purchased are most likely to be used in such raids.

NRA Granted Divided Time in Chicago Case

Some news has appeared during my moving hiatus that I’m not very happy to hear. Via Snowflakes in Hell I found out the NRA was granted their divided time in the Chicago case in front of the Supreme Court.

Those of you unfamiliar with Supreme Court cases each side gets half an hour for their arguments. Within this half hour time space each side must also answer questions from the judges. This leaves little time for each side and losing 10 minutes, or 1/3, of the time to the NRA is going to really eat into Mr. Gura’s time.

I’m not happy with this outcome nor the NRA’s little ploy but I do understand their reasoning.

More Smith and Wesson News From SHOT Show

This time it isn’t good as The Firearms Blog reports. The FBI nailed one of their executives for bribery. The FBI agents posted as representatives of an African nation and apparently the executive attempted to bribe them. Ouch!

Also expect the Brady Bunch and Bloomberg’s Posse to make a press release attempting to say this was due to weak gun laws.

Eight People Shot Dead in Virginia

A lone psycho in Virginia has managed to kill either people. Not many details have been given but this piece of information I thought was rather interesting:

At one point, a police helicopter was fired on and forced to land with a ruptured fuel tank.

That’s a lot more hardcore than usual. Normally in these cases the shooter would kill himself when the police arrived. Wait for the Brady Campaign and Bloomberg’s Posse to make an announcement saying the gun caused the crime. Also I’m betting they say it’s an AK-47 at some point.

F.Y.I. For Carry Permit Holders in Ramsey County

It appears that sheriff Bob Fletch of Ramsey County is rummaging through carry permit holder data to mine out addresses. He sent invitations to those in the country with carry permits for a fund raiser he was throwing. This potentially violates the law and certainly violates the trust of privacy between carry permit holders and the Ramsey Country Sheriff’s Office. Anyways the news bullitin is here.

I’m not sure if this is an actual violation of the law as I’m not very good at reading legalese but it certainly is a violation of confidentiality you expect from a sheriff’s office. If you’re a carry permit holder in Ramsey County and you received the invitation you should do some complaining.

Now That’s Just Funny

Two days ago I posted some stuff about a violent anti-gunner. Well I’ve learned some new things courtesy of Gun Nuts Media. First the violent coward was Rob Russell who ran for a seat in the House of Representatives. He lost, for reasons obvious to those who read what he stated.

Well the guys at Gun Nuts Media also found his blog. But it’s gone now; deleted by the author. I’m guessing it was due to people posting on his blog informing him that it’s not a good idea to make threats of violence against individuals, even if it’s on the Internet. I’m glad to see Mr. Russell listened to that advice and shut down his blog before he made any further threats that could land him in legal water.

I also want to mention that anybody who has be threatened by Mr. Russell should contact the authorities. After all you don’t want to wait for him to show up at your home and “punch your fucking face in.”

Update 2010-01-13 16:33: Walls of the City has screen captures and links to Google caches of the offending material. The post also helpfully lists the laws violated by Mr. Russell. The fact that the Internet is forever is proven once again. Reasoned discourse at its finest.

Doctor Rockzo Isn’t Going to Like This

Now this is funny. Via the No Agenda podcast I came across this little hilarity. For those of you whom don’t know there is no a “vaccine” for cocaine addiction. That’s right there is a drug people can take that prevent them from getting addicted to cocaine. But there is a slight problem. When given to somebody who is already addicted to cocaine it causes them to overdose.

The “vaccine” (I’m sorry but it should be called a vaccine, drug use it a choice not a disease) prevents the brain from absorbing cocaine and hence the use receives no high. Those who are already addicted take more and more cocaine hoping to get high. So this doesn’t cure their addiction at all, it only makes them overdose and die. Great.

Beautifully Put Post About Felons and Guns

I have to give Robb Allen some serious props here. He wrote a great post about felons and gun ownership. Much like myself he opposes stripping a person of their second amendment rights just because their a felon. Not because he wants to see felons with guns but because felonies are a joke now, not limited to serious crimes.

As I’ve stated before I’m a fan of you do the crime you do the time. Once you’ve done the time that’s it, your punishment should be over. With that said if you’ve done a seriously horrible crime you should received an equally horrible punishment. In other words if you murdered several people in cold blood you shouldn’t be seeing the light of day again. On the other hand if you wrote a bad check over $500.00 you shouldn’t have your rights stripped from you.

If somebody is perceived as a danger to society to such an extent it is desire to bar that person from obtaining weapons, why is that person out of prison?

