Aw Poor DEA, Viktor Bout won’t be Extradited

Viktor Bout is an accused weapons dealer who was arrested by INTERPOL last year in Thailand. The Drug Enforcement Agency has been fighting to get him extradited to the United States since then. Well the Thailand court finally ruled and said no extradition will occur.

The DEA wanted him arrested because they claimed he was selling ground to air missiles to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. According to the DEA these missile could be used to target their agents working on Columbia to wipe out cocaine crops. Well Thailand doesn’t care as it’s not their fight and according to their court Mr. Bout broke no Thailand laws:

“The US charges are not applicable under Thai law,” said the judge delivering the hour-long verdict at Bangkok’s Criminal Court. “This is a political case. The Farc is fighting for a political cause and is not a criminal gang. Thailand does not recognise the Farc as a terrorist group.”

The court “does not have the authority to punish actions done by foreigners against other foreigners in another country”, the judge said.

You mean the Thailand court isn’t willing to extradite a man who is be accused of working against a foreign force in a foreign land? Man I wish the United States would learn that lesson. But I’ve been hoping Mr. Bout wouldn’t be extradited since I heard of his arrest for two major reasons.

First of all we have no business sending our people into Columbia to wage our war on drugs. The war on drugs has been a costly failure since day one and only accomplished making drug lords rich and powerful due to the fact illegal substances command a much higher value. The second reason because I don’t think the United States has any business telling people who they can sell weapons to. We sell our weapons all the time to other countries such as Iran and China. We’re are being hypocrites by saying we can sell weapons to some countries but nobody can sell weapons to countries or factions we don’t approve of.

I guess both of those reasons can be summed up by saying we have no business telling anybody outside of the United States what they can and can not do period. Especially if that person isn’t a United States citizen.

How the Anti-Gunners Fight, Dirty

Another story I pulled from the NRA ILA. This time it’s an article in the Gun Rights Examiner that talks about the anti-gunner’s strategy.

This article is titled “New anti-gun strategy: Demonize CCW holders.” This sums up the anti-gunner’s strategy perfectly. Since they can’t fight with facts they fight with emotions and bigotry. Accusations such as more guns means more crime and armed citizens killed 44 people in a span of two years are made left and right. This except for the article really hit home though:

Nowadays, about the only form of acceptable overt social bigotry is against gun owners. The gun bigots argue that when one person with a gun does something heinous, all gun owners are expected to bear responsibility, and surrender their rights as though it would undo the crime.

This is quite true. If you say something that could be even remotely construed as bigotry you will have almost everybody throwing you against the wall. Just look at how Obama’s critics fight, they try to tag his opposition as racists. They do this because they know once a group are labeled racists nobody will listen to them. During the democratic presidential nominee race if you spoke against Hillary Clinton her supporters would accuse you of being sexist. Being a bigot against people of different religions, sexual orientations, races, creeds, ideals, and anything else is unacceptable. But bigotry against gun owners is perfectly acceptable.

If that’s not hypocrisy I don’t know what it.

Two Classes of Gun Owners

I found a good link off of the NRA ILA page. An article in the Newton Kansan says there will always be two class of gun owners, those who obey the law and those who do not:

No matter how many bills are considered in Congress, there always will be two distinct camps of gun-owners in America.

There will be responsible citizens who abide by the law, and there will be criminals whose actions will not be guided by the law. That’s just the way it is.

Truer words could not be spoken. No matter who many laws controlling guns are enacted there will be people who will ignore them. For instance felons can’t legally own guns in this country yet many felons have guns. It is illegal to shoot somebody with a gun outside of self defense situations yet there are people who do it. Making further laws isn’t going to help curb violence since those who will commit violent acts will also ignore laws claiming to curb it.

This article also talks about the recent national carry amendment:

We’re not sure of all the hullaballoo, however. Currently, if a Kansas gun-owner obtains a permit for concealed carry, that same permit allows them to carry in a number of other states, as well. If the same person obtains an identical permit from Utah, that permit covers the rest of the 48 states already allowing concealed carry.

So all this measure would have done was eliminate one of the two permits needed and, in the process, simplified the process. It wouldn’t have changed the fact each state — and each local jurisdiction, for that matter — can set its own rules for concealed carry. In some places, one has to have a gun in the trunk. Others allow it in the glove compartment.

Although claiming having a Kansas and Utah permit will allow you to carry in all 48 states that have carry laws. Some states won’t let you carry regardless of the permit you hold, that’s one problem national reciprocity would have cured. But he is correct in the fact the amendment would have gotten rid of the need to hold multiple permits. I currently have a Minnesota and New Hampshire permit. I need the New Hampshire one to travel to Wyoming through South Dakota. Furthermore I will have to obtain either a Utah or Florida permit to travel to many other states.

