Legislation Moving to Ban Firearms from the Minnesota State Capitol

Well that worthless piece of shit Paymar is at it again and has introduced yet another pointless anti-gun bill. This time he’s introduced a bill to ban those of us with carry permits from carrying at the state capitol building.

As it currently sits people with Minnesota carry permits are able to carry at the capitol building if they submit a letter of notification. In the years since Minnesota passed right to carry legislation not a single incident has been raised because of this yet Paymar is willing to waste our time trying to ban it because he’s an asshole. What’s his reasoning? Well he’s jumping on the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords bandwagon (rather late I might add):

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Michael Paymar, comes on the heels of a report last month that found potential threats lurking around the Capitol Complex.

That report, which did not recommend barring guns, was spurred by the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson this January.

“Back when Tucson happened … I just thought if we do nothing, I just think that’s unconscionable,” said Paymar, DFL-St. Paul.

Let me get this straight. You are worried somebody might come to the capitol building to shoot a “representative.” Somehow you believe if a law is passed that prohibits people with issued carry permits from carrying there this kind of scenario is impossible. You believe this even though the number of shootings committed by permit holders in Minnesota is almost non-existent. You also appear to believe somebody willing to commit murder is just going to ignore a law prohibiting them from legally carrying a firearm. In other words you’re an idiot.

Oh, by the way Tony Cornish is a pretty stand up guy:

One of them is Public Safety Committee Chairman Tony Cornish, R-Good Thunder, who called the bill a “terrible idea” and “dead on arrival” during an interview on the House floor Monday.

“It’s a longstanding practice to carry guns at the Capitol,” said an armed Cornish, who is also a police chief. “And we’ve never had any problems with it.”

He has a brain, unlike Paymar. Oh, did also I mention this bill presented by Paymar is going to cost Minnesota more money even though we’re already in debt up to our eyeballs?

The bill appropriates $6 million in bonding money for tunnel improvements and an unspecified amount for metal detectors. The report said the state should consider metal detectors at the Capitol, but did not explicitly recommend them.

Yeah because that’s a good idea. Let’s spend money we don’t have to fix a problem we don’t have. That’s your government at work.

If You’re Going to Commit a Crime Keep it Quiet

If you’re going to be one of those blokes who goes out and commits a crime it would probably be smart to avoid bragging about it. What would be really stupid is going on television and bragging about your capers which was the mistake made by a French hacker who is now in custody:

A French hacker has effectually tied a noose around his own neck when he bragged about hacking into the systems of a big government contractor on national TV.

He participated in a France 2 television program called “Complément d’enquête” (Further investigation), and he said – and demonstrated – that he has gained access to computers belonging to the French Army and Thales Group, a French company that provides information systems and services for the aerospace, defense, and security markets.

What I said goes double if your crime is against the government or its military. Doing crime is the government’s job and they don’t like competition.

Political Correctness and Geometry

Political correctness has to be one of the dumbest concepts the human race has ever decided to waste time on. It seems people are paid to find phrases that may be offensive to somebody and then come up with a new phrase that’s fifty fucking words in length and somehow less offensive. I believe a theory was written somewhere that states the more words a phrase has the less offensive it is.

Well let’s take a look at the latest cluster fuck brought to us by a Seattle school who just renamed Easter eggs “spring spheres.” No I’m not making this up:

“At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but I was kind of unsure how the teacher would feel about that,” Jessica said.

She was concerned how the teacher might react to the eggs after of a meeting earlier in the week where she learned about “their abstract behavior rules.”

“I went to the teacher to get her approval and she wanted to ask the administration to see if it was okay,” Jessica explained. “She said that I could do it as long as I called this treat ‘spring spheres.’ I couldn’t call them Easter eggs.”

In the frantic move to make something politically correct some administrative bozo also managed to screw these kids with geometry. An egg is not a sphere, it’s not even close. Obviously these teachers failed geometry because if they had passed they would know that a sphere is a perfectly round geometric object in three dimensional space.

Now that I think about it I believe the word school has bad connotations attached to it. Because of this I propose we renamed schools “equal opportunity non-discriminatory community oriented education environment.” Look how many words are in there, it can’t possibly be offensive!

What we really need right now is a lesson in political correctness by everybody’s favorite Gunnery Sergeant:


Did the Brady Campaign Buy Time on the Federal Reserve’s Printing Press

I think the Brady Campaign has found a means of making money, they’ve apparently purchased some time on the Federal Reserver’s printing press. At least that’s the only way I can imagine that they’ve been able to pay for a 30 second television advertisement:

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence released an ad today calling on President Obama to come out more forcefully in support of a ban on the sort of high-capacity ammunition clips used by alleged shooter Jared Loughner in the January Tucson massacre.

The Brady Campaign are trying to get standard capacity magazine banned from civilian ownership. According to them, and I’m quoting the advertisement, “a magazine that allows a gun to fire 32 shots in 16 seconds is only good for one thing: killing a lot of people – fast.” Strange though that they only want to ban them from civilian ownership and not police ownership. I’ve stated this before but I believe the Brady Campaign think the job of police officers is to kill a lot of people – fast. If this wasn’t the case shouldn’t they be demanding that such magazines be banned from police ownership as well?

The advertisement then goes on to eventually say, “Assault clips – they make everyone a target, Tell President Obama to ban assault clips.” Wait are we talking about banning standard capacity clips or magazines? These things aren’t interchangeable as a clip is functionally different than a magazine. If you’re going to demand something be banned then have the Thor damned courtesy to know what the fuck you’re talking about. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) the number of homicides committed with firearms has been on a general downward trend since 2004. That doesn’t make sense though because these “assault clips” allow criminals to kill far more people thus if the Brady Campaign’s accusation is correct the number of homicides committed with firearms should have been on a general upward trend since 2004.

