Mayors Against Freedoms Federal Blueprint Initial Thoughts

As mentioned yesterday I downloaded a copy of the Mayors Against Freedoms Federal Blueprint. I’ve not read through the entire thing yet since I’ve been busy but from what I’ve read so far I’ve come to a couple of conclusions.

1. The bastards are well organized and intelligent. Unlike the Brady Bunch and the Violence Promotion Center, these guys have actually done a lot of research on gun related laws. They know the laws and more importantly know the wording to make the laws look weak.

2. The paper doesn’t break down into mindless hysteria. It’s worked in such a way that they avoid the whole desire to ban guns. The paper doesn’t read anywhere of wanting a gun ban.

3. Their desires are scary. More or less they want to give the BATFE more power to investigate gun owners and gun dealers without any suspicion or probably cause.

4. They aren’t going after the guns directly. These guys are going after the dealers and gun shows where private citizens purchase their guns. Most of the recommendations I’ve read so far are means of restricting gun shows and sicking the BATFE on gun dealers without any real reason.

This paper is teaching me something, Mayors Against Freedoms is a lot more insidious than previous gun banners. They’ve spent time researching the laws and know how to word things ever so carefully as to make it look like they aren’t attacking guns. We’ll need to watch them and do everything we can to shut them down. Fortunately we have facts on our side so we can certainly win this fight.

If you know any mayors whom are in this group do everything you can to either get them out or elect somebody else. Likewise freedom of information requests for all communications they have had with the organization is a potential method of finding out what they are up to.

The Brady Bunch May Need a Bailout

Some positive news via Snowflakes in Hell. Apparently the Brady Bunch are hard up for money, at least it appears that way since they shot out over four Twitter posts in one day begging for money. If you want to see them you’ll have to head over to Snowflakes in Hell because I refuse to give those bastards at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Your Rights any link love.

Also pointed out is the fact many of those who follow the Brady Bunch Twitter feed are more likely to donate money to pro-gun organizations. See some people only follow the Brady Bunch to see what they’re up to, which apparently begging for money.

Mayors Against Civil Rights Secret Document

Snowflakes in Hell let us know that California Gun Laws has obtained a copy of Mayors Against Illegal Any Guns Blueprint for Federal Actions. God I love Freedom of Information requests. Head over to the site, register, download, read, and get angry.

I’m still diving through it but Snowflakes in Hell already got through it and made a nice list of what those pricks are planning. And let me tell you it has nothing to do with illegal anything.

Switzerland Keeping Gun At Home

Snowflakes in Hell reports good news out of Switzerland. The Swiss government has rejected the whining of anti-gun zealots to bar Swiss militia members from storing their military weapons at home.

A few groups in Switzerland don’t seem to understand an armed militia is a good thing and they have been pleading with the government to disarm their society. I’m glad to see the Swiss government gave them the finger. Of course this won’t be the end of it and anti-gun cry babies always have another trick up their sleeves.

Nerf Gun, The Same Thing as Real Gun According to Colorado University

More hysterical stupidity brought to my attention via Snowflakes in Hell. From this day forward Colorado University will be treating Nerf guns exactly the same as real guns. I’m glad I didn’t go there because I had several Nerf gun fights at my college. Also I can carry a gun on campus since I’m not a student or faculty of any college here in Minnesota.

Anyways Nerf guns are becoming popular on that campus for a fucking awesome reason:

Nerf guns have been popping up around CU this week, after some students started playing the popular game “Humans vs. Zombies.” It’s similar to the game of tag.

The humans are supposed to shoot the zombies with Nerf guns to keep them away.

I think this should be done at every college. We need more zombie defense and awareness training.

Congress Approves Amtrak Firearm Transportation

Good news everybody Congress voted in favor of allowing gun owners to transport their firearms in checked luggage when traveling on Amtrak.

Amtrak will be forced to reestablish their system for allowing firearms in checked luggage much like airports do. When this goings through I may actually consider Amtrak a viable transportation method.

