Stupidity in Quotations

So I’ve been talking about the people legally brining guns with them to these health care rallies. Of course I mentioned I bring my gun with me everywhere I legally can. Of course common sense went out the window because we were talking about guns near the Obamessiah.

Me: “I don’t know who there might try to cause me harm. I carry a gun so if somebody means to cause me harm they are going to have to work for it.”

Other Person: “And what are the chances of you being attacked at one of these rallies. I’m guessing pretty slim.”

Me: “The chances of me getting into a car accident on my way home tonight are pretty slim as well but I still wear my seat belt.”

And that is where the conversation ended. Seriously people just don’t grasp the concept that carrying the gun has no downside for me and greatly lowers my risk. On the other hand not carrying the gun with me has many downsides and greatly increases my risk. I swear simple math is beyond the scope of many people.

Anybody Could be a Threat

Many people get in the habit of assuming anybody who comes to their home in a uniform is supposed to be there. Aubrey Isakson is not one of those suckers. When Robert Benjamin, a Verizon technician, said he needed access to Mr. Isakson’s apartment, Mr. Isakson did the smart thing and demanded to see the technician’s ID first. Smart move, everybody should verify the identify of anybody whom they do not know that asks to enter their apartment. Well Mr. Benjamin responded by pounding the shit out of Mr. Isakson. From the story:

“You want to know my name? Here’s my name,” Benjamin snarled, slapping his ID card into Isakson’s face, according to Isakson’s account of the December 2008 confrontation.

“The guy essentially snapped. He cold-cocked me, hit me two or three solid shots to the head while my hands were down,” said Isakson, a limo driver.

He said the pounding bloodied his face and broke his glasses.

But things got uglier, Isakson said, when Benjamin squeezed him around the neck and pressed him up against the wall.

“He’s prepared to kill me,” Isakson said. “That’s all I could think of.”

Anytime there is a potential threat you need to be alert. I’ll be honest I carry all the time, even when at home. I do this because it’s safer for me and it’s honestly quite comfortable since I have a good holster. If I were in a similar situation I believe my Ruger LCP would have been out of the pocket and in the technicians gut. Of course bullets would only be needed had he continues but most people get the message when a gun is presented.

The lesson here is also be at least in condition yellow when presented with an unknown person at your household.

Remember a Disarmed Society is a Safer Society

At least that’s what Wisconsin’s governor keeps saying. Well Mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, may be changing his tune. Well he probably won’t be but either way he got his ass beaten with a pipe. From the story:

“The mayor stopped and said something (to the man) like, ‘Let’s all cool down here, I’m going to call 911,'” the mayor’s spokesman Patrick Curley said. “He said it one or two times according to him. When he took out his phone, that’s when the suspect attacked him.”

The suspect hit Barrett in the head and torso with a metal pipe. Barrett apparently fought back, fracturing his hand when he punched the suspect.

You know what may have helped prevent Mr. Barrett from getting hit by that pipe, a gun. Shocking I know but a gun versus a pipe is a pretty easy fight to guess the outcome of. Of course being a member of Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns horde I doubt he’ll change his tune. And he’ll probably continue spouting anti-gun propaganda on top of it all.

Fighting Piracy One Machete at a Time

You know that problem with piracy in Somalia the media no longer reports on? Well it’s still a problem, they just aren’t reporting it. In fact those zany pirates are still hijacking ships, and world leaders are still saying we can’t arm the crews of these ships. Well that didn’t stop 40 Egyptian fishermen from arming themselves and fucking some pirates up.

Although guns are always preferable they aren’t the only weapons that can be used as the story states:

A wounded pirate, found on a beach with machete wounds, said the crew attacked him and his colleagues with tools and then seized their weapons.

Machete wounds, ouch. Those Egyptians must have been hard core to be carrying machetes on board, good on them. But see how armed resistance works? You beat up or kill the people meaning to bring harm to you (If an armed force is invading your home, or in this case ship, you can safely assume they mean to do you harm) then you take their weapons if they are better then what you have. I love this part:

He said that at least two pirates died before the crew sailed towards waters patrolled by international navies.

That’s two pirates that won’t be harming anybody else in the future. If all the ships going into that area were armed properly I think we’d see a huge decline in piracy in the region. The pirates currently understand that most of the ships are unarmed and hence hijacking them is fairly low risk and easy. Since there is such a chance to make major money for little risk they keep pirating. Increase the risk and it doesn’t seem as profitable.

Multi-Layer Security

Bruce Schneier has an excellent essay posted on his blog. It deals with a security mechanism we are all familiar with, physical locks. It’s no secret physical locks can be bypassed via lock picks, bump keys, and random everyday objects. Few people realize though how insecure the lock on their front door is. On top of that most physical locks require a key, which many people find inconvenient.

Lock companies have been trying to solve both of these problems through more secure locking mechanisms and keyless entry methods. Of course as with any security related items these new methods are introducing new ways of exploiting physical locks. I don’t think there will ever be a secure lock, there will always be methods of bypass. But locks are important because they add another layer of security.

Having one layer of security is never a good idea since an exploit in that layer will leave everything behind it vulnerable. Case in point if somebody picks your lock they are through the front door. If you have no other security layer everything in your home is fair game. Now let’s add a large guard dog to the mix. Once the criminal bypasses the lock they will have to deal with the dog. This can be accomplished by simply killing the thing but if you are in the house and you hear the dog bark that gives you a few seconds to prepare. That would imply a third layer, you. Hopefully that third layer has a gun to add another layer between you and the criminal.