I’m also going to bring up the simple fact that standard capacity magazines were illegal to manufacturer for civilian sale between 1994 and 2004. After the “assault weapon ban” sunset in 2004 they became legal again for us lowly serfs to own. So was there an increase in homicides committed with firearms since criminals could now legally purchase “assault clips that make everybody a target?”

Hopefully either the National Rifle Association (NRA) or the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) bring out an advertisement that calls these nitwits to task and explains how idiotic the anti-gunners are being.

Minnesota Anti-Gunners Moving to Potentially Ban Carrying at the State Capitol

I have no actual details on this but the Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (GOCRA) is putting out the word that some of Minnesota’s anti-gun politicians might be trying to sneak some carry prohibitions into the light rail finance bill:

On Tuesday, the Minnesota House State Government Finance Committee will be looking at an appropriations bill for improvements to capitol security. The bill funds construction of a tunnel under University Avenue.

The bill, HF1287, is fine as it stands, but some anti-gun house members intend to add new restrictions — or even an outright ban — on permit holders carrying at the capitol.

GOCRA is asking that you contact your “representatives” and tell them to either kill the bill or pass it as-is. Personally I’m all for killing this bill as spending tons of money on a light rail system at a time where our state is massively in debt doesn’t make financial sense to me. What makes even less sense though is attaching a restriction to our right to carry to a fucking finance bill.

Contact your “representatives” and let them know either anti-gun legislation stays out of this bill or they will be staying out of the capitol come next election cycle.

Meet the Glock Service Revolver

Holy shit, Glock apparently released a service revolver and the entire Internet missed it. From the article:

With the door locked and children in the next room, Bolin holds his former service revolver, a Glock 21, 45 acp.

Something isn’t quite right there but I can’t put my finger on it.

Another Bad Idea by Obama

Obama is full of bad ideas and has a long history of broken promises (remember we were supposed to be out of Iraq and Gitmo was going to be closed by now?). I’m guessing these reasons are why his approval rating is so abysmal. Facing such a situation I’d avoid another run but Obama isn’t happy until he’s proven himself to be a complete moron who doesn’t have any comprehension of reality. This this end he’s announced his run for the next presidential race.

It’s it kind of early? I really don’t want to listen to presidential debates and ads from now until the elections in 2012. Oh well I’m sure the Republicans will put somebody equally stupid up and thus ensure no matter who wins we the people will lose for another four years. I know both political parties seems to be in a race to hit the bottom of the gene pool for their presidential candidates but in my eyes that’s not a race they should want to win.

Utah Looking to Gimp Their Carry Permits

Utah arguably has the best carry permit in the United States. Although the requirements of getting it are annoying (fingerprints) the state does have reciprocity agreements with the most states. It appears as though some of those states are getting pissy that Utah doesn’t require a non-resident to get a permit from their state before getting a Utah permit and have pushed Utah’s legislators to change the law. Sadly this change appears to be going through:

The Senate passed unanimously a bill Monday that would require non-Utahns to obtain a concealed weapon permit from their home state before being issued a Utah permit.

The bill, SB36 authored by Sen. John Valentine, R-Orem, aims at working with 33 other states that have reciprocity agreements with Utah — allowing states to maintain more control over their concealed weapons permit records.

Why is it Utah’s problem that other states want more control over their peasants citizens and why is Utah bending to the will of other states? As pointed out by Senate President Michael Waddoups this change will cost Utah $1.3 million but nobody else cares because those funds are dedicated so they can’t be woefully pissed away on stupid projects.

So if you’re a holder of a non-resident a Utah permit but lack a permit from your home state it’s likely (going by the complete lack of resistance in Utah’s Senate) going to get you banned from holding a Utah permit for 10 years. Just remember to thank your state’s “representatives” for pushing Utah into this after you’ve thanked Utah for being the bitch of other states.

Those Deadly Assault Books

Robb Allen brings a new danger to our attention, the danger of books about weapons:

Three men were reportedly involved. One man was apparently on his hands and knees in an aisle way near an emergency exit and appeared to be ill. Another passenger apparently tried to help the man, who did not speak English.

Their nationalities were not released by investigators or United Airlines.

The man in the aisle reportedly would not return to his seat. Passengers said another man with him repeatedly stood up and kept asking how long until the plane arrived in Portland. Yet another man was reportedly reading a book about weapons, according to a passenger seated next to that person. All three were taken off the plane in Chicago.

Emphasis mine. I can understand wanting to remove the guy blocking the aisle but the other two I’m rather baffled by. As a guy who usually reads firearm books in airports and on airplanes (I finished an entire book about Glock pistols mostly by just flying around) I can say I must have completely missed the weapon functionality of said weapon books. Is there some secret way of activating it? I must seriously be lacking in cognitive capabilities because I read that book cover to cover and found no way of making the book capable of killing somebody (at least without concocting some very convoluted plan that would work with any book).

Because It Worked Out So Well Before

It seems our 100 $600,000 cruise missiles didn’t do a whole Hell of a lot of help the Libyan rebels. That shouldn’t have been surprising though as the rebels are still outgunned on the ground. I like how George W. Obama is pretending to make an effort to avoid sending in ground troops but we know it will eventually happen. The next facade he’s bringing up is the possibility of arming the Libyan rebels.

This is a great idea because then when we get sick of them rebels twenty years down the road we can fight our own equipment just like we did in Afghanistan. Granted I wouldn’t have a problem with this if it wasn’t for two facts; tax payers will be paying for the weapons and we’re likely going to send in ground troops anyways so this whole deception is pointless. I’m hoping to be happily surprised and find out we’re not sending ground troops in but alas I don’t think Bush 2 is going to avoid occupying another major oil producing country.