The Second Amendment is Different From Other Rights

Via Sharp as a Marble we have a post on Walls of the City. It’s a list of different laws that would be on the books if other rights were shit all over as much as the second amendment. Here are some gems:

Anyone convicted of a felony or convicted of misdemeanor domestic abuse or assault is not allowed freedom of speech or religion and must rely on the government to provide speech and religion for them.
(1968 gun control act)

Many people in the gun rights community don’t like to touch this particular law. It’s probably due to the fact that nobody wants to be seen as supporting felons or people who abused their spouse. Personally I’m against either restriction and I’ll tell you why.

If you are worried a person who committed a heinous crime (well not just heinous crimes are felonies anymore, practically everything is becoming one) is going to commit an act of violence why the Hell is he out of prison? A huge majority of crimes are committed by repeat offenders which seems to imply somebody who has already committed a crime is more than willing to break another law (obtaining a gun while being a felon) to assist in a repeat offense.

Than you have those charged with domestic violence. If you’ve ever known somebody accused of domestic abuse you know the situation is probably anything but cut and dry. I have friends who have been accused by their significant other of physical abuse. Personally I refuse to take sides in such an argument but I can say the situation is dicey and the truth is usually impossible to drill down to. The fact that somebody can have their rights ripped away from them without absolute cut and dry evidence is a slippery slope to say the least.

But the bottom line is I’m against stripping anybody of any civil right.

Before engaging in new free speech you must pass an instant background check by a government authorized free speech dealer. Sorry, if your name is like someone else prohibited from speech and religion, it is up to you to prove you’re not that person.
(NICS instant background check and Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993)

Sounds pretty stupid when applied to free speech doesn’t it? How about to a right of trial by jury? Maybe you should be required to go through an instant background check before you have the right to not have your property searched without an issued warrant.

Any religions, peaceable assemblies, camera, computer, telephone or free speech enabling device made before 1986 is available to use by the general public. Any made after 1986 is only available to law enforcement.
(Closing of the NFA machine gun registry in 1986 by Regan with the Firearms Owner’s Protection Act)

Pretty straight forward. Once against sounds rather unreasonable when applied to religion and free speech.

Of course some gun control zealot will spew out a river of bullshit claiming you can’t compare the second amendment to any other amendment. This of course implies that the founding fathers of this country meant what they said with every right listed in the Bill of Rights except the second item posted. Seems odd that they would have made a random exception without noting it anywhere.

We Fight Fire With Fire

Here’s an example of how we fight back. A certain “news” organization by the moniker the Herald Times went and published a list of streets where people holding concealed carry licenses lived. Of course they did this in the name of safety.

So in the name of safety Gun Nuts Media present a database of streets with a Google map of streets where authorized journalists live. This is of course in the name of safety.

Your move Herald Times.

More on Wisconsin Microstamping

Snowflakes in Hell brings us more details on the impending Wisconsin microstamping legislation. First off the bill, titled AB 221, can be found here. The bottom line is that the bill is bad. Although all the provisions in the bill scare me this one is very interesting:

Fixing a broken pistol is now a misdemeanor, unless you get parts that make the correct microstamp. No replacing firing pins or barrels.

There you go, fixing a gun which you legally own will be illegal without getting parks that make the gun microstamp casings. This microstamping idea is beyond idiotic since it will cost gun manufacturers a fortune to implement, it will add parts to the gun making them less reliable, and it can easily defeated by criminals picking up their brass (or a cheap file). Those of you in Wisconsin now it the time to move against this.

Microstamping Hearing in Wisconsin

Snowflakes in Hell posted an article that again proves two things. First California is the gun control lobby’s testing ground and two if something passes there you can expect to see it coming to a state near you.

Remember microstamping? Yeah that technology that can’t be reliably implemented even though is going to be required soon in California. Well it looks like the anti-freedom zealots are trying to push it through in my backyard, Wisconsin. I wouldn’t be so worried for my Wisconsin friends by their firearm laws already suck pretty hard. If you live in that state get ready to fight this.