Glock Lawsuit

I found this one in a Glocktalk thread last night but didn’t get to posting it. Some guy ran into trouble with his Glock 36. He sent it into Glock, they replaced a part and it was sent back. The problem continued. He sent it in again and after six months they returned it saying the gun was within specs. In the end he had to take them to small claims court where he did end up winning.

That’s a pretty pathetic way to handle your customers Glock. Just saying.

Springfield XD Detail Strip

Since the carry holster for my Springfield XD is down for repairs I decided it would be a great time to completely disassemble the gun and give it a thorough cleaning. In doing this I learned a very valuable lesson, reassembling the Springfield XD sucks.

I striped the gun completely to the frame. Every component was removed. It’s amazing how much crud gets missed in a basic field strip and cleaning. Anyways due to the frustrations I encountered I’m going to make some notes in regards to detail stripping and reassembling the Springfield XD.

First thing to note is removing the striker. Getting the cocked indicator out is simple enough, you press in the indicator guide and slide off the rear plate. When you get the plate off out comes a spring and the indicator, but not the striker. If you look at the top of the gun you’ll notice a roll pin, this is holding the striker in. You have to take a punch and hammer to gently tap it out from bottom to top (the bottom hole is smaller than the top one by a slight bit). I hate roll pins. Unless you have a special roll pin punch it’s far too easy to damage a roll pin during removal and more likely reassembly. I personally do not like this design choice at all.

That’s not too big of a deal though since I’ve had the striker out before. What sucked was the frame itself. Pulling apart an XD is a simple ordeal. Remove the take down lever (it wiggles out) and the two pins above the trigger. That removes the locking block and trigger assembly. That’s the easy part.

Removing the sear involves another pin located in the rear rails on the frame. Tap it out and the sear and accompanying equipment come out. The ejector is held in by another blind pin which you can see in the left rear rail (all directions are assuming your looking at the gun as if you were aiming it). This pin serves two functions, holding the ejector into place and keeping tension on the spring that probably flew out when you removed the previously mentioned pin. You can remove the blind pin by inserting a flat head screwdriver on the right end of the pin and pushing it out.

But now comes the fun part, the grip safety. Removal is simple, punch out the pin on the gun’s grip. Off pops the grip safety and it’s spring. Take out the magazine catch, which is another pin, and you’ve completely striped the gun, simple.

Most guns the instructions for reassembly are to just reverse the instructions for disassemble it, not quite so with the XD. So if you’ve detail stripped your XD’s frame here are some tips I have for you to reassemble the gun.

The first thing you should do is reinsert the ejector, sear assembly, and accompanying pins. If you start with the grip safety you’ll find yourself pulling it out later to redo it. Assembly of the aft-mentioned parts is mostly doing what you do to remove them in reverse. But only thing to not is when you reinsert the sear spring you need to hook one of the arms under the ejector’s blind pin. This can be a bit of a pain but I found using a Phillips screwdriver and getting the arm into one of the slots makes this job fairly easy. Just press the arm down, move the pin over it, and you’re done.

Here comes the hard part, the grip safety. Fuck this part. When you removed the grip safety you probably noticed the spring isn’t symmetrical. There are two arms coming off of the spring, one much longer than the other with a bend at the top. When inserting the spring that arm should be on the right side of the grip safety. If you look carefully at the spring you’ll notice the hole the pin is supposed to travel through it’s a perfect hold. The short arm crosses over the hole, this is going to cause some pain.

To reassemble the grip safety you need to insert the spring into the safety lever and than gently insert the lever into the rear of the gun. Do not even the slightest bump agains the spring will make it pop out and you’ll get to start all over. What I did was held a flathead screwdriver against the bottom of the spring on the front of the lever to hold the spring in. This will allow you to get the spring in far enough to insert a very small screwdriver (think of one you’d use to tighten the screws on a pair of glasses) through the grip safety pin hole on the frame and into the pin hold on the lever and spring. Not insert this tiny screwdriver through the left side since you’ll need to drive the pin through the right side.

Look at the grip safety pin. You’ll notice a little notch slightly left of center. This notch is important. You need to slide the pin in from right to left with the side the notch is closer to being inserted first. Remember the spring arm crosses the pin hold? Well that arm fits into the pin’s notch. While still holding the spring in with the tiny screw driver drive the ping in far enough to hold the spring. Now you will need to use that screw driver to pry the small spring piece that crosses the pin hold out so the pin can pass through. Once you get the pin through you should just press down on it until you feel the arm click into the notch. If the arm isn’t perfectly nestled into that notch the grip safety will press in but won’t pop back out again. You may have to move the pin back and forth slightly until it all fits together.