The amendment would have also allowed each state to continue enforcing their own set of rules. For instance New Mexico could still disallow carrying more than one gun (unless they overturned that particular law in recent history).

The massive number of gun laws are impossible to keep up on. I find that ironic since the Brady Bunch always say there are only a handful of gun laws on the books. If I travel to Wisconsin I can’t carry my gun unless I do so openly. On top of that the police will probably still arrest me and once I get in my car the gun is considered concealed and I must disarm again. When I disarm I must follow Wisconsin’s laws dealing with transporting a firearm. It’s a mess.

The truth of the matter is there shouldn’t be any laws controlling guns because we have a constitutional right to bear arms that is stated not to be infringed. Well I can tell you first hand there are a lot of infringements against that right, far more then against any other right.

Media Bias and Health Care

We all know the media is bias on the Health Care Bill. We also know they are bias against gun owners. So when they can combine the two things get really nasty. There are a couple stories of people brining guns to various town hall meetings on government controlled health care (often called health care reform). The media is in a tirade about armed people trying to scare opponents into submission. In fact there is this article from the biased Huffington Post that is full of enough lies to convince you that’s all they had.

Reports indicate that “Tea Partiers” are also carrying concealed handguns into these events — yet few in the media have commented on the distorted view of the Second Amendment that is driving this call to arms.

So now we’re all tea partiers? That must be their new derogatory slang for those of us who describe to the ideas of liberty. Second of all there is no call to arms, there are people legally carrying guns for self defense at a place where people of opposing views may be willing to resort to violence.

The problem is that there are already a substantial number of well-armed Americans who believe our democratically-elected government has become oppressive. Indeed, last week Tea Partiers at a town hall meeting in Tampa, Florida, heckled Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL) with repeated chants of “Tyranny!” Far from furthering democracy, however, these individuals have made important debate impossible, thereby limiting the political rights of all those who disagree with them.

Really? Screaming tyranny and believing, justifiable, that the government no longer works for them is somehow a bad thing? Not everybody involved in these tea parties are licensed carry holders anyways and no mention has been made about any of them having guns. This is a problem when the article is titled “Handguns and Health Care Reform.” This would be akin to me going off on a rant about the Mexican gun canard in this post.

And the pro-government health care people have made debate impossible by not allowing the other side to be heard. All the Obama town hall meetings that are televised never have questions form people against government controlled health care. The people against this bill are screaming because if they don’t they won’t be heard.

And this part is golden:

This year has already been marred by a series of horrific shootings involving individuals who hated our government and believed they had a constitutional right to strike against it: Richard Poplawski in Pittsburgh, James von Brunn in the District of Columbia, Scott Roeder in Wichita, Gilbert Ortez, Jr. in Texas, etc. With tensions escalating at town halls across the country, the overwhelming majority of Americans who wish to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights must speak out against the violent, insurrectionist philosophy that has corrupted the Second Amendment.

Funny none of those mentioned people were striking against the government as far as I know. They were shooting innocent people. If they tried to kill a member of government then you can say they were using a belief that they could strike against the government.

There is no insurrectionist philosophy corrupting the second amendment. There are people who believe the government has become corrupt and also believe in the second amendment. But the second amendment isn’t being used exclusively, or even primarily, for insurrectionists. People legally carry guns are exercising their second amendment right, and when they speak at meetings they are also exercising their first amendment right.

I love how the anti-gunners try to paint a picture of violence over the second amendment and its supporters. These lies are the weapons of a coward who has no real argument against the object they oppose.

Professor Gate so Called Racist Arrest

Browsing Massad Ayoob’s blog I see he posted about the arrest of the Cambridge professor that everybody was screaming racism over. I didn’t bring it up here because I couldn’t find any good information on the story and all accounts I did find certainly lead me to believe the arrest was race inspired. But there is a critical piece of information I didn’t find anywhere else.

When the police officer asked Mr. Gates for his identification he presented his Harvard professor ID. Most, if not all, college IDs lack any mention of a resident address. Being the card didn’t have Mr. Gate’s address on it there was no way for the police officer to verify that he was the owner of the household and hence arrested him.

Of course Mr. Gates screamed racist but he’s spent a good deal of his life fighting racism. As they say a foot doctor sees all problems as foot problems. Likewise Mr. Gates probably sees most issues are racism and hence never stopped to think maybe a driver’s license would have been a better ID to present to the officer than his Harvard ID. Of course the media didn’t seem to pick up on this fact hence Officer Crowley will probably be forever remembered as a racist officer.