Security can only be properly done in layers, and each layer should complement another. No layer should be exploitable via another layer. In other words using our example bypassing the front door lock won’t affect the dog. Bypassing the dog won’t affect you and your gun. Meanwhile as mentioned in the link Schlage are introducing Internet enabled locks. This ties your physical security to the security of your computer. Should somebody exploit your security layers on your computer they also exploit one layer of your physical security. This should never be the case.

When planning a home defense strategy make sure you have multiple layers. Even seemingly unimportant things will require time on the criminal’s behalf. The more time the criminal wastes the more time you have to properly respond and prepare. Sure having two locks on your font door (always ensure one is a good dead bolt) may seem like a meaningless idea since it only prolongs the criminal’s entry it does prolong it. Those few additional seconds could buy you enough time to round your family up in a secure room with only one entrance that can be covered with a shotgun.

Second Amendment Foundation Suing District of Columbia

This is why I love these smaller second amendment groups. The Second Amendment Foundation is taking the District of Columbia to court. The court case is due to the fact the city isn’t issuing carry permits. The crux of the suit:

SAF previously sued the District over its restrictive handgun registration policies, leading the city to amend those policies. This time, SAF is alleging that the District previously had a city code under which the police chief could issue licenses to carry handguns to individuals, including citizens not residing in the District, though the city did not issue such licenses as a matter of policy for several years. That authority was revoked last December by the Mayor and City Council.

It’s certainly an interesting case. I’m doubting SAF will get their desired outcome but if we keep constantly sending suits at the anti-gunners eventually we may get them to crumble.

Home Defense, Doing it Right

I came across a heart warming story dealing with a man defending a home. An armed suspect broke into a house only to be met with a bullet to his neck. The story has a happy ending as well, the defender was unharmed while the scum bag didn’t make it past the front porch.

The defender was not actually a resident of the home either, he was only staying there with his relatives. Hopefully if the home owners aren’t gun owners they will be soon.

I don’t have one rant to make about this article though. The new piece clearly gives the exact address of the home that was broken into. This practice should end in my book since it could potentially put the people living there in danger. If the scum bag is a member of a gang there could be such a thing as his posse deciding to get revenge. It would be quite easy to do now that they have the exact location of the place where their fellow in crime was killed. I’m just saying news reporters should use a little common sense and realize that they should protect the residence of such a home by holding back the address. The address brings nothing to the story and is unneeded.

Another Multiple Shooting Incident

Well it looks like we have another tragic shooting this time in Bridgeville Pennsylvania. The murderer, George Sodini, walked into L.A. Fitness around 20:00 UTC with two handguns (I’m sure somebody will report an AK-47 just wait) in his gym bag. He entered a room where a womens’ dance class was taking place, killed the lights, and started blasting. He ended his rampage by finally shooting the only person deserving of it, himself. It appears as if five women were killed.

The further add to this it appears as though Mr. Sodini talked about doing this attack on his web page for about nine months. According to the site his reasoning for the attack was because he’s been rejected by women for many years. I’m not social expert but my guess is he was being rejected because he’s fucking bat shit crazy.

As much as it makes me sound like a calloused asshole I’m going to go ahead and say this is an example of why you need a plan for self defense no matter where you are. Granted concealing a weapon under attire most commonly used by women to exercise is a no go but being there were over 100 people in the gym somebody could have been packing including a gym employee. Further more something like mace could have at least blinded him and hopefully distracted him long enough to tackle his ass and give it a good kicking. According the the last linked article (which the news likes to exaggerate but still) the murderer shot as many as 52 rounds. If he was carrying two handguns that would mean he almost certainly had to reload each gun at least once. There would have been time for somebody with a concealed weapon in the gym to move in and shoot the fucker before it completed his rampage or at least maced him. Have a means of self defense, even if it’s not a gun any weapons increases your odds.

Now we just have to wait for the anti-gunners to exploit this tragedy and claim stricter gun control could have prevented this.

Sadly the murdering fuck is dead and hence no punishment can be dealt. That’s the biggest sign of cowardice right there, killing yourself after walking into a place full of unarmed people and killing them. Let us remember those who died in this even as the victims of a total coward. Here is the current list of those who died because of Mr. Chickenshit:

Heidi Overmier
Elizabeth Gannon
Jody Billingsley

Today’s Stories from the Unarmed United Kingdom

As we all know Oceania has an almost total ban on private ownership of firearms. They did this in the name of dropping violent crime, so they say. For instance there is a complete ban on handguns in the country but I guess nobody told the four men who robbed the Culleybackey post office.

An eight person has been charged in the case of Swinder Singh Batth’s murder. He was shot dead even though there guns are strictly controller in Oceania to prevent shootings.

Finally a couple had their home invaded not once but twice in the same night. In the first robbery three men entered (after the women opened the door for them, remember ensure you know the people before opening the door) and ended up stealing their holiday savings the sum of which wasn’t given. After the couple went to bed that night two other men broke into the home and stole £400 in cash and the couple’s television. Luckily neither person was murdered but it could have likely went the other way. Being able to defend yourself, especially at home, is not only a nice thing but a required thing.