Reassembly of the rest of the gun is just a reverse of the disassembly. It took me a good hour to get that grip safety back in there properly (partially because I put it in before the sear assembly and had to take it out again). It’s a pain in the ass. I realize my description is hard to follow and pictures would be better but I didn’t have the foresight to take pictures and I sure as the Hell am not taking that thing apart again unless is breaks.

As I’ve been comparing the XD and Glock I can say this really put me off the XD path. It’s such a stupid design. More thought should have been given to reassembly here. I’m going to detail strip my Glock and than I will actually compare the two operations but I can’t imagine the Glock being even 1/10th as hard as the XD to reassemble.

If you’re going to detail strip the XD I highly recommend obtaining a copy of AIG’s Springfield Armory XD Pistols Armorer’s Course video. It covers the reassembly of the gun in good detail and you’ll want that detail less you do it wrong (like inserting the grip safety pin in backwards).

Security, It’s Important

File this story under hilarious. Apparently some Shiite fighters in Iraq have managed to obtain video feeds from some United States drones. It seems little effort was required as the communication link from the drone back to home base lacks any form of encryption. When designing any piece of software security needs to be baked in from the get go. This goes double for a machine meant to be flown around in a war zone.

Because We Don’t Have Enough Prisons

So it looks like the denizens of Gitmo are being transferred to the United States. Where do you hold inmates of such a camp? In one of the thousands of prisons in this country of course. Of course Obama is not one to be frugal with money and seeing another opportunity to waste tax payer money he’s order the following:

US President Barack Obama has ordered the federal government to buy a prison in Illinois to take a number of inmates from Guantanamo Bay.

Yeah not rent, lease, or requisition but buy it. Oh Obama will you ever learn the concept of frugalness? I think not in his presidency.

Nerf Gun, The Same Thing as Real Gun According to Colorado University

More hysterical stupidity brought to my attention via Snowflakes in Hell. From this day forward Colorado University will be treating Nerf guns exactly the same as real guns. I’m glad I didn’t go there because I had several Nerf gun fights at my college. Also I can carry a gun on campus since I’m not a student or faculty of any college here in Minnesota.

Anyways Nerf guns are becoming popular on that campus for a fucking awesome reason:

Nerf guns have been popping up around CU this week, after some students started playing the popular game “Humans vs. Zombies.” It’s similar to the game of tag.

The humans are supposed to shoot the zombies with Nerf guns to keep them away.

I think this should be done at every college. We need more zombie defense and awareness training.

Obviously This Girl Should be Barred Her Second Amendment Rights

A couple posts ago I talked about how I felt felons shouldn’t be barred their right to bear arms. As it sits right snow in this country anybody convicted of a felony can no longer own or use a firearm legally. One problem is the list of felony charges is every increasing and many have nothing to do with violent behavior.

Listening to the latest episode of This Week in Tech I came across this story. From the story:

A birthday party that included a trip to see “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” could send 22 year old Samantha Tumpach to prison for three years.

So she taped a few minutes of a shitty movie based on a shitty book. What kind of charge do you get for that?

The managers at the theater contacted the police and Tumpach was arrested. She spent two days in jail and now has felony charges to face for illegally copying a movie.

Yup a felony. Tell me why this girl should be barred her right to bear arms. I’m waiting. She’s done nothing violent but thanks to the Gun Control Act of 1968 she, if prosecuted, will be barred her rights because she recorded a few minutes of a movie on a her camcorder. Yeah I guess all felons should be prevented from purchasing firearms.

Strange Success Metric

Ah yes the Brady Campaign. They claim to be against violence but in fact they are against firearm ownership. How do we know this? Well Joe Huffman looks at their rating of success. According to Helmke stopping people from buying firearms is their success metric, not whether their bullshit reduced violence.

Obama Trying To Be More Like Bush Every Day

Seriously I thought Obama was all about hope and change. Well he certainly isn’t about change when it comes to the war department. Showing that he wants to emulate Bush he’s authorized 30,000 more troops to be sent over to Afghanistan. Strangely enough the Taliban vows to fight them.

I thought Obama said he’d try to pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Wasn’t that one of the things he campaigned on? You know how much money this country would save if we weren’t at a constant state of war?

Damn It Honduras

I’ve been doing some light coverage of the situation in Honduras where their government actually followed their constitution and tossed out an ass hat whom wanted to stay in power indefinitely. They booted the ex-president’s ass out, he came back and hid in the Brazil embassy, and the Honduras government blocked off the said embassy.

Now their congress is in discussions to reinstate the bastard. They shouldn’t even be entertaining the idea. If they reinstate him they can welcome themselves to the same club the United States is in, ignoring their own constitution.