I Repeat, if You Criticize Obama You are Racist

From Says Uncle we have another example of the Obamessiah’s critics being labeled racists. This time the word socialist is being redefined by an Obamessiah follower to mean nigger. That’s right he claims when you say socialist are actually being derogatory to the president’s race not his financial policy to bankrupt save the economy through printing trillions of dollars. Here is the video:


This is an effective way to stop people from using their first amendment right. All you have to do is attach a pariah label to your critics. For the connivence of those who hate the freedom to criticize here is a list of the proper label to use on those who don’t agree with you:

    If your opponents is…

  • white call them racist.
  • if a man and you are a woman call them sexist.
  • isn’t willing to pass your law increasing government powers to spy on citizens call them terrorists.
  • isn’t willing to pass your law to “protect the children” call them pedophiles.
  • is using anything off of this list call them assholes.

Hopefully that clears things up.

Mayor Bloomberg Looking for the Ultimate Fight

Wow I don’t know how I missed this article but apparent Mayor Bloomberg is starting an open war against the NRA. He’s going up against the NRA using his cronies in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group that is nothing more than a group advocating restricting the second amendment.

This is going to be an interesting fight. On one hand you have the NRA and it’s 4 million members, but on the other hand you have a group of mayors with access to the politically wealthy and well connected of their cities. Well if it’s a fight they want it’s a fight they shall receive. The first volley came from their side in the form of a declaration of war while I think our first volley should be to dislodge their power base by ridding ourselves of mayors in this group. Although I have a policy against linking to anti-gun sites I’m officially going to break that here and now so I can provide a list of mayors in the organization provided by the organization itself. Of course being a Minnesotan I’m calling out the names of Minnesota mayors in this league here and now. They are:

Mayor Steve Lampi of Brooklyn Park
Mayor Elizabeth B. Kautz of Burnsville
Mayor Gary F. Van Eyll of Chaska
Mayor Gary Peterson of Columbia Heights
Mayor Don Ness of Duluth
Mayor R.T. Rybak of Minneapolis
Mayor Chris Coleman of St. Paul
Mayor Andrew G. Humphrey of Wayzata

These Minnesota mayors need to be gone. Remember the best way to take down an organization is by removing it’s power base. As it sits right now the NRA does have far more members but a majority of those members are us average Joe’s while the Majors Against Illegal Guns have the politically well connected and super rich.

If they want a fight we shall give it to them.

I Guess Al Gore’s Apocalypse will Happen

Holy shit Al Gore’s Apocalypse will happen. Eventually Earth will no longer be able to support life due to a greenhouse effect. But don’t fret we still have at least a half billion years to work on it:

The scientists agree that we do yet know how ubiquitous or how fragile life is, but as Guinan concludes: “The Earth’s period of habitability is nearly over ― on a cosmological timescale. In a half to one billion years the Sun will start to be too luminous and warm for water to exist in liquid form on Earth, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect in less than 2 billion years“.

Somehow I doubt reducing our carbon footprint is going to help solve this problem though.

Concealed Carry the Natural Way

I scrounged up yet another interesting story from John C. Dvorak’s blog dealing with the all natural way of concealed carry. George Vera was able to smuggle a firearm into a correctional facility. He passed through two searches via his method. This method was to conceal the gun in his fat rolls. Yup the guy weighed in at 500 pounds and had enough extra flab to conceal a 9mm pistol without the need for any holster.

The Blame Game Episode 1, Blaming the Cat

Ah yes the blame game, one of America’s favorite games to play. The rules are simple screw up and find somebody or something besides yourself to blame it on. The screw up is called as such and the object of blame is called the excuse. The more idiotic the excuse the more points you receive. But here is the trick you need to pass the excuse and have other people believe you, if you fail to make something believable you lose instantly.

Today’s contestant is Keith Griffin. He is 48 years old and hails from Jensen Beach, Florida. His screw up is downloading child pornography, approximately 1,000 images worth. At stake is possible life in prison, registry as a sex offender, and being anally raped in prison by a guy named Bubba. He is currently being held on $250,000 bail. So what’s his excuse?

His excuse is he often leaves his computer running an unattended. While the computer is unguarded his cat will walk across the keyboard causing the computer to download strange stuff.

That’s it. As far as points go he nabs a great many for the stupidity of his excuse. It’s crazy and off the wall as can be while certainly stretching the truth past its limits. The only problem is it’s completely unbelievable and there is no way in Hell he’s going to convince a jury of this unless the entire jury is stacked with total idiots meaning he’s automatically lost the game.

Sorry Keith you just weren’t meant to win. Next time try doing something believable such as blaming some hacker or malware for breaking into your system and downloading those image. Join us next time on the Blame Game.