Two Schools of Carry Permit Holders

In the world of carry there are always two or more schools of thought on each subject. Right now I want to talk about the two schools of though pertaining to the potential court case after a self defense shooting. It seems to me not enough people take this into consideration. Everybody can talk ages about what type of ammunition is best, what is the best carry gun, what is the best holster, but very seldom do I hear a conversation about what are the best practices to avoid getting yourself thrown in jail afterwards.

The two schools of thought are generally those who believe worrying about a court case isn’t something you should waste time at. The idea is in a self defense situation you do anything you have to do in order to preserve you life regardless of the legalities and potential court case afterwards. The other school of thought is to based almost everything you do on what would reflect best in a court case.

I’m certainly of the second school of thought. I avoid carrying reloaded ammunition because a lawyer could jump on that, I don’t make any non-factory approved trigger modifications to a carry gun, etc. So I’m going to talk a little bit about such things and why I think what I think.

First of all let’s talk about carrying reloaded ammunition. I’ve not heard of a court case where somebody has been nailed to the wall for carrying reloaded ammunition but it certainly is something that could be used. The idea is a prosecutor could say you intended to kill your target by loading specially craft ammunition that exceed the performance capabilities of commercial ammunition. It’s stupid but then again prosecutors live to my the jury feel resent towards the accused. The best defense you can have is ask what you local police department use and use it. At least that way if the persecutor asks you why you carry what you carry you can clearly state because that’s what the police department carries. More or less carrying commercial self defense ammunition is an easy way to avoid a potential avenue of attack.

Next up trigger. This argument has been used before in court to prosecute people. See many people like to do trigger work on their guns to make the trigger lighter. This is especially common when the person learned to shoot on a single action platform like the 1911 where the trigger weight is very light. There is nothing wrong with wanting a lighter trigger, unless you’re sitting in court. Prosecutors love to nail people to the wall for whatever they can get. They might not be able to say you murdered a person but they certainly can say you made a mistake and get you with a manslaughter charge. The mistake? Accidentally pulling the trigger. In a stress situation fine motor skills go out the door. You become less aware of things. The prosecutor’s idea here is that your trigger was so light that you pulled it without realizing it while aiming at the attacker, thus firing accidentally. To further add frustration to the case the prosecutor can bring in an engineer from the pistol manufacturer who will state they advise against having such a light trigger. For instance Glock clearly states that their 3.5 pound connector is for competition and target use only (Although I think they make an exception if you pair it with a NY1 spring). The only trigger modification you should make to a carry gun are ones approved by the factory for defensive uses. Likewise if you carry a revolver carry one that is double action online. You don’t want to allow the prosecutor to claim you pulled the hammer back setting the stage for a negligent shooting.

Next potential legal battlefield you could be facing is around your caliber. A poor Arizona man was nailed this way because he was carrying a 10mm. The charge was crap but the prosecutor was able to connivence the jury the accused intended to kill and that is the only reason he carried such a powerful round. My advice to to carry a round that some police department has issue. 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 Auto, .38 Special, .357 magnum, and .357 SIG would all be safe choices.

What else do you have to watch out for? What you post online. Make no mistake nothing you post online is private. A smart prosecution team will do searches on your names and try to find websites you visit and post on. If they find a Facebook posting made by you stating something like, “I plan to kill anybody who attacks me” rest assured they will use it against you. Be careful with your words online. What you may think is harmless could come back and bite you in the ass later. Never advocate violence against somebody. If somebody asks for ideas on the best caliber to kill an attacker don’t post a reply. Make it clear that in a self defense situation you want to stop the attacker, not kill them. Just remember there is nothing confidential on the Internet.

A way to help yourself out in court is how you hand a self defense situation. Don’t risk your life for this but if there is any possibility loudly (Yelling voice here) tell your attacker to back off. Why? Because this way you will most likely attract the gaze of anybody around which means witnesses. The more witnesses your have the better in this case. They can come before the court and say you told the attacker to back off, drop their weapon, get away, whatever. In other words you attempted to resolve the situation without resorting to legal force. This is just something to help you out.

Finally have the name and number of a lawyer who has knowledge in the field of self defense shooting. Of course establish a dialog with the lawyer first so they know who you are. Not knowing who to call after a self defense situation is not a good thing. You should know who you are going to call beforehand.

So don’t just plan for a self defense situation, also plan for the aftermath. The court case could very well be worse than the self defense situation itself if you get tossed in prison for the remainder